160 research outputs found

    Lyapunov's direct method in abstract local semi-flows

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    Local determinacy of symmetric pseudoprocesses

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    Važnije dijagnoze i njihova procjena pri pregledu peradi

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    Key principles of poultry post mortem inspection are to take into account ante mortem inspection results, the carcases and accompanying offal are to be subjected without delay after slaughter to post mortem inspection, all external surfaces are to be viewed, and minimal handling of the carcase and offal should take place. Precautions must be taken to ensure that contamination of the meat by actions such as palpation, cutting or incision is kept to a minimum, and inspection staff should pay particular attention to the detection of zoonotic and notifiable diseases.Pri pregledu mesa i organa peradi nakon klanja u obzir se mora uzeti nalaz pregleda životinja prije klanja. Pregled trupova i organa na liniji klanja obavlja se bez odgode neposredno nakon klanja pri čemu treba postupke palpacije i zasijecanja mesa svesti na najmanju mjeru radi smanjenja stupnja kontaminacije. U radu je opisan postupak klaoničke obrade i utjecaj tehnoloških propusta na higijensku ispravnost mesa peradi. Navedeni su principi prosuđivanja ispravnosti mesa kod nalaza organskih i zaraznih bolesti peradi

    The Structural Analysis of the Sectors of Slovak Economy and Employment in Times of Global Change and the Subsequent Development

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    AbstractThe regions situated in the European environment have different primary sources, their quality and their level of utilization, which have a direct influence on their subsequent performance and productivity. The aim of this contribution is to evaluate the performance of the Slovak economy and its sectors in relation to employment in the reference period from 2000 to 2012. This analysis confirmed our assumption. From conducted analysis of position of the individual sectorsis is evident that the industries of primary and secondary sector lost its intensity and recorded deceleration of the performance and productivity. The tertiary sector in Slovakia in the reference period contributes utmost to formation of gross domestic product and employment creation. Productivity growth of the individual sectors of Slovak economy and their competitiveness will be directly proportionally related to the ability of the enterprises to respond successfully to new challenges in the field of innovations and the optimal use of production resources

    Analisi del trend di mortalità durante la venuta e la causa di contagio di pollame in allevamento sull‘azienda agricola Lieskovec (Repubblica Slovacca) dal 2006 al 2010

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    The influence of transport distance and temperature on the dead on arrival and condemnation causes of broiler chickens from a small farm Lieskovec (Slovak Republic) in the period 2006-2010 was evaluated. The results showed significant increase in dead on arrival and condemnation percentage in relation to the transport distance and season. The average percentage of the dead on arrival throughout the whole period was 0.209% (0.031 to 0.702%) and the average percentage of condemnation was 0.524% (0.041 to 1.422). The most common causes of condemnation were cyanosis, birds slaughtered in agony, breaking of the legs and wings and cachexy.Sažetak Istraživan je utjecaj trajanja transporta i temperature u transportu na uzroke uginuća i procjenu bolesnih stanja tovnih pilića s male farme Lieskovec (Republika Slovačka) u razdoblju od 2006. do 2010. godine. Rezultati su pokazali značajan porast uginuća i postotak bolesti ovisno o vremenu transporta i godišnjem dobu. Prosječan postotak uginulih pilića pri istovaru u klaoničkom objektu tijekom istraživanog perioda je iznosio 0,209% (0,031 do 0,702%) a znakovi bolesnih stanja uočeni su u 0,524% slučajeva (0,041 do 1,422). Uzroci su bili cijanoza, lom nogu i krila, kaheksija, te je zamijećeno iskrvarenje pilića u agoniji.Zusammenfassung Es wurde der Einfluss von Transportentfernung und Temperatur auf die Kadaver beim Ankommen und Verseuchungsursache von Masthühnern auf der kleinen Farm Lieskovac (Republik Slowakei) in der Zeitspanne vom 2006 – 2010 untersucht. Die Resultate zeig- ten einen bedeutenden Aufstieg des Verendens beim Ankommen und Erhöhung des Verseuchungsprozentes in Bezug auf die Trans- portentfernung und Jahreszeit. Der durchschnittliche Prozent des Verendens beim Akommen betrug während der ganzen Periode 0.209 % (0.031 bis 0.702 %) und der durchschnittliche Verseuchungsprozent betrug 0.524 % (0.041 bis 1.422). Die häufigsten Ursachen dafür waren: Zyanose, Hühner geschlachtet in Agonie, Bruch der Beine und der Flügel, allgemeine Schwäche.Sommario In quest‘articolo è stato ricercato l‘influsso della distanza di trasporto e della temperatura agli addomi nel momento di venuta, e la causa di contagio di pollame in allevamento dalla piccola azienda d‘allevamento Lieskovec (nella Repubblica Slovacca) tra gli anni 2006 e 2010. I risultati hanno dimostrato una notevole crescita di mortalità fino al momento di venuta e la crescita della percentuale di contagio rispetto alla distanza del trasporto e della stagione. La percentuale in media di polli morti fino all‘arrivo durante tutto il periodo faceva lo 0.209% (dallo 0.031 allo 0.702%) e la percentuale in media di contagio faceva lo 0.524% (dallo 0.041 allo 1.422). I motivi che più spesso si ripetevano erano: la cianosi, i polli macellati nell’agonia, le fratture delle gambe e delle ali di polli e la loro debolezza in generale

