207 research outputs found

    Microbiological contamination of lamb carcasses at abattoirs of Istanbul

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    A total of a hundred lamb carcasses were sampled over a 12 month period at abattoirs in Istanbul, Turkey. Each sample examined for total aerobic mesophilic counts (TMC), Enterobacteriaceae count (EC), Salmonella spp. Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes was obtained from 100 cm2 areas on four sides of lamb carcasses using the wet and dry cotton swab technique. The study revealed that total aerobic mesophilic counts in all carcasses ranged between 4.18 and 5.95 log/cm2; Enterobacteriaceae counts between 1.60 and 2.30 CFU/cm2. All samples were negative for Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes. Furthermore Salmonella spp. was detected on four carcasses. The data confirms bacteriological monitoring of lamb carcasses as a useful criteria for the verification of slaughter hygiene

    Rulet Elektromanyetik Alan Optimizasyon (R-EFO) Algoritması

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    Meta-sezgisel optimizasyon algoritmalarının yerel arama performansları üzerinde etkili olan iki temel öğe seçim yöntemleri ve arama operatörleridir. Bu makale çalışmasında olasılıksal bir seçim yöntemi olan rulet tekerleğinin güncel bir meta-sezgisel arama tekniği olan elektromanyetik alan optimizasyon (electromagnetic field optimization, EFO) algoritmasının yerel arama performansı üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmaktadır. Elektromanyetik optimizasyon algoritmasında çözüm adayları topluluğu uygunluk değerlerine bağlı olarak pozitif, nötr ve negatif alanlara ayrılmaktadır. Bu üç alandan seçilen çözüm adayları ise arama sürecine rehberlik etmektedirler. Bu süreçte çözüm adayları açgözlü ve rastgele seçim yöntemleri ile belirlenmektedir. Bu makale çalışmasında ise negatif alandan çözüm adaylarının seçimi için rulet tekniği kullanılmaktadır. Deneysel çalışmalarda literatürdeki en güncel sürekli değer problemleri olan CEC17 test seti kullanılmıştır. Deneysel çalışma sonuçları istatistiksel olarak ikili karşılaştırmalarda kullanılan wilcoxon runk sum test ile analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre rulet seçim yöntemi EFO algoritmasının arama performansını kayda değer şekilde artırmaktadır

    Microbiological quality of stuffed mussels consumed in Istanbul

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    Çalışmada, İstanbul’da satışa sunulan midye dolmaların mikrobiyolojik kalitesinin ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, İstanbul’da açıkta satışa sunulan 200 midye dolma numunesinin mikrobiyolojik kalitesi incelenmiştir. Örneklerde toplam mezofilik aerob bakteri (TMAB), toplam koliform bakteri, Escherichia coli, Staphyloccoccus aureus, Vibrio spp., Salmonella spp. ve Listeria monocytogenes araştırılmıştır. Midye dolmalarda TMAB sayısı en az 2 x 102 kob/g, en çok 2 x 109 kob/g, koliform bakteri sayısı en az < 101 kob/g, en çok 5 x 106 kob/g, E. coli en az < 101 kob/g, en çok 5,6 x 102 kob/g ve S. aureus sayısı en az < 101 kob/g, en çok 9,8 x 104 kob/g değerlerinde bulunmuştur. Ortalama olarak ise, midye dolmalarda TMAB, koliform bakteri, E. coli ve S. aureus sayıları sırasıyla 1,5 x 108 kob/g, 4,5 x 104 kob/g, 2 x 102 kob/g ve 6 x 103 kob/g olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada Vibrio spp. 4 adet örnekte tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan biyokimyasal testlerle, tamamı V. alginolyticus olarak identifiye edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Salmonella spp. ve L. monocytogenes tespit edilmemiştir. Fakat örneklerin hijyenik kalitesinin düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Bu nedenle, üretim teknolojisinin kalitesinin iyileştirilmesi ve sanitasyon koşullarının geliştirilmesi gereklidir.This study was aimed to determine the microbiological quality of stuffed mussels consumed in Istanbul. A total of 200 stuffed mussels were collected in Istanbul. The samples were investigated for total mesophilic aerobic bacteria (TMAB), total coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli, Staphyloccoccus aureus, Vibrio spp., Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. In the result, TMAB, total coliform bacteria, E. coli and S. aureus were ranged between 2 x 102 cfu/g - 2 x 109 cfu/g, < 101 - 5 x 106 cfu/g, < 101 - 5,6 x 102 cfu/g and < 101 - 9,8 x 104 cfu/g, respectively. The mean of TMAB, total coliform bacteria, E. coli and S. aureus were determined 1.5 x 108 cfu/g, 4.5 x 104 cfu/g, 2 x 102 cfu/g and 6 x 103 cfu/g, respectively. On the other hand, Vibrio spp. was detected in four stuffed mussel samples. All were identified as V. alginolyticus. The results indicated that Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes was not detected but, the hygienic quality of stuffed musses were low. Therefore, it is essential to ensure improving the quality of production technology and developing the sanitation strategies

