10,327 research outputs found

    Study of K^0 \to pi^- e^+ nu_e e^+ e^- in chiral perturbation theory

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    K^0 \to pi^- e^+ nu_e e^+ e^- decay is studied up to the next-to-leading order O^4 in chiral perturbation theory. It is found that the O^4 terms appreciably modifiy the shape of the invariant mass distribution of the leptons and the energy spectrum of the neutrino.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, figures and formula are adde

    Water in Emission in the ISO Spectrum of the Early M Supergiant Star mu Cephei

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    We report a detection of water in emission in the spectrum of the M2 supergiant atar mu Cep (M2Ia) observed by the Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) aboard Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) and now released as the ISO Archives. The emission first appears in the 6 micron region (nu2 fundamental) and then in the 40 micron region (pure rotation lines) despite the rather strong dust emission. The intensity ratios of the emission features are far from those of the optically thin gaseous emission. Instead, we could reproduce the major observed emission features by an optically thick water sphere of the inner radius about two stellar radii (1300Rsun), Tex = 1500K, and Ncol (H2O) = 3.0E+20/cm2. This model also accounts for the H2O absorption bands in the near infrared (1.4, 1.9, and 2.7 micron) as well. The detection of water in emission provides strong constraints on the nature of water in the early M supergiant stars, and especially its origin in the outer atmosphere is confirmed against other models such as the large convective cell model. We finally confirm that the early M supergiant star is surrounded by a huge optically thick sphere of the warm water vapor, which may be referred to as MOLsphere for simplicity. Thus, the outer atmosphere of M supergiant stars should have a complicated hierarchical and/or hybrid structure with at least three major constituents including the warm MOLsphere (T about 1.0E+3K) together with the previously known hot chromosphere (T about 1.0E+4K) and cool expanding gas-dust envelope (T about 1.0E+2K).Comment: 14 pages, 5 postscript figures, to appear in ApJ

    Milling characteristics and distribution of phytic acid and zind in long-, medium- and short-grain rice

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    Milling and polishing are important operations during the production of white rice. The degree of milling and polishing has a significant effect on the nutritional aspects of white rice, especially on minerals, due to a non-uniform distribution of nutrients in the kernel. Information on the distribution of nutrients in rice will greatly help in understanding the effect of milling and aid in designing procedures that improve technological and sensory properties of rice while retaining its essential nutrients as much as possible. In this study, three kernel shapes (short-, medium- and long-grain) of rice were selected for the study of milling characteristics and distribution of zinc (Zn) and phytic acid using abrasive milling and X-ray fluorescent microscope imaging approaches. Milling characteristics differed with kernel shapes and cultivars. Mass loss (y, %) correlated well with milling duration (x, s) and was fitted using a polynomial equation of y=ax2+bx+c (R2=0.99). Different kernel shapes of rice resulted in different patterns. Breakage in milling increased with longer duration of milling. The relation between breakage (y, %) and milling duration (x, s) fitted the exponential equation y=aebx. Levels of phytic acid, as well as Zn, decreased with prolonged milling. Phytic acid decreased at a higher rate than Zn. The analysis of different milling runs showed that the concentration of phytic acid decreased from the surface region inward, whereas X-ray fluorescent images indicated that the highest concentration of phosphorus was at the interface of the embryo and perisperm. Our results help in understanding the milling characteristics of different rice cultivars. Understanding these characteristics offers opportunities to optimize milling procedures for maximum phytate removal at minimum mineral losses and yield los

