118 research outputs found

    Perfekat u srpskom jeziku i njegovi ekvivalenti u francuskom jeziku

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    Predmet ovog rada predstavlja kontrastivna analiza perfekta u srpskom jeziku i njemu korelativnih glagolskih oblika u francuskom jeziku. Perfekat je centralno, nemarkirano glagolsko vreme u sistemu preteritalnih vremena u srpskom jeziku. Odlikuje se brojnim i raznovrsnim temporalnim i modalnim upotrebama, Å”to doprinosi njegovoj polisemičnosti. Na planu kontrastiranja sa korelativnim oblicima u francuskom jeziku navedena svojstva perfekta imaju značajne konsekvence prilikom selekcije prevodnih ekvivalenata. Odnos prevodne ekvivalencije perfekat uspostavlja sa većim brojem glagolskih oblika u francuskom jeziku (preko dvadeset), čime se pomenuta korelacija svrstava u tip divergentne polisemije. OpÅ”ti cilj rada usmeren je ka identifikaciji i deskripciji kako sličnosti, tako i razlika između perfekta u srpskom i ekvivalentnih glagolskih oblika u francuskom jeziku. Zadatak ovog rada je da se utvrde lingvističke kategorije koje utiču na izbor prevodnog ekvivalenta u francuskom. U radu primenjujemo metodu kontrastivne analize primera ekscerpiranih iz paralelnog korpusa sačinjenog od trideset književnih dela na srpskom i njihovih prevoda na francuski. Osnovu metode kontrastivne analize čine tri koraka: identifikovanje ekvivalenata, poređenje, utvrđivanje sličnosti i kontrasta. Teorijsko-metodoloÅ”ki okvir deskripcije jezičkih datosti zasnovan je na sledećim teorijama: teoriji dvokomponentne aspektualnosti, zatim Rajhenbahovoj teoriji i teorijskim nadogradnjama Rajhenbahovog logičkog opisa glagolskih vremena, kao i na teoriji o narativnim planovima. Rezultati kontrastivne analize pokazuju da na selekciju prevodnih ekvivalenata srpskog perfekta među glagolskim oblicima francuskog jezika utiče veći broj faktora: a) aspektualne kategorije (im)perfektivno, (ne)ograničeno i (ne)telično, b) temporalne informacije odn. relacije između triju tačaka E, R i S, v) prisustvo fiktivnog momenta govora Sā€™, g) način koncipovanja glagolske situacije (opozicija događajno/rezultativno), d)temporalna progresija: +TP (sukcesija), āˆ’TP (analepsa), 0TP (simultanost), đ)narativni planovi: prvi/drugi plan, e) retrospektivna/prospektivna vizura, ž)sintaksičke prinude, z) enuncijativna polifonija, i) modalna obojenost iskaza, j) doživljenost predstavljene radnje, k) funkcionalni stil (razgovorni/književni jezik), l) temporalna homogenizacija teksta, lj) različiti stilski efekti. Posebno se ističu sistemske razlike između srpskog i francuskog jezika u pogledu kodiranja različitih aspektualnih informacija. U srpskom jeziku, koji ima bogatu derivacionu morfologiju, polje aspekta je dominantnije, dok su glagolska vremena u francuskom mnogo specijalizovanija.This thesis is dedicated to the contrastive analysis of the perfect tense in Serbian language and the correlated verb forms in French. The perfect tense is a central, unmarked verb tense in the system of Serbian preterite tenses. Numerous and diverse temporal and modal uses of the perfect tense contribute to its polysemity. When it comes to contrasting with correlated forms in French, the aforementioned characteristics of the perfect tense are essential for selecting translation equivalents. The translation equivalence is established with a large number of (over twenty) verb forms in French, which categorizes this correlation as a type of divergent polysemy. The general objective of this thesis is to identify and describe both similarities and differences between the perfect tense and the equivalent verb forms in French. The purpose of the thesis, however, is to determine linguistic categories which influence the process of selecting an adequate translation equivalent in French. In this work we apply the method of contrastive analysis of the examples excerpted from a parallel corpus comprising thirty literary works in Serbian and their translation into French. Contrastive analysis method itself includes three steps: identification of equivalents, comparison, identification of similarities and differences. Theoretically-methodological framework of describing linguistic phenomena is based on the following theories: the Theory of two-component aspect, the Reichenbachā€™s Theory of Tense and theories building on the Reichenbachā€™s logical description of verb tenses,the Theory of Narrative Foreground and Background. The results of the performed contrastive analysis indicate that there is a large number of factors influencing the selection of translation equivalents among verbal forms in French for Serbian perfect tense: a) aspectual categories (im)perfective, (un)bounded,and (a)telic; b) temporal information, i.e. the relation among three points E, R and S; c)the presence of the fictive moment of speech Sā€™; d) the manner of creating a verbal situation (the opposition: event/resultative state); e) temporal progression: +TP (succession), -TP (analepsis), 0TP (simultaneity); f) narrative plans: foreground/background; g) retrospective/ prospective viewpoint; h) syntactic constraints; i) enunciative polyphony; j) statement modality; k) emotional insight; l) functional style (conversational/literary language); m) temporal homogenization of a text; n) various stylistic effects. In this thesis we underline the systemic differences between Serbian and French in terms of encoding different pieces of aspectual information. In Serbian, characterized by rich derivational morphology, the field of aspect is more dominant,whereas in French verb tenses tend to be more specialized

