338 research outputs found

    The civil service in Brazil and Turkey: a comparative study

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    Despite their notable differences, Brazil and Turkey have been widely compared as emerging economic powers led by popular governments in the 2000s. These comparisons have largely ignored the parallel institutional evolution of their civil service since the early 20th century. Throughout the past century, the two countries experienced simultaneous attempts to reform and modernise their public administrations mostly in the Weberian model. From the 1980s onwards, their paths diverged: Brazil after re-democratisation reinforced the central, merit-based structure of its civil service, while Turkey introduced new private sector arrangements and practices. Although today both civil services boast a mix of career and contract arrangements, they also display different structural characteristics, and face opposite sets of challenges regarding meritocracy, professionalism, efficiency and political patronage. While until recently Turkey could be viewed as a relatively successful example of economic and political liberalisation – including integrating NPM principles into the state bureaucracy – the country’s recent decline into authoritarianism and excessive political interference in state institutions have turned it into a cautionary tale for Brazil.32 p.Administração PúblicaGovernançaCadernos Enap, n. 60 - ISSN: 0104-707

    Determining entropy values equivalent to the bispectral index values during sevoflurane anaesthesia

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    Introduction: We aimed to identify the entropy levels that would be equivalent to the bispectral index (BIS) levels in sevoflurane anaesthesia in patients who are to undergo elective lumbar disc surgery

    Estimation of Purkinje cell quantification and volumetry in the cerebellum using a stereological technique

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    Systematic sampling using the Cavalier’s principle provides accurate, efficient, cheap, and simple quantitative estimates of objects within neuroanatomical structures like the cerebellum. We identified and isolated the Purkinje cell layer and used this information to extrapolate the stereological technique to estimate the total number of Purkinje cells and volume on light microscope in rabbits’ cerebella. Volumes of the cell populations in the cerebellum have not been estimated previously. Using this method, we counted the Purkinje cells in the two right and three left hemicerebella of five male healthy rabbits and found the total number of Purkinje cells to have a mean of 671,597. The mean volume of the Purkinje cell was estimated at 2207 μm3 for the entire cerebella. The contribution of the stereological method to cell quantification and volumetry was emphasised by the neuroanatomical experimental animal study. The method proved to be an excellent tool for evaluating the Purkinje cell numbers and volumes in the rabbits. The data may also support the significance of considering anatomical data when evaluating pathological changes in cerebella. (Folia Morphol 2011; 70, 4: 240–244

    The civil service in Brazil and Turkey: a comparative study

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    Despite their notable differences, Brazil and Turkey have been widely compared as emerging economic powers led by popular governments in the 2000s. These comparisons have largely ignored the parallel institutional evolution of their civil service since the early 20th century. Throughout the past century, the two countries experienced simultaneous attempts to reform and modernise their public administrations mostly in the Weberian model. From the 1980s onwards, their paths diverged: Brazil after re-democratisation reinforced the central, merit-based structure of its civil service, while Turkey introduced new private sector arrangements and practices. Although today both civil services boast a mix of career and contract arrangements, they also display different structural characteristics, and face opposite sets of challenges regarding meritocracy, professionalism, efficiency and political patronage. While until recently Turkey could be viewed as a relatively successful example of economic and political liberalisation – including integrating NPM principles into the state bureaucracy – the country’s recent decline into authoritarianism and excessive political interference in state institutions have turned it into a cautionary tale for Brazil.32 p.Administração PúblicaGovernançaCadernos Enap, n. 60 - ISSN: 0104-707

    Eficiencia, mérito y privilegio: reformas de la administración pública en Brasil y Turquía

