73 research outputs found

    Životna sposobnost semena uljane repice (Brassica napus L.)

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    According to the surfaces on which the oil rape is grown, it is considered the third most important oil crop of moderate climate zone in the world today. The aim of this paper was to determine the seed viability by application of both the standard laboratory test and the vigor tests. Testing was done using 9 oil rape genotypes (three winter varieties: Slavica, Zlatna and Ilija; three spring varieties: Mira, Jovana and JR-NS-7; three hybrids NS-UR 4, NS-UR 6 and NS-UR 13). Seed germination, seedling growth parameters, fresh seedling mass, and vigor index were determined using standard laboratory (SL) test, accelerated aging (AA) test, and controlled deterioration (SD) test. With applied SL test, on average, statistically significantly higher values for all tested parameters were obtained in comparison to AA and CD tests. By calculating the vigor index genotypes Zlatna, JR-NS 7, NS-UR 4, NS-UR 6 and NS-UR 13 were singled out, in which statistically significantly higher values were obtained with SL in relation to AA and CD tests.Danas je uljana repica najvažnija uljana biljka umerenog klimata i po površinama na kojima se gaji zauzima treće mesto među uljaricama u svetu. Zbog svoje raznovrsne primene, površine pod ovom kulturom se povećavaju iz godine u godinu, pa je potrebno obezbediti dovoljne količine kvalitetnog semena. U laboratorijskim uslovima se životna sposobnost semena ispituje različitim metodama. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi životna sposobnost semena primenom standardnog laboratorijskog testa i vigor testova. Ispitivanja su izvedena na 9 genotipova uljane repice (tri ozime sorte: Slavica, Zlatna i Ilia; tri jare sorte: Mira, Jovana i JR-NS- 7; tri hibrida NS-UR 4, NS-UR 6 i NS-UR 13). Utvrđena je klijavost semena, dužina ponika, sveža masa ponika i vigor indeks primenom standardnog laboratorijskog (SL) testa, testa ubrzanog starenja (AA) i testa kontrolisanog propadanja (CD). Primenom SL testa u proseku dobijene su statistički značajno više vrednosti za sve ispitivane parametre u odnosu na primenu AA i CD testa. Izračunavanjem vigor indeksa izdvojili su se genotipovi Zlatna, JR-NS 7, NS-UR 4, NS-UR 6 i NS-UR 13 kod kojih su se javile statistički značajno više vrednosti primenom SL testa u odnosu na primenu AA i CD testa. Uzorci navedenih genotipova su pokazali manju tolerantnost na nepovoljne uslove visoke temperature i visoke vlažnosti vazduha. Vigor testovi su korisni jer nam daju pouzdaniju informaciju o kvalitetu semena, a naročito ih treba koristiti ako se setva vrši u vreme pojave nepovoljnih uslova u vreme nicanja i ako je potrebno vršiti skladištenje i čuvanje semena za narednu vegatacionu sezonu

    Zavisnost kvaliteta i prinosa semena uljane repice od sklopa, sorte i godine proizvodnje

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    Rapeseed is an important industrial plant in the world. In Vojvodina region of Serbia it is grown on well aerated and deep soils. Most often it is sown with the distance between the rows of 25 cm, and 5-6 cm within the row. The trial with three winter rapeseed genotypes (Banaćanka, Slavica and NS-H-2) was set up at Rimski Šančevi (Vojvodina) during growing seasons of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011. Seed was sown with inter row spacing of 25 cm, and spacing within the rows of 5 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm and 16 cm. The following parameters were tested upon harvesting: seed germination, 1000 seed weight, test weight, seed yield, oil content and total protein in seed. No effect of planting density was observed on rapeseed seed quality produced in 2009/10 and 2010/11, which should be kept in mind when determining the quantity of seed required for sowing.Uljana repica je značajna industrijska biljka u svetu. U Vojvodini se najčešće gaji na dobro aerisanim i dubokim zemljištima. Setva se najčešće vrši sa razmakom između redova 25 cm, a u redu 5-6 cm. Ogled sa tri genotipa ozime uljane repice (Banaćanka, Slavica i NS-H-2) je postavljen na Rimskim šančevima (Vojvodina) u vegetacionoj sezoni 2009/2010. i 2010/2011. Setva je izvršena u redove sa međurednim razmakom 25 cm i razmakom u redu od 5 cm, 6 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm i 16 cm. Nakon žetve ispitani su sledeći parametri: klijavost semena, masa 1000 semena, zapreminska masa, prinos semena, sadržaj ulja i ukupnih proteina u semenu. U našim ispitivanjima nije utvrđen uticaj sklopa na kvalitet semena uljane repice proizvedenog u vegetacionoj sezoni 2009/10. i 2010/11. što treba imati u vidu prilikom određivanja potrebne količine semena za setvu

