2,410 research outputs found

    On p-Compact Sets in Classical Banach Spaces

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    Given p ≥ 1, we denote by Cp the class of all Banach spaces X satisfying the equality Kp(Y,X) = Πdp(Y,X) for every Banach space Y , Kp (respectively, Πdp ) being the operator ideal of p-compact operators (respectively, of operators with p-summing adjoint). If X belongs to Cp, a bounded set A ⊂ X is relatively p-compact if and only if the evaluation map U∗ A : X∗ −→ ∞(A) is p-summing. We obtain p-compactness criteria valid for Banach spaces in Cp

    An approximation property with respect to an operator ideal

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    Given an operator ideal A, we say that a Banach space X has the approximation property with respect to A if T belongs to {S ◦T : S ∈F(X)} τc for every Banach space Y and every T ∈A(Y,X), τc being the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets. We present several characterizations of this type of approximation property. It is shown that some of the existing approximation properties in the literature may be included in this setting

    Study of the optimal harvesting control and the optimality system for an elliptic problem

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    An optimal harvesting problem with concave non-quadratic cost functional and a diffusive degenerate elliptic logistic state equation type is investigated. Under certain assumptions, we prove the existence and uniqueness of an optimal control. A characterization of the optimal control via the optimality system is also derived, which leads to approximate the optimal control.Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologíaJunta de AndalucíaDirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación Científic

    Optimal control for the degenerate elliptic logistic equation

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    We consider the optimal control of the harvesting of the diffusive degenerate elliptic logistic equation. Under certain assumptions, we prove the existence and uniqueness of an optimal control. Moreover, the optimality system and a characterization of the optimal control are also derived. Sub-supersolution method, singular eigenvalue problem and differentiability with respect to the positive cone are the techniques used to get our results.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y TecnologíaJunta de AndalucíaDirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación Científic

    Duality of measures of non-A-compactness

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    Let A be a Banach operator ideal. Based on the notion of A-compactness in a Banach space due to Carl and Stephani, we deal with the notion of measure of non-A-compactness of an operator. We consider a map χA (respectively, nA) acting on the operators of the surjective (respectively, injective) hull of A such that χA(T) = 0 (respectively, nA(T) = 0) if and only if the operator T is A-compact (respectively, injectively A-compact). Under certain conditions on the ideal A, we prove an equivalence inequality involving χA(T∗) and nAd(T). This inequality provides an extension of a previous result stating that an operator is quasi p-nuclear if and only if its adjoint is p-compact in the sense of Sinha and Karn

    A two-layer shallow flow model with two axes of integration, well-balanced discretization and application to submarine avalanches

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    We propose a two-layer model with two different axes of integration and a well-balanced finite volume method. The purpose is to study submarine avalanches and generated tsunamis by a depth-averaged model with different averaged directions for the fluid and the granular layers. Two-layer shallow depth-averaged models usually consider either Cartesian or local coordinates for both layers. However, the motion characteristics of the granular layer and the water wave are different: the granular flow velocity is mainly oriented downslope while water motion related to tsunami wave propagation is mostly horizontal. As a result, the shallow approximation and depth-averaging have to be imposed (i) in the direction normal to the topography for the granular flow and (ii) in the vertical direction for the water layer. To deal with this problem, we define a reference plane related to topography variations and use the associated local coordinates to derive the granular layer equations whereas Cartesian coordinates are used for the fluid layer. Depthaveraging is done orthogonally to that reference plane for the granular layer equations and in the vertical direction for the fluid layer equations. Then, a finite volume method is defined based on an extension of the hydrostatic reconstruction. The proposed method is exactly well-balanced for two kind of stationary solutions: the classical one, when both water and granular masses are at rest; the second one, when only the granular mass is at rest. Several tests are presented to get insight into the sensitivity of the granular flow, deposit and generated water waves to the choice of the coordinate systems. Our results show that even for moderate slopes (up to 30◦), strong relative errors on the avalanche dynamics and deposit (up to 60%) and on the generated water waves (up to 120%) are made when using Cartesian coordinates for both layers instead of an appropriate local coordinate system as proposed here.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). EspañaEuropean Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)Agence Nationale de la Recherche. FranceEuropean Research Council (ERC

    Some properties and applications of equicompact sets of operators

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    Let X and Y be Banach spaces. A subset M of K(X,Y ) (the vector space of all compact operators from X into Y endowed with the operator norm) is said to be equicompact if every bounded sequence (xn) in X has a subsequence (xk(n))n such that (Txk(n))n is uniformly convergent for T ∈ M. We study the relationship between this concept and the notion of uniformly completely continuous set and give some applications. Among other results, we obtain a generalization of the classical Ascoli theorem and a compactness criterion in Mc(F,X), the Banach space of all (finitely additive) vector measures (with compact range) from a field F of sets into X endowed with the semivariation norm

    Operators whose adjoints are quasi p-nuclear

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    For p ≥ 1, a set K in a Banach space X is said to be relatively p-compact if there exists a p-summable sequence (xn) in X with K ⊆{Pn αnxn : (αn) ∈ B`p0}. We prove that an operator T : X → Y is p-compact (i.e., T maps bounded sets to relatively p-compact sets) iff T∗ is quasi p-nuclear. Further, we characterize p-summing operators as those operators whose adjoints map relatively compact sets to relatively p-compact sets

    On p-compact sets in classical Banach spaces

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    Given p ≥ 1, we denote by Cp the class of all Banach spaces X satisfying the equality Kp(Y,X) = Πdp(Y,X) for every Banach space Y , Kp (respectively, Πdp ) being the operator ideal of p-compact operators (respectively, of operators with p-summing adjoint). If X belongs to Cp, a bounded set A ⊂ X is relatively p-compact if and only if the evaluation map U∗ A : X∗ −→ ∞(A) is p-summing. We obtain p-compactness criteria valid for Banach spaces in Cp