4,997 research outputs found

    Lattice Quantum Monte Carlo Study of Chiral Magnetic Effect in Dirac Semimetals

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    In this paper Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) in Dirac semimetals is studied by means of lattice Monte Carlo simulation. We measure conductivity of Dirac semimetals as a function of external magnetic field in parallel σ∄\sigma_{\parallel} and perpendicular σ⊄\sigma_{\perp} to the external field directions. The simulations are carried out in three regimes: semimetal phase, onset of the insulator phase and deep in the insulator phase. In the semimetal phase σ∄\sigma_{\parallel} grows whereas σ⊄\sigma_{\perp} drops with magnetic field. Similar behaviour was observed in the onset of the insulator phase but conductivity is smaller and its dependence on magnetic field is weaker. Finally in the insulator phase conductivities σ∄,⊄\sigma_{\parallel, \perp} are close to zero and do not depend on magnetic field. In other words, we observe manifestation of the CME current in the semimetal phase, weaker manifestation of the CME in the onset of the insulator phase. We do not observe signatures of CME in the insulator phase. We believe that the suppression of the CME current in the insulator phase is connected to chiral symmetry breaking and generation of dynamical fermion mass which take place in this phase.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Spin polaron in the J1-J2 Heisenberg model

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    We have studied the validity of the spin polaron picture in the frustrated J1-J2 Heisenberg model. For this purpose, we have computed the hole spectral functions for the Neel, collinear, and disordered phases of this model, by means of the self-consistent Born approximation and Lanczos exact diagonalization on finite-size clusters. We have found that the spin polaron quasiparticle excitation is always well defined for the magnetically ordered Neel and collinear phases, even in the vicinity of the magnetic quantum critical points, where the local magnetization vanishes. As a general feature, the effect of frustration is to increase the amplitude of the multimagnon states that build up the spin polaron wave function, leading to the reduction of the quasiparticle coherence. Based on Lanczos results, we discuss the validity of the spin polaron picture in the disordered phase.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Gamma-radiation with E gamma 5 MeV detected from Seyfert galaxy 3C120 and region with 1" = 190 deg and b" = 20 deg

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    The observation of the Galaxy anticenter region in gamma-rays with E gamma = 5 / 100 MeV was made by gamma-telescope Natalya-1 in a balloon flight. The flight was performed at the ceiling 5.1 + or - 0.1 g/sq cm, magnetic cutoff being 17 GV. The description of the instrument and the analysis of the experiment conditions are given. The tracks of electron-positron pairs generated by gamma-quanta in the convertors were detected by wire spark chambers. The recorded events were classified manually by an operator using a graphic display into three classes: pairs, single and bad events. The arrival angle of gamma-quanta and their energy for selected gamma-ray events (pairs and singles) were determined through multiple scattering of pair components in the convertors. On the basis of the data obtained the celestial maps were made in gamma-rays for E sub gamma 5 MeV and E gamma 20 MeV energy ranges

    Phase diagram and Chiral Magnetic Effect in Dirac Semimetals from Lattice Simulation

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    Dirac Semimetals Na 3 Bi and Cd 3 As 2 are recently discovered materials, which low energy electronic spectrum is described by two flavours of massless 3+1D fermions. In order to study electronic properties of these materials we formulated lattice field theory with rooted staggered fermions on anisotropic lattice. It is shown that in the limit of zero temporal lattice spacing this theory reproduces effective theory of Dirac semimetals. Using the lattice field theory we study the phase diagram of Dirac semimetals in the plane effective coupling constant - Fermi velocity anisotropy. We also measure conductivity of Dirac Semimetals within lattice field theory in external magnetic field. Our results confirm the existence of Chiral Magnetic Effect in Dirac Semimetals. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018.Acknowdedgements. The work supported by the RSF grant under contract 16-12-10059. Numerical simulations were carried out on GPU cluster of NRC Kurchatov Institute and at MSU supercomputer "Lomonosov".Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientïżœficas;et al.;Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB);Universidad Autïżœnoma de Madrid (UAM);Universidad de Granada;Universidad Valenci

    Spectrum of elementary and collective excitations in the dimerized S=1/2 Heisenberg chain with frustration

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    We have studied the low-energy excitation spectrum of a dimerized and frustrated antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain. We use an analytic approach, based on a description of the excitations as triplets above a strong-coupling singlet ground state. The quasiparticle spectrum is calculated by treating the excitations as a dilute Bose gas with infinite on-site repulsion. Additional singlet (S=0) and triplet (S=1) modes are found as two-particle bound states of the elementary triplets. We have also calculated the contributions of the elementary and collective excitations into the spin structure factor. Our results are in excellent agreement with exact diagonalizations and dimer series expansions data as long as the dimerization parameter ÎŽ\delta is not too small (ÎŽ>0.1\delta>0.1), i.e. while the elementary triplets can be treated as localized objects.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Electron-Phonon Coupling in Highly-Screened Graphene

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    Photoemission studies of graphene have resulted in a long-standing controversy concerning the strength of the experimental electron-phonon interaction in comparison with theoretical calculations. Using high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy we study graphene grown on a copper substrate, where the metallic screening of the substrate substantially reduces the electron-electron interaction, simplifying the comparison of the electron-phonon interaction between theory and experiment. By taking the nonlinear bare bandstructure into account, we are able to show that the strength of the electron-phonon interaction does indeed agree with theoretical calculations. In addition, we observe a significant bandgap at the Dirac point of graphene.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. on July 20, 201

    Plaquette valence bond solid in the frustrated Heisenberg quantum antiferromagnet on the square lattice

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    Using both exact diagonalizations and diagonalizations in a subset of short-range valence bond singlets, we address the nature of the groundstate of the Heisenberg spin-1/2 antiferromagnet on the square lattice with competing next-nearest and next-next-nearest neighbor antiferromagnetic couplings (J1-J2-J3 model). A detailed comparison of the two approaches reveals a region along the line (J2+J3)/J1=1/2, where the description in terms of nearest-neighbor singlet coverings is excellent, therefore providing evidence for a magnetically disordered region. Furthermore a careful analysis of dimer-dimer correlation functions, dimer structure factors and plaquette-plaquette correlation functions provides striking evidence for the presence of a plaquette valence bond solid order in part of the magnetically disordered region.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figures To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Crystal Undulator As A Novel Compact Source Of Radiation

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    A crystalline undulator (CU) with periodically deformed crystallographic planes is capable of deflecting charged particles with the same strength as an equivalent magnetic field of 1000 T and could provide quite a short period L in the sub-millimeter range. We present an idea for creation of a CU and report its first realization. One face of a silicon crystal was given periodic micro-scratches (grooves), with a period of 1 mm, by means of a diamond blade. The X-ray tests of the crystal deformation have shown that a sinusoidal-like shape of crystalline planes goes through the bulk of the crystal. This opens up the possibility for experiments with high-energy particles channeled in CU, a novel compact source of radiation. The first experiment on photon emission in CU has been started at LNF with 800 MeV positrons aiming to produce 50 keV undulator photons.Comment: Presented at PAC 2003 (Portland, May 12-16
