81 research outputs found

    The development of children with disabilities by means of folk plays

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. Every child with disabilities is unique both according to the state and the rate of development, therefore early correctional help is a means aimed to form those skills and abilities which the child is ready to perceive at the time; the help should be individualized as much as possible. Thus it is necessary to provide maximum opportunities for the child’s development. Purposeful, laborious and patient work is required. Teachers should have a clear idea of how and what to teach the child, how to treat the child’s behavior and difficulties during lessons, how to consider the child’s abilities, to smooth the peculiarities of the child’s state caused by disease. The article deals with the relevance of the problem, using play therapy with children with disabilities in psychological, educational, social and philosophical literature, the study of the problem in Russia, research methodology and experimental study on the issue. The results of pedagogical experiment allow to come to the conclusion about the effectiveness of the developed program which consist of different folk plays

    Search for the optimal method of making reticular neck telescopic implants

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The production of individual implants, intended for a specific clinical case, is increasingly used in medicine. The next stage in the development of implants is the creation of a non-monolithic mesh structure of the implant body. This allows to reduce its weight without loss of mechanical characteristics, and the main thing is to fill the free intergrid space with bioresorbable material, which will be replaced by cells in the future. The creation of a reticular three-dimensional structure of the implant is a complex technical task and requires the search for new ways of production. In this paper, a comparative study of the possibilities of selective laser melting and casting on burned-out models of telescopic implants obtained by 3D printing methods is carried out. Various production methods produced prototypes of telescopic cervical implants and carried out their technical and economic analysis. It is established that the best quality of products is observed by Selective Laser Melting technology

    Liver pathomorphology of Mus musculus C57BL6 on atherogenic diet

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    Atherosclerosis is one of the leading causes of disability and death worldwide. Liver plays a huge role in pathogenesis of atherogenic dislipidemia, development and progression of atherosclerotic lesions. We studied the effect of atherogenic diet on liver morphology in animal model of diet-induced atherosclerosis in mice Mus musculus C57BI6. This strain has a natural ability to develop atherosclerosis, while some other mouse stains has not. After 14 weeks on atherogenic diet a severe hepathomegaly (9% of body mass) and lobular structure deformation was found. We also observed signs of micro- and macrovesicular steatosis, cell apoptosis, fibrosis and inflammatory leukocyte infiltration. So, liver not only plays an important role in dislipidemia, but it is also a target-organ in lipid metabolism imbalance

    Hepatotoxicity of new oral anticoagulants: literature review

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    Tis article presents a literature review of hepatotoxicity of new oral anticoagulants which was obtained by different methods options of pharmacovigilance. Te overview includes 35 information sources 24 articles, 4 methodic or regulatory guidelines, 3 expert group publications, 3 new drug application overviews and 1 source being clinical trial register search results. Upon the results of the literature review, it was concluded that pharmacovigilance methods analyzing data obtained within real world medical practice give more opportunities for safety signal management comparing to those analyzing only data obtained within randomized clinical trials


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    Sorption of uranuim from sulfuric-acid leaching solutions by two gel type anion ion-exchange beads were explored. The Purolite A660 had a value of uranium capacity larger than AMP. Dynamic and static sorption parameters were identified for both elements

    Host Galaxies of Gamma-ray Bursts: Spectral Energy Distributions and Internal Extinction

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    We present BVRcIc broad-band flux spectra for the host galaxies of GRB970508, GRB980613, GRB980703, GRB990123 and GRB991208 obtained with the 6-m telescope of SAO RAS. The BVRcIc of these hosts are best fitted by the spectral properties of template SEDs of starburst galaxies and that there is a significant internal extinction in these host galaxies. We derived the absolute magnitudes of the GRB host galaxies making use of SEDs for the starburst galaxies. We performed the population synthesis modeling of the continuum spectral energy distribution of the host galaxies of GRB970508 and GRB980703 using different extinction laws and assuming burst and exponential scenarios of star formation. The comparison of BVRcIc broad-band flux spectra with the local starburst galaxies templates and theoretical templates as well as direct estimates (using Balmer emission lines) of the internal extinction shows that it is likely to be of great importance to take into account effects of the internal extinction in the host galaxies. From the SED of the host galaxy of GRB991208 and from the intensity of their spectral lines it follows that this is a GRB galaxy with the highest massive star-formation rate of all known GRB galaxies. The reduced luminosity of these dusty galaxies (e.g. for the host of GRB970508 A_V\sim 2 mag, for the host of GRB980703 A_V\sim 0.6 mag and for the host of GRB991208 A_V\sim 2 mag) could explain the observational fact: none of the observed GRB host galaxies with known distances is brighter than the local galaxies with the luminosity L_*.Comment: Added acknowledgement

    Comparative Economic Evaluation of Haemophilus influenzae Type b Vaccination in Belarus and Uzbekistan

