37 research outputs found

    Work in the Experience of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. A Focus Group Research Report

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    Although the literature recognizes the benefits of work and employment for people with intellectual disabilities, there is little research devoted to their experiences presented from their own perspective. This article is a report on a phenomenographic focus study conducted in four groups of adults with moderate or mild intellectual disabilities. The main aim of the research was to understand the experiences of adults with intellectual disabilities related to work and employment and the meanings given to them. A total of 34 people took part in the research. As a result of the analysis, three areas were identified to which the participants referred when talking about work and employment: (1) their own person – dreams, expectations, imaginations, opportunities, beliefs, and experiences, (2) the environment – environmental patterns, support and barriers, recruitment for work and labour market opportunities, and (3) meanings given to work – a source of income / fulfilling material, social, emotional needs (satisfaction) and an opportunity for self-development / self-realization. The obtained findings have important implications for families, practitioners, and social policy regarding the employment of individuals with intellectual disabilities.Mimo że w literaturze dostrzega się korzyści wynikające z pracy i zatrudnienia dla osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, niewiele badań poświęconych jest ich doświadczeniom i przeżyciom prezentowanym z ich własnej perspektywy. Artykuł stanowi raport z fenomenograficznych badań fokusowych prowadzonych w czterech grupach dorosłych osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w stopniu umiarkowanym lub lekkim. Głównym celem badań było zrozumienie doświadczeń i przeżyć dorosłych osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną związanych z pracą i zatrudnieniem oraz nadawanych im przez te osoby znaczeń. Łącznie badaniom poddano 34 osoby. W wyniku analiz wyłoniono trzy obszary, do których uczestnicy odnosili się, mówiąc o pracy i zatrudnieniu: (1) ich własna osoba - marzenia, oczekiwania, wyobrażenia, możliwości, przekonania i doświadczenia, (2) środowisko - wzorce środowiskowe, wsparcie i bariery, rekrutacja do pracy i możliwości rynku pracy oraz (3) znaczenia nadawane pracy - źródło utrzymania/ zaspokojenia potrzeb bytowych/materialnych, społecznych, emocjonalnych (satysfakcja, zadowolenie) oraz szansa na samorozwój/samorealizację. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na opracowanie implikacji dla rodziców, praktyków i polityki społecznej w obszarze zatrudnienia osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną

    The resources of adults taking care of their elderly parents at home – a research report

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    Considering the increased demographic aging and system changes in the welfare system in Poland, home care became one of the most important forms of taking care of disabled or elderly persons. Although the country is rooted in the idea of a nanny state, based on large institutions and providing minimum income, for a long time now family has been considered as the basic provider of informal care to the elderly. The aim of the present study is to give some insight into the resources of adult children providing care to their elderly, disabled parents. In order to acquire a comprehensive perception of the phenomenon, the authors chose an interpretavist paradigm and applied a phenomenographic method. 21 participants, aged 41–65, who were caregivers of their parents, took part in semi-structured interviews. Two main research problems were formulated: (1) How do the participants perceive their resources as caregivers of their elderly, disabled parents? (2) What kind of support related to the care of their parents do they consider essential? Results: The participants distinguish two main kinds of resources: internal (e.g. values, passions, feelings for parents, economic situation) and external (e.g. parents, family, friends, professionals, medical equipment and centers they have access to). The narratives of the participants also indicate a number of needs they experience. Implications for practice are discussed.Considering the increased demographic aging and system changes in the welfare system in Poland, home care became one of the most important forms of taking care of disabled or elderly persons. Although the country is rooted in the idea of a nanny state, based on large institutions and providing minimum income, for a long time now family has been considered as the basic provider of informal care to the elderly. The aim of the present study is to give some insight into the resources of adult children providing care to their elderly, disabled parents. In order to acquire a comprehensive perception of the phenomenon, the authors chose an interpretavist paradigm and applied a phenomenographic method. 21 participants, aged 41–65, who were caregivers of their parents, took part in semi-structured interviews. Two main research problems were formulated: (1) How do the participants perceive their resources as caregivers of their elderly, disabled parents? (2) What kind of support related to the care of their parents do they consider essential? Results: The participants distinguish two main kinds of resources: internal (e.g. values, passions, feelings for parents, economic situation) and external (e.g. parents, family, friends, professionals, medical equipment and centers they have access to). The narratives of the participants also indicate a number of needs they experience. Implications for practice are discussed

    Wyznaczniki kształtujące sytuację ucznia z niepełnosprawnością w klasie ogólnodostępnej i integracyjnej – analiza dostępnych badań