    Significance of clinical parameters and treatment methods for prognosis and postoperative outcome of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

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    Introduction: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) represents separation of neurosensory retina from retinal pigment epithelium, which is sight threatening condition. The procedures for surgical management of RRD are scleral buckle and pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). Various factors may affect the success of surgery and postoperative outcome. Patients with RRD represent one of the most difficult cases for surgical treatment, while postoperative visual recovery is not always complete. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the methods of treatment of patients with RRD, and clinical parameters relevant for prognosis and postoperative outcome. Material and methods: Retrospective study conducted at the Department of Ophthalmology, Clinical Center of Serbia, in Belgrade, from January 1. 2016 to December 31. 2016, included 203 consecutive patients hospitalized for RRD. The statistical analysis of the results on anatomical and functional outcome of operation, obtained from medical records, was carried out by t-test, Wilcoxon test and x2 test. Results: Scleral buckle was method of choice in treatment of 56.65% patients, while PPV was performed in 43.35% of patients. Retina was successfully reapplied at 88.7% of patients treated with scleral buckle and 67% operated with PPV method. Parameters that influenced the anatomical success included: number of retinal ruptures (p = 0.022) and macular attachment (p < 0.001). Statistically significant increase in postoperative visual acuity, compared to the measured preoperative visual acuity (p < 0.001) was shown. Functional success was evaluated using postoperative visual acuity and depended on: macular attachment, number of retinal ruptures and type of performed surgery. Conclusion: The presented results show that patients with RRD can have a good anatomical and functional recovery, especially those cases with a single retinal rupture and macula-on. Therefore, it is important to urgently refer patients with RRD to the surgical treatment, before it comes to the separation of the macula, in order to achieve better postoperative results

    The influence of heparin on the biological distribution of 99mTc-glucoheptonate

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    Ispitan je uticaj antikoagulantnog leka heparina na radiohemijski sastav i bioloÅ”ku distribuciju renalnog preparata 99mTc-glukoheptonata. Međudejstvo leka i radiofarmaceutika ispitano je u invitro uslovima, primenom radiohromatografske metode. Povećana koncentracija heparina dala je smanjenje frakcije 99mTc-glukoheptonata i povećan sadržaj frakcije koja odgovara 99mTc-heparinu. BioloÅ”kim eksperimentima potvrđeno je medudejstvo leka i radiofarmaceutika u in vivo uslovima, Å”to se manifestovalo u smanjenju lokalizacije 99mTc-glukoheptonata u bubrezima.The influence of heparin as the anticoagulant drug on the radiochemical composition and biological distribution of the renal reagent 99mTc-Glucoheptonate was examined. The interaction of the drug and radiopharmaceutical was examined under Ā»in vitroĀ« conditions, by radiochromatographic method. The increased concentration of heparin caused the decrease of 99mTc-Glucoheptonate fracton and, increased content of 99mTc-heparin fraction. Biological experiment confirmed interaction of drug and radiopharmaceutical also in Ā»in vivoĀ« conditions. Decreased localization of 99mTc-Glucoheptonate in kidneys was observed

