10 research outputs found

    Effect of dietary crude protein concentration on milk productivity traits in early lactation dairy cows

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    Received: January 30th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 24th, 2021 ; Published: April 29th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] evaluation and control of nitrogen balance at the farm and its relation to milk productivity traits are becoming essential in dairy farming. Increasing in milk productivity farmers tend to increase protein content in feed. The research complied into three (A, B, C) dairy cow groups (8 cows in each group) with LB and HM breed’s cows in the early lactation period divided into three phases (I, II, III) from 10 till 30 lactation days and lasting to 90 lactation days. Each group cows were feeders with total mixed ration (TMR) with different CP content (approx. 17.0%; 16.0%; 15.0% accordingly). The amount of feed consumed by each cow were recorded and feed samples collected during the study. Feed samples were analysed for CP and other feed quality descriptive traits. Milk yield ( kg d -1 ) and milk samples were collected at day 21 of each phase for analysis. Milk samples were analysed for fat (%), total protein (%), casein (%), and urea content (mg dL-1 ). The statistical analyses were conducted using ANOVA and descriptive parameters. To evaluate the feed CP conversion efficiency estimated part of that in the yield of milk protein for each cow and on average for the study group in each study phase. The conversion efficiencies of feed CP in milk were ranged from 28.5% to 40.7% in study phase I, and from 33.0% to 39.9% in phase II, and the differences were statistically significant. In phase III, the range from 30.4% to 36.3% were not statistically significant. The objective of this study was to evaluation of feed protein conversion efficiency for dairy cows in the early lactation phase and define the optimal crude protein (CP) content in the feed

    The influence of dietary inclusion of peas, faba bean and lupin as a replacement for soybean meal on pig performance and carcass traits

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    ArticleThe effect of peas, faba bean and lupin seed inclusion in growing and finishing pig diets was evaluated. The control diet included soybean meal at 15%, but in the trial groups diets peas were 15 or 28%, faba bean 20 or 25%, lupin seed 12 or 15%, completely replacing soybean meal. Diets formulated to be isoenergetic for ME and with the same crude protein content. The faba bean and, especially, lupin seed meal inclusion in pig diets for growing per iod significantly reduced ADG P = 0.02 and 0.01 ), and G : F was also signi fi cantly influ enced ( P = 0.02 ) for pigs in lupin seed meal groups. There were no effects on finisher pigs average daily gain, inclusion peas or faba bean, daily gain were, respectively 892 ± 19 and 915 ± 11, 867 ± 12 and 828 ± 11, except lupin seed meal ( P = 0.04 ) inclu sion. There were no significantly effects on carcass quality and to pork chemical content, but pigs fed the diets with peas 28% and faba bean 25% had less of lean meat content, greater backfat thickness and internal fat than other groups which have a simil ar results. The muscle chemical content show that inclusi o n of pulses increased the total fat content in pork. In conclusion, results from this experiment suggest that pigs fed peas and faba bean have equal or slightly lower growth performance and carcass traits than pigs fed soybean meal, except lupin seed meal

    Evaluation of feed conversion efficiency for different dairy cows breeds by milk yield, milk content and faecal amount

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    The objective of this study was to evaluation of feed conversion efficiency for Latvian Brown (LB) and Holstein Black and White (HM) dairy cows breeds to define optimal crude protein (CP) content in the feed. In the research study were completed three (A, B, C) dairy cows group (8 cows in each group) with LB and HM breed’s cows in the early lactation period, from 10 till 30 lactation days. Each groups cows were feeder with total mixed ration (TMR) with different CP content (approx. 18.0%, 17.5%, 17.0% accordingly). In the research period were controlled the amount of feed fed and regularly collected feed samples. After 21 days feeding was controlled milk yield, collected milk samples for content testing, and faecal amount and samples. Milk samples were analysed for fat, total protein (%) and urea content (mg dL-1 ). Milk samples for content parameters were analysed in an accredited milk quality laboratory. The statistical analyses were performed with the SPSS program package. The results acquired show that in all studied parameters were not significant differences between study groups. To evaluate the feed conversion efficiency during the study, we used the energy corrected milk (ECM) and the feed dry matter content during research and calculated the coefficient for each cow individually and on average in the study group. Milk yield, protein and faecal amount were significantly different among breeds. Milk urea content was average 28.5 mg dL-1 for all LB breed cows in all groups, for HM breeds it was 23.6 mg dL-1 . These results show that LB breed cows did not converse feed proteins wholesome. Total milk and faecal amount were decreased in a group with CP 17% in feed by 10% and 7% accordingly. By using this data, the farmer may make evaluations and forecast of farming efficiency; cows breed preference and environmental threats