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    Integrative/inclusive education has become a reality, but its effects on students with disabilities are not always obvious. The paper, which is based on the analysis of available research, shows multidimensional determinants of the success of school integration/inclusion of students with disabilities. The authors focused on the main aspects: school achievement and peer relationships which shape the situation of these students.Integrative/inclusive education has become a reality, but its effects on students with disabilities are not always obvious. The paper, which is based on the analysis of available research, shows multidimensional determinants of the success of school integration/inclusion of students with disabilities. The authors focused on the main aspects: school achievement and peer relationships which shape the situation of these students

    The opinions of foster parents on the personal level of cooperation with teachers in the context of children’s special educational needs. A scientific report

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    Children from foster families are a specific group of students because they are often disabled, have special needs, difficulties and experienced violence or neglect. Foster parents have to face challenges related to their upbringing. The text is a scientific report presenting the opinions of foster parents on their cooperation with teachers. For this purpose, an interpretative paradigm was adopted and phenomenography was applied. The subjects (21 foster parents of school-age children) participated in three focus group interviews. Qualitative data analysis was used to identify positive and negative aspects of the foster parents’ experiences in cooperation with the school. The article is focused on the personal level of this cooperation. The answers provided by the parents in the study reveal predominance of negative experiences and emotions in this respect. The subjects pointed to such problems as: failure to notice and understand children’s problems/difficulties, the lack of individualization, maladjusted requirements, incompetence of teachers and the absence of informational feedback from the school. However, some respondents noticed positive elements of cooperation with teachers, such as the ability to recognize the child’s needs and problems by teachers and educators, sharing information about the child, taking into account the information provided by parents and adapting requirements to the child’s abilities. The results were used to develop recommendations aimed at improving cooperation between the school and foster parents.Children from foster families are a specific group of students because they are often disabled, have special needs, difficulties and experienced violence or neglect. Foster parents have to face challenges related to their upbringing. The text is a scientific report presenting the opinions of foster parents on their cooperation with teachers. For this purpose, an interpretative paradigm was adopted and phenomenography was applied. The subjects (21 foster parents of school-age children) participated in three focus group interviews. Qualitative data analysis was used to identify positive and negative aspects of the foster parents’ experiences in cooperation with the school. The article is focused on the personal level of this cooperation. The answers provided by the parents in the study reveal predominance of negative experiences and emotions in this respect. The subjects pointed to such problems as: failure to notice and understand children’s problems/difficulties, the lack of individualization, maladjusted requirements, incompetence of teachers and the absence of informational feedback from the school. However, some respondents noticed positive elements of cooperation with teachers, such as the ability to recognize the child’s needs and problems by teachers and educators, sharing information about the child, taking into account the information provided by parents and adapting requirements to the child’s abilities. The results were used to develop recommendations aimed at improving cooperation between the school and foster parents

    Mężczyźni z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną jako partnerzy i ojcowie w oczach swoich partnerek. Raport z badań

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    There is a dearth of research on parenting performed by people with intellectual disabilities focused on fathers. This report presents the results of a study aimed at understanding the perception of fathers with intellectual disabilities from the perspective of their female partners. The research was embedded in an interpretative paradigm, thus interpretive phenomenological analysis was used. Seven women, whose partners and fathers of their children were men diagnosed with intellectual disability, took part in semi-structured interviews. In the process of the analysis, three overarching themes were identified: (1) intellectual disability of partners, (2) barriers to a successful relationship and fatherhood, and (3) factors contributing to success in the relationship and fulfillment by partners as fathers.Niewiele badań poświęconych rodzicielstwu osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną koncentruje się na ojcach. W niniejszym raporcie przedstawiono wyniki badań, których celem było zrozumienie doświadczeń kobiet będących w związkach z mężczyznami z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Badania osadzono w paradygmacie interpretatywnym i wykorzystano interpretacyjną analizę fenomenologiczną. W częściowo ustrukturyzowanych wywiadach wzięło udział siedem kobiet, których partnerami, a jednocześnie ojcami ich dzieci byli mężczyźni ze zdiagnozowaną niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. W toku analiz wyodrębniono bariery stojące na drodze do udanego związku i ojcostwa oraz czynniki sprzyja-jące powodzeniu w związku i realizowaniu się przez partnerów w roli ojca

    Odgoj i obrazovanje djece i mladih s teškoćama u razvoju u Poljskoj i Konvencija Ujedinjenih naroda o pravima osoba s invaliditetom