    Professional and private experience with persons with special needs and attitudes of teachers of regular schools towards inclusion

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    U ovom radu tragamo za činiocima koji učestvuju u formiranju stavova nastavnika osnovnih Å”kola prema inkluziji dece koja, zbog neke senzorne, telesne, mentalne smetnje ili socijalne depriviranosti, imaju potrebe za dodatnom podrÅ”kom u razvoju i učenju. DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja stavova prema inkluzivnom obrazovanju dece s posebnim potrebama pokazuju da nastavnici redovnih Å”kola 'oklevaju' s prihvatanjem dece s posebnim potrebama navodeći kao razlog to Å”to se ne osećaju dovoljno kompetentnim da s njima rade. Međutim, iz projekata za uključivanje ove dece u kojima se nastavnici edukuju i koji predviđaju podrÅ”ku stručnog tima Å”kole, uočava se porast u spremnosti nastavnika da rade s tom decom. Realizovano je istraživanje kojim pokuÅ”avamo da utvrdimo da li iskustvo nastavnika - privatno ili profesionalno - sa osobama s teÅ”koćama razlikuje ispitanike koji imaju povoljnije stavove prema inkluzivnom obrazovanju ove dece od onih sa manje povoljnim stavovima. Uzorak čini 105 nastavnika iz pet redovnih osnovnih Å”kola na teritoriji Beograda, od kojih 44,2% izjavljuje da ima profesionalno iskustvo u radu sa učenicima s posebnim potrebama, dok privatno iskustvo sa osobama sa smetnjama u razvoju ima 40% ispitanika. Rezultati (ANOVA) pokazuju da profesionalno iskustvo u radu s decom s posebnim potrebama ne utiče značajno na formiranje i menjanje stavova nastavnika redovnih Å”kola prema inkluzivnom obrazovanju. S druge strane, privatno iskustvo sa osobama sa smetnjama u razvoju značajno utiče kako na stav prema inkluziji u celini tako i na sve njegove komponente (kognitivnu, konativnu, osećanje kompetentnosti). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata diskutuju se implikacije na razvoj kurikuluma za obrazovanje nastavnika za rad s decom s teÅ”koćama u razvoju. .In this paper, we seek for the factors of formation of attitudes of primary school teachers towards inclusion of children who due to some sensory, bodily, mental disability or social deprivation have the need for additional support in development and learning. Research on attitudes towards inclusive education of children with special needs so far indicates that teachers of regular schools 'hesitate' in accepting children with special needs, stating as a reason the fact that they do not feel competent enough to work with them. However, the increase in teacher readiness to work with these children can be seen from the projects for the inclusion of these children that educate the teachers and envisage the support of the school expert team. This study was conducted with the aim of determining whether teacher's experience - either private or professional - with persons with disabilities distinguishes the respondents who exhibit more favourable attitudes towards inclusive education of these children from those with less favourable attitudes. The sample consisted of 105 teachers from five regular primary schools at the territory of Belgrade, 44.2% of whom declared that they had professional experience in working with students with special needs, while 40% of respondents had private experience with persons with developmental disabilities. The results (ANOVA) indicate that professional experience with working with children with special needs does not significantly affect the formation and changing of attitudes of teachers of regular schools towards inclusive education. On the other hand, private experience with persons with developmental disabilities has a significant influence both on the attitude towards inclusion as a whole and towards all its components (cognitive, conative, the feeling of competence). Based on the obtained results, implications for the development of the curriculum for educating teachers for working with children with developmental disabilities are discussed.

