34 research outputs found

    Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna Pada Pengolahan Buah Dan Sayur Di Desa Pasui Kecamatan Buntu Batu Kabupaten Enrekang Sulawesi Selatan

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    Sulawesi Selatan khususnya Kabupaten Enrekang merupakan daerah yang potensial dengan berbagai hasil pertaniannya. Hasil pertanian terutama buah dan sayur merupakan sumber provitamin A, vitamin C dan mineral serta dari kalsium dan besi. Selain hal tersebut buah dan sayur merupakan sumber serat yang sangat penting dalam menjaga kesehatan tubuh. Tujuan IbW ini adalah untuk melakukan penerapan teknologi pengolahan buah dan sayur khususnya produk selai, dodol dan keripik) di desa Pasui Kecamatan Buntu Batu Kabupaten Enrekang. Target khususnya adalah terciptanya para anggota IKM Mitra untuk mengembangkan usahanya dibidang pengolahan buah dan sayur. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan di IKM Mitra desa Pasui Kecamatan Buntu Batu Kabupaten Enrekang dengan melakukan penyuluhan dan pelatihan tentang penanganan pascapanen, pengolahan dan pengemasan, serta sanitasi kebersihan bahan baku. Hasil yang diharapkan dalam IbW ini dapat meningkatkan perbaikan teknologi pengolahan dan pengemasan produk buah dan sayur yang berkualitas dan memenuhi Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)


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    The "Mawar" marning corn business group is a group business located in Sompu Village, Pattallassang District, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi. Marning corn is a processed product of corn by boiling it with a solution of calcium hydroxide, dried, then fried. However, based on the results of direct interviews with owners, several obstacles faced were the problem of drying in the rainy season and marketing problems that were constrained by the short shelf life of marning corn. This is caused by the use of simple packaging. This activity is aimed to improve the quality of "Mawar" marning corn through the application of vacuum packaging, drying oven technology, and the use of oxygen adsorbent. The method used in this activity is counseling and training. Community service activities have been done by inviting mothers who are around the business as many as 20 people as the partner. The activity was carried out with two sessions namely: (1) Delivery of material and discussion; (2) Practice. Based on the results of filling in the questionnaire by the participants it was found that there was an increase in participant's knowledge from 15% to 90% regarding the benefits of vacuum packaging, drying oven, and oxygen adsorbent. In addition there was an increase in the skills of participants in using vacuum packaging equipment and drying oven from 10% to 100%. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the counseling and training activities carried out successfully because of an increase in knowledge and skills of participants.Keywords: Marning corn, vacuum packaging, drying oven. ABSTRAKKelompok usaha jagung marning “Mawar” merupakan salah satu kelompok usaha yang terletak di Desa Sompu, Kecamatan Pattallassang, Kabupaten Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan. Jagung marning merupakan produk hasil olahan jagung dengan cara direbus dengan larutan kapur sirih (kalsium hidroksida), dikeringkan, kemudian digoreng. Namun, berdasarkan hasil wawancara langsung dengan pemilik usaha, beberapa kendala yang dihadapi yaitu masalah pengeringan pada musim penghujan dan masalah pemasaran yang terkendala dengan masa simpan jagung marning yang tidak terlalu lama. Hal ini salah satunya disebabkan oleh penggunaan kemasan yang sederhana. Kegiatan pengabdian ini ditujukan untuk memperbaiki mutu jagung marning “Mawar” melalui penerapan pengemasan vakum, teknologi oven pengering dan penggunaan penyerap oksigen. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Kegiatan pengabdian telah dilakukan dengan mengundang ibu-ibu yang berada disekitar usaha sebanyak 20 orang sebagai mitra. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan dua sesi yaitu: (1) Penyampaian materi dan diskusi; (2) Praktek. Berdasarkan hasil pengisian kuisioner oleh peserta diperoleh bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan peserta dari 15% menjadi 90% mengenai manfaat pengemasan vakum, oven pengering, dan penyerap oksigen. Selain itu terjadi peningkatan keterampilan peserta dalam menggunakan alat pengemas vakum dan oven pengering yaitu dari 10% menjadi 100%. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan penyuluhan dan pelatihan yang diadakan berhasil karena adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta.Kata kunci: Jagung marning, kemasan vakum, oven pengering


