244 research outputs found

    Introduction to Science Gateways and Science Gateway Frameworks

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    Munkafolyam-alkalmazások szerkesztésének támogatása csoportmunka-módszerekkel

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    A munkafolyam leírások üzleti-ipari alkalmazások valamint tudományos számítások modellezésére és számítógéppel segített automatizálására létrehozott megoldások. A cikk ismerteti az irányított gráfokként felfogható munkafolyam alkalmazások több személy általi szerkesztésének lehetőségét, olyan módszereket, melyekkel folyamatfejlesztői csoportok képesek gyorsan és kis erőfeszítéssel új szimulációkat létrehozni és végrehajtani. Az ismertetésre kerülő megoldás zárolással biztosítja a hozzáférést több ember számára ugyanazon munkafolyam leírás különböző részeihez, úgy, hogy eközben a gráf tartalmi és formai helyességét is garantált. A helyesség megőrzése kritikus fontosságú ahhoz, hogy a gráf alapján a folyamat valóban végrehajtható legyen. A munka ezen felül röviden ismerteti a módszer P-GRADE Portál munkafolyam környezetben való használatát is

    On the equivalence of specific control flow and data flow patterns with use cases

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    Efficient partitioning of graphs in collaborative workflow editor systems

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    Collaborative editing systems allow a group of users to view and edit a shared item from geographically dispersed sites. Consistency maintenance in the face of concurrent accesses to shared entities is one of the core issues in the design of these systems. Workflow modelling is a popular technique to describe business processes, scientific experiments, distributed applications. A workflow is directed graph which specifies tasks and data/control dependencies. The paper introduces protocols by which workflow developer environments can enable the concurrent editing of graphs by multiple users. The proposed graph partitioning and pessimistic locking algorithms assure that collaborators cannot break the consistency criteria of workflows by introducing cycles or invalid edges to them. We prove that the solution results correct graphs even when collaborative parties know separate parts of the workflow and do not share their own sub-graphs with each other in real time. A method to compare the efficiency of different graph partitioning algorithms is also provided

    Data Avenue: Remote Storage Resource Management in WS-PGRADE/gUSE

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    New Aspect of Investigating Fault Sensitivity of Scientific Workflows

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    Scientific workflows are data- and compute-intensive; thus, they may run for days or even weeks on parallel and distributed infrastructures such as grids, supercomputers, and clouds. In these high-performance computing infrastructures, the number of failures that can arise during scientific-workflow enactment can be high, so the use of fault-tolerance techniques is unavoidable. The most-frequently used fault-tolerance technique is taking checkpoints from time to time; when failure is detected, the last consistent state is restored. One of the most-critical factors that has great impact on the effectiveness of the checkpointing method is the checkpointing interval. In this work, we propose a Static (Wsb) and an Adaptive (AWsb) Workflow Structure Based checkpointing algorithm. Our results showed that, compared to the optimal checkpointing strategy, the static algorithm may decrease the checkpointing overhead by as much as 33% without affecting the total processing time of workflow execution. The adaptive algorithm may further decrease this overhead while keeping the overall processing time at its necessary minimum

    Minimal sufficient information about the scientific workflows to create reproducible experiment

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