1,916 research outputs found

    The Duties and Responsibilities of a Medical Teacher

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    Teachers play vital roles in the lives of the students. Teachers are best known for the role of educating the students. A teacher must be a leader if he/she wants to function effectively in the class room. Teachers set the tone of their class rooms, build a warm environment, mentor and nurture students, and become role models. A teacher is the force that drives the educational system. A teacher is a person who will have to fill many roles. They are people with educational leadership skills and they must continue to grow & develop as professionals. Anyone seeking to be a teacher should take advantage of any chance they get to grow as a person and as a teacher. The most important function of a teacher in the current educational context is managerial function consisting of planning, implementing the plan and controlling the educational process. Planning in education involves formulating educational objectives (departmental and institutional) and planning teaching-learning activities. One of the most important factors in the development and implementation of a teaching – learning program is the leadership style of the teacher. The controlling process in education is called evaluation. Evaluation, not only monitors the progress and achievements of the students, but also provides important information towards modification and improvement of the teaching-learning process. This article pertaining to the discipline of Medical Education discusses some important roles, responsibilities and functions of medical teachers.  J-GMC-N | Volume 11 | Issue 01 | January-June 2018, Page: 52-5

    Nipah Virus (NiV) Infection: An Emerging Zoonosis of Public Health Concern

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    Not available

    Fungal Infections (Mycoses): Dermatophytoses (Tinea, Ringworm)

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    Not available. Journal of Gandaki Medical College   Vol. 10, No. 1, 201

    Dengue (Break bone fever): An Emerging Disease in Nepal

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    No abstract available. J-GMC-N | Volume 11 | Issue 01 | January-June 201

    Evidence Based Medicine: A Paradigm for Clinical Practice

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    Evidence based medicine (EBM) is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. In the practice of EBM it is the physician’s duty to find the best and most current information and apply it judiciously for the benefit of the patient. The practice of EBM involves formulating a clear clinical question from a patient’s problem, searching the literature to acquire the evidence, then critically appraising the evidence for its validity and usefulness, and applying the results by implementing useful findings into clinical practice, and finally evaluating this application of evidence on patient. An important rule in EBM is that it starts with the patient and ends with the patient. Evidence based medicine requires new skills of the physician, including efficient literature searching and the application of formal rules of evidence evaluation from the clinical literature. Incorporation of EBM into one’s practice will not only make one a better clinician, it also allows one to provide the best possible quality of medical care to his or her patients. Thus EBM can be incorporated as an integral part of the medical curriculum

    Teaching How to Teach: Microteaching (A Way to Build up Teaching Skills)

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    Microteaching is one of the most recent innovations in teacher training program which is used as a professional developmental tool in pre-service or in-service teacher training programs. Microteaching helps teachers to better understand the processes of teaching and learning and provides the opportunity to learn teaching skills, to study their own teaching, and to study the teaching of others. Microteaching is an organized, scaled-down teacher training program where a trainee teacher plans a short lesson, teaches it to a reduced group of students (Three to ten) in a 5 to 20 minute lesson, and then reflects on their teaching afterwards. The lesson is video recorded for either individual or peer review. The trainee teacher’s micro-lesson is reviewed, discussed, analyzed, and evaluated to give a feedback. Based on this feedback, the trainee teacher re-teaches the micro-lesson, incorporating those points raised during the discussion and analysis. The main objective of this article is to address and emphasize that microteaching has the potential to improve the teachers’ pedagogic skills, competencies, self-confidence, beliefs, and attitudes with minimum available facilities and to provide students with valuable teaching experiences and make them aware of the benefits and relationships between theory and practice

    Non operative treatment of chronic ankle sprain: a study conducted in teaching general hospital, Telangana, India

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    Background: Chronic ankle sprain due to “sprained ankle syndrome” may be particularly troublesome. Some causes of chronic ankle instability may be symptomatic insufficiency of pathologic laxity, arthro-kinematic changes, degenerative changes, decrease of proprioception and inadequate neuromuscular control. This study was conducted to review our experience with footwear correction of chronic ankle sprains of grade 2 and 3.  Methods: Ankles of 280 patients, who had chronic ankle sprains grade 2, grade 3 were considered in this study, to assess results of non-operate treatment. Diagnosis was made with history of pain, swelling on walking, clinical findings of swelling, tenderness on antero-lateral aspect of lateral malleolus. All patients were given 3 days of anti-inflammatories, analgesics and footwear modifications. Later patients were advised exercise program.Results: Out of 280 patients, who were regularly followed, 92% people had relief, 3.4% of patients continued footwear as they had associated symptoms, 3.9% of patient continued to have pain maybe obscure or not following doctor orders.Conclusion: The study concludes that lateral elevated foot wear made of micro cellular rubber of 0.75 cm is the choice of treatment for grade 2 and 3 ankle sprains. This foot wear helps in biomechanical correction from varus and also decreases symptoms and signs. Cosmetically acceptable.