    Longevity and milk production efficiency of Latvian local breeds during last decades

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    The aim of the study was to analyse the longevity and the amount of energy-corrected milk (ECM) per day of local dairy cattle breeds Latvian Brown (LB) and Latvian Blue (LZ). The study was based on the data of LB genetic resources (LB) 1770 and LZ 921 cows, which were born from January 1st, 2000 till December 31st year 2015. Milk productivity and longevity of the LB and LZ cows were analysed by birth year periods: 2000–2005, 2006–2010 and 2011–2015. LZ culled cows lifespan was in average 2,762.8 ± 55.14 days, or 7.6 years and it was significantly higher than for LB. The average lifespan of LB culling cows was 6.7 years. There are cows which had closed 7–12 lactations. On average, cows’ lifespan decreased during analysed period. In general, LZ cows are characterized by higher length of productive life and milking days. LZ cows produced more EC milk during their productive life; however, they had the lower milking day ECM productivity than LB cows

    Trends in milk yield productivity and emissions from the dairy sector in Latvia

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    Received: January 31st, 2023 ; Accepted: May 8th, 2023 ; Published: May 26th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] cow productivity continuously increased in Latvia in recent years. Despite decreasing numbers of dairy cow population dairy farms have been identified as an important source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Dairy sector emissions create the largest share of enteric fermentation emissions as well as emissions from manure in housing facilities, during long-term storage and field application within agriculture sector total emissions. The main objective of this study is to present the results of trend analysis in the productivity of the dairy sector and corresponding emission in Latvia. Research is focused on analysis of dairy cow productivity and feeding strategies to quantify the effect of increasing milk yield on GHG emissions. In the framework of this research, emissions were calculated and evaluated for low and high productivity dairy cows according to the methodology of ‘2019 Refinement to the 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories’. During the last decade dairy cow productivity in Latvia has increased and the average milk yield in standard lactation was 8,320 kg per year in 2021. It was observed that 60% of the total number of dairy cows met the requirements of a high-productivity system, while 40% of the dairy cows belonged to low-productivity systems in Latvia. Research results show that total GHG emissions for high-productivity system can reach 5.3 kt CO2 eq. per 1,000 cows per year, however, for low-productivity system the total amount of emissions does not exceed 3.1 kt CO2 eq. per 1,000 cows