    Implementation of monitoring for genetically modified rapeseed in Serbia

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    Genetically modified (GMO) rapeseed (Brassica napus) is not grown commercially in European Union, but several lines have been approved for production and use as food and feed. A case-specific monitoring of herbicide-tolerant rapeseed, events RT73, RF3 and T45 was established by Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Serbia. The objectives of the present study were to introduce methods for detection of herbicide-tolerant GM oilseed rape, investigate occurrence and monitor the presence of GM rapeseed in seed and the feed products, as well as to develop a protocol for quantification. The study was based on 48 samples, rapeseed (33) and feed (15) products, imported from EU countries (Germany, Belgium, France, Czech Republic, Austria) and from domestic market. Seven positive feed samples and no positive seed samples have found. The percent of GMO in feed samples, estimated on semi-quantitative way, was below labelling threshold. Adventitious presence of GM materials in non-GM grain, derived food and feedstuffs is a concern to international grain trade and needs continuous monitoring

    Effects of the production methods on vigour of soybean seed

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    The seed accelerated ageing test is one of the most important tests for the seed vigour determination that provides establishing of the degree of germination maintenance and the determination of the seed storage longevity. The objective of the present study was to observe the effects of different production methods (organic and conventional) on seed vigour of the soybean cultivar Kaća by the application of the seed accelerated ageing test (ISTA Rules, 2016). The soybean seed was exposed to double stress conditions (temperature 41ºC, air humidity 100%) for 72h. In organic soybean seeds, stress conditions affected the increase in the number of nongerminated seeds by reducing the germination percentage. The length of the aboveground part of seedlings (121.63 mm), fresh weight (8.9 g), as well as dry weight of the above-ground part of seedlings (1.05 g) were greater in the accelerated ageing test than in the standard laboratory test, while the length (100.25 mm), fresh (1.26 g) and dry weight (0.1 g) of the root were greater in the standard laboratory test

    Klijavost semena i porast ponika uljane repice u uslovima sonog stresa

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    Oilrape is used for human consumption, domestic animal consumption, for biodiesel production, as bee pasture and as an important green manure. This crop is tolerant to many soil types (including saline soils) in the growing regions across the globe. Testing was done on three oilrape winter varieties: Ana, Slavica and Ilia. The influence of salinity on seed quality was determined after the harvest using standard laboratory methods under laboratory conditions. Seed germination in the control ranged from 92.75 % do 96 %. As NaCl concentration increased from 150 mmol/l to 250 mmol/l, germination decreased, and statistically the lowest values were obtained at the concentration of 300 mmol/l in Slavica and Ilija varieties (57-84 %). In all studied genotypes, the first seedlings emerged after three days of testing in the control and at NaCl concentrations of 75 mmol/l, 100 mmol/l, 150 mmol/l and 200 mmol/l. The seed germinated on the medium moisturized with 250 mmol/l NaCl started to germinate after four days of testing, while the seed germinated on the medium moisturized with 300 mmol/l NaCl started germination after five days. The length of seedlings was statistically the most significant in the control in all three varieties. Statistically the lowest values were obtained in the seedlings at NaCl concentration of 300 mmol/l. For successful production under stress conditions, adaptable genotypes which have pronounced positive interaction with environmental conditions should be chosen.Uljana repica je biljna vrsta koja je tolerantna na mnoge tipove zemljišta u regionima gajenja širom sveta, koja dobro podnosi zaslanjena zemljišta. Ispitivanja su izvedena na tri sorte ozime uljane repice: Ana, Slavica i Ilia. Nakon žetve, utvrđen je uticaj zaslanjenosti na kvalitet semena primenom standardnog laboratorijskog metoda. Filter papir je kvašen destilovanom vodom (kontrola) i različitim koncentracijama NaCl (75 mmol/l, 100 mmol/l, 150 mmol/l, 200 mmol/l, 250 mmol/l i 300 mmol/l). Nakon 7 dana utvrđeni su klijavost semena, brzina klijanja semena i dužina ponika. Klijavost semena u kontroli se kretala od 92.75% do 96%. Sa povećanjem koncentracije NaCl od 150 mmol/l do 250 mmol/l klijavost se smanjivala i statistički najniže vrednosti dobijene su na koncentraciji od 300 mmol/l kod sorti Slavica i Ilija (57%-84%). Kod svih ispitivanih genotipova prvi klijanci su se pojavili nakon tri dana ispitivanja i to u kontroli i na koncentracijama NaCl od 75 mmol/l, 100 mmol/l, 150 mmol/l i 200 mmol/l . Seme naklijavano na podlozi kvašenoj sa 250 mmol/l NaCl počelo je da klija nakon 4 dana ispitivanja, a nakon 5 dana na podlozi kvašenoj sa 300 mmol/l NaCl. Dužina ponika je bila statistički značajno najveća u kontroli, kod sve tri sorte. Statistički značajno najniže vrednosti su dobijene kod ponika na koncentraciji 300 mmol/l NaCl. Za uspešnu proizvodnju u stresnim uslovima treba odabirati genotipove koji su adaptabilni i imaju izraženu pozitivnu interakciju sa uslovima spoljne sredine

