5,866 research outputs found


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    Woman, a pillar of strength is always like a lantern in night. Being a creator of life, female plays a wide range of roles in her entire lifespan. Woman’s health is an important aspect in progress & maintenance of wealth for her own family, society and ultimately nation. Woman is as delicate as flower. During different stages of life, she may suffer from various diseases and conditions that affect her physical and emotional well - being which in turn alter her quality of life. Stress incontinence is one of the gynaecological conditions mostly in reproductive as well as postmenopausal age group. It adversely affects physiological as well as psychological health of female & even interfers with the professional life. Most of women feel inconvenience specially in their day to day activities either due to frequent vulval pads they need to use or frequent changing of undergarments. So, it is major problem in front of women and ultimately gynaecologists Stress urinary incontinence is an involuntary escape of urine from the external urinary meatus due to sudden rise in Intra Abdominal Pressure. Women can’t have any natural control on it. Due to it, escape of urine while sneezing, coughing or laughing occurs. It is common condition affecting 25-40% of women. Conservative & surgical methods are available for its management. But due to some drawbacks we need to explore and use Ayurvedic treatments given in Samhitas. Ayurvedic texts has described Uttarbasti in detail. When it is given per urethra as indicated in texts, may help in curing certain diseases related to Apana Kshetra. Stress incontinence can be correlated with Alpalpa Mutrapravrutti in Mutravaha Srotodushti. So, attempt is made to cure stress incontinence with the help of Mutramargagata Uttarbasti

    Experimental investigation of the response of a harmonically excited hard Duffing oscillator

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    A single degree-of-freedom torsional vibratory system, which constitutes a third-order dissipative dynamical system, has been fabricated as a mechanical analogue of hard Duffing equation with strong nonlinearity. The forced response of the system reveals complicated and chaotic motion at low frequency regime. Besides usual jump phenomenon, unpredictable jump phenomenon with two and three coexisting periodic attractors is also observed

    Carbon Nanotubes Based Porous Framework for Filtration Applications Using Industrial Grinding Waste

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    Forging, milling, turning, grinding and shaping etc. are the various industrial manufacturing processes which generate the metal waste. Grinding is extensively used in the finishing operation. The waste generated contains significant impurities apart from the metal particles. Due to these significant impurities, it becomes difficult to process and gets usually dumped in the landfills which create environmental problems. Therefore, it becomes essential to reuse metal waste to create value added products. Powder injection molding process is used for producing the porous metal matrix framework. This paper discusses the presented design of the porous framework to be used for the liquid filter application. Different parameters are optimized to obtain the better strength framework with variable porosity. Carbon nanotubes are used as reinforcing materials to enhance the strength of the metal matrix framework

    A Survey on Graph Database Management Techniques for Huge Unstructured Data

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    Data analysis, data management, and big data play a major role in both social and business perspective, in the last decade. Nowadays, the graph database is the hottest and trending research topic. A graph database is preferred to deal with the dynamic and complex relationships in connected data and offer better results. Every data element is represented as a node. For example, in social media site, a person is represented as a node, and its properties name, age, likes, and dislikes, etc and the nodes are connected with the relationships via edges. Use of graph database is expected to be beneficial in business, and social networking sites that generate huge unstructured data as that Big Data requires proper and efficient computational techniques to handle with. This paper reviews the existing graph data computational techniques and the research work, to offer the future research line up in graph database management


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    The Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project (SKDRDP) has been a cornerstone of rural development efforts in India aimed at improving the socio-economic conditions of rural communities. This study explores the effectiveness of the SKDRDP in providing rural employment opportunities and the impact it has had on the livelihoods of the beneficiaries. The study indicates that the SKDRDP has played a pivotal role in providing rural employment opportunities to the local population. Through various initiatives, including skill development programs, micro-enterprise support, and infrastructure development projects, the project has significantly increased rural employment. Beneficiaries reported improved income levels and quality of result of their involvement in SKDRDP activities. The SKDRDP has proven to be effective in providing rural employment opportunities and enhancing the livelihoods of the rural population. It acts as a model for comprehensive rural development, emphasizing skill-building, self-reliance, and community empowerment. The study's conclusions underscore the importance of continued support for such initiatives to further rural development and reduce poverty in India

    Socio-Economic-Political-Cultural Aspects in Malaria Control Programme Implementation in Southern India

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    Objective. A Socio-economic-political-cultural (SEPC) study was undertaken under the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) initiative to understand the process of programme implementation and how far in the changing malaria context, the broader environment has been understood and programme components have undergone changes. Material and Methods. Two studies were carried out; first in four villages under the primary health unit (PHU) Banavaralu in Tiptur Taluka in September 2002 and the second one in April 2003 in four villages in Chitradurga district, namely, Kappagere, Kellodu in Hosadurga Taluka, and Vani Vilas Puram and Kathrikenhally in Hiriyur Taluka. Focus group discussion and key interviews were adopted to collect the qualitative data. Results. Gender discrimination and lack of empowerment of women came out strongly in social analysis. In the rural elected bodies called Panchayats, the concept of health committees was not known. Health committees as one of the important statutory committees under every Panchayat were nonexistent in reality in these villages. Financial difficulties at Grama Panchayat level and also meager budget allocation for health have led to indifferent attitude of Panchayat members towards health. It was observed that there were generally no specific cultural practices in relation to malaria cure. Cultural and traditional practices in malaria-related issues were not predominant in the community except for some sporadic instances. Conclusion and Recommendation. SEPC study is an important indicator in malaria control programme. It is ultimately the community that takes the major decision directly or indirectly and the health authority must guide them in right direction
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