130 research outputs found

    Business orientation in knowledge security risk management – a literature review

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    This paper examines the information systems literature field from the viewpoint of knowledge security risk management. The review this paper reports was able to identify 7 papers presenting a knowledge security risk management model. The models represent different takes and perspectives on knowledge security risk management. The main finding is that business orientation in the risk management models, and a comprehensive approach that would emphasize also continuous monitoring of the implementation and success of the risk mitigation solutions are not common in the literature. We suggest further theoretical and empirical studies that would address these issues

    Social Media in Business-to-Business Companies' Innovation

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    Regarding the increasingly important paradigm of open innovation, it is recognized that valuable innovation-related knowledge is distributed ever more widely to various actors outside the company borders, such as users, customers, and communities. Various types of novel collaborative web tools and approaches, such as social media, can enable and significantly increase the use of distributed knowledge both within and outside company borders.It is a common assumption that it is much more difficult to utilize social media in business-to-business (B2B) innovation and the customer interface because of the significant differences in B2B markets, B2B products, and product development, for example. Despite the growing number of company experiments and academic studies, social media are still new to many businesses. The opportunities and benefits of social media are not well understood in business, especially in B2B context. Despite the recent increasing interest in the use of social media in B2B marketing, it has received little attention from the innovation perspective.The general purpose of this thesis is to study and help to understand the use of social media in B2B companies’ innovation. The thesis focuses on the innovation process, customer interface and the related perspective of the creation and sharing of customer knowledge. The main objectives of the dissertation are to understand the challenges, new opportunities, use and benefits, as well as, functions and roles of social media in B2B innovation. The choice of carrying out the dissertation as an article thesis has offered the researcher the opportunity to study from multiple perspectives a phenomenon that has been little researched or understood. The thesis combines quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative research approach was used to determine the current use and perceived potential of social media tools in innovation, as well as to identify challenges of social media use in B2B company innovation. Qualitative research was used to gain a deep understanding of the challenges and benefits, and roles and functions of social media in B2B innovation.The thesis contributes to the increasing understanding on the rather little understood topic of social media and its potential in B2B companies’ innovation. Based on the research, new understanding was gained on the challenges that B2B companies face in using social media in innovation, on the new possibilities and benefits that social media provide for innovation, as well as on the applications and the roles of social media in B2B innovation.In addition, models and theories were developed for enhancing social media use: based on the qualitative research, for example, a Social Customer Learning model was built, which aims to help researchers and managers to identify and evaluate different social media approaches in business-to-business customer interface and innovation; modifications and improvements were proposed for media richness theory and channel expansion theory for the better consideration of the social media and the innovation contexts

    Esineiden Internetin turvallisuusuhat ja protokollat

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    Tiivistelmä. Esineiden Internet tarkoittaa elektronisia laitteita, jotka ovat yhdistetty Internetiin. Internetiin kytkettyjen laitteiden määrä on kasvanut nopeasti ja tämä on mahdollistanut uusia hyökkäysmenetelmiä hakkereiden käyttöön. Uudet hyökkäysmenetelmät aiheuttavat tietoturvauhkia, sekä uhkia käyttäjän yksityisyyteen. Jokainen IoT (Internet of Things)- laite tai IoT-sovellus, joka on yhteydessä verkkoon, käyttää tiedonsiirrossa jotain tiettyä protokollaa. Mainitussa IoT:ssa käytetään useita erilaisia protokollatyyppejä, joista tässä työssä laadittu taulukko. Taulukossa on vertailtu MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport), DDS (Data Distribution Service), mDNS (Multicast Domain Name System) ja SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) protokollien keskeisiä ominaisuuksia. Tässä työssä on otettu MQTT tiedonsiirtoprotokolla tarkempaan tarkasteluun ja tutkittiin sen erilaisia ominaisuuksia. Ominaisuudet liittyvät toimintoon, jossa viestin lähettäminen ja vastaanottaminen tapahtuu välittäjän kautta. Yksi tietoturvallisuuteen liittyvä tarkastelun kohde oli viestien salaus, ja kuinka hyvin salaus toimii. Liikennöinnin ja suojauksen testaus voidaan suorittaa paikallisesti, eli tietokone voi kommunikoida sisäisesti eräänlaisen verkon kautta. MQTT:n ominaisuuksia testattiin tietokoneelle asennetulla Mosquitto välittäjäohjelmalla. Ensimmäisessä testauksessa tutkittiin ja todennettiin viestin kulkemista välittäjän kautta vastaanottajalle, sekä tutkittiin kuittausviestien määrää eri palvelutasoilla. Teknisessä osuudessa testattiin, kuinka MQTT:ssä voidaan salata käyttäjän salasanan kryptaamista käyttämällä Mosquitto välittäjäohjelmaa. Samalla todennettiin myös pysyvän tallennuksen toimivuutta häiriötilanteen yhteydessä ja pohdittiin mahdollisia tallennettuun tietokantaan syntyviä tietoturvauhkia. Lisäksi testattiin viestiliikenteen salausta, käyttämällä porttia 8883, joka tukee TLS (Transport Layer Security) suojattua viestiliikennettä. Tuloksilla osoitettiin, että viestin rakenne muuttuu siten, että viestiä ei kyetä tulkitsemaan. Se koskee myös käyttäjätunnusta ja salasanaa. Testien tuloksilla haluttiin osoittaa, että MQTT:n ominaisuudet toimivat sille luvattujen standardien mukaisesti, jos Mosquitton konfigurointi on tehty oikein. Testituloksissa mm. QoS (Quality of Service) palvelutasoilla viestien datapakettien määrässä oli havaittavissa eroavaisuuksia. Testeissä havaittiin, että todennusyrityskertojen määrää ei ole rajoitettu MQTT:ssä. Lisäksi Wiresharkilla saaduissa testituloksissa ilmeni, että asiakkaan ja välittäjän välistä liikennettä on mahdollista lukea, mutta käytettäessä TLS suojausta sitä ei voida enää lukea. Testitulokset osoittivat todeksi sen, mitä teoriatekstissä oli kerrottu

