53 research outputs found

    Mixing and its effects on biogeochemistry in the persistently stratified, deep, tropical Lake Matano, Indonesia

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.aslo.orgIn the > 590-m deep, tropical Lake Matano (Indonesia), stratification is characterized by weak thermal gradients (< 2°C per 500 m) and weak salinity gradients (< 0.14% per 500 m). These gradients persist over seasons, decades, and possibly centuries. Under these nearly steady-state conditions, vertical eddy diffusion coefficients (Kz) cannot be estimated by conventional methods that rely on time derivatives of temperature distributions. We use and compare several alternative methods: one-dimensional k-ε modeling, three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling, correlation with the size of Thorpe instabilities, and correlation with the stability frequency. In the thermocline region, at 100-m depth, the Kz is ~ 5 × 10-6 m2 s-1, but, below 300 m, the small density gradient results in large (20 m) vertical eddies and high mixing rates (Kz ~ 10-2 m2 s-1). The estimated timescale of water renewal in the monimolimnion is several hundred years. Intense evaporation depletes the surface mixed layer of 16O and 1H isotopes, making it isotopically heavier. The lake waters become progressively isotopically lighter with depth, and the isotopic composition in the deep waters is close to those of the ground and tributary waters. The vertical distribution of Kz is used in a biogeochemical reaction-transport model. We show that, outside of a narrow thermocline region, the vertical distributions of dissolved oxygen, iron, methane, and phosphorus are shaped by vertical variations in transport rates, rather than by sources or sinks

    The biogeochemistry of tropical lakes: A case study from Lake Matano, Indonesia

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.comWe examined the chemical composition of the water column of Lake Matano, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, to document how the high abundances of Fe (hydr)oxides in tropical soils and minimal seasonal temperature variability affect biogeochemical cycling in lakes. Lake Matano exhibits weak thermal stratification, yet a persistent pycnocline separates an oxic epilimnion from anoxic meta- and hypolimnions. The concentration of soluble P in the epilimnetic waters is very low and can be attributed to scavenging by Fe (hydr)oxides. Chromium concentrations in the epilimnion are high (up to 180 nmol L−1), but below U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for aquatic ecosystems. The concentration of chromium decreases sharply across the oxic-anoxic boundary, revealing that the hypolimnion is a sink for Cr. Flux calculations using a one-dimensional transportreaction model for the water column fail to satisfy mass balance requirements and indicate that sediment transport and diagenesis play an important role in the exchange of Fe, Mn, P, and Cr between the epilimnion and hypolimnion. Exchange of water between the epilimnion and hypolimnion is slow and on a time scale similar to temperate meromictic lakes. This limits recycling of P and N to the epilimnion and removal of Cr to the hypolimnion, both of which likely restrict primary production in the epilimnion. Owing to the slow exchange, steep concentration gradients in Fe and Mn species develop in the metalimnion. These concentration gradients are conducive to the proliferation of chemoautotrophic and anoxygenic phototrophic microbial communities, which may contribute a significant fraction to the total primary production in the lake

    Alternative Pest Control Methods for Homeowners

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    This fact sheet explains how using a comprehensive, or integrated pest management approach, will help home gardeners reduce their reliance on pesticides for pest control