    Osservazione del processo di refrigerazione della carne di maiale e quella di manzo

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    Svrha hlađenja svježeg mesa je smanjivanje temperature u najdubljim dijelovima mišića što je brže moguće, a da se pri tome u što većoj mjeri zadrži njegova masa. Ipak, određeni gubici su poželjni jer su suhe površine otpornije na mikrobiološko kvarenje. U našem pokusu je praćen postupak hlađenja svinjetine i govedine u klaonicama u periodu od 2006. do 2007. godine. U prostorijama za hlađenje mjerena je temperatura u mišićima, a u obzir se uzimalo i trajanje postupka. Po završetku hlađenja, u dva je slučaja (13.3%) temperatura svježeg svinjskog mesa prelazila zahtijevanih +7 °C u dubini mišića.The aim of the chilling of carcasses is to decrease the temperature in the deepest parts of muscles as fast as possible while maintaining its weight as high as possible. However, some losses of the weight are desirable because dried surfaces are more resistant to the microbial spoilage. Monitoring of pork and beef chilling process at the slaughterhouses in period 2006 – 2007 was performed in our experiment. Temperature was measured in the muscles, in the chilling rooms and also duration of the process was taken into account. Finally, in two cases (13.3 %) of pork carcasses temperature exceeded required +7 °C in deep part of muscles at the end of process.Der Zweck der Abkühlung von Frischfleisch ist die Verminderung der Temperatur in den tiefsten Muskelteilen in möglichst kurzer Zeit, jedoch soll dabei das Fleischgewicht in möglichst hohem Maße aufbewahrt werden. Doch, manche Gewichtverminderungen sind wünschenswert, weil die trockenen Flächen auf mikrobiologische Blutung widerstandsfähiger sind. In unserem Experiment wurde die Beobachtung des Abkühlungsverfahrens von Schweineund Rindfleisch durchgeführt, dies in Schlachthöfen in der Zeitspanne von 2006 bis 2007. In den Abkühlungsräumen wurde die Temperatur in den Muskeln gemessen, in Betracht wurde auch die Dauer des Verfahrens gezogen. Am Ende des Verfahrens hat die Temperatur in zwei Fällen (13.3%) des frischen Schweinefleisches die verlangenen + 7 ° C in tiefen Muskelteilen überschritten.Lo scopo di refrigerazione della carne fresca è far diminuire al più presto possibile la temperatura nelle parti più profonde del muscolo, cercando di mantenere il suo peso nella maggior parte. Comunque, certe perdite sono pure desiderabili, essendo le superfici asciutte più resistenti al sanguinamento microbiologico. Nel nostro esperimento è stato osservato il processo della refrigerazione di maiale e di manzo nei macelli durante gli anni 2006 e 2007. Nei locali addatti alla refrigerazione è stata misurata la temperatura nei muscoli, ma è stata presa in considerazione anche la durazione del processo. Alla fine del processo, in due casi (13.3 %) della carne di maiale la temperatura superava i richiesti +7°C nelle parti profonde del muscolo

