35 research outputs found

    Angiogenesis as Therapeutic Target in Metastatic Prostate Cancer – Narrowing the Gap Between Bench and Bedside

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    Angiogenesis in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) has been extensively investigated as a promising druggable biological process. Nonetheless, targeting angiogenesis has failed to impact overall survival (OS) in patients with mCRPC despite promising preclinical and early clinical data. This discrepancy prompted a literature review highlighting the tumor heterogeneity and biological context of Prostate Cancer (PCa). Narrowing the gap between the bench and bedside appears critical for developing novel therapeutic strategies. Searching clinicaltrials.gov for studies examining angiogenesis inhibition in patients with PCa resulted in n=20 trials with specific angiogenesis inhibitors currently recruiting (as of September 2021). Moreover, several other compounds with known anti-angiogenic properties – such as Metformin or Curcumin – are currently investigated. In general, angiogenesis-targeting strategies in PCa include biomarker-guided treatment stratification – as well as combinatorial approaches. Beyond established angiogenesis inhibitors, PCa therapies aiming at PSMA (Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen) hold the promise to have a substantial anti-angiogenic effect – due to PSMA®s abundant expression in tumor vasculatur

    Percutaneous transrenal ureteral plug embolization: is there a need for tissue adhesives?

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    PURPOSE:We aimed to evaluate the feasibility, effectiveness and safety of ureteral embolization exclusively using Amplatzer Vascular Plugs (AVPs) in the management of ureteral leakages.METHODS:A retrospective analysis of 7 patients with ureteral leakages and fistulas having undergone transrenal ureteral embolization with AVPs was performed. In all cases, AVPs were deployed via a preexisting percutaneous transrenal nephrostomy tube. Technical and clinical success as well as complications were evaluated.RESULTS:During a 4-year study period, 11 ureters in 7 patients were embolized using AVPs. In one case additional coil embolization was conducted. Technical success in terms of sufficient occlusion of the treated ureter was achieved in 100% of the procedures. Median size of used plugs was 16.0 mm (range, 12–18 mm). Number of deployed AVPs ranged between one and three. Median procedural time was 24.00 minutes, and a median dose area product of 58.92 Gy·cm2 was documented. No procedure-related complications occurred. During a median follow-up period of 7 weeks, recurrence of the treated leak could not be observed.CONCLUSION:Ureteric plug embolization in patients with ureteral leakages or fistulas is a feasible, effective, and safe technique, even without the addition of tissue adhesives. However, due to the often limited prognosis and life expectancy of the affected patients, long-term experiences are still lacking

    C‐reactive protein flare‐response predicts long‐term efficacy to first‐line anti‐PD‐1‐based combination therapy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma

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    Objectives Immune checkpoint blockade (IO) has revolutionised the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). Early C-reactive protein (CRP) kinetics, especially the recently introduced CRP flare-response phenomenon, has shown promising results to predict IO efficacy in mRCC, but has only been studied in second line or later. Here, we aimed to validate the predictive value of early CRP kinetics for 1st-line treatment of mRCC with αPD-1 plus either αCTLA-4 (IO+IO) or tyrosine kinase inhibitor (IO+TKI). Methods In this multicentre retrospective study, we investigated the predictive potential of early CRP kinetics during 1st-line IO therapy. Ninety-five patients with mRCC from six tertiary referral centres with either IO+IO (N = 59) or IO+TKI (N = 36) were included. Patients were classified as CRP flare-responders, CRP responders or non-CRP responders as previously described, and their oncological outcome was compared. Results Our data validate the predictive potential of early CRP kinetics in 1st-line immunotherapy in mRCC. CRP responders, especially CRP flare-responders, had significantly prolonged progression-free survival (PFS) compared with non-CRP responders (median PFS: CRP flare-responder: 19.2 months vs. responders: 16.2 vs. non-CRP responders: 5.6, P < 0.001). In both the IO+IO and IO+TKI subgroups, early CRP kinetics remained significantly associated with improved PFS. CRP flare-response was also associated with long-term response ≄ 12 months. Conclusions Early CRP kinetics appears to be a low-cost and easy-to-implement on-treatment biomarker to predict response to 1st-line IO combination therapy. It has potential to optimise therapy monitoring and might represent a new standard of care biomarker for immunotherapy in mRCC

    Discrepancy between German S3 Guideline Recommendations and Daily Urologic Practice in the Management of Nonmuscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: Results of a Binational Survey