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    The Polish system of education provides a variety of schooling options for students with disabilities, including mainstream schools, integrated schools, special schools, home-schooling and remedial centres (for students with profound intellectual disabilities). Since the transformation of the political and economic system in 1989, the education system in Poland has been transforming towards greater inclusion and recognition of the right to equal access to education and training at all levels for students with disabilities. The most important legal act on the rights of disabled people is the Convention of the United Nations on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) of 2006, ratified by Poland in 2012. It acts as a philosophical and moral statement and framework guiding integrated and strategic policy across the nation. Article 24 of the CRPD proclaims the right to education "without discrimination and on the basis of equal opportunity" and obliges State Parties to "ensure an inclusive education system at all levels and lifelong learning" (Art. 24, CRPD, 2006, p. 16). This paper describes and analyses the contemporary educational situation of children and youth with disabilities in Poland, focusing in particular on recommendations of the CRPD and on possibilities and difficulties for fulfilling those recommendations for all students at all levels.Sustav odgoja i obrazovanja u Poljskoj pruža različite mogućnosti školovanja učenicima s teškoćama u razvoju, uključujući pohađanje redovnih škola, posebnih škola, obrazovanje kod kuće te centara za djecu i mlade s većim intelektualnim teškoćama. Od promjene političkog i ekonomskog sustava 1989. godine obrazovni sustav u Poljskoj transformirao se u pravcu veće uključivosti i priznavanja prava učenicima s teškoćama u razvoju na jednak pristup obrazovanju i osposobljavanju na svim razinama. Najvažniji pravni dokument o pravima osoba s invaliditetom Konvencija je Ujedinjenih naroda o pravima osoba s invaliditetom iz 2006. godine, koju je Poljska ratificirala 2012. godine. Taj dokument predstavlja filozofsko i moralno polazište i okvir kojim se rukovodimo u provođenju integriranih i strateških politika. Članak 24 Konvencije naglašava pravo na odgoj i obrazovanje "bez diskriminacije i temeljeno na jednakim mogućnostima" i obavezuje državna tijela na "osiguravanje inkluzivnog obrazovnog sustava na svim razinama učenja, kao i u smislu cjeloživotnog učenja". U ovom radu analizira se i opisuje aktualna situacija glede odgoja i obrazovanja djece i mladih u Poljskoj, s naglaskom na preporuke sadržane u spomenutoj Konvenciji te na mogućnosti i teškoće u ostvarivanju preporuka u odgoju i obrazovanju svih učenika, na svim razinama obrazovanja

    Masculinity with Disability in the Context of Employment and Unemployment Consequences: A Review of Theoretical Concepts and Research

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    The paper presents a review of concepts of masculinity with disability related to work, employment and unemployment problems. The authors evoke foreign and Polish research paying attention to a number of studies that have focused on the issue, exploring gender differences in the society [1]. Specifically, general definitions of masculinity within cultural contexts and masculinity with disability related to work domains are explored. The article also contains the issues connected with post-secondary education and vocational training, forms of support of employment of adults with disabilities as well as the effects of unemployment in case of males with disabilitie

    Odkrywanie przez rodziców adopcyjnych i zastępczych odmienności dziecka wynikającej z niepełnosprawności. Studium fenomenograficzne

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    A certain percentage of disabled children are not raised in their biological families. It happens more and more often that the place of residence of such a child is not an institution but the adoptive or foster family. Increased prevalence of this type of families makes the study of this area of functioning of children with disabilities more and more important. The paper covers the issue of dealing with a child’s difference by their adoptive/foster parents. The difference has its source e. g. in a disability. The empirical part of the article is the result of qualitative research conducted with parents from 20 adoptive/foster families that raise a child with a disability (this is a part of a broader research project conducted by the authors with these families). The analysis of the interviews shows the ways to discover the otherness, the difference of the child, the ways to accept this otherness, and the importance they ascribe to the otherness of the child.A certain percentage of disabled children are not raised in their biological families. It happens more and more often that the place of residence of such a child is not an institution but the adoptive or foster family. Increased prevalence of this type of families makes the study of this area of functioning of children with disabilities more and more important. The paper covers the issue of dealing with a child’s difference by their adoptive/foster parents. The difference has its source e. g. in a disability. The empirical part of the article is the result of qualitative research conducted with parents from 20 adoptive/foster families that raise a child with a disability (this is a part of a broader research project conducted by the authors with these families). The analysis of the interviews shows the ways to discover the otherness, the difference of the child, the ways to accept this otherness, and the importance they ascribe to the otherness of the child

    Masculinity as Defined by Males Self-Advocates with Intellectual Disabilities: A Focus Group Research Report

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    The paper presents the report analysis of the research undertaken in collaboration with male self-advocates with the usage of a focus group methodology. In the explanatory study the researchers explore topics of masculinity conceptualization of 9 males with intellectual disabilities. The main research question was: how do males with intellectual disabilities conceptualize masculinity? The main themes that emerged from the data collected in the interviews include: the males’ identification with masculinity, their perceptions of masculinity, male role models and roles associated with it