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    The Brazilian and Turkish public administrations display a mixture of patrimonial, traditional bureaucratic and managerial characteristics. This patchwork is a result of more than a century of disjointed reform attempts to address chronic institutional problems such as government inefficiency, political patronage and corruption. Based on a comparative study of the two cases using official data, reports and a review of the public administration literature, this paper analyses the historical evolution and present structures of the civil service in Brazil and Turkey. Both public administrations continue to face diverse sets of challenges today, albeit in different forms and degrees: government inefficiency comes across as a major problem in Brazil, while the deterioration of the merit principle is particularly disconcerting in Turkey. Public sector employees enjoy more limited rights and benefits in Turkey compared to Brazil, where the civil service is faced with the opposite charge of undue privilege in a highly unequal society. Finally, while corruption and political patronage remain problematic in both cases, their causes appear to be different.As administrações públicas brasileira e turca apresentam uma mistura de características patrimoniais, burocráticas e administrativas tradicionais; o resultado de mais de um século de tentativas desarticuladas de reforma para abordar problemas institucionais crônicos, como ineficiência do governo, patrocínio político e corrupção. Com base em um estudo comparativo dos dois casos, utilizando dados oficiais, relatórios e uma revisão da literatura da administração pública, este artigo analisa a evolução histórica e as estruturas atuais da função pública no Brasil e na Turquia. Todas as duas administrações públicas continuam enfrentando diversos conjuntos de desafios atualmente, embora de formas e graus diferentes: a ineficiência do governo aparece como um grande problema no Brasil, enquanto a deterioração do princípio do mérito é particularmente desconcertante na Turquia. Os funcionários do setor público desfrutam de direitos e benefícios mais limitados na Turquia em comparação com o Brasil, onde o serviço público enfrenta a acusação oposta de privilégio indevido em uma sociedade altamente desigual. Finalmente, embora a corrupção e o patrocínio político permaneçam problemáticos nos dois casos, suas causas parecem ser diferentes.Las administraciones públicas brasileña y turca presentan una mezcla de características patrimoniales, burocráticas y administrativas tradicionales, siendo el resultado de más de un siglo de intentos desconectados de reforma para abordar problemas institucionales crónicos como la ineficiencia del gobierno, el patrocinio político y la corrupción. Basado en un estudio comparativo de los dos casos, utilizando datos oficiales, informes y una revisión de la literatura de la administración pública en ambos países, este artículo analiza la evolución histórica y las estructuras actuales del servicio civil en Brasil y Turquía. Las dos administraciones públicas continúan enfrentando diferentes desafíos en la actualidad, aunque en diferentes formas y grados: la ineficiencia del gobierno parece ser un problema importante en Brasil, mientras que el deterioro del principio de mérito es particularmente desconcertante en Turquía. Los empleados del sector público disfrutan de derechos y beneficios más limitados en Turquía en comparación con Brasil, donde el servicio público enfrenta el cargo opuesto de privilegio indebido en una sociedad altamente desigual. Finalmente, aunque la corrupción y el patrocinio político siguen siendo problemáticos en ambos casos, sus causas parecen ser diferentes.Revista do Serviço Público - RSP, v. 72, n. 1, 200-231 p.Gestão PúblicaInovaçãoISSN Impresso: 0034-9240ISSN Eletrônico: 2357-801

    The Five Phases of Turkey’s Foreign Policy under the AKP

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    Efficiency, Merit and Privilege: Public Administration Reforms in Brazil and Turkey

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    The Brazilian and Turkish public administrations display a mixture of patrimonial, traditional bureaucratic and managerial characteristics. This patchwork is a result of more than a century of disjointed reform attempts to address chronic institutional problems such as government inefficiency, political patronage and corruption. Based on a comparative study of the two cases using official data, reports and a review of the public administration literature, this paper analyses the historical evolution and present structures of the civil service in Brazil and Turkey. Both public administrations continue to face diverse sets of challenges today, albeit in different forms and degrees: government inefficiency comes across as a major problem in Brazil, while the deterioration of the merit principle is particularly disconcerting in Turkey. Public sector employees enjoy more limited rights and benefits in Turkey compared to Brazil, where the civil service is faced with the opposite charge of undue privilege in a highly unequal society. Finally, while corruption and political patronage remain problematic in both cases, their causes appear to be different