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    Introduction: Guideline recommendations are meant to help minimize morbidity and to improve the care of nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) patients but studies have suggested an underuse of guideline-recommended care. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of adherence of German and Austrian urologists to German guideline recommendations. Methods: A survey of 27 items evaluating diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations (15 cases of strong consensus and 6 cases of consensus) for NMIBC was administered among 14 urologic training courses. Survey construction and realization followed the checklist for reporting results of internet e-surveys and was approved by an internal review board. Results: Between January 2018 and June 2019, a total of 307 urologists responded to the questionnaire, with a mean response rate of 71%. The data showed a weak role of urine cytology (54%) for initial diagnostics although it is strongly recommended by the guideline. The most frequently used supporting diagnostic tool during transurethral resection of the bladder was hexaminolevulinate (95%). Contrary to the guideline recommendation, 38% of the participants performed a second resection in the case of pTa low-grade NMIBC. Correct monitoring of Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) response with cystoscopy and cytology was performed by only 34% of the urologists. Conclusions: We found a discrepancy between certain guideline recommendations and daily routine practice concerning the use of urine cytology for initial diagnostics, instillation therapy with a low monitoring rate of BCG response, and follow-up care with unnecessary second resection after pTa low-grade NMIBC in particular. Our survey showed a moderate overall adherence rate of 73%. These results demonstrate the need for sharpening awareness of German guideline recommendations by promoting more intense education of urologists to optimize NMIBC care thus decreasing morbidity and mortality rates

    Analysis of expression and functional studys of miR-205 and miR-221 in high-risk prostate cancer with special attention to miR-205 as a prognostic marker in the high-risk patient

