240 research outputs found

    Aesthetic systems of S. Zalygin, V. Astaf 'ev and V. Rasputin (on the journalistic material)

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    During the analysis basic affinity of aesthetic systems of S. Zalygin, V. Astaf 'ev and V. Rasputin comes to light. Aesthetics of three writers is determined by their ethics. Ethics determine sights of writers on applicability of art (literature), representation about mission of the artist to a society. For writers the sight on the literature, as on national and moral consciousness of people is characteristic.During the analysis basic affinity of aesthetic systems of S. Zalygin, V. Astaf 'ev and V. Rasputin comes to light. Aesthetics of three writers is determined by their ethics. Ethics determine sights of writers on applicability of art (literature), representation about mission of the artist to a society. For writers the sight on the literature, as on national and moral consciousness of people is characteristic.During the analysis basic affinity of aesthetic systems of S. Zalygin, V. Astaf 'ev andV. Rasputin comes to light. Aesthetics of three writers is determined by their ethics. Ethics determine sights of writers on applicability of art (literature), representation about mission of the artist to a society. For writers the sight on the literature, as on national and moral consciousness of people is characteristic

    Sovereign Wealth Funds in Central and Eastern Europe: Scope and Methods of Financial Penetration

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    The Central and Eastern European (CEE) capital markets (of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine and, to a limited extent, Belarus) are gradually evolving towards increased breadth (diversity) and depth (liquidity), however, they are still exposed to considerable cross-country volatility and interdependence spill-overs – especially in times of capital flight to more established asset classes (“safe havens”). Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) have widely been censured for their undesirable political interference and chronic operational opacity. This paper demonstrates that in CEE, contrary to widespread perceptions attributable to developed markets, SWFs can act as natural and powerful risk mitigators (contributing to a more stable capital base and reduced systemic volatility). Such a proposition is premised on several factors specific to SWFs oriented to CEE. They comprise: strategic long-termism and patience in overcoming interim pricing deficiencies, commitments to elements of a broadly interpreted infrastructure, and absence of overt conflicts of interest with the CEE host economies. The paper, besides reviewing the utilitarianism of SWFs in the CEE’s risk mitigation context, highlights regulatory and technical barriers to more SWF funding for CEE. It also recommends policy measures to the CEE economies aimed at luring more host-friendly SWF investment into the region

    Visualisation of collocational preferences for near-synonym discrimination

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    This paper aims to explore the potential usefulness of two techniques that visualise collocational preference for the purpose of synonym discrimination. Given the fact that collocation is one of the most important markers of meaning difference, it is used as the criterion for distin-guishing between near-synonyms. Collocational preferences for a set of near-synonyms (artificial, fake, false, and synthetic) were visualised using two techniques: correspondence analysis plot and collocational network. The collocations were retrieved from BNC corpus by using a distributional method. An advantage of the graphs is that they allow lexicographers to spot similarities and dif-ferences in collocational preference of several words in a single diagram. Such visualisations may be used as an alternative way to a tabular form of data presentation to avoid information overload which arises when lexicographers prepare synonym essays for productively-oriented dictionaries. The visualisations can be used as a starting point for exploring semantic differences between semantically similar words.Keywords: Visualisation, Correspondence Analysis, Collocational Net-Work, Synonymy Discrimination, Collocation, Automatic Retrieval Of Syno-Nyms, Near-Synonym, Collocation Preferences

    Focal brain lesions in 16-year-old patient with epileptic seizure – different neuroimaging procedures

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    Introduction A brain tumor is the most common solid cancer in children and the most common cause of cancer-related death in this age group. Its first symptom presented by child may be some irritation symptoms, primarily in the form of focal seizures. In case of such problem clinician has a wide range of neuroimaging methods available. Case Report A 16-year-old girl was admitted to the Paediatric Department on December 6, 2018 after the first episode of generalized tonic-clonic seizures with retrograde amnesia. In EEG paroxysmal acute and slow theta-delta 3-4 Hz high-voltage discharge in the temporal leads and in CT with contrast no focal changes. The treatment was postponed due to fact that was the first episode of seizures in life, On June 4, 2019 a second epileptic attack occurred. CT of the head without contrast did not reveal focal changes. In EEG focal lesion in the right posterior temporo-occipital-parietal region in the form of low-voltage slow delta 1-2 Hz waves and concomitant seizure changes in the form of very numerous short discharges of acute and slow theta-delta 3-4 Hz waves. In MRI, in the occipital lobe cortex at the height of the wedge and the visual cortex after administration of the gadolinium contrast agent 3 focal lesions with contrast augmentation: 7mm and below 2 changes 15x6mm in diameter and 5mm in diameter were visualized. In the flair and T2 sequence at this height there was edema of up to 25x13mm. Conclusions CT of the head without contrast should be a screening test to exclude mainly traumatic changes and intracranial bleeding. The correct picture of such an examination does not exclude abnormalities within the brain structures. MRI is more accurate in imaging of brain structures and should be the examination of choice if CNS diagnostics is needed