    Ar-Ge projelerinin gerçek opsiyon değerleme bütünleşik bulanık çok ölçütlü modelle seçimi

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    Research and development; is a term of activity that a foundation develops new products, processes or services by the way of employing scientists and engineers in accordance with the foundation's workplace. In other words, R&D is a work that is made to reach new information or discover the existing know-how by gathering the data systematically, analyze and make comment on these data. The essential duty of R&D is to use the technological developing for carrying on and if possible augmenting the ability of the company's profitability. In the competition process, innovation, evolution, development, and having brand new technology are as important as production efficiency, price, and advertisement and marketing. Phases of R&D projects could be defined: Phase Zero: Finding and eliminating raw ideas, at this beginning phase new commercially hopeful ideas are produced. These ideas are selected and transformed to suitable, consistent development projects. Phase One: Conceptual Research, in that phase, constraints and contents of raw ideas are understood. How to produce the ideas in hand from laboratory conditions to practice are made in that phase. Phase Two: Feasibility, the subject of this phase is to solve known problems and produce the cost and performance data for engineers and salesperson to undertake the research. Phase Three: Development, at the development phase, required technical properties, specifications, and production processes are determined to be able to produce the product. Phase Four: Early Commercialize, in general early commercialize is very dangerous and risky transition phase for financial supporters. The dissatisfaction related with this phase is determinant and highly anticipated. If the problems and troubles could not be defined well, though the market says contrary, presentation of the product should be postponed. While the valuation methods of R&D projects are evolved from basic to hard, they conducted a long process. At that required process the valuation methods are: Classical Methods, Portfolio methods, Organizational decision making methods, and Multi-criteria evaluation methods. Real options are based on financial options. An option gives the holder the right to buy or sell the underlying asset by a certain date for a certain price but contains no obligation. A real option is a right to act an action (defer, expand, contract or abandon) in the predetermined cost called strike price and in the predetermined period called expiration time, beside does not contain an obligation. In this dissertation, Black-Scholes pricing method investigated under fuzziness will be utilized. In literature, fuzzy real option valuation models are developed to the lack of exact data situations. At first, a heuristic real option valuation process is developed for fuzzy state. At that process, present values of expected costs and expected cash flows are denoted with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. The most suitable time for the exercise date of the option is determined by the help of possibilistic mean value and variance. In another study, fuzzy zero-one integer programming and fuzzy real option valuation are used in the selection of R&D portfolio. In these studies, policies that can be support for decision are considered in the selection of best R&D project process in a corporate. The