    Evaluation of the RYR1 gene genetic diversity in the Latvian White pig breed

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    The ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR1) is a calcium ion channel in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle. Multiple polymorphic loci have been identified in the RYR1 gene in human and animals and some of them are associated with certain phenotypes. However, there are still few data on the RYR1 genetic variability in pig and only the missense mutation Arg615Cys, associated with the malignant hyperthermia, porcine stress syndrome and meat quality, has been studied in several commercial and local breeds. Aim. To genotype the rs344435545 (C1972T, Arg615Cys), rs196953058 (T8434C, Phe2769Leu) and rs323041392 (G12484A, Asp4119Asn) in the Latvian local pig breed Latvian White and to evaluate the eventual functionality of amino acid substitutions. Methods. Loci were genotyped by the restriction fragment length polymorphism technology in the collection of 8 samples of original Latvian White collected in 2006 and 103 samples of Latvian White collected in three Latvian geographically distant private farms in 2015. SIFT online tool was applied to evaluate a potential effect of the amino acid substitutions on protein functions. Results. The loci rs344435545 and rs196953058 were found to be monomorphic in both collections. On the contrary, the rs323041392 showed a high level of polymorphism in the original Latvian White with GG/GA/AA genotype correlation equal to 3/4/1 and the absence of polymorphism in 2015 collection. From the studied loci, only the rs344435545 was identified as possessing the potential to change functions of the protein. Conclusions. The unfavourable rs344435545 T allele having functional effect on the protein function, appears not to have been introduced in the Latvian White pig breed. A compete loss of the rs323041392 variability in Latvian White happened in nine years of private farming;this could be a message to Latvian and other European livestock industry that the breeding intensification may decrease the genetic diversity, specific features performance and adaptability to the environmental challenges in local breeds of small populations.Рецептор ріанодину 1 (RYR1) є кальцієвим іонним каналом саркоплазматичного ретикулуму скелетних м'язів. У гені RYR1 людини і тварин були виявлені кілька поліморфних локусів, деякі них пов'язані з певними фенотипами. Однак даних про генетичну мінливість RYR1 у свиней мало: для декількох комерційних і місцевих порід показана міссенс мутація Arg615Cys, пов'язана зі злоякісною гіпертермією, синдром свинячого стресу і якістю м'яса. Мета . Оцінити можливу функціональність амінокислотних замін у генотипах rs344435545 (C1972T, Arg615Cys), rs196953058 (T8434C, Phe2769Leu) і rs323041392 (G12484A, Asp4119Asn) місцевої латвійської білої породи свиней. Методи . Локус поліморфізму генотипували рестрикційними аналізом довжини фрагментів. Проаналізовано 8 зразків оригінальної латвійської білої породи свиней, зібрані в 2006 році і 103 зразків латвійської білої, відібрані в трьох латвійських географічно віддалених фермерських господарствах у 2015 році. Для оцінки потенційного ефекту амінокислотних замін на функції білка застосований онлайн-інструмент SIFT. Результати . Локуси rs344435545 і rs196953058 мономорфні в обох колекціях. При цьому rs323041392 показав високий рівень поліморфізму в оригінальній латиської білій породі з GG / GA / AA генотипом і кореляцією – 3/4/1 і відсутність поліморфізму в колекції 2015 році. З вивчених локусів, тільки rs344435545 має потенціал зміни функції білка. Висновки . Несприятливий на функцію білка аллель Т в rs344435545, не присутній в латвійській білій породі свиней. За дев'ять років у фермерських господарствах у латвійській білій породі свиней сталася втрата мінливості rs323041392. Латиській і європейської тваринницькій галузі необхідно врахувати, що інтенсифікація розмноження може знизити генетичну різноманітність, конкретні робочі характеристики і адаптивність до екологічних проблем у місцевих порід у невеликих популяціях.Рецептор рианодина 1 (RYR1) является кальциевым ионным каналом саркоплазматического ретикулума скелетных мышц. В гене RYR1 человека и животных были обнаружены несколько полиморфных локусов, некоторые из которых связаны с определенными фенотипами. Однако данных о генетической изменчивости RYR1 у свиней мало: миссенс мутация Arg615Cys, связанная с злокачественной гипертермией, синдром свиного стресса и качеством мяса показана для нескольких коммерческих и местных пород. Цель. Оценить возможную функциональность аминокислотных замен в генотипах rs344435545 (C1972T, Arg615Cys), rs196953058 (T8434C, Phe2769Leu) и rs323041392 (G12484A, Asp4119Asn) местной латвийской белой породы свиней. Методы. Локус полиморфизма генотипировали рестрикционным анализом длины фрагментов. Проанализированы 8 образцов оригинальной латвийской белой породы свиней, собранные в 2006 году и 103 образцов латвийской белой, отобранные в трех латвийских географически удаленных фермерских хозяйствах в 2015 году. Для оценки потенциального эффекта аминокислотных замен на функции белка применен онлайн-инструмент SIFT. Результаты. Локусы rs344435545 и rs196953058 мономорфны в обоих коллекциях. При этом rs323041392 показал высокий уровень полиморфизма в оригинальной латышской белой с GG / GA / AA генотипом корреляции, равном 3/4/1 и отсутствие полиморфизма в коллекции 2015 году. Из изученных локусов, только rs344435545 обладает потенциалом изменения функции белка. Выводы. Имеющая влияние на функцию белка неблагоприятный аллель Т в rs344435545, не присутствует в латвийской белой породе свиней. За девять лет в фермерских хозяйствах у латвийской белой породы свиней произошла потеря изменчивости rs323041392. Как латышской так и европейской животноводческой отрасли необходимо учесть, что интенсификация размножения может снизить генетическое разнообразие, конкретные рабочие характеристики и адаптивность к экологическим проблемам у местных пород в небольших популяций