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    BACKGROUND: Hib vaccine has gradually been introduced into more and more countries during the past two decades, partly due to GAVI Alliance support to low-income countries. However, since Hib disease burden is difficult to establish in settings with limited diagnostic capacities and since the vaccine continues to be relatively expensive, some Governments remain doubtful about its value leading to concerns about financial sustainability. Similarly, several middle-income countries have not introduced the vaccine. The aim of this study is to estimate and compare the cost-effectiveness of Hib vaccination in a country relying on self-financing (Belarus) and a country eligible for GAVI Alliance support (Uzbekistan). METHODS AND FINDINGS: A decision analytic model was used to estimate morbidity and mortality from Hib meningitis, Hib pneumonia and other types of Hib disease with and without the vaccine. Treatment costs were attached to each disease event. Data on disease incidence, case fatality ratios and costs were primarily determined from national sources. For the Belarus 2009 birth cohort, Hib vaccine is estimated to prevent 467 invasive disease cases, 4 cases of meningitis sequelae, and 3 deaths, while in Uzbekistan 3,069 invasive cases, 34 sequelae cases and 341 deaths are prevented. Estimated costs per discounted DALY averted are US9,323inBelarusandUS 9,323 in Belarus and US 267 in Uzbekistan. CONCLUSION: The primary reason why the cost-effectiveness values are more favourable in Uzbekistan than in Belarus is that relatively more deaths are averted in Uzbekistan due to higher baseline mortality burden. Two other explanations are that the vaccine price is lower in Uzbekistan and that Uzbekistan uses a three dose schedule compared to four doses in Belarus. However, when seen in the context of the relative ability to pay for public health, the vaccine can be considered cost-effective in both countries


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    Introduction. Possibilities of using probiotic enterococci in premature neonates undergoing inpatient antibacterial therapy remains understudied. The article is aimed at analyzing clinical and pharmacoeconomic reasonability of using probiotic Enterococcus faecium L3 strain in premature infants with very low body weight in the framework of complex inpatient developmental care. Patients and methods. 55 children randomized into 2 groups were observed: the control group (n = 26) was undergoing standard developmental care program, the primary group (n = 29) was introduced liquid probiotic Enterococcus faecium L3 strain (titer — 108 CFU/ml or more) (0.5 ml TID for 14 days) after attaining the enteral feeding volume of 5.0 ml. Results. Analysis of the clinical symptoms characteristic of non-smooth course of developmental care over premature infants helped to reveal higher frequency of infectious complications in the control group children than in the primary group (14 [53.8%] vs. 6 [20.7%]; p < 0.05). Acute food intolerance was observed less frequently in the primary group than in the control group (6 [20.7%] vs. 10 [38.5%], p > 0.05). The primary group's children featured significant decrease in the frequency of monocytosis, positive changes of intestinal microbiotic composition (increase in the amount of bifidum bacteria, lactobacilli, enterococci, decrease in the amount of Clostridium difficile and antibiotic-resistant clinical Klebsiella pneumoniae strains). Conclusion. Favorable outcome of developmental care over premature infants (absence of infectious complications) was less expensive in the primary group's children.Введение. Возможности использования пробиотических энтерококков у недоношенных новорожденных детей, получающих антибактериальную терапию в стационаре, остаются малоизученными. Цель — исследование клинической и фармакоэкономической целесообразности использования пробиотического штамма Enterococcus faecium L3 у недоношенных детей с очень низкой массой тела в комплексной программе стационарного этапа выхаживания. Пациенты и методы. Наблюдали 55 детей, которые были рандомизированы на 2 группы: группа сравнения (n = 26) получала стандартную программу выхаживания, основная группа (n = 29) при достижении объема энтерального питания 5,0 мл получала внутрь пробиотический штамм E. faecium L3 в жидкой форме (с титром не менее 108 КОЕ/мл) по 0,5 мл 3 раза в день в течение 14 дней. Результаты. Изучение клинических признаков, характерных для негладкого течения при выхаживании недоношенных детей, выявило более высокую частоту инфекционных осложнений у детей группы сравнения, чем у детей основной группы — 14 (53,8%) против 6 (20,7%); p < 0,05. Ситуации острой пищевой непереносимости с меньшей частотой отмечались в основной группе (6; 20,7%), чем в группе сравнения (10; 38,5%; p > 0,05). У детей основной группы наблюдались достоверное снижение частоты моноцитоза, положительные изменения состава микробиоты кишечника (нарастание количества бифидобактерий, лактобацилл, энтерококков, снижение количества Clostridium difficile и клинических штаммов Klebsiella pneumoniae, устойчивых к антибиотикам). Заключение. Достижение благоприятного исхода выхаживания недоношенных детей (отсутствие инфекционных осложнений) было наименее затратным у детей основной группы.

    The development of children with disabilities by means of folk plays

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. Every child with disabilities is unique both according to the state and the rate of development, therefore early correctional help is a means aimed to form those skills and abilities which the child is ready to perceive at the time; the help should be individualized as much as possible. Thus it is necessary to provide maximum opportunities for the child’s development. Purposeful, laborious and patient work is required. Teachers should have a clear idea of how and what to teach the child, how to treat the child’s behavior and difficulties during lessons, how to consider the child’s abilities, to smooth the peculiarities of the child’s state caused by disease. The article deals with the relevance of the problem, using play therapy with children with disabilities in psychological, educational, social and philosophical literature, the study of the problem in Russia, research methodology and experimental study on the issue. The results of pedagogical experiment allow to come to the conclusion about the effectiveness of the developed program which consist of different folk plays

    The development of children with disabilities by means of folk plays

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. Every child with disabilities is unique both according to the state and the rate of development, therefore early correctional help is a means aimed to form those skills and abilities which the child is ready to perceive at the time; the help should be individualized as much as possible. Thus it is necessary to provide maximum opportunities for the child’s development. Purposeful, laborious and patient work is required. Teachers should have a clear idea of how and what to teach the child, how to treat the child’s behavior and difficulties during lessons, how to consider the child’s abilities, to smooth the peculiarities of the child’s state caused by disease. The article deals with the relevance of the problem, using play therapy with children with disabilities in psychological, educational, social and philosophical literature, the study of the problem in Russia, research methodology and experimental study on the issue. The results of pedagogical experiment allow to come to the conclusion about the effectiveness of the developed program which consist of different folk plays