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    Das Prostatakarzinom (PCa) ist weltweit das hĂ€ufigste Malignom des Mannes mit weiter steigenden Inzidenz. Leider ist es bisher mit den gebrĂ€uchlichen Prognosefaktoren nicht möglich, diesen klinisch sehr heterogenen Tumor vor einer chirurgischen Therapie hinsichtlich des postoperativen Rezidivrisikos zu charakterisieren. Die EinfĂŒhrung neuer, hochsensitiver Biomarker, die diese Aufgabe zuverlĂ€ssig erfĂŒllen können, stellt vor allem fĂŒr die Entwicklung individualisierter Therapieregimes von Patienten mit einem high-risk-PCa eine aktuelle Herausforderung dar. MicroRNAs rĂŒckten in den letzten Jahren als potentielle Biomarker zunehmend in den wissenschaftlichen Fokus. Sie stellen kleine RNA-MolekĂŒle dar, welche posttranskriptionell die Genexpression in Organismen steuern und auch in der Regulation von Tumorsuppressoren und Onkogenen eine Rolle spielen. Differentielle Expressionslevels verschiedener RNAs wurden in sehr vielen TumorentitĂ€ten, wie auch dem PCa beobachtet. Vorarbeiten aus unserem Labor zeigten, dass zwei microRNAs, miR-205 und miR-221, im PCa sehr stark unterexprimiert werden. Im Falle von mir-221 konnte zudem bereits eine Korrelation mit dem klinischen Verlauf und der Prognose des high-risk-PCa dargestellt werden. Aufbauend auf diesen Vorarbeiten sollte in einem Teilprojekt der vorliegenden Arbeit die tumorsuppressive Funktion von miR-221 im PCa untersucht werden. Mittels transienter Überexpression von miR-221 in PCa-Zelllinien konnte die Bedeutung von miR-221 als Regulator der Proliferation in PCa-Zellen beschrieben werden. Um die molekulare Wirkweise von miR-221 weiter darzustellen, wurde die posttranskriptionelle Inhibierung von p27kip1 und c-kit, zwei bekannten miR-221-Zielgenen, untersucht. In sogenannten Luciferase-Assays konnte eine direkte Interaktion von miR-221 mit definierten Sequenzen im 3‘-untranslatierten Bereich (=3‘UTR) beider Gene nachgewiesen werden. ErwartungsgemĂ€ĂŸ wurde aber in primĂ€ren PCa-Tumoren, die anders wie viele andere TumorentitĂ€ten eine reduzierte miR-221-Expression aufwiesen, keine Überexpression des potentiellen Tumorsuppressors p27kip1 beobachtet. Somit ist nachgewiesen, dass miR-221 zwar prinzipiell den Tumorsuppressor p27kip1 regulieren kann, dass allerdings dieser Mechanismus in primĂ€ren PCa fĂŒr die Regulation des Tumorsuppressors p27kip1 keine ĂŒbergeordnete Rolle spielt. Anders verhĂ€lt es sich bei dem potentiellen Onkogen c-kit. Die von mir druchgefĂŒhrten Untersuchungen können erstmals eine direkte Interaktion von c-kit und miR-221 in PCa-Zellen nachweisen. Somit kann die beschriebene Proliferations-inhibierung und Apoptoseinduktion nach ektopischer miR-221-Überexpression im Zellmodell mit einer miR-221-vermittelten c-kit-Inhibierung in Zusammenhang gebracht werden. Dieses Ergebnis wird durch den Nachweise einer inversen Assoziation der mir-221- und ckit-Expression in primĂ€ren PCa-FĂ€llen untermauert (nicht gezeigte Ergebnisse). Betrachtet man diese Ergebnisse in Zusammenhang mit der bekannten tumor-progressiven Funktionen von c-kit, könnte durch die fehlende/reduzierte miR-221-Inhibierung der c-kit-Translation die Entstehung und Progression vieler PCas erklĂ€rt werden. In einem zweiten Projektansatz wurde die Bedeutung und Funktion von miR-205 als möglicher Tumorsuppressor im PCa untersucht. Dabei kann gezeigt werden, dass mir-205 ebenfalls in der Lage ist, nach transienter Überexpression die Proliferation von PCa-Zellen zu inhibieren. Um molekulare Mechanismen und Wirkweisen von mir-205 zu untersuchen, wurden im Zellmodell die Expression der Onkogene HER2/neu und HER3, beides vorausgesagte miR-205-Zielgene, analysiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass in PCa-Zellen die Unterexpression von HER3 und HER/neu mit der ektopischen Überexpression von miR-205 assoziiert ist. Die HER2/neu-Expression konnte zusĂ€tzlich auch im primĂ€ren Tumor mit der miR-205-Expression invers assoziiert werden, wodurch die Regulation dieses Zielgens auf nativer Ebene verifiziert wurde. Ein weiterer Fokus dieser Arbeit konzentrierte sich auf die Fragestellung, ob sich miR-205 als Prognosemarker im high-risk-PCa eignen könnte. Hierzu wurden in einem etablierten high-risk-PCa-Studienkollektiv die Expression von mir-205 analysiert und anschließend Korrelations- und Überlebensanalysen durchgefĂŒhrt. Es konnte statistisch keine Assoziation zwischen der miR-205-Expression und verschiedenen Prognoseparametern, die in der Klinik prĂ€operativ prognostische Vorraussagekraft besitzen, hergestellt werden. Allerdings fiel auf, dass Karzinome, die miR-205 relativ schwach herabregulierten, ein signifikant schlechteres prognostisches Outcome und Überlebensnachteile zeigten, im Vergleich zu Tumoren, die eine starke miR-205-Regulation aufweisen. Somit konnten im Hochrisikokollektiv mit Hilfe der miR-205-Expressionsanalyse Karzinome identifiziert werden, die ein erhöhtes Rezidivrisiko aufweisen. Die hier vorgelegten Untersuchungen stellen also erste Hinweise dar, dass miR-205 als unabhĂ€ngiger prognostischer Marker im PCa Verwendung finden könnte. Zusammenfassend kann in der vorgelegten Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass die microRNAs miR-205 und miR-221 zwei tumorsuppressive RNAs im PCa darstellen. Eine mögliche zukĂŒnftige Implementation der Expressionsanalysen von miR-221 und/oder miR-205 als Progressionsmarker stellt eine vielversprechende Möglichkeit dar, in Zukunft die Prognose und vielleicht auch die Therapie des PCa zu verbessern.Analysis of expression and functional studys of miR-205 and miR-221 in high-risk prostate cancer with special attention to miR-205 as a prognostic marker in the high-risk patien

    Angiogenesis as therapeutic target in metastatic prostate cancer – narrowing the gap between bench and bedside

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    Angiogenesis in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) has been extensively investigated as a promising druggable biological process. Nonetheless, targeting angiogenesis has failed to impact overall survival (OS) in patients with mCRPC despite promising preclinical and early clinical data. This discrepancy prompted a literature review highlighting the tumor heterogeneity and biological context of Prostate Cancer (PCa). Narrowing the gap between the bench and bedside appears critical for developing novel therapeutic strategies. Searching clinicaltrials.gov for studies examining angiogenesis inhibition in patients with PCa resulted in n=20 trials with specific angiogenesis inhibitors currently recruiting (as of September 2021). Moreover, several other compounds with known anti-angiogenic properties – such as Metformin or Curcumin – are currently investigated. In general, angiogenesis-targeting strategies in PCa include biomarker-guided treatment stratification – as well as combinatorial approaches. Beyond established angiogenesis inhibitors, PCa therapies aiming at PSMA (Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen) hold the promise to have a substantial anti-angiogenic effect – due to PSMA®s abundant expression in tumor vasculature