    Development of good hygiene practices in food industry in Slovakia

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    Proizvođači hrane u EU moraju postupati sukladno zakonskim propisima koji, uz ostalo, zahtijevaju osiguravanje sigurnosti hrane primjenom HACCP ili higijenskog kodeksa (93/43/EEC). HACCP je postupak namijenjen sprečavanju pojave problema osiguravanjem provedbe kontrole u svakoj fazi proizvodnje mesa, a gdje postoji mogućnost pojave rizika ili kritičnih situacija. Zasada, to je vjerojatno najbolji način nadzora sigurnosti namirnica. Međutim, razvoj HACCP sustava je veoma zahtjevan s obzirom na ljudske, tehnološke, te shodno tomu, i financijske resurse. Dok za velika poduzeća to ne mora predstavljati problem, malim je proizvođačima često ekonomski nemoguće samostalno razvijanje i uvođenje funkcionalnog HACCP sustava. Stoga, za njih bi puno značila mogućnost raspolaganja gore navedenim higijenskim kodeksom. Nekada se od proizvođača hrane zahtijevao samo pozitivan pristup dobroj proizvođačkoj praksi (GMP) u proizvodnji hrane na higijenski način, i oni su se na to navikli. Kodeks za hranu bi, po svojoj prirodi, bio prikladniji za ovu vrstu pristupa od najnovije HACCP metode. U ovom općem modelu postoji primjer, ili smjernica, za razvoj kodeksa za hranu za kuhane mesne proizvode.Producers of food in the EU have to comply with the legislative requirements that, except other, require safety management through HACCP or hygienic codes (93/43/EEC). Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is designed to prevent the occurrence of problems by assuring that controls are applied at any point in a meat production system where hazardous or critical situations could occur. Until now, it is probably the best way how to manage food safety. Development of the HACCP system is, however, quite demanding in respect of human, technological and thus financial resources. While this may not be a problem for large establishments, small producers often feel it economically impossible to develop and establish a functional HACCP by them. Therefore they would appreciate availability of the abovementioned hygienic codes. In the past, food producers had been only required to use a positive approach of good manufacturing practices (GMP) for producing food in a hygienic manner and got used to it. The food codes would, by their nature, is better fitting to this way of approach than full fledged HACCP. In this generic model, there is an example, or guide, for developing of a food code for cooked meat products

    Impact of secondary succession in abandoned fields on some properties of acidic sandy soils

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    Abandonment of agricultural lands in recent decades is occurring mainly in Europe, North America and Oceania, and changing the fate of landscapes as the ecosystem recovers during fallow stage. The objective of this study was to find the impact of secondary succession in abandoned fields on some parameters of acidic sandy soils in the Borská nížina lowland (southwestern Slovakia). We investigated soil chemical (pH and soil organic carbon content), hydrophysical (water sorptivity, and hydraulic conductivity), and water repellency (water drop penetration time, water repellency cessation time, repellency index, and modified repellency index) parameters, as well as the ethanol sorptivity of the studied soils. Both the hydrophysical and chemical parameters decreased significantly during abandonment of the three investigated agricultural fields. On the other hand, the water repellency parameters increased significantly, but the ethanol sorptivity did not change during abandonment. As the ethanol sorptivity depends mainly on soil pore size, the last finding could mean that the pore size of acidic sandy soils did not change during succession

    Impact of climate, soil properties and grassland cover on soil water repellency

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    Numerous soil water repellency (SWR) studies have investigated the possible causes of this temporal phenomenon, yet there remains a lack of knowledge on the order of importance of the main driving forces of SWR in the context of changing environmental conditions under grassland ecosystems. To study the separate and combined effects of soil texture, climate, and grassland cover type on inducing or altering SWR, four sites from different climatic and soil regions were selected: Ciavolo (CI, IT), Cs´olyosp´alos (CSP, HU), Pwllpeiran (PW, UK), Sekule (SE, SK). The investigated parameters were the extent (determined by repellency indices RI, RIc and RIm) and persistence (determined by water drop penetration time (WDPT) and water repellency cessation time, WRCT) of SWR, as well as field water (Sw) and ethanol (Se) sorptivity, water sorptivity of hydrophobic soil state (Swh) water sorptivity of nearly wettable soil state (Sww) and field hydraulic conductivity (K). Our findings showed an area of land has a greater likelihood of being water repellent if it has a sandy soil texture and/or a high frequency of prolonged drought events. Water infiltration was positively correlated with all the sorptivities (r = 0.32–0.88), but was mostly negatively correlated with RI (r = – 0.54 at CI), WDPT (r = – 0.47 at CI) and WRCT (r = – 0.58 at CI). The importance of natural and synanthropized vegetation covers with regards to SWR was not coherent; moving to regions having coarser texture or moving to drier climatic zones led to higher risk of SWR conditions. Climate change has been predicted to lead to more frequent extreme weather events and prolonged dry periods across Europe, which will most likely increase the extent of SWR-affected areas and increase the role of SWR in water management of grassland ecosystems. Therefore, there is a need to determine SWR risk zones to prevent decreases in soil moisture content, soil fertility, carbon and nitrogen sink potentials, as well as biomass production of the related agro-ecosystems