    The biogeochemistry of ferruginous lakes and past ferruginous oceans

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    Anoxic and iron-rich (ferruginous) conditions prevailed in the ocean under the low-oxygen atmosphere that occurred through most of the Archean Eon. While euxinic conditions (i.e. anoxic and hydrogen sulfide-rich waters) became more common in the Proterozoic, ferruginous conditions persisted in deep waters. Ferruginous ocean regions would have been a major biosphere and Earth surface reservoir through which elements passed through as part of their global biogeochemical cycles. Understanding key biological events, such as the rise of oxygen in the atmosphere, or even the transitions from ferruginous to euxinic or oxic conditions, requires understanding the biogeochemical processes occurring within ferruginous oceans, and their indicators in the rock record. Important analogs for transitions between ferruginous and oxic or euxinic conditions are paleoferruginous lakes; their sediments commonly host siderite and Ca-carbonates, which are important Precambrian records of the carbon cycling. Lakes that were ferruginous in the past, or euxinic lakes with cryptic iron cycling may also help understand transitions between ferruginous and euxinic conditions in shallow and mid-depth oceanic waters during the Proterozoic. Modern ferruginous meromictic lakes, which host diverse anaerobic microbial communities, are increasingly utilized as biogeochemical analogues for ancient ferruginous oceans. Such lakes are believed to be rare, but regional and geological factors indicate they may be more common than previously thought. While physical mixing processes in lakes and oceans are notably different, many chemical and biological processes are similar. The diversity of sizes, stratifications, and water chemistries in ferruginous lakes thus can be leveraged to explore biogeochemical controls in a range of marine systems: near-shore, off-shore, silled basins, or those dominated by terrestrial or hydrothermal element sources. Ferruginous systems, both extant and extinct, lacustrine and marine, host a continuum of biogeochemical processes that highlight the important role of iron in the evolution of Earth’s surface environment

    Sulfate was a trace constituent of Archean seawater

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    In the low-oxygen Archean world (>2400 million years ago), seawater sulfate concentrations were much lower than today, yet open questions frustrate the translation of modern measurements of sulfur isotope fractionations into estimates of Archean seawater sulfate concentrations. In the water column of Lake Matano, Indonesia, a low-sulfate analog for the Archean ocean, we find large (>20 per mil) sulfur isotope fractionations between sulfate and sulfide, but the underlying sediment sulfides preserve a muted range of δ^(34)S values. Using models informed by sulfur cycling in Lake Matano, we infer Archean seawater sulfate concentrations of less than 2.5 micromolar. At these low concentrations, marine sulfate residence times were likely 10^3 to 10^4 years, and sulfate scarcity would have shaped early global biogeochemical cycles, possibly restricting biological productivity in Archean oceans

    Supplemental materials for preprint: The organic component of the earliest sulfur cycling

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    Modeling of decadal scale phosphorus retention in lake sediment under varying redox conditions

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    a b s t r a c t Phosphorus (P) releases from lake sediments are controlled in the long term by P burial into the deep sediment and on shorter time scales by the redox conditions at the sediment-water interface. In Lake Sempach (Switzerland), hypolimnetic oxygen concentration was increased by artificial aeration after two decades of nearly anoxic conditions. Using diagenetic reaction-transport modeling and sediment core analysis, we investigated the effects that this change, as well as variations in the organic carbon loadings, had on the long-term mobility of sediment P. During low-oxygen conditions, the reducible iron pool in the sediment was depleted, resulting in the release of previously accumulated P. The remobilization of iron-bound P affected phosphate effluxes from the sediment on the time scale of the sediment iron cycle (several years). On longer time scales, P effluxes followed the sedimentation fluxes of organic matter. Mass balance calculations indicate that, despite the dominance of internal P loading in Lake Sempach, over the long-term phosphorus content in the water column was controlled by the external P inputs. The results suggest that, whereas short-term decreases in sediment P releases may be achieved by preventing sediment anoxia, long-term solutions should involve reductions in the external P inputs

    Recent warming of lake Kivu.

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    Lake Kivu in East Africa has gained notoriety for its prodigious amounts of dissolved methane and dangers of limnic eruption. Being meromictic, it is also expected to accumulate heat due to rising regional air temperatures. To investigate the warming trend and distinguish between atmospheric and geothermal heating sources, we compiled historical temperature data, performed measurements with logging instruments, and simulated heat propagation. We also performed isotopic analyses of water from the lake's main basin and isolated Kabuno Bay. The results reveal that the lake surface is warming at the rate of 0.12°C per decade, which matches the warming rates in other East African lakes. Temperatures increase throughout the entire water column. Though warming is strongest near the surface, warming rates in the deep waters cannot be accounted for solely by propagation of atmospheric heat at presently assumed rates of vertical mixing. Unless the transport rates are significantly higher than presently believed, this indicates significant contributions from subterranean heat sources. Temperature time series in the deep monimolimnion suggest evidence of convection. The progressive deepening of the depth of temperature minimum in the water column is expected to accelerate the warming in deeper waters. The warming trend, however, is unlikely to strongly affect the physical stability of the lake, which depends primarily on salinity gradient
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