    Troubleshooting of failed continence mechanisms in the ileocecal pouch: Operative technique and long-term results of the intussuscepted ileal nipple valve

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    Objectives To provide a detailed step-by-step operative technique, and to report on long-term functional and metabolic outcomes in secondary continence mechanisms in the form of secondary intussuscepted ileal nipple valves in revisional surgery of ileocecal pouches. Methods From May 1997 to May 2015, 18 female and 10 male patients suffering from dysfunctional primary continence mechanisms of their ileocecal pouch underwent revisonal surgery to create a secondary ileal nipple valve at our tertiary referral center. The average follow-up period was 65.4 months. Results After surgery, 24 patients were continent by day and night, and four patients showed minor incontinence with the use of a safety pad. The average frequency of clean intermittent catheterization decreased both during the day and at night. The diameter of the catheters used for clean intermittent catheterization increased significantly. No patient showed stomal stenosis, change of stool habits or metabolic situation in the follow-up period. Furthermore, the creation of the secondary ileal nipple valves did not affect the capacity of the reservoir. In the long-term follow up, two patients required the construction of a third continence mechanism, making for an overall success rate of 92% in the study group. Conclusion To our knowledge, this is the first study of long-term results after the creation of secondary ileal nipple valves. We provide evidence that the creation of a secondary ileal nipple valve is a safe and reliable procedure for continence restoration in ileocecal pouches with excellent functional and metabolic long-term outcomes

    Metabolic tumour volume from PSMA PET/CT scans of prostate cancer patients during chemotherapy - do different software solutions deliver comparable results?

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    Background: Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-derived tumour volume (PSMA-TV) and total lesion PSMA (TL-PSMA) from PSMA PET/CT scans are promising biomarkers for assessing treatment response in prostate cancer (PCa). Currently, it is unclear whether different software tools for assessing PSMA-TV and TL-PSMA produce comparable results. (2) Methods: 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT scans from n = 21 patients with castration-resistant PCa (CRPC) receiving chemotherapy were identified from our single-centre database. PSMA-TV and TL-PSMA were calculated with Syngo.via (Siemens) as well as the freely available Beth Israel plugin for FIJI (Fiji Is Just ImageJ) before and after chemotherapy. While statistical comparability was illustrated and quantified via Bland-Altman diagrams, the clinical agreement was estimated by matching PSMA-TV, TL-PSMA and relative changes of both variables during chemotherapy with changes in serum PSA (ΔPSA) and PERCIST (Positron Emission Response Criteria in Solid Tumors). (3) Results: Comparing absolute PSMA-TV and TL-PSMA as well as Bland–Altman plotting revealed a good statistical comparability of both software algorithms. For clinical agreement, classifying therapy response did not differ between PSMA-TV and TL-PSMA for both software solutions and showed highly positive correlations with BR. (4) Conclusions: due to the high levels of statistical and clinical agreement in our CRPC patient cohort undergoing taxane chemotherapy, comparing PSMA-TV and TL-PSMA determined by Syngo.via and FIJI appears feasible

    Expression of the chemokine receptor CCR7 in the normal adrenal gland and adrenal tumors and its correlation with clinical outcome in adrenocortical carcinoma

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    Background: The chemokine receptor CCR7 is crucial for an intact immune function, but its expression is also associated with clinical outcome in several malignancies. No data exist on the expression of CCR7 in adrenocortical tumors. Methods: CCR7 expression was investigated by qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry in 4 normal adrenal glands, 59 adrenocortical adenomas, and 181 adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) samples. Results: CCR7 is highly expressed in the outer adrenocortical zones and medulla. Aldosterone-producing adenomas showed lower CCR7 protein levels (H-score 1.3 ± 1.0) compared to non-functioning (2.4 ± 0.5) and cortisol-producing adenomas (2.3 ± 0.6), whereas protein expression was variable in ACC (1.8 ± 0.8). In ACC, CCR7 protein expression was significantly higher in lymph node metastases (2.5 ± 0.5) compared to primary tumors (1.8±0.8) or distant metastases (2.0 ± 0.4; p < 0.01). mRNA levels of CCR7 were not significantly different between ACCs, normal adrenals, and adrenocortical adenomas. In contrast to other tumor entities, neither CCR7 protein nor mRNA expression significantly impacted patients' survival. Conclusion: We show that CCR7 is expressed on mRNA and protein level across normal adrenals, benign adrenocortical tumors, as well as ACCs. Given that CCR7 did not influence survival in ACC, it is probably not involved in tumor progression, but it could play a role in adrenocortical homeostasis