    Influence of κ-Casein Genotype on Milk Productivity of Latvia Local Dairy Breeds

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    κ-casein is one of milk proteins which are very important for milk processing. Genotypes of κ-casein affect milk yield, fat, and protein content. The main factors which affect local Latvian dairy breed milk yield and composition are analyzed in research. Data were collected from 88 Latvian brown and 82 Latvian blue cows in 2015. AA genotype was 0.557 in Latvian brown and 0.232 in Latvian blue breed. BB genotype was 0.034 in Latvian brown and 0.207 in Latvian blue breed. Highest milk yield was observed in Latvian brown (5131.2 ± 172.01 kg), significantly high fat content and fat yield also was in Latvian brown (p < 0.05). Significant differences between κ-casein genotypes were not found in Latvian brown, but highest milk yield (5057 ± 130.23 kg), protein content (3.42 ± 0.03%), and protein yield (171.9 ± 4.34 kg) were with AB genotype. Significantly high fat content was observed in Latvian blue breed with BB genotype (4.29 ± 0.17%) compared with AA genotypes (3.42 ± 0.19). Similar tendency was found in protein content – 3.27 ± 0.16% with BB genotype and 2.59 ± 0.16% with AA genotype (p < 0.05). Milk yield increases by increasing parity. We did not obtain major tendency of changes of milk fat and protein content according parity

    Genetic characterization of the Latvian local goat breed and genetic traits associated with somatic cell count

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    The Latvian local goat (LVK) breed represents the only native domestic goat breed in Latvia, but its limited population places it within the endangered category. However, the LVK breed has not yet undergone a comprehensive genetic characterization. Therefore, we completed whole genome sequencing to reveal the genetic foundation of the LVK breed while identifying genetic traits linked to the somatic cell count (SCC) levels. The study included 40 genomes of LVK goats sequenced to acquire at least 35x or 10x coverage. A Principal component analysis, a genetic distance tree, and an admixture analysis showed LVK's similarity to some European breeds, such as Finnish Landrace, Alpine, and Saanen, which aligns with the breed's history. An analysis of genome-wide heterozygosity, nucleotide diversity, and LD analysis indicated that the LVK population exhibits substantial levels of genetic diversity. LVK genome was dominated by short runs of homozygosity (ROHs, ≤ 500 kb) with a median length of 25 kb. With FROH 2.49%, average inbreeding levels were low; however, FROH ranged broadly from 0.13 to 12.2%. With the exception of one pure-blood breeding buck exhibiting FROH of 9.3% and FSNP of 8.5%, animals with at least 66% LVK ancestry showed moderate or no inbreeding. Overall, this study demonstrated that the LVK goats can be differentiated from imported breeds, although the population has a complex genetic structure. We were able to identify potential genetic traits associated with SCC levels, although the kinship of the animals and the heterogenic substructure of the population might have largely influenced the association analysis. We identified 26 genetic variants associated with SCC levels, which included the potentially relevant SNP rs662053371 in the OSBPL8 gene, indicating a potential signal linked to lipid metabolism in goats. To conclude, these findings present valuable insight into the genetic structure of the LVK breed for the conservation of local genetic resources

    Vasily Sesemann’s theory of knowledge, and its phenomenological relevance

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    Knygos https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39623-7In his philosophical research, Vasily Sesemann proved that the natural sciences were not the sole domain of knowledge. He criticized Neo-Kantian philosophy and argued that the subject of knowledge could not be an abstract scientific mind. Cognition involves direct intuition. The knowing subject acts directly in the world, which is why knowledge is always related to attitudes. A person knows himself not as a theoretical object, but as a non-objectifiable, personal life. Therefore, man must follow not only reflective knowledge, but also pre-reflective self-consciousness. The knowledge that an incarnate and worldly, agential subject can be connected not only to conscious activity, but unconscious activity as well. Sesemann rejected the Neo-Kantian reduction of being into logical thinking. He argued that rationality is always related to irrationality, and pure knowledge is related to attitudes. I first discuss how Sesemann understands intuition and criticizes the naturalistic account of scientific knowledge. I then analyze how Sesemann’s theory relates knowledge to attitudes. Finally, I discuss the genesis of knowledge as the transcendence of one’s point of view and how objectifying knowledge is related to linguistic expression and in this context argue that Sesemann’s analysis of knowledge is similar to Husserl’s genetic phenomenologyFilosofijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta