35 research outputs found

    Schicksalszeiten - Finanzkrisen im Vergleich: Rezension zu "Crashed: Wie zehn Jahre Finanzkrise die Welt verändert haben" von Adam Tooze

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    Adam Tooze: Crashed - Wie zehn Jahre Finanzkrise die Welt verändert haben. München: Siedler Verlag 2018. 978-382750085

    Technikkonzeptionen der Nationalökonomie in der Weimarer Republik

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    The Weimar Republic has been a period in which the German society was subject to strong tensions as the former social order had collapsed. In this situation economists were searching for new concepts for the balance of social forces especially between technology and economy. The optimistic view of technology as a saviour was followed by deception in view of the actual experiences after the world economic crisis resulting in undemocratic visions of organic order built on a strong state

    Kein Ende in Sicht: Rezension zu "Stirbt der Kapitalismus? Fünf Szenarien für das 21. Jahrhundert" von Immanuel Wallerstein, Randal Collins, Michael Mann, Georgi Derlugian und Craig Calhoun

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    Immanuel Wallerstein, Randal Collins, Michael Mann, Georgi Derlugian und Craig Calhoun: Stirbt der Kapitalismus? Fünf Szenarien für das 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main / New York: Campus 2014. 978-3-593-51159-

    In den Mikrostrukturen des Finanzwesens: Rezension zu "Die Spielregeln der Börse - Institutionen, Kultur und die Grundlagen des Wertpapierhandels in Berlin und London ca. 1860-1914" von Michael Buchner

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    Michael Buchner: Die Spielregeln der Börse - Institutionen, Kultur und die Grundlagen des Wertpapierhandels in Berlin und London, ca. 1860-1914. Die Einheit der Gesellschaftswissenschaften im 21. Jahrhundert, Bd. 3. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2019. 978-3-16-157641-

    Grenzen der Prognostik: Andrew Shonfields nüchterner Blick in den Bauch des 'modernen Kapitalismus' (1965)

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    »What was it that converted capitalism from the cataclysmic failure which it appeared to be in the 1930s into the great engine of prosperity of the post war Western world?« (S. 3) Das ist die Leitfrage von Andrew Shonfields vor 50 Jahren erschienenem Buch über den »modernen Kapitalismus« der 1960er-Jahre. Wie konnte es zu dem »Goldenen Zeitalter« (Eric Hobsbawm), also der fast drei Jahrzehnte andauernden Nachkriegsprosperität kommen, nachdem der Kapitalismus im Zuge der Großen Depression abgewirtschaftet zu haben schien und sich eine breite ordnungspolitische Debatte um alternative Wirtschaftsformen entwickelt hatte

    Sewing for Hitler? The clothing industry during the ‘Third Reich’

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    The article deals with the history of the clothing industry during the 'Third Reich'. It discusses the development of the industry and the room for manoeuvre by the example of three companies, Seidensticker, Hugo Boss, and Bierbaum-Proenen. The article makes the point that the Nazi's economic policy brought about severe restraints for the clothing industry, which seems to be typical for consumer goods industries as a whole during the 'Third Reich'

    Futures Past. Economic Forecasting in the 20th and 21st Century

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    Few areas in economics are as controversial as economic forecasting. While the field has sparked great hopes for the prediction of economic trends and events throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, economic forecasts have often proved inaccurate or unreliable, thus provoking severe criticism in times of unpredicted crisis. Despite these failures, economic forecasting has not lost its importance. Futures Past considers the history and present state of economic forecasting, giving a fascinating account of the changing practices involved, their origins, records, and their implications. By bringing together economists, historians, and sociologists, this volume offers fresh perspectives on the place of forecasting in modern industrial societies, thereby making a broader claim for greater interdisciplinary cooperation in the history of economics.Peer Reviewe