265 research outputs found

    Os blogs como reforço na aprendizagem dos sistemas operacionais

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    El artículo determina el impacto que tuvo el uso de blogs en el aprendizaje en un grupo de estudiantes de II semestre del curso de Sistemas Operativos del programa de Tecnología en Informática de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO. Con dicho grupo se trabajó el fortalecimiento de las estrategias pedagógicas mediadas por las Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación —TIC—. Para ello, fue utilizada la metodología investigación-acción que emplea instrumentos de recolección de información. Los resultados muestran que por medio del uso de los blogs, los estudiantes alcanzaron mayor aprendizaje y comprensión en los temas de esta asignatura.This paper defines the impact obtained through the use of blogs during the learning process of 2ndsemester students in the Operating Systems course, as part of the Computer Technology program at Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. The strengthening of the pedagogical strategies, influenced by Information and Communication Technologies —itc— was applied in this class. Thus, the action research methodology, which uses instruments of information gathering, was adopted. The results demonstrate that students attained a better learning and understanding in this subject, through the usage of blogs.O artigo determina o impacto que teve o uso de blogs na aprendizagem num grupo de estudantes de II semestre do curso de Sistemas operacionais do programa de Tecnologia em Informática da Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. Com dito grupo trabalhou-se o fortalecimento das estratégias pedagógicas mediadas pelas Tecnologias da informação e a comunicação—tic—. Para isso, foi utilizada a metodologia investigação-ação que emprega instrumentos de coleta de informação. Os resultados mostram que por médio do uso dos blogs, os estudantes atingiram maior aprendizagem e entendimento nos temas desta matéria.

    Leadership model

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    The Theory of Planned Behavior studies the decision-making mechanisms of individuals. We propose the Nash Equilibria as one, of many, possible mechanisms of transforming human intentions in behavior. This process corresponds to the best strategic individual decision taking in account the collective response. We built a game theoretical model to understand the role of leaders in decision-making of individuals or groups. We study the characteristics of the leaders that can have a positive or negative influence over others behavioral decisions.Previous versions of this work were presented in the International Congress of Mathematicians ICM 2010, the Second Brazilian Workshop of the Game Theory Society in honor of John Nash and EURO 2010, ICDEA 2009 and LAMES 2008. This work was highlighted in the article [11] after being presented in ICM2010. We thank LIAAD-INESC Porto LA, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, PRODYN-ESF, POCTI and POSI by FCT and Ministerio da Ciencia e da Tecnologia, and the FCT Pluriannual Funding Program of the LIAAD-INESC Porto LA and of the Research Center of Mathematics of University of Minho, for their financial support

    Um programa de formação para a eficácia dos treinadores da iniciação e formação desportiva

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    [Excerto] Introdução: De uma forma verdadeiramente notável, em nenhum outro domínio ou contexto, como no desporto, encontramos tantos indivíduos (crianças, jovens e adultos) que voluntariamente se sujeitam e «subjugam» à autoridade de uma pessoa ou duas pessoas: os(as) seus (suas) treinadores(as) (Chelladurai, 1984; Cruz & Gomes, 1996). É particularmente saliente a confiança depositada pelos atletas na capacidade do treinador e nas suas técnicas motivacionais, para atingirem objectivos pessoais. Como salientaram Smoll e Smith (1984), a relação treinador-atleta determina a forma como os atletas são afectados pela sua participação no desporto. Se é verdade que a influência do treinador vai muito além do contexto desportivo (interferindo na vida, desenvolvimento e crescimento pessoal dos atletas), também é verdade que muitos treinadores, sobretudo por falta de formação e informação, não têm uma consciência clara de como e até que ponto afectam os seus atletas (Cruz & Gomes, 1996). [...

    Distributed microprocessor controllers using optic fiber network

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    This work continues a previous project devoted to the supervision and control of electric motors in large industrial plants. This project consists in a set of microcontroller boards that communicate with a Global Control Card (GCC) The transmission of messages in the system is done using a optic fiber network. The GCC can be linked to a supervisory computer by a serial communication channel. A program processes the system schematics and authomatically generates the configuration files. This project has been realised in collaboration with INABBNSA (ABENGOA) and funded by the ATICA programme

    Comparación de cuatro condiciones del sistema de riesgos laborales entre Argentina y Colombia

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    En los diferentes países del mundo la seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SST) cobra vital importancia dada la obligación que se tiene para garantizar la protección de los trabajadores dependiendo el país que se entre a evaluar, existen notables diferencias en rigor de normatividad e implementación de la misma. Este artículo compara algunos aspectos importantes de las medidas normativas en materia de seguridad y salud en el trabajo que Argentina y Colombia han adoptado; asimismo, las metodologías de implementación acorde con las necesidades propias del país. A su vez, presenta reflexiones de los autores acerca de los aspectos comparados y que son de relevancia por las diferencias o similitudes presentadas para cada país, siempre teniendo en cuenta que el fin común es aumentar la seguridad al máximo y reducir las probabilidades de riesgo que estén en el entorno laboral. En este sentido, ambos países deben garantizar la protección y el cuidado de los trabajadores, en condiciones dignas y saludables, lo que genera nuevas ideas que contribuyen al proceso de mejora continua del SST sin perder de vista el desarrollo y productividad de cada uno

    Geophysical surveys on permafrost in Coropuna and Chachani volcanoes (southern Peru)

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    A network of air and ground temperature sensors installed 2004-2014 has enabled the discovery of permafrost on the Coropuna (6377 m) and Chachani (6057 m) volcanoes. However, on the Misti (5820 m) volcano there is no permafrost, which can be attributed to geothermal heat. Misti and Chachani are very close to each other, near the city of Arequipa (S. Peru). Coropuna is 150 km to the west. Various volcanic eruptions have taken place on Misti and Coropuna in the last 10 ka (Úbeda et al, 2012). The volcanic activity on the Chachani seems to be much older, although it has not been researched to date. Coropuna is covered by a glacial system of _40 km2 (23-11-2013) and the moraines surrounding the volcanic complex indicate a surface of >500 km2 >10 ka ago (Úbeda et al, 2011). On Chachani the evidence also suggests a great extent in the past although in this case there are no glaciers conserved at the present day. On Misti there are currently no glaciers either, nor is there any evidence conserved of their earlier presence, and this has also been related to geothermal heat. As well as other study areas, the CRYOPERU sensor network includes 4 stations in the sector Coropuna-NE; 3 stations in Coropuna-SE; 3 stations in Chachani-SE and 3 stations in Misti-NW. The stations are at different altitudes, in an interval of 4300-6000 m. Each station has a thermometer to measure the air temperature (at a height of 0.50 m) and three thermometers to measure the ground temperature (at depths of 0.15, 0.30 and 1.00 m). The sensors are synchronized in GPS time and record the temperature every 30 minutes

    Whole blood transcriptional profiling in ankylosing spondylitis identifies novel candidate genes that might contribute to the inflammatory and tissue-destructive disease aspects

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    Introduction: A number of genetic-association studies have identified genes contributing to ankylosing spondylitis (AS) susceptibility but such approaches provide little information as to the gene activity changes occurring during the disease process. Transcriptional profiling generates a 'snapshot' of the sampled cells' activity and thus can provide insights into the molecular processes driving the disease process. We undertook a whole-genome microarray approach to identify candidate genes associated with AS and validated these gene-expression changes in a larger sample cohort

    Current thermal state of permafrost and potential impact on the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Southern Peruvian Andes