    Starenje semena uljane repice

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of oilseed rape seeds, produced at various locations, immediately after harvest and after a one-year storage period under controlled and uncontrolled conditions. The experimental testing was performed on seeds of five winter oilseed rape varieties produced at two localities (Rimski Šančevi and Pančevo). Following harvest and a one-year storage period, the seed quality was determined under laboratory conditions using standard germination tests. Seed germination, seedling length and vigour index were determined after seven days. The seed germination, length of seedling and vigour index values of the seeds produced at both localities were lower after one year of storage. Differences obtained between the seeds stored under controlled and uncontrolled conditions were not statistically significant. The seeds with higher initial values of all the tested parameters proved better under storage conditions.Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi kvalitet semena neposredno posle žetve i nakon godinu dana skladištenja, u kontrolisanim i nekontrolisanim uslovima, kod semena proizvedenog na različitim lokalitetima. Ispitivanja su izvedena na semenu, pet sorti ozime uljane repice, proizvedenog na dva lokaliteta (Rimski Šančevi i Pančevo). Nakon žetve i godinu dana skladištenja, u laboratorijskim uslovima, utvrđen je kvalitet semena primenom standardnog laboratorijskog metoda. Nakon 7 dana utvrđeni su klijavost semena, dužina ponika i vigor indeks. Klijavost semena kod sorata proizvedenih na lokalitetu Rimski Šančevi kretala se 91,00 - 95,50%. Nakon godinu dana starenja kod semena čuvanog u kontrolisanim uslovima klijavost je bila niža i iznosila je 85,00 - 91,75%, dok je kod semena čuvanog u nekontrolisanim uslovima klijavost iznosila 84,50 - 90,75%. Klijavost semena kod sorata proizvedenih na lokalitetu Pančevo je bila značajno manja i neposreno posle žetve je iznosila 73,75 - 82,50%. Nakon godinu dana starenja klijavost je statistički značajno opala i kod semena čuvanog u kontrolisanim (51,25 - 71,0%) i nekontrolisanim uslovima (53,50 - 71,25%). Dužina ponika i vigor indeks su bili niži nakon godinu dana sklaištenja kod semena proizvedenog na oba lokaliteta. Razlike dobijene između semena čuvanog u kontrolisanim i nekontrolisanim uslovima nisu bile statistički značajne. Seme koje je imalo više početne vrednosti ispitivanih parametara bolje je podnelo uslove sklaištenja

    Uticaj načina proizvodnje na životnu sposobnost semena soje

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    The seed accelerated ageing test is one of the most important tests for testing seed vigour, which provides the determination of the degree of preservation for germination and the determination of the duration of the seed storage. The aim of this study was to observe effects of two different production methods (organic and conventional) on seed vigour of soybean cultivar Kaća, by the application of the seed accelerated ageing test. The seeds were exposed to stress conditions for 72 h (temperature of 45 ºC and air humidity of 100%). After the test was applied, the number of non-germinated seeds of organically produced soybean increased, which resulted in the reduction of the germination percentage. Compared to the standard laboratory method, after the seed accelerated ageing test was applied, the length of the seedling above-ground part (121.63 mm), fresh weight of the seedling above-ground part (8.9 g) and dry weight of the seedling above-ground part (1,05 g) were higher. Moreover, the length (100.25 mm), fresh (1.26 g) and dry weight (0.1 g) of the root were also higher. After the test was applied, the percentage of the off-type seedlings (10.75%) and non-germinated seeds (26%) was higher in conventionally produced soybean seeds, while the length of the seedling above-ground part (100.63 mm), root length (106.75 mm) and root fresh weight (1.39 g) were lower.Test ubrzanog starenja semena jedan je od najvažnijih testova za ispitivanje životne sposobnosti semena, koji omogućava utvrđivanje stepena očuvanja klijavosti i određivanje dužine perioda čuvanja semena u skladištu. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita uticaj dva različita načina proizvodnje – organskog i konvencionalnog – na životnu sposobnost semena soje sorte Kaća, primenom testa ubrzanog starenja. Seme je izlagano stresnim uslovima temperature od 45 ºS i vlažnosti vazduha (100%) u trajanju od 72 časa. Nakon primene testa došlo je do povećanja broja neklijalog semena organske soje, čime je smanjen procenat klijavosti. U odnosu na standarni laboratorijski metod, nakon testa ubrzanog starenja dužina nadzemnog dela klijanca (121,63 mm), masa svežeg nad­ zemnog dela klijanca (8,9 g) i masa osušenog nadzemnog dela klijanca (1,05 g) bili su veći, dok su dužina (100,25 mm), sveža (1,26 g) i suva masa (0,1 g) korena bili veći kod standardnog laboratorijskog metoda. Nakon testa ubrzanog stare nja zabeležen je veći procenat atipičnih klijanaca (10,75%) i neklijalog semena (26%) kod konvencionalne soje, dok je s druge strane došlo do smanjenja dužine nadzemnog dela klijanca (100,63 mm), dužine korena (106,75 mm) i sveže mase korena (1,39 g)