    Water vapor on supergiants. The 12 micron TEXES spectra of mu Cephei

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    Several recent papers have argued for warm, semi-detached, molecular layers surrounding red giant and supergiant stars, a concept known as a MOLsphere. Spectroscopic and interferometric analyses have often corroborated this general picture. Here, we present high-resolution spectroscopic data of pure rotational lines of water vapor at 12 microns for the supergiant mu Cephei. This star has often been used to test the concept of molecular layers around supergiants. Given the prediction of an isothermal, optically thick water-vapor layer in Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium around the star (MOLsphere), we expected the 12 micron lines to be in emission or at least in absorption but filled in by emission from the molecular layer around the star. Our data, however, show the contrary; we find definite absorption. Thus, our data do not easily fit into the suggested isothermal MOLsphere scenario. The 12 micron lines, therefore, put new, strong constraints on the MOLsphere concept and on the nature of water seen in signatures across the spectra of early M supergiants. We also find that the absorption is even stronger than that calculated from a standard, spherically symmetric model photosphere without any surrounding layers. A cool model photosphere, representing cool outer layers is, however, able to reproduce the lines, but this model does not account for water vapor emission at 6 microns. Thus, a unified model for water vapor on mu Cephei appears to be lacking. It does seem necessary to model the underlying photospheres of these supergiants in their whole complexity. The strong water vapor lines clearly reveal inadequacies of classical model atmospheres.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Backward Clusters, Hierarchy and Wild Sums for a Hard Sphere System in a Low-Density Regime

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    We study the statistics of backward clusters in a gas of hard spheres at low density. A backward cluster is defined as the group of particles involved directly or indirectly in the backwards-in-time dynamics of a given tagged sphere. We derive upper and lower bounds on the average size of clusters by using the theory of the homogeneous Boltzmann equation combined with suitable hierarchical expansions. These representations are known in the easier context of Maxwellian molecules (Wild sums). We test our results with a numerical experiment based on molecular dynamics simulations

    Length-frequency estimation for yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) caught by commercial fishing gear in the Eastern Pacific Ocean

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    ENGLISH: Methods of collecting samples for the purpose of estimating the numbers and weights of fish caught, by length interval, are described. Several models for two-stage sampling are described, and the equations for the estimators and their variances are given. The results from a brief simulation study are used to show the differences between estimates made with the different models. Estimators for the average weights of fish in the catch and their variances are also described. These average weights are used to provide improved estimates of the total annual catches of yellowfin taken from the eastern Pacific Ocean, east of 150°W, between 1955 and 1990. SPANISH: Se describen los métodos de recoger de muestreo para estimar el número o peso de peces capturados, por intervalo de talla. Se describen varios modelos para el muestreo de dos etapas, y se presentan las ecuaciones para los estimadores y sus varianzas. Se usan los resultados de un breve estudio de simulación para indicar las diferencias entre estimaciones realizadas con los distintosmodelos. También se describe un estimador para el peso promedio de peces en la captura y su varianza. Se usan estos estimadores para calcular estimaciones mejoradas de las capturas anuales totales de aleta amarilla tomadas del Océano Pacífico oriental, al este de 150°W, entre 1955 y 1990. (PDF contains 41 pages.

    The Effects of Uncertainty in Generation Expansion Planning - A Review of Methods and Experiences

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    In the workshop "Size and Productive Efficiency--The Wider Implications" which was held at IIASA in June 1979, participants have raised an issue concerned with the effects of future uncertainties on the decisions on size. The issue was pointed out from electricity industry where the recent trend of construction of larger plants have made the lead time longer and longer, making the demand forecast more uncertain than ever. However, the problem is common to all industries which involve high capital investments for a new plant to be installed. In order to improve our understanding of the effects of uncertainty we have carried out a state-of-the-art review on this subject in electricity generation where the most sophisticated expansion planning models and methodologies are available and where a considerable amount of reported experience on this subject exists. This paper presents the results of this review

    Spectral Classification and Effective Temperatures of L and T Dwarfs Based of Near-Infrared Spectra

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    We have obtained near-infrared spectra of L dwarfs, L/T transition objects and T dwarfs using Subaru. Resulting spectra are examined in detail to see their dependence on the spectral types. We have obtained bolometric luminosities of the objects with known parallaxes in our sample, first by integrating the spectra and second by K band bolometric correction. We derive the relation between effective temperature and spectral type.Comment: To appear in May 20, 2004 issue of ApJ There is a companion paper by Tsuji, Nakajima and Yanagisaw

    A Simple Model for Magnetization Ratios in Doped Nanocrystals

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    Recent experiments on Mn-doped ZnS nanocrystals have shown unusual magnetization properties. We describe a nearest-neighbor Heisenberg exchange model for calculating the magnetization ratios of these antiferromagnetically doped crystals, in which the dopant atoms are distributed inhomogeneously within the nanocrystal. This simple inhomogeneous doping model is capable of reproducing the experimental results, and suggests that interior dopant atoms are localized within the crystal.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables. Submitted to J. Appl. Phy