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    Tropical, high-mountain permafrost has a unique thermal regime due to its exposure to strong solar radiation and to the rougher surface snow morphology (due to an increased occurrence of penitentes -- that is, snow spikes and ridges ranging from centimeters to meters in height) which reduce convective sensible heat transfer from the surface. Latent heat transfer and higher albedo occurring during the wet season contributes to positive feedback that supports the presence of permafrost. This preliminary study reports on the thermal state of Peruvian permafrost. It evaluates the potential combined impact of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), along with the eleven-year solar cycles of Coropuna (15°32′S; 72°39′W; 6,377 m a.s.l.), and the Chachani volcanic complexes (16°11′S; 71°31′W; 6,057m a.s.l.); both mountains are located in the western Central Andes (e.g., west edge of the Altiplano). Temperature monitoring boreholes were established at 5217m on Coropuna and 5331m at Chachani, and electric resistivity was surveyed to better understand permafrost spatial distribution in these locations. This seven-year record of permafrost temperature data encompasses historically extreme El Niño and La Niña events. Our results show that the current lower-altitude permafrost boundary (ca. 5100m) is critically influenced by the balance of wet and dry seasons: permafrost tends to deplete during drought years. Typical permafrost thickness was 10-20 m and contained ice-rich pore spaces. The presence of permafrost and its thermal resistance depends on ice content and on higher albedo, usually due to pyroclastic materials (especially pumice) which are ideal materials for supporting permafrost resilience

    Absence of molecular evidence of Leptospira spp. in urine samples collected from rodents captured in Yucatán, México

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    Leptospira spp. is a spirochete bacteria, causal agent of leptospirosis, zoonotic disease endemic in México that represents a serious public health and veterinary problem. Rodents are recognised as the most important reservoirs of this bacteria, which is transmitted mainly through direct or indirect contact with the Leptospira spp. excreted in the urine of infected individuals. Theaim of this study was to evaluate the circulation of Leptospira spp. in urine samples of wild and synanthropic rodents from Yucatán, México. Eighty-four rodents were captured in the community of Cenotillo, Yucatán. Twenty-six urine samples were collected from the bladder and were used in the total DNA extraction. The identification of Leptospira spp. was intended through the polymerase chain reaction test in its endpoint variant. No evidence of Leptospira spp. was found in the urine samples. It is necessary to use other tissues for the identification of Leptospira spp., before concluding that the rodents used in the present study are not reservoirs of this bacteri

    Descubrimiento y monitoreo del permafrost tropical en los volcanes Coropuna y Chachani (Andes del sur de Perú)

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    Una red de sensores de las temperaturas del aire y el suelo instalados en 2004-2014 (red CRYOPERU) ha permitido encontrar permafrost en los volcanes Coropuna (6377 m) y Chachani (6057 m). Sin embargo, en el volcán Misti (5820 m) no hay permafrost, circunstancia que se ha atribuido al calor geotérmico (Andrés et al, 2011). El Misti y el Chachani están muy próximos entre sí, junto a la ciudad de Arequipa (sur de Perú). El Coropuna está 150 km hacia el oeste. En el Misti y el Coropuna han ocurrido varias erupciones volcánicas en los últimos 10 ka (Thouret et al, 2002; Úbeda et al, 2012). En el Chachani la actividad volcánica parece mucho más vieja, aunque no ha sido investigada todavía. El Coropuna está cubierto por un sistema glaciar de ~40 km2 (23-11-2013) y alrededor del complejo volcánico hay morrenas que indican una superficie >500 km2 hace >10 ka (Úbeda, 2011). En el Chachani la evidencia también sugiere gran extensión en el pasado, aunque en ese caso no se conservan glaciares hoy en día. En el Misti tampoco hay glaciares en la actualidad, ni se conservan evidencias de su presencia anterior, un hecho que también se ha relacionado con el calor geotérmico (Andrés et al, 2011). Además de otras áreas de estudio, la red de sensores CRYOPERU incluye 4 estaciones en el sector Coropuna-NE; 3 estaciones en Coropuna-SE; 3 estaciones en Chachani-SE y 3 estaciones en Misti-NW. Las estaciones están en diferentes altitudes, en un intervalo 4300-6000 m. Cada estación tiene un termómetro para medir la temperatura del aire (0.50 m de altura) y tres termómetros para medir la temperatura del suelo (0.15, 0.30 y 1.00 m de profundidad). Los sensores están sincronizados en tiempo GPS y registran la temperatura cada 30 minutos