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    Tomatoes are one of the common fruit that is known to public. It has high availability and easy to be found in the market. Fresh tomatoes processing is still limited in some product meanwhile tomatoes are easily damaged and have a short-lived due to its high water content and presence of physical damages.  The processing of tomatoes into the product with lower water content such as dates (candied) is one of the methods to prolong shelf life and prevent it from the damage. The purpose of this paper is to increase the economic value of tomatoes through the processing into the tomatoes dates. This research is expected to provide benefits for farmers and processing industries, primarily engaged in the processing of vegetables and fruits, to support the development of agro-industries in rural areas. Making tomatoes dates begins with the sorting process, adding sugar to the ratio of tomatoes and sugar 2:1, then cooking on low heat and drying for 12 hours with observations every 3 hours. Tomato dates are divided into blanching and non-blanching tomatoes. It was concluded that blanching tomatoes is the best treatment with, water content of 13.8%, pH 5.32 and can maintaned total vitamin C of 60.25% during drying process. Organoleptic test showed that the panelists preferred the blanching tomatoes based on color, aroma, texture and taste.Keywords: Tomatoes, Tomato Dates, Blanching, Non-blanchin


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    ABSTRAKSulawesi Selatan khususnya di Kecamatan Ujung Tanah pada pelelangan Paotere merupakan lokasi yang potensial dengan berbagai hasil perikanannya.Hasil perikanan merupakan sumber protein hewani yang paling baik, karena mengandung protein yang cukup tinggi dan komposisi asam amino yang lengkap (kualitas yang tinggi). Ikan merupakan merupakan sumber zat-zat gizi terpenting bagi tubuh, selain mengandung semua zat-zat gizi tersebut diatas, juga mempunyai struktur protein yang sesuai dengan tubuh sehingga sangat baik untuk pertumbuhan anak-anak. Produk olahan ikan udang dan ikan adalah makanan tradisional yang sudah umum dikenal di Sulawesi Selatan khususnya di Pelelangan ikan Paotere. Produk “chao” memiliki cita rasa khas dan merupakan makanan kegemaran masyarakat pada umumnya. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan di kelompok usaha nelayan ikan dan udang dengan melakukan pelatihan dan penyuluhan tentang teknologi pengolahan dan pengemasan olahan “chao” ikan dan bahan baku serta sanitasi kebersihan. Selain itu untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk “chao” ikan dilakukan uji organoleptik meliputi warna, rasa aroma dan tekstur “chao” ikan. Hasil yang diharapkan dalam pengabdian ini dapat meningkatkan perbaikan teknologi pengolahan dan pengemasan olahan “chao” yang berkualitas dan memenuhi standar SNI.Kata Kunci: Ikan, Fermentasi,”Chao”, dan Pelelangan paotere Makassar. ABSTRACTSouth Sulawesi, especially in Ujung Tanah District, at the Paotere auction is a potential location with a variety of fishery products. Fishery products are the best source of animal protein, because they contain quite high protein and complete amino acid composition (high quality). Fish is a source of the most important nutrients for the body, besides containing all the nutrients mentioned above, it also has a protein structure that is suitable for the body so it is very good for the growth of children. Processed shrimp and fish products are traditional foods that have been commonly known in South Sulawesi, especially at the Paotere fish auction, "Chao" products have a distinctive taste and are a favorite food of the general public. The method of implementation is carried out in the fish and shrimp fishermen business group by conducting training and counseling on processing and packaging technology for "chao" fish and raw materials and sanitation hygiene. In addition to improving the quality of fish "chao" products, organolepotic tests include color, flavor, aroma and texture of "chao" fish. The expected results in this service can improve the processing and packaging technology of processed "chao" quality and meet SNI standards.Keywords: Fish, Fermentation, "Chao", Paotere Fish Auction Makassar


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    Chocolate candy is one of food products favored by children and society. Chocolatecandies was prepared by defatted coconut powder as a filler. Chocolate candy was made simplewith the main ingredients: cocoa butter (350 grams), cocoa powder (8%), refined sugar (28%),lecithin (0.5%), and defatted coconut powder. The treatment were the different amount ofdefatted of coconut powder, namely A1 (22%), A2 (27%), and A3 (32%). The purpose of thisstudy was to get of the amount of defatted coconut powder formulations to be used and todetermine the physical, chemical and acceptabillity (organoleptic) of chocolate candy. Theparameters were stability, fat bloom, water content, and organoleptic tests include color,aroma, taste, and texture. The results showed that the chocolate had good stability, the watercontent ranged from 0.61%-1.37%. The use of defatted coconut powder with levels of 22% toproduce chocolate candy products ware relatively more preferred by panelists on theorganoleptic parameters of color and texture

    PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN JENIS GULA TERHADAP MUTU KURMA TOMAT: (The effect of different sugar type on the quality of tomato date)

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    Pengolahan tomat segar menjadi suatu produk selain mampu mempertahankan daya simpannya juga mampu meningkatkan nilai jual dari tomat segar. Penggunaan jenis gula yang berbeda pada pengolahan tomat memberikan hasil yang berbeda pula terhadap karakteristik dan penerimaan panelis dari kurma tomat. Hasil analisa kadar air menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan gula pasir memiliki nila kadar air terendah yaitu 13,8%, tingkat keasaman 5,31 dan mampu mempertahankan tingkat vitamin C setelah pengolahan sebesar 60,25%. Sedangkan penggunaan gula merah pada kurma tomat menghasilkan nilai kadar air sebesar 14,8%, tingkat keasaman 5,84 dan hanya mampu mempertahankan kadar vitamin C setelah pengolahan sebesar 37,82%. Hasil analisa terhadap tingkat penerimaan dari kurma tomat menunjukkan bahwa kurma tomat dengan penggunaan gula pasir lebih disukai dibandingkan dengan penggunaan gula merah.Pengolahan tomat segar menjadi suatu produk selain mampu mempertahankan daya simpannya juga mampu meningkatkan nilai jual dari tomat segar. Penggunaan jenis gula yang berbeda pada pengolahan tomat memberikan hasil yang berbeda pula terhadap karakteristik dan penerimaan panelis dari kurma tomat. Hasil analisa kadar air menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan gula pasir memiliki nila kadar air terendah yaitu 13,8%, tingkat keasaman 5,31 dan mampu mempertahankan tingkat vitamin C setelah pengolahan sebesar 60,25%. Sedangkan penggunaan gula merah pada kurma tomat menghasilkan nilai kadar air sebesar 14,8%, tingkat keasaman 5,84 dan hanya mampu mempertahankan kadar vitamin C setelah pengolahan sebesar 37,82%. Hasil analisa terhadap tingkat penerimaan dari kurma tomat menunjukkan bahwa kurma tomat dengan penggunaan gula pasir lebih disukai dibandingkan dengan penggunaan gula merah

    STUDI PEMANFAATAN DAUN SIRSAK (Annona murica linn.) SEBAGAI MINUMAN SEDUH DENGAN PENAMBAHAN TEH (Camelia sinensis) SEBAGAI MINUMAN FUNGSIONAL: (A study of suorsop leaf utilization as brewed beverage with tea addition as functional drink)

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    Kepok banana (Musaparadisiaca formatypica) is one fruit that contains enough digestivefiber for the body. Kepok banana (Musaparadisiaca formatypica) is usually processed byfrying or steaming, bananas have a short shelf life and easily damaged. Therefore, to extendthe shelf life of bananas, fruit will be processed into fruit leather products. However, becausethe color of bananas are less attractive, the color addition will make the product preferred byconsumers. Terung belanda (Solanum betaceum cav. has a bright color and has enough fibercontent so well processed into fruit leather. The objective of this research was to find the besttreatment combination between kepok banana (Musaparadisiaca formatypica) and terungbelanda (Solanum betaceum cav.) sugar concentration to produce a good physical andchemical properties and favored by consumers. The research was also to find out the effect ofsugar concentration addition to physical, chemical and organoleptic fruit leather banana andterung belanda (Solanum betaceum cav.). Treatment applied was A1: kepok banana(Musaparadisiaca formatypica) mashed 50%: terung belanda ((Solanum betaceum cav)mashed 45%: sugar 5%; A2: 45%: 40%: 15%; A3: 40%: 35%: 25%. Fruit leather is then testedorganoleptically including color, flavor, taste and texture and was chemically tested including moisture content, total acid, pH, anthocyanin and fiber. The result of the research shows thatA1 treatment: 50% banana porridge: terung belanda porridge 45%: 5% sugar produces thebest fruit leather product in terms of water content, total acid, pH, anthocyanin, fiber, aroma,taste, and textur