    Determination Of Vitamin C Stability In Different Packaging Materials At Refrigerated Conditions By Hplc Analysis

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    The stability of Vitamin C depends on storage temperature, time, and packaging material. Vitamin C is known to prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein primarily by scavenging the free radicals and other reactive oxygen species in the aqueous milieu, ascorbic acid combats cancer by promoting collagen synthesis and thus prevents tumors from invading other tissues. Aim: The present study aims at investigating the Vitamin C content of two citrus fruits under refrigerated conditions after a specific time interval, in different packaging materials. Material: In the present study, two citrus fruits – Amla & Lemon were used to study the stability of Vitamin C in different packaging materials viz., perforated zip lock cover, brown paper cover & plastic container under refrigerated conditions (5-6°C) at 0th day, 15th day, 30th day and 45th day. Vitamin C was estimated by the HPLC method and compared with the standard Ascorbic Acid. Results: The stability of Vitamin C in both Amla and Lemon stored in a perforated Zip lock cover was better than the other 2 packaging materials viz., Brown paper cover and Plastic container during the period of 0th to 45th day. The vitamin C content of Amla at 0th day - 200mg and 45th - day 163mg, and Lemon at 0th day - 43mg and 45th day - 26mg packed in perforated zip lock cover. Conclusion: From the present study it can be concluded that a perforated Zip lock cover is the most suitable packaging material for the retention of vitamin C under refrigerated conditio

    Effect of elevated in-service temperature on the mechanical properties and microstructure of particulate-filled epoxy polymers

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    In civil engineering applications, epoxy-based polymers are subject to different environmental conditions including in-service temperature, which might accelerate their degradation and limit their application ranges. Recently, different particulate fillers were introduced to enhance the mechanical properties and reduce the cost of epoxy-based polymers. This paper addresses the effect of in-service elevated temperature (from room temperature to 80o C) in particulate-filled epoxy based resin containing up to 60% by volume of fire retardant and fly ash fillers through a deep understanding of the microstructure and analysis of their mechanistic response. An improvement in the retention of mechanical properties at in-service elevated temperature was achieved by increasing the percentages of fillers. The retention of compressive and split tensile strength at 80o C for the mix containing 60% fillers was 72% and 52%, respectively, which was significantly higher than the neat epoxy. Thermo-dynamic analysis showed an increase in glass transition temperature with the inclusion of fillers, while these mixes also experienced less weight loss compared to neat epoxy, indicating better thermal stability. Scanning electron microscopy images showed the formation of dense microstructures for particulate-filled epoxy based resin at elevated temperatures. This indicates that the particulate filled epoxy resin exhibits better engineering properties at in-service elevated temperatures, increasing their durability and therefore their suitability for civil engineering applications. A simplified prediction equation based on power function was proposed and showed a strong correlation to the experimental compressive and splitting tensile strength at different levels of in-service elevated temperature

    Ocimum sanctum: a review on the pharmacological properties

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    Herbal medicine, the backbone of traditional medicine in many countries have played an important role in curing the diseases of humans since ancient time. Medicinal plants are great source of bioactive compounds and chemical structures that have potential beneficial effects. The present review compiles information on ethnopharmacologically useful information and pharmacological properties of Ocimum sanctum. Ocimum sanctum (OS) has many medicinal properties like antioxidant, antidiabetic, antiulcer, anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal and other. The phytochemicals compounds of Ocimum, alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolics, essential oils, tannins and saponins play an important role in herbal medicine. Bioactive compounds of Ocimum responsible for its various medicinal properties and their effects at the molecular level need to be investigated in more detail. Furthermore, pharmacological properties of bioactive compounds in Ocimum sanctum are required to confirm the ethnomedicinal claims of Ocimum sanctum for pharmaceutical therapeutic applications
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