    The role of environmental transfer of macro-elements in the Brown trout Salmo trutta

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    In natural habitat of river Słupia researchers observe the fall condition among Brown trouts and their morbidity on ulcerative dermal necrosis. Trout's shape is strictly connected with elemental economy. In recent study we analyse the macroelements economy (Na, Mg, K, Ca, P) in trout's organism on different growth stages: young and adult individuals, inside trout's organs (muscles, gills, liver, fins), in periods of 2006-2007 and 2011-2012. We analyse the concentrations of chosen chemical elements directly in river Słupia and tributaries (small rivers: Glaźna, Kwacza, Skotawa, Kamienna) in demersal muds and river vegetation (2006-2007). We also analyse macroelements in trout’s spawn and sperm (2012). In all kinds of samples we noted relatively homogeneous concentrations of macroelements. We obtain high correlations coefficients between elemental pool of trout’s organizm (young or adult) and natural environment (r=0.74-0.99, p<0.05). Our results confirm that macroelemental balance in Brown trout's organism is exactly connected with natural habitat. We also demonstrated the importance of time which trout spends in environment in accumulation of macroelements (longer exposition on environmental factors - higher concentration of macroelements)

    Wpływ częstotliwości oddychania spoczynowego na parametry tachografów zmienności rytmu serca

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    The relaxation response is a method of overcoming stress factors. It is activated through slow breathing, which causes high heart rate variability. Higher heart rate variability increases the activity of parasympathetic nervous system causing organism to relax. The relaxation response is activated, when human organism achieves a state of inner balance, which is called the coherence. One of techniques to achieve this state of balance is breathing in the specific rhythm, which is usually around 0.1 Hz of frequency. This value is called the resonance frequency. In this study the activity of central nervous system in the specific range of breathing frequencies (0.07-0.12 Hz) has been checked in order to find an answer, if the relaxation response is triggered by one specific frequency or is there a specific range of breathing frequencies, which lead to the state of inner balance. In order to check the changes throughout human body the heart rate assessed by biofeedback technique has been used. It is a non-invasive method examining the function of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system through the changes in natural heart rhythm. Throughout the biofeedback sessions the resonance frequency is measured. The aim of this study was to check if there is a difficulty for subjects to maintain imposed breathing rhythm and if there is only one universal resonance frequency for everyone or is there a specified range. The study confirmed the difficulty of maintaining unnatural breathing frequency. It has also showed that there is a specific range of frequency values which can be used to achieve the coherence state.Odpowiedź relaksacyjna, to sposób walki ze stresem; wiąże się ze spokojniejszym oddychaniem, które powoduje wysoką zmienność rytmu serca, w efekcie czego wzrasta aktywność parasympatycznego układu nerwowego PUN, powodując wyciszenie organizmu. Odpowiedź ta jest wyzwalana w momencie wprowadzenia organizmu w stan wewnętrznej równowagi, określany mianem koherencji. Jedną z technik osiągnięcia stanu równowagi jest oddychanie zgodne z rytmem częstotliwości rezonansowej, która przeciętnie wynosi 0.1 Hz. W tych badaniach sprawdzono zachowanie ośrodkowego układu nerwowego OUN w przedziale częstotliwości 0,07-0,12 Hz celem sprawdzenia, czy odpowiedź relaksacyjna RR dotyczy tylko jednej specyficznej częstotliwości, czy też istnieje tolerancja częstotliwości oddychania wywołująca tożsame odpowiedzi organizmu. Aby zbadać zmiany zachodzące w organizmie, posłużono się tzw. metodą biofeedback HRV. Jest to metoda nieinwazyjna, badająca poprzez zmiany rytmu serca działanie sympatycznego układu nerwowego SUN i PUN. Na takich sesjach mierzy się częstotliwość rezonansową, aby instruować uczestników – jak kierować oddechem w celu utrzymania pożądanego tempa oddychania. Analizowano sensowność utrzymywania konkretnego rytmu. Badano również, czy istnieje trudność w dostosowaniu własnego oddechu do wymaganego tempa. Badania potwierdziły problem wynikający z utrzymania sugerowanego rytmu oddychania. Wykazano również, że istnieje zakres rytmu wentylacji pozwalający uzyskać efekty podobne, jak podczas oddychania w tempie rezonansowym