mostly used method AHP is capable of handling multiple objectives for R&D projects and decomposing the problem into multilevel structure or hierarchy. Its data requirement is minimal and both qualitative and quantitative data can be considered and compared simultaneously in the model. Real circumstances in daily life are very often uncertain and vague in several ways. When there is a lack of information, a system might not be known completely. So, fuzzy AHP is required in these circumstances. Fuzzy real option valuation model and fuzzy AHP methods are integrated in this work. Qulitative and quantitative sides of the method are met together. The integrated method mentioned above is applied in a corporation owns respectable place in electronic industry in Turkey. Six R&D projects of this company are evaluated by using the concerned methods and the first one in the order is selected. Selection made by that method is shared with the company, however because of the breaking crisis the option to delay has to be used. Keywords: R&D projects, Real options, fuzzy AHP, multi-criteria selection.Araştırma ve geliştirme; yeni bilgiler elde etmek ya da mevcut bilgileri ortaya &ccedil;ıkarmak amacıyla yapılan ve bilginin sistematik olarak toplanmasını, analizini ve yorumunu gerektiren bir &ccedil;alışmadır. Ar-Ge'nin başlıca g&ouml;revi teknolojik gelişmeleri kullanarak işletmenin devamlı yenilenmesini sağlama ve bu sayede k&acirc;rın s&uuml;rekliliğini sağlamak hatta artırmaktır. Yenilik&ccedil;i fikir, değişim ve gelişim, yepyeni teknolojiye sahip olmak rekabette &uuml;retim verimi, fiyat, reklam ve pazarlama kadar &ouml;nemlidir. Araştırma-geliştirme projeleri se&ccedil;imi, gelişmekte olan &uuml;lkelerdeki işletmelerde gerek kaynak, gerekse zaman kısıtları a&ccedil;ısından gelişmiş &uuml;lkelere g&ouml;re daha &ouml;nemlidir. Doğru ve şirket i&ccedil;inde sinerji yaratacak projelerin se&ccedil;imi kaynakların verimli şekilde kullanılmasını sağlayacaktır. Ar-Ge projelerinin doğası gereği kurumsal getirileri &ccedil;ok boyutludur ve kazan&ccedil;ları risklidir. Bu &ccedil;alışma, Ar-Ge proje se&ccedil;im s&uuml;recinin &ccedil;ok boyutlu tarafını incelemektedir. Ar-Ge proje se&ccedil;enekleri arasından se&ccedil;im, parasal (bulanık ger&ccedil;ek opsiyon değeri) ve parasal olmayan (kapasite, başarı olasılığı, eğilimler vb.) &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;tleri birlikte dikkate alan Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi (AHP) yardımıyla yapılacaktır. Ger&ccedil;ek opsiyon yaklaşımı se&ccedil;im s&uuml;recinin riskli tarafını hesaplamaya yardımcı olur. Ger&ccedil;ek opsiyon, akit fiyatı olarak adlandırılan &ouml;nceden belirlenmiş maliyette, opsiyonun s&uuml;resi olarak adlandırılan &ouml;nceden belirlenmiş bir zaman diliminde, bir eylem (erteleme, genişletme, k&uuml;&ccedil;&uuml;ltme ya da bırakma) i&ccedil;in harekete ge&ccedil;me hakkıdır; zorunluluk i&ccedil;ermez. Değerleme s&uuml;recindeki bir diğer ele alınması gereken konu ise belirsizliktir. Literat&uuml;rde, yeterli bilginin olmadığı durumlara y&ouml;nelik bulanık ger&ccedil;ek opsiyon değerleme modelleri geliştirilmiştir. &Ouml;nerilen yaklaşımı daha iyi g&ouml;sterebilmek amacıyla yapılan ger&ccedil;ek bir &ccedil;alışma da uygulama b&ouml;l&uuml;m&uuml;nde anlatılmaktadır.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Ar-Ge projeleri, ger&ccedil;ek opsiyonlar, bulanık AHP, &ccedil;ok &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;tl&uuml; se&ccedil;im.&nbsp