    GM uljana repica tolerantna na herbicide-uticaj na životnu sredinu i poljoprivredu

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    The introduction of genetically modified herbicide tolerant rapeseed has raised questions concerning the possible transfer of transgenes into wild relatives or neighbouring fields with similar crops. Pollen of rapeseed can be spread in the area and if a non-GM crop is fertilised by GM pollen, some percentage of the collected seed product will contain GM. Current regulation in the EU limits the allowed content. For conventional crops the critical level of GM contamination is in practice below 0.9%, which is the threshold value for labelling of GM in food and feed by the EU, although the limit for seeds is 0.1% in Serbia. In organic farming, the regulations do not allow the use of genetic engineering in the grain production system.Uvođenje genetski modifikovane uljane repice koja je otporna na herbicide nameće pitanja u vezi sa potencijalnim prenošenjem transgena sa genetski modifikovane uljane repice na njene divlje srodnike ili susedna polja sa sličnim kulturama. Polen uljane repice širi se u prostoru, te ukoliko je genetski nemodifikovan usev oplođen genetski modifikovanim polenom, određeni broj biljaka biće genetski modifikovan. Važeća zakonska regulativa u Evropskoj uniji ograničava dozvoljen sadržaj genetske modifikacije u usevima. Za konvencionalne useve najviši dozvoljen nivo kontaminacije u praksi je 0,9%, što je istovremeno i granična vrednost za obeležavanje GM hrane i hrane za životinje u Evropskoj uniji. U Srbiji kritična granica za semena iznosi 0,1%. U organskoj proizvodnji zakonska uredba ne dozvoljava upotrebu genetičkog inžinjeringa u sistemu proizvodnje semena

    Antioxidant capacity of oilseed rape (&ITBrassica napus&IT) in different soil types

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    This work considers the results obtained by testing the parameters of antioxidant status in leaves and roots of oilseed rape at different growth stages (phase I: formation of leaf rosettes and preparing for winter hibernation; phase II: after the winter hibernation; phase III: flowering) grown in semicontrolled field conditions on different soil types. The experiment was conducted on four oilseed rape genotypes (Banacanka, Jasna, Kata, and Zlatna) in semicontrolled conditions in containers with three soil types: chernozem, solonetz, and solonchak. The germination failed on solonchak due to the excessive amount of salt, but results were obtained for plant material on chernozem and solonetz. The following parameters were examined: superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity, lipid peroxidation (LP) intensity, glutathione (GSH) content, and total antioxidant capacity (by ferric reducing antioxidant power, FRAP method). The activity of all the tested parameters of antioxidant status in all genotypes, both in leaves and roots, was higher in plants grown on solonetz soil compared to plants grown on chernozem. Furthermore, the activity of all the tested parameters on both soil types was highest in the second phase of testing, the stage after the winter hibernation, because the plants were exposed to low temperatures in addition to salt stress. The vital thing to note is that GPx activity is important for the defense at the initial stages of growth, while in the later growth stages SOD assumes this role. The genotype Banacanka has been distinguished as the most tolerant, while the genotype Zlatna was the most sensitive

    Detection of Genetically Modified Soya, Maize, and Rice in Vegetarian and Healthy Food Products in Serbia

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    ZDJELAR G., NIKOLIC Z., VASILJEVIC I., BAJIC B., JOVICIC D., IGNJATOV M., MILOSEVIC D. (2013): Detection of genetically modified soya, maize, and rice in vegetarian and healthy food products in Serbia. Czech J. Food Sci., 31: 43-48. The presence of genetic modifications was analysed in a total of 100 samples of non-labelled vegetarian and healthy food products. The basic raw materials in the samples tested comprised maize, soya, and/or rice. The screening of all samples was performed using the primers for CaMV35S promoter. The positive samples from this initial screening were further subjected to the analysis of specific transgenic material to determine the type of GMO present with subsequent quantification. Roundup Ready soya was found in eight samples, but its content was below the limit of 0.9%. None of the analysed samples of food products contained GM maize and GM rice. Considering that the investigated samples were imported mainly from EU countries, it can be concluded that the control of GMOs is carried out systematically and in accordance with the Serbian GMO Law