    Learning from and with Customers with Social Media: A Model for Social Customer Learning

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    Social media can enable and significantly increase the collaboration andlearning from customers in various ways, for instance by novel social waysof providing and receiving feedback from new products and concepts. Wehave created a model that can support managers and researchers to betteranalyse and understand the possibilities of social media approaches especiallyfrom the business-to-business (B2B) customer interface standpoint. Weused the model to analyse found various types of business-to-business relatedsocial media approaches to create new understanding of the scarcelyresearched field of social media in the customer learning and the customerinterface of B2B innovation

    Value Assessment of e-Government Service from Municipality Perspective

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    Value assessment of e-government services remains a challenging task. In this study, we apply a value creation model of electronic business and value for money assessment approach of e-government service in an attempt to better understand value creation from the municipality perspective. By conducting semi-structured interviews and analysis of e-government service data we investigate how digital service creates value in public services focusing on the municipality perspective. We present the identified sources of value and the indicators of value that could be derived from the analysis of data from the service. We discuss the complementary findings from performing value assessment using e-commerce and e-government models, the limitations of conducting value assessment of e-government services and performing financial analysis, and conclude with directions for future research.

    Sense of Virtual Community in Wikipedia Online Community for Technology-Enhanced Learning in Higher Education

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    Currently, global crises along the digital revolution challenge the organization of higher education (HE) world-wide. Hence, there is an urgent need to better understand how Web 2.0-technology with their online communities can support learning in HE particularly in distance mode. This article investigates technology-enhanced learning (TEL) in HE, taking place in the Wikipedia online community. Particularly the study focuses on the role of sense of virtual community (SOVC) in the social process of learning. Therefore, this study investigates the student perceptions of purpose and benefits of the Wikipedia community, as well as the perceived SOVC while being an active contributing participant in the community. The study was carried out in one university course, where technology intervention was carried out by using Wikipedia in a learning assignment of collaborative writing. The case study results illustrate that mainly students perceive the purpose and benefits of Wikipedia being cognitive, although only less than one-third of the students experienced SOVC as active participants. The article contributes to the field of TEL in HE, more specifically to Wikipedia-enhanced learning and the significance of SOVC in Wikipedia community during learning assignment as active community participants. The presented case study provides insights into the SOVC in online communities for HE-learning during technology interventions.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    An Activity Theory Perspective on Creating a New Digital Government Service in Finland

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    Digitalization of government services is a central goal in many countries. At policy-making level, digital government services are often expected to simultaneously reduce cost and provide citizens with better and more versatile services. Development of new digital government services, however, often involves companies, which typically have differences in their approach to the development and implementation of new digital services compared to the public sector. This study applies activity theory as a lens to identify the similarities and differences between the private and public sector in the development and implementation of a new government digital service. The aim is to identify the contradictions that can lead to expansive learning in the activity system encompassing a national level digital government service for the social welfare and healthcare of citizens in Finland

    Tavarasta palveluun ja dataan – Muutos liiketoimintalogiikan paradigmassa

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    A Typology of Hackathon-use

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    This paper addresses the typology of the hackathon concept. Specifically, it focuses on describing the four archetypes of hackathon use: 'designing', 'crowdsourcing', 'learning' and 'community building' discovered from the literature. The typology is a continuation of the conceptualization of hackathon, which aims to clarify the concept of hackathons and their use in various contexts. As a result, the paper describes the characteristics that typify the hackathon, 'body of participants', 'focal interest', 'setting' and 'creation method'. The two main themes that arose from the studied literature, 'body of participants' and 'focal interest', are used as the axis to compose a 2x2 matrix of the archetypes. Therefore, this paper contributes to the conceptual clarity of the hackathon phenomenon. As the main result, this proposed paper fills a prominent research gap in hackathon literature: the typology of the hackathon-use. Thus, this paper reports the typology by differentiating known archetypes of the hackathon.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Naisten painonhallinta ja sen yhteys uupumukseen

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    Tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko Pieni päätös päivässä (PPP) -ohjelmaa soveltava lyhyempi painonhallintainterventio vaikuttava naisten (n = 84) painonhallinnassa ja onko yleinen uupumus (vital exhaustion) yhteydessä intervention tuloksiin. Tutkimus suoritettiin Etelä-Pohjanmaalla v. 2005–2006 kyselylomaketutkimuksena ja kaksivaiheisena seurantatutkimuksena 13 painonhallintaryhmän alussa ja lopussa. Seuranta-aika oli keskimäärin 5 kk. Elintapamuutoksia arvioitiin liikunnan harrastamisessa, ostokäyttäytymisessä ja ravintotottumuksissa. Painonmuutos perustui ryhmänohjaajien mittauksiin. Uupumusmittarina oli 21-osioinen itsearviointimenetelmä Maastricht Questionnaire. Tulokset viittaavat siihen että myös lyhyt PPP-ryhmämalli on vaikuttava naisten painonhallinnassa. Itseraportoidut elintavat muuttuivat terveellisemmiksi ja osallistujien paino laski keskimäärin hieman yli 4 kiloa. Aktiivinen lähtötason liikunta sekä uupumuksen väheneminen olivat yhteydessä painon alenemiseen