    Multi criteria operating system selection using fuzzy replacement analysis and AHP

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    Bu &ccedil;alışma Karar Alıcılar (KA) i&ccedil;in İşlem Sistemi (İS) se&ccedil;im sistemi kurmayı hedeflemektedir. Karar Alıcılar teknoloji se&ccedil;iminde hem ekonomik hem de ekonomik olmayan unsurları g&ouml;z &ouml;n&uuml;ne almak zorunda olduklarından, geliştirilen sistemde her iki unsura da yer verilmiştir. Karar alma s&uuml;recinin ekonomik yanı, Bulanık Yenileme Analizi kullanılarak geliştirilmiştir. Ekonomik olamayan unsurlar ve finansal veriler ise Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi S&uuml;reci (AHS) yaklaşımı kullanılarak biraraya getirilmiştir. &Ccedil;alışma i&ccedil;erisinde aynı zamanda sayısal bir &ouml;rneğe de yer verilmiştir. AHS yaklaşımının finansal y&ouml;n&uuml; geliştirilen Bulanık Yenileme Analizi altyapısı tarafından desteklenmiştir. Bulanık AHS y&ouml;nteminin M&uuml;hendislik Ekonomisi&rsquo;nin ana konularından olan Yenileme Analizleri&rsquo;nde kullanılması araştırmacılara yatırım alternatiflerinin değerlendirilmesinde etkin yollar sağlamaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Bulanık k&uuml;meler, yenileme analizleri, analitik hiyerarşi s&uuml;reci, teknoloji se&ccedil;imi.This study aims at creating an Operating System (OS) selection framework for decision makers (DMs). Since DMs have to consider both economic and non-economic aspect of technology selection, both factors have been considered in the developed framework. The economic part of the decision process has been developed by Fuzzy Replacement Analysis. Non-economic factors ve financial figures have been combined using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) approach. A real numerical application has also been demonstrated. This study developed a fuzzy AHP framework to select best OS alternative. While fuzzy AHP requires cumbersome computations, it is a more systematic method than the others are, and it is more capable of capturing a human?s appraisal of ambiguity when complex multi-attribute decision-making problems are considered. This is true because pairwise comparisons provide a flexible and realistic way to accommodate real-life data. The financial side of the framework is based on fuzzy replacement analysis. The results of fuzzy replacement analysis are included into fuzzy AHP analysis. Using Fuzzy AHP concept in Replacement Analysis investment decisions in fuzzy environment results a very effective way to evaluate alternatives. Using the very same developed framework, a subjective comparison, such as the comparison of diverse operating systems, has been conducted and demonstrated to readers.Keywords: Fuzzy sets, replacement analysis, AHP, technology selection

    Single-crystal sum-frequency generating optical parametric oscillator

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    A sum-frequency generating optical parametric oscillator (OPO), where a single crystal is employed for both parametric oscillation and sum frequency generation, is presented. The OPO is based on a KTiOPO4 crystal that is pumped by a Ti:sapphire laser operating at a wavelength of 828 nm. The two-step conversion is efficient, since both nonlinear conversion processes are phase matched in the same crystal

    Phase-matched self-doubling optical parametric oscillator

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    A new self-doubling optical parametric oscillator (OPO) uses a single nonlinear crystal for both parametric generation and frequency doubling. It is based on a KTiOPO4 (KTP) crystal pumped by a Ti:Sapphire laser operating at a wavelength of 739 nm. The crystal is cut such that the signal wavelength of the OPO is at 1064 nm, corresponding to an idler wavelength of 2420 nm. The OPO cavity resonates only the signal wavelength. The signal beam is also phase-matched for second harmonic generation (SHG) at the same crystal orientation. With proper polarization rotation, an output beam at a wavelength of 532 nm can be obtained

    Advances in femtosecond single-crystal sum-frequency generating optical parametric oscillators

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    The effect of compensating the group velocity mismatch between the orthogonal pump components on the conversion efficiency of the optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) was investigated. A femtosecond single-crystal sum-frequency generating optical parametric oscillators (OPO) based on a Ti:sapphire laser pumped KTiOPO4 crystal was used. presented. The crystal was phase matched for a specific signal wavelength corresponding to the operational wavelength of the laser. The crystal was also phase-matched for the sum-frequency generations (SFG) of the pump and the signal beams yielded a blue output beam. The conversion efficiency of the OPOs increased by compensating the group velocity mismatch

    Effects of High-Oxygen Modified Atmosphere Packaging on the Microbiological Quality and Shelf Life of Tekirdag Kofte: A Turkish Type Meatball

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    Effects of different concentrations of O-2/CO2/N-2 in modified atmosphere packaging on the microbiological quality and shelf-life of Tekirdag kofte (a Turkish type meatball) was investigated. For this purpose, meatballs were separately packaged under aerobic and various gas mixture conditions of 80:20:0, 60:20:20, 70:30:0 and 60:40:0/O-2:CO2:N-2. Packages were stored at refrigerator temperature (4 +/- 1 degrees C) for 12 days and examined microbiologically comparing with pH and oxidative changes during storage. As a result, the quality and shelf-life of meatballs under various gas compositions were improved; microbial growth was delayed due to increasing level of CO2 usage and shelf-life was increased by up to 8 days