236 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of African easterly waves to boundary layer conditions

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    A linearized version of the quasi-geostrophic model (QGM) with an explicit Ekman layer and observed static stability parameter and profile of the African easterly jet (AEJ), is used to study the instability properties of the environment of the West African wave disturbances. It is found that the growth rate, the propagation velocity and the structure of the African easterly waves (AEW) can be well simulated. Two different lower boundary conditions are applied. One assumes a lack of vertical gradient of perturbation stream function and the other assumes zero wind perturbation at the surface. The first case gives more realistic results since in the absence of horizontal diffusion, growth rate, phase speed and period have values of 0.5 day<sup>−1</sup>, 10.83 m s<sup>−1</sup> and 3.1 day, respectively. The zero wind perturbation at the surface case leads to values of these parameters that are 50 percent lower. The analysis of the sensitivity to diffusion shows that the magnitude of the growth rate decreases with this parameter. Modelled total relative vorticity has its low level maximum around 900 hPa under no-slip, and 700 hPa under free slip condition

    The state of climate information services for agriculture and food security in East African countries

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    The state of climate information services for agriculture and food security in West African countries

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    Simulations of a quadrupolar pick-up at GSI SIS-18

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    New method for reducing the contribution of the beam position in the quadrupole signal

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    Disponibilite, modes et frequence de consommation des legumes traditionnels Africains dans quatre localites du burkina faso a diverses activites de maraichage : Ouagadougou, Koubri, Loumbila, Kongoussi

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    Les lĂ©gumes traditionnels constituent une source importante de nutriments pour les mĂ©nages des pays en dĂ©veloppement. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude s’est intĂ©ressĂ©e Ă  la diversitĂ©, Ă  la  disponibilitĂ©, et  aux modes de consommation des lĂ©gumes traditionnels africains dans des localitĂ©s Ă   diverses activitĂ©s de maraĂźchage au Burkina Faso. Des enquĂȘtes de consommation alimentaire ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es auprĂšs de 400 mĂ©nages dans quatre localitĂ©s: Ouagadougou, Loumbila, Koubri et Kongoussi. Quatre principaux lĂ©gumes sont retrouvĂ©s en toute saison dans les diffĂ©rentes localitĂ©s : l’oseille (Hibiscus sabdariffa), la corĂšte (Corchorus olitorius), l’amarante (Amaranthus cruentus) et le gombo (Abelmoschus callei). A Kongoussi d’autres lĂ©gumes tels que les feuilles de morelle noire (Solanum scabrum) et de vernonia (Vernonia amygdalina) sont disponibles toute l’annĂ©e. La frĂ©quence de consommation est d’une fois par semaine pour plus de 50 % des mĂ©nages dans les zones Ă  faible activitĂ© de maraichage, Ouagadougou, Loumbila et Koubri. A Kongoussi, plus de 45 % des mĂ©nages consomment plus d’une fois par semaine le gombo (Abelmoschus callei), les feuilles de corĂšte (Corchorus olitorius), les feuilles d’oseille (Hibiscus sabdariffa) et les feuilles de haricot (Vigna unguiculata). Le marchĂ© est la source d’approvisionnement pour 71 % des mĂ©nages enquĂȘtĂ©s. La saison, l’origine socio-culturelle et les habitudes alimentaires sont les principaux facteurs influant le choix des lĂ©gumes. L’état frais est la principale forme de prĂ©fĂ©rence des lĂ©gumes. Pour l’utilisation des lĂ©gumes dans les mĂ©nages, 74,25 % des mĂ©nages lavent 02 Ă  03 fois et dĂ©coupent finement juste au moment de les prĂ©parer. Trois principaux modes de consommation ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©voquĂ©s : la sauce, la soupe et le ragoĂ»t. La sauce est le principal mode de consommation et pour la cuisson 97,25 % procĂšdent par Ă©bullition. PrĂšs de 62,50 % ; 53,33 % ; 45,22 % des mĂ©nages respectivement Ă  Koubri, Loumbila et Ouagadougou procĂšdent par blanchiment et rejettent le liquide rĂ©siduel. A Ouagadougou et Ă  Kongoussi, respectivement 66,67 % et 33,65 % des mĂ©nages pratiquant le blanchiment sont des non natifs. L’importance nutritive et l’effet antioxydant des lĂ©gumes a Ă©tĂ© confirmĂ©e par prĂšs de 87% des rĂ©pondants. L’étude a permis de conclure que l’activitĂ© de maraichage influe positivement sur la disponibilitĂ©, la diversitĂ© et la frĂ©quence de consommation des lĂ©gumes dans les mĂ©nages. Cependant des sĂ©ances de sensibilisation sur les traitements post rĂ©coltes et les procĂ©dĂ©s de transformation des lĂ©gumes sont nĂ©cessaires pour en tirer un meilleur profit au plan nutritionnel.Mots clĂ©s : lĂ©gumes, maraĂźchage, diversitĂ©, traitement, blanchiment, cuisson, saison,consommatio

    Liver function tests of HIV/AIDS patients at the nylon district hospital, Douala, Cameroon

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    Background: Antiretroviral therapy (ART) which substantially reduces morbidity and mortality in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seropositive patients has been associated with hepatotoxicity. This study was aimed at investigating the effects of HIV infection and ART on liver function amongst HIV seropositive patients in Douala, Cameroon.Methods: A cross- sectional study was conducted from March to August, 2012 at the Nylon District Hospital, Douala. Demographic data were collected using a structured questionnaire.  Serum alanine and aspartate aminotransferases (ALT and AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) activities were determined using colorimetric techniques.Results: The mean age of the study participants was 37.9 ± 6.02 years. A majority of the study participants (68.0%) were females. The mean CD4+ T lymphocyte cell count of HIV/AIDS patients on ART was significantly higher than the ART- naïve patients (p<0.05). The mean serum AST and ALT activities of ART-naïve patients were significantly higher than the control subjects (p<0.05). Similarly, the mean serum transaminases and GGT activities of HIV/AIDS patients on ART were significantly higher than the control subjects (p<0.05). The mean serum ALP and GGT activities of HIV/AIDS patients receiving ART were significantly higher than the ART- naïve patients (p<0.05).Conclusions: The present study provides evidence to suggest that both infection with HIV and treatment with ART are associated with liver injury.

    Investigating the diurnal cycle of precipitation over Central Africa

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    AbstractThe present study investigated the reliability of downscaling tool RegCM4.4 to simulate 2002–2006 June–September diurnal cycle precipitation characteristics. Besides their diurnal cycles, the spatial and temporal patterns in precipitation intensity, amount and frequency over Central Africa (CA) are investigated. Diurnal variance, phase and amplitude based on 3‐hourly model simulations are obtained by diurnal harmonics from each 24‐h period. Two statistical measures are used to evaluate model performance: the root mean square error and the index of agreement. The result shows that the RegCM outputs are well simulated compared with reference data in revealing the temporal and spatial patterns of precipitation amount and frequency over the continental area with some systematic wet biases over Cameroon highlands area. Diurnal variability of precipitation frequency and amount are properly well reproduced by the model with an afternoon peak around 1800 LST over entire domain except Atlantic Ocean sub‐region. The model does not properly describe the observed diurnal variation of precipitation intensity over the study area. One of the prominent results is that the pattern of precipitation frequency is quite similar to that of precipitation amount. This strong relationship between these two precipitation characteristics over the entire region of interest suggests that the diurnal precipitation variability is generally determined by how often it rains