    Pemanfaatan Potensi Lokal Ubi Jalar dan Labu Kuning untuk Meminimalisasi Penggunaan Tepung Gandum dalam Pembuatan Aneka Kue

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    Takalar District is one of the areas in South Sulawesi with its superior product that is sweet potato. Sweet potato production in this area is quite abundant but has not been utilized properly. This activity aimed to utilize the abundant local potential in making various cakes to minimize the use of wheat flour. The method used was counseling and training. The activity was carried out in Tala, Sombalabella Village, Pattalassang Subdistrict, Takalar District. Participants amount are 25 peoples consisting of cake traders and housewives who are not economically productive. The activity was carried out with two sessions, that is material present and practice. Based on the results of participant's questionnaires, there was an increase in the knowledge of the participants up to 80, the participants already knew how to utilize the potential of sweet potatoes and pumpkin in their area to have higher economic value. In addition there was an increase in the skills of the participants up to 92 in processing sweet potatoes and pumpkin into a variety of cakes such as donuts, panada, and fried bread as well as participants skilled in packaging products with vacuum and non-vacuum plastic packaging. Community service activities from the economic side can increase people's income, and from the health side can add the nutritional value of the community from that various cakes produced


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    Isotonic drinks is one type of beverages that serves to replace body fluids lost due to physical activity. The drink is made from raw materials of coconut water and extract ”wuluh” starfruit with the addition of sugar. Coconut water used from an optimally mature of coconut and young “wuluh” starfruit. The material formulation was conducted with coconut water as much as 88%, extract “wuluh” starfruit 5%, and the addition of sugar as much as 7%. Isotonic beverage was prepared by extracting “wuluh” starfruit and preparing coconut before mixing all ingredients. The treatment was filtering using by micro filter (0.5 and 0.1 micron) and without filtering. The mixing process of the material was carried out hygienically to obtain a viable product. Based on product visualization testing by using a filter tool can longer than without a filter tool

    PEMANFAATAN KULIT BIJI KAKAO (THEOBROMA CACAO L) MENJADI PRODUK COOKIES COKLAT: (Utilization Of Cocono Seed Skin (Theobroma Cacao L) Become Chocolate Cookies Products)

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    Cocoa bean husk is one of the product of cocoa which is only utilized as animal feed and has low economic value. Economic value of cocoa bean husks can be enhanced by extracting the husk using methanol into powder and applied to a process product namely cookies. Cookies are types of biscuit which are made from soft dough, high in fat and relatively crisp. The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of powder that was added and its impact to the cookies product. The analysis was done for sensory test, moisture content, fat content and protein content. The result showed that water content ranged from 2.39% - 4.85%. Fat content ranged from 7.57% - 8.64%, and ash content ranged from 0.73% - 2.02%. In the organoleptic test, the color and odor which were preferred by the panelists was treatment A0 (control) whereas the taste and texture was treatment A1 (addition of 5% powder).Kulit biji kakao merupakan salah satu hasil samping dari kakao yang pemanfaatannya hanya sebagai pakan ternak dan bernilai ekonomis rendah. Nilai ekonomis dari kulit ari biji kakao dapat ditingkatkan dengan mengekstraksi kulit biji kakao menggunakan methanol menjadi bubuk lalu diaplikasikan ke dalam produk cookies. Cookies merupakan salah satu jenis biskuit yang dibuat dari adonan lunak, berkadar lemak tinggi dan relatif renyah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah bubuk yang ditambahkan dan pengaruh bubuk terhadap produk cookies yang dihasilkan. Adapun hasil analisa yang dilakukan yaitu uji organoleptik, sedangkan mutu kimiawi meliputi kadar air, kadar lemak, dan kadar abu. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan kadar air berkisar antara 2,39% - 4,85%. Kadar lemak berkisar antara 7,57% - 8,64%, kadar abu berkisar antara 0,73% - 2,02% dan hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan warna dan aroma yang disukai panelis dengan skor 3-4 (disukai) adalah perlakuan A0 (kontrol) sedangkan rasa dan tekstur yang disukai panelis adalah perlakuan A1 (penambahan 5% bubuk)