18 research outputs found

    The obnoxious facilities planar p-median problem

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    In this paper we propose the planar obnoxious p-median problem. In the p-median problem the objective is to find p locations for facilities that minimize the weighted sum of distances between demand points and their closest facility. In the obnoxious version we add constraints that each facility must be located at least a certain distance from a partial set of demand points because they generate nuisance affecting these demand points. The resulting problem is extremely non-convex and traditional non-linear solvers such as SNOPT are not efficient. An efficient solution method based on Voronoi diagrams is proposed and tested. We also constructed the efficient frontiers of the test problems to assist the planers in making location decisions

    Directional approach to gradual cover: the continuous case

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    The objective of the cover location models is covering demand by facilities within a given distance. The gradual (or partial) cover replaces abrupt drop from full cover to no cover by defining gradual decline in cover. In this paper we use a recently proposed rule for calculating the joint cover of a demand point by several facilities termed "directional gradual cover". Contrary to all gradual cover models, the joint cover depends on the facilities' directions. In order to calculate the joint cover, existing models apply the partial cover by each facility disregarding their direction. We develop a genetic algorithm to solve the facilities location problem and also solve the problem for facilities that can be located anywhere in the plane. The proposed modifications were extensively tested on a case study of covering Orange County, California

    Dynamic Prediction of retail Website Visitors\u27 Intentions

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    This paper presents a model for identifying general intentions of consumers visiting a retail website. When visiting a transactional website, consumers have various intentions such as browsing (i.e., no purchase intention), purchasing a product in the near future, or purchasing a particular product during their current visit. By predicting these intentions early in the visit, online merchants could personalize their offer to better fulfill the needs of consumers. We propose a simple model which enables classifying visitors according to their intentions after only four traversals (clicks). The model is based solely on navigation patterns which can be automatically extracted from clickstream. The results are presented and extensions of the model are proposed

    The planar multiple obnoxious facilities location problem: A Voronoi based heuristic

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    Consider the situation where a given number of facilities are to be located in a convex polygon with the objective of maximizing the minimum distance between facilities and a given set of communities with the important additional condition that the facilities have to be farther than a certain distance from one another. This continuous multiple obnoxious facility location problem, which has two variants, is very complex to solve using commercial nonlinear optimizers. We propose a mathematical formulation and a heuristic approach based on Voronoi diagrams and an optimally solved binary linear program. As there are no nonlinear optimization solvers that guarantee optimality, we compare our results with a popular multi-start approach using interior point, genetic algorithm (GA), and sparse non-linear optimizer (SNOPT) solvers in Matlab. These are state of the art solvers for dealing with constrained non linear problems. Each instance is solved using 100 randomly generated starting solutions and the overall best is then selected. It was found that the proposed heuristic results are much better and were obtained in a fraction of the computer time required by the other methods.The multiple obnoxious location problem is a perfect example where all-purpose non-linear non-convex solvers perform poorly and hence the best way forward is to design and analyze heuristics that have the power and the exibility to deal with such a high level of complexity

    Angular Support

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    The Angular Support Proble

    Different Formulations of the Gray Pattern Problems and Their Solutions

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