    Two-dimensional phase-space picture of the photonic crystal Fano laser

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    The recently realized photonic crystal Fano laser constitutes the first demonstration of passive pulse generation in nanolasers [Nat. Photonics 11\boldsymbol{11}, 81-84 (2017)]. We show that the laser operation is confined to only two degrees-of-freedom after the initial transition stage. We show that the original 5D dynamic model can be reduced to a 1D model in a narrow region of the parameter space and it evolves into a 2D model after the exceptional point, where the eigenvalues transition from being purely to a complex conjugate pair. The 2D reduced model allows us to establish an effective band structure for the eigenvalue problem of the stability matrix to explain the laser dynamics. The reduced model is used to associate a previously unknown origin of instability with a new unstable periodic orbit separating the stable steady-state from the stable periodic orbit.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, journal, Phys. Rev. A, before editorial correctio

    Generalized infection with unknown starting point in children hospitalized in a district hospital

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    Introduction Infection is the most common cause of children medical consultations. Often the clinical picture of the patient is disproportionate to the results of laboratory tests which may indicate for generalized infection. Case reports Case 1: A 4-year-old patient admitted to the Department due to a fever 39˚C lasting from 2 days and periodic abdominal pain. Good general condition, throat slightly red. In laboratory studies, procalcitonin 44.5 ng/ml, CRP 121.5 mg/dl, WBC 15.32 ths/ul. Empirical treatment with ceftriaxone and vancomycin was included. Blood cultures, Staphylococcus hominis MLSB, MRCNS. Case 2: A patient nearly 5 years old admitted to the Department due to a fever 39.5˚C. In outpatient examinations CRP 41 mg/dl, WBC 39 ths/ul. Physical examination: reddening of throat mucosa, palatine tonsils slightly enlarged, reddish, without rash. In laboratory tests CRP 95 mg/dl, WBC 41.95 ths/ul, PCT 1.19 ng/ml. On the second day of hospitalization, an increase in inflammatory markers was observed (PCT 1.47 ng/ml, CRP 235.7 mg/dl). Vancomycin was added. Case3: 18-month-old boy admitted to the Department due to fever 40.5˚C. Good general condition, throat slightly reddened, occasional cough. In laboratory tests PCT 8.07 ng/ml. Empirical antibiotic therapy with ceftriaxone was implemented. Due to persistence of fever up to 39.5˚C - control tests of PCT 10.03 ng / ml. Vancomycin was implemented. Urine culture negative, in blood culture the present growth of Staphylococcus warneri. Conclusions It is extremely important to be vigilant in case of feverish children. Sometimes, despite a good general condition and no significant abnormalities in a physical examination, we can deal with generalized infection

    Epidemiology of urogenital injuries in the Regional Specialist Hospital in Puławy in years 2007 -2018

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    Introduction Trauma is defined as damage to cells, tissues and organs caused by external factors acting on them. According to WHO data, trauma caused 4.8 millions of deaths in 2016. Urogenital trauma occurs in 10% of all the injuries in the human population. Aim of the study The aim of this study was to characterize the patients treated for injuries in Urology Department in Regional Hospital in Poland and compare the results with the data from literature. Material and methods The study involved patients hospitalized in Regional Specialist Hospital in Puławy, Poland from 2007 to 2018. The survey was based at analysis of medical documentation. The collected data has been subjected to statistical analysis. 66 patients were included in the study group. Their average age was 43.25 years. Results The absolute majority of patients were men – 81.81% (n=54), women – 18.18% (n=12). The average age for males was 42.27 and for the females – 44.25. Most frequent trauma in our study was the renal trauma 36.36% (n=24). 47.06% of this injuries were associated with MVA's. The second most frequent group was a genital trauma - 21 patients (31,81%). 81.81 % of them required surgical treatment. Another group constituted 10.6 % (n=7) were the patients treated for bladder injury. Penis was injured in 6.06% (n=4), 75% of patients required a surgery. Urether has been injured only in 4.55%. Conclusions Kidney is the most frequent organ of genitourinary tract, affected by trauma, particularly during MVA's. Victims are usually treated conservatively. External genitalia injuries, especially male, are also very frequent. Mostly patients need a rapid surgical intervention but appropriate treatment allows the patient to recover completely without any lasting disabilit