11 research outputs found

    Evidence-Based Decision Making in Local Health Departments

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    Evidence-based decision making (EBDM) represents an important strategy to increase efficacy and efficiency of public health programs and practice. There is insufficient information on the application of EBDM among local health departments (LHDs). This qualitative study examined use of EBDM in New York State (NYS) LHDs and factors facilitating and impeding its adoption through interviews and focus groups with 47 LHD commissioners, health directors, and other upper-level staff. Findings suggest variability in application of EBDM in NYS LHDs. A number of internal factors (e.g., staff capacity, organizational culture) and external factors (e.g., policy environment, appropriate and replicable evidence-based models) contribute to its uneven use, even within a single LHD

    The Gαq/11 Proteins Contribute to T Lymphocyte Migration by Promoting Turnover of Integrin LFA-1 through Recycling

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    The role of Gαi proteins coupled to chemokine receptors in directed migration of immune cells is well understood. In this study we show that the separate class of Gαq/11 proteins is required for the underlying ability of T cells to migrate both randomly and in a directed chemokine-dependent manner. Interfering with Gαq or Gα11 using dominant negative cDNA constructs or siRNA for Gαq causes accumulation of LFA-1 adhesions and stalled migration. Gαq/11 has an impact on LFA-1 expression at plasma membrane level and also on its internalization. Additionally Gαq co-localizes with LFA-1- and EEA1-expressing intracellular vesicles and partially with Rap1- but not Rab11-expressing vesicles. However the influence of Gαq is not confined to the vesicles that express it, as its reduction alters intracellular trafficking of other vesicles involved in recycling. In summary vesicle-associated Gαq/11 is required for the turnover of LFA-1 adhesion that is necessary for migration. These G proteins participate directly in the initial phase of recycling and this has an impact on later stages of the endo-exocytic pathway

    Rescue of Munc18-1 and -2 Double Knockdown Reveals the Essential Functions of Interaction between Munc18 and Closed Syntaxin in PC12 Cells

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    Munc18-1 binds to syntaxin-1A via two distinct sites referred to as the “closed” conformation and N terminus binding. The latter has been shown to stimulate soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor-mediated exocytosis, whereas the former is believed to be inhibitory or dispensable. To precisely define the contributions of each binding mode, we have engineered Munc18-1/-2 double knockdown neurosecretory cells and show that not only syntaxin-1A and -1B but also syntaxin-2 and -3 are significantly reduced as a result of Munc18-1 and -2 knockdown. Syntaxin-1 was mislocalized and the regulated secretion was abolished. We next examined the abilities of Munc18-1 mutants to rescue the defective phenotypes. Mutation (K46E/E59K) of Munc18-1 that selectively prevents binding to closed syntaxin-1 was unable to restore syntaxin-1 expression, localization, or secretion. In contrast, mutations (F115E/E132A) of Munc18-1 that selectively impair binding to the syntaxin-1 N terminus could still rescue the defective phenotypes. Our results indicate that Munc18-1 and -2 act in concert to support the expression of a broad range of syntaxins and to deliver syntaxin-1 to the plasma membrane. Our studies also indicate that the binding to the closed conformation of syntaxin is essential for Munc18-1 stimulatory action, whereas the binding to syntaxin N terminus plays a more limited role in neurosecretory cells

    Whole-genome sequencing identifies a recurrent functional synonymous mutation in melanoma

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    Synonymous mutations, which do not alter the protein sequence, have been shown to affect protein function [Sauna ZE, Kimchi-Sarfaty C (2011) Nat Rev Genet 12(10):683-691]. However, synonymous mutations are rarely investigated in the cancer genomics field. We used whole-genome and -exome sequencing to identify somatic mutations in 29 melanoma samples. Validation of one synonymous somatic mutation in BCL2L12 in 285 samples identified 12 cases that harbored the recurrent F17F mutation. This mutation led to increased BCL2L12 mRNA and protein levels because of differential targeting of WT and mutant BCL2L12 by hsa-miR-671-5p. Protein made from mutant BCL2L12 transcript bound p53, inhibited UV-induced apoptosis more efficiently than WT BCL2L12, and reduced endogenous p53 target gene transcription. This report shows selection of a recurrent somatic synonymous mutation in cancer. Our data indicate that silent alterations have a role to play in human cancer, emphasizing the importance of their investigation in future cancer genome studies

    Ras Family Proteins

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