189 research outputs found

    La integració sociopolítica i el capital social dels immigrants : el cas de Barcelona

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    La immigració és un problema que polaritza la societat i amb ella el discurs polític. Trobar una tercera via entre la xenofòbia i el discurs fàcil de «papers per tothom» no és una qüestió senzilla, i menys quan ens interroguem sobre la participació política de la població nouvinguda. Hi ha múltiples factors a tenir en compte -sobretot en relació a la participació electoral-, però el que és evident és que si no es facilita la participació política dels immigrants aquests difícilment se sentiran partícips del projecte col·lectiu del poble d'acollida

    Semblances dels nous membres de la Secció Històrico-Arqueològica

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    Ernest Belenguer i CebriàRamon Pinyol i TorrentsAlbert Rossich i Estrag&oacute

    In Memoriam

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    Jordi Castellanos i Vila (1946-2012)Giovanni Lilliu (1914-2012)Manuel Mundó i Marcet (1923-2012

    In Memoriam

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    Jordi Castellanos (1946-2012)Giovanni Lilliu (1914-2012)Manuel Mundó (1923-2012

    Vector extensions in COTS processors to increase guaranteed performance in real-time systems

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    The need for increased application performance in high-integrity systems like those in avionics is on the rise as software continues to implement more complex functionalities. The prevalent computing solution for future high-integrity embedded products are multi-processors systems-on-chip (MPSoC) processors. MPSoCs include CPU multicores that enable improving performance via thread-level parallelism. MPSoCs also include generic accelerators (GPUs) and application-specific accelerators. However, the data processing approach (DPA) required to exploit each of these underlying parallel hardware blocks carries several open challenges to enable the safe deployment in high-integrity domains. The main challenges include the qualification of its associated runtime system and the difficulties in analyzing programs deploying the DPA with out-of-the-box timing analysis and code coverage tools. In this work, we perform a thorough analysis of vector extensions (VExt) in current COTS processors for high-integrity systems. We show that VExt prevent many of the challenges arising with parallel programming models and GPUs. Unlike other DPAs, VExt require no runtime support, prevent by design race conditions that might arise with parallel programming models, and have minimum impact on the software ecosystem enabling the use of existing code coverage and timing analysis tools. We develop vectorized versions of neural network kernels and show that the NVIDIA Xavier VExt provide a reasonable increase in guaranteed application performance of up to 2.7x. Our analysis contends that VExt are the DPA approach with arguably the fastest path for adoption in high-integrity systems.This work has received funding from the the European Research Council (ERC) grant agreement No. 772773 (SuPerCom) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AEI/10.13039/501100011033) under grants PID2019-107255GB-C21 and IJC2020-045931-I.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    In memoriam

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    Manuel Ardit i Lucas (1941-2013), Gregori M. Estrada (1918-2015), Joaquim Molas i Batllori (1930-2015

    Biographical sketches of new members of the History-Archaeology Section

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    Ernest BelenguerRamon PinyolAlbert Rossic