161 research outputs found

    Linking Teacher Learning to Pupil Learning: A Longitudinal Investigation of How Experiences Shape Teaching Practices in Mathematics

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    Thesis advisor: Lillie R. AlbertMathematics education is constantly at the forefront of public and academic debates during this era of increased accountability. Questions concerning teacher preparation and teaching practices that connect to pupil learning are central to these discussions. However, very few studies have examined relationships among these factors and most are confined to a short time period; thus, this dissertation studies such relationships over a two-year period. Informed by a sociocultural perspective, this study examines how preservice elementary teachers' past K-12 schooling and teacher education experiences influences their attitudes and perceptions about mathematics education over time. It also explores how teaching practices are shaped by these experiences, and are ultimately linked to pupil learning. A mixed-method design of survey and qualitative case-study research methods was employed to collect and analyze data over a two-year period. During the first year of this study, pre- and post-surveys using Likert-scale items were administered to all preservice teachers (n=75) enrolled in an elementary mathematics methods course. For a two-year period, the experiences of two participants were explored through longitudinal interviews, observations, and an examination of artifacts (i.e., teacher lesson plans, assessments, and pupil work) to develop in-depth case studies. Findings indicate that prior schooling experiences influenced teachers' initial attitudes and perceptions about mathematics. Nevertheless, over a short period, positive changes in teachers' attitudes and confidence to teach mathematics suggest that experiences in the mathematics methods course were conducive to building on teachers' prior knowledge. Survey and case-study findings also indicate that preservice teachers planned to teach mathematics with a reformed approach, which emphasizes a conceptual understanding of mathematic. However, it was challenging for case-study participants to implement a reformed approach as first-year teachers, especially if they had limited teaching models to reinforce this method. Findings also suggest that school context, classroom management, and mathematical content knowledge all influence teaching practices and pupil learning opportunities. Implications for teacher education, school reform, and future research are discussed.Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2009.Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education.Discipline: Teacher Education, Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction

    On the Process and Outcomes of Inquiry Learning: Changing Approaches to Assessment [Organizer]

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    Inquiry learning is an educational approach that involves a process of exploration, asking questions and making discoveries in the search for new understandings. Researchers however are divided about the value of the approach. In the symposium, it is argued that one of the reasons for this controversy is the way that inquiry learning is assessed. Consequently, we aim to present papers which reflect on the challenge of assessing inquiry learning by describing the prevailing approaches to assessment and how technological and theoretical advancement is changing these approaches. The aim is not just to describe these approaches but reflect upon the opportunities that are created and difficulties that must be overcome as we pursue the goal of assessing the processes and outcomes of inquiry learning

    Environmental Explorations: Integrating Project-Based Learning and Civic Engagement Through an Afterschool Program

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    This study examined the Community Super Investigators Club, through which we aimed to apply mathematics and literacy skills by using project-based learning (PBL) to investigate elementary students’ interest in learning how to improve the environment for animals. PBL is a teaching method used to improve critical thinking skills around a project that is based on students’ questions. The study used a mixed-method design to examine the following research questions: How do students engage in PBL on topics relevant to their community in an afterschool club? How can critical math and literacy skills be integrated with community engagement? How did the experience in the club influence students’ beliefs about math and literacy? During Community Super Investigators Club, participating second- and third-grade students chose the topic of improving the environment for animals. Students learned about the following topics: reducing waste and recycling, the amount of trash produced around the world, using recyclable items to build bird feeders, and how trash in the oceans affects animals. Researchers interviewed and surveyed students. Students reported that they could make a positive impact in their community by not littering, reusing materials to minimize waste, and turning off the water while brushing their teeth. As a final project, students selected an outlet or person (e.g. newspaper, governor) to write a postcard to voice their concerns about the environment by including at least one fact and one proposed solution. Implications for practice are integrated into the findings and discussion

    Eight lessons from 2 years of use of the Post-COVID-19 Functional Status scale

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    Based on the literature and users’ experiences, lessons could be learned after 2 years’ use of the Post-COVID-19 Functional Status (PCFS) scale, that could contribute to its optimal use. All in all, the PCFS scale provided added value during the pandemic. https://bit.ly/3KkI5A

    A Longitudinal Study of Teaching Practice and Early Career Decisions: A Cautionary Tale

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    Although the turnover rate among beginning teachers has been a major concern for some time, most studies do not link teacher retention with teaching practice. In contrast, this study looks specifically at career decisions coupled with practice. Guided by a view of teaching as social and cultural practice, the study used multiple qualitative data sources, including extensive observations, interviews, and samples of teachers’ and students’ work. Based on within and cross-case analysis of 15 cases at four distinct time points within a 5-year period, the authors identified multiple patterns of teaching practice linked to early career decisions, which reflect considerable variation in quality of teaching and career trajectory. The authors argue that ‘‘stayers’’ and ‘‘leavers’’ are not homogeneous groups, as is often assumed in research and policy. Rather, there are multiple variations of practice coupled with career decisions, some desirable and others not, with different implications for policy and practice

    Interpreting Early Career Trajectories

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    Career decisions of four teachers are explored through the concept of figured worlds in this qualitative, longitudinal case study. Participants were purposefully chosen for similarity at entry, with a range of career trajectories over time. Teacher career paths included remaining in one school, repeated changes in schools, attrition after relocation, and nonrenewal of contract. Data included interviews, observations, participants’ assessments, and pupils’ work. Cross-case analysis suggests that no single teacher attribute or workplace condition determined teachers’ career decisions; rather, teachers’ ability to refigure their identity within the figured world of teaching shaped career trajectory. Key factors such as ability to address disequilibrium, teacher identity, agency, and collaborative capacity are examined. Implications call for pre-service preparation and professional development to navigate cultures of schools, amended administrative involvement in teacher retention, and policy reform acknowledging the complexity of teachers’