    The influence of type 2 diabetes on cardiovascular functional capacity

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    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) is a heterogeneous group of disorders, characterized by varying degrees of insulin resistance, impaired insulin secretion and an increased concentration of glucose in the blood. DM2 is responsible for the structural and functional alterations of the cardiac muscle in the presence or absence of coronary artery disease (diabetic cardiomyopathy). Modern diagnostic testing of people with diabetes includes echocardiography and ergospirometry, which is important in the diagnosis of diabetic cardiomyopathy, as well as in the evaluation and treatment of this disease. Aim: To assess the functional capacity of patients with DM2, who have good glycemic regulation and preserved systolic function and to compare the value of the maximum (peak) oxygen uptake (peakVO2) with the values measured in the control group of healthy subjects. Material and methods: The prospective study included 30 patients (15 with and 15 without DM2), of both sexes, under the age of 55, with preserved systolic function, in whom anthropometric parameters, laboratory analysis, echocardiographic and cardiopulmonary exercise testing parameters were measured. The obtained data were processed statistically, and Pearson's correlation coefficient were used for determining the correlation. Results: Statistically significantly higher mean values of peak oxygen uptake and maximal oxygen pulse were found in the control group, while blood glucose levels and systolic blood pressure at rest were significantly lower. The slope of carbon dioxide equivalent was steeper in the group of patients with DM2. There were no significant differences in the structural and functional echocardiographic parameters between the groups. Conclusion: Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have lower functional capacity, expressed by peak oxygen uptake during exercise, even with good glycemic control. These changes in the functional capacity precede manifest complications, regarding structural and functional changes in the myocardium

    The Barriers to Inclusive Education: Mapping 10 Years of Serbian Teachers' Arritudes Toward Inclusive Education

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    The study provides a comparative review of 15 independently written studies on teachersā€™ attitudes toward inclusion in Serbia between 2002 and 2012. It also attempted to describe teachersā€™ attitudes toward inclusive education depending on the type of special need, as well as the main obstacles and benefits of a successful inclusion from the in-service teachersā€™ point of view. The findings show that shifts in teachersā€™ attitudes toward inclusion are slow despite numerous reform changes. The results are discussed in two stages, first before and then after the inclusion legislation was enacted. Furthermore, the overview showed that teachers in Serbia hold the most negative attitude toward inclusion of students with sensory impairments in mainstream schools. Despite resistance toward inclusion, teachers in Serbia realize its benefits, emphasizing the importance of developing social skills as well as reducing prejudice toward people with disabilities. The main obstacles to inclusion, as teachers perceive it, are insufficient education and inadequate professional development programs for teachers in Serbia, low peer status of children with disabilities in regular classrooms and lack of resources, which is in line with reform goals in Serbia. The implications for further reform implementation are discussed, as well as the need for further clarifications in future research

    Efficacy and safety of triamcinolone acetonide posterior subtenon injection in patients with diabetic maculopathy

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    Introduction: Diabetic maculopathy (DM) is the main cause of visual impairment of the working population. Optical coherence tomography and fluorescein angiography give us a precise insight into retinal changes. In recent years, pharmacological treatment of DM is increasing. Posterior subtenon application is accompanied by a smaller percentage of complications compared to intravitreal application. Aim: The aim is to assess the efficacy and safety of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) posterior subtenon injection in the treatment of DM, by measuring intraocular pressure (IOP), central macular thickness (CMT) and visual acuity, before and two months after. Material and methods: The retrospective study included 49 patients admitted during 2016, for posterior subtenon injection of TA in the DM treatment, at Daily Hospital, for the treatment of vascular diseases of the eye and the macula Department of Ophthalmology, Clinical Center of Serbia. Data were collected from medical records on gender, age, type of retinopathy and visual acuity, IOP and CMT, before and two months after intervention. Results: The average age of patients was 63 Ā± 9.5 years. Out of 49 patients tested, 30.61% were female and 69.39 % were male. The frequency of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) in the study was 53.6%. There was a statistically significant difference in visual acuity and CMT, before and two months after the intervention, but there was no correlation between the improvement of visual acuity and CMT reduction. There was no statistically significant difference in IOP, before and two months after intervention. Conclusion: The most common type of diabetic retinopathy in this study was NPDR. After posterior subtenon application of TA, there was a significant increase in visual acuity and CMT reduction, but reduction of CMT is not connected with the increase of visual acuity. Posterior subtenon TA application is not accompanied by a significant increase in IOP, and it is an effective and relatively safe way of treating DM

    Izolacija i karakterizacija bakterija i kvasaca iz kontaminiranog zemljiŔta

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    Plant growth promoting (PGP) bacteria and yeasts play an important role in bioremediation processes. Thirty bacterial and ten yeast isolates were obtained from PAH and PCB contaminated soil with an aim of determining the presence of PGP mechanisms (production of ammonia, indoleacetic acid, siderophores and solubilization of inorganic phosphate). As a result, three bacterial (Serratia liquefaciens, Micrococcus sp. and Serratia sp.) and two yeast isolates (Candida utilis and Candida tropicalis) were recognized as PGP strains. Among them, Serratia sp. showed the highest indole production (25.5 Ī¼g/ml). Analyses of metal tolerance (Cu+2, Cr+6 and Ni+2) revealed that Serratia liquefaciens, Micrococcus sp., Serratia sp. and Candida tropicalis were capable to tolerate significant concentration of metals. As a result of this study several bacterial and yeast strains were attributed as potential plant growth promoters which can be applied in future remediation activities and environmental quality improvements.ZemljiÅ”te predstavlja dinamičan ekosistem naseljen brojnim mikroorganizmima među kojima su bakterije najbrojnije. Najveći broj je skoncentrisan u uskoj zoni zemljiÅ”ta koja okružuje koren i koja se naziva rizosfera. Procenjuje se da 1-2% bakterija koje naseljavaju ovu zonu imaju sposobnost da promoviÅ”u rast biljaka (engl. plant growth promoting bacteria - PGPB). Pored bakterija, sve viÅ”e je podataka da i zemljiÅ”ni kvasci poseduju ove sposobnosti. Mikroorganizmi koji stimuliÅ”u rast biljaka koriste različite mehanizme kojima povećavaju dostupnost nutrijenata biljkama, reguliÅ”u njihov hormonski status kao i odnos prema biljnim patogenima. Bakterije i kvasci koji stimuliÅ”u rast biljaka igraju važnu ulogu i u procesima bioremedijacije. Trideset bakterijskih i deset izolata kvasaca je izolovano iz kontaminiranog zemljiÅ”ta (PAH i PCB) i testirano na prisustvo mehanizama kojima se pospeÅ”uje rast biljaka. Cilj je bio doći do sojeva koji su prilagođeni na život u zagađenom zemljiÅ”tu, a istovremeno imaju i potencijalno stimulativno dejstvo. Nakon izvrÅ”enih biohemijskih analiza (produkcija amonijaka, indol-sirćetne kiseline, siderofora, rastvaranje neorganskog fosfora) u stimulatore biljnog rasta svrstana su tri bakterijska (Serratia liquefaciens, Micrococcus sp. i Serratia sp.) i dva izolata kvasaca (Candida utilis i Candida tropicalis). Među njima najveću sposobnost produkcije indol-sirćetne kiseline je pokazao izolat Serratia sp. (25,5 Ī¼g/ml). Analize tolerancije na prisustvo teÅ”kih metala (Cu+2, Cr+6 i Ni+2) pokazale su da su izolati Serratia liquefaciens, Micrococcus sp., Serratia sp. i Candida tropicalis sposobni da podnesu viÅ”e koncentracije. Rezultati ovih istraživanja mogu imati praktičnu primenu u budućim remedijacionim aktivnostima i unapređenju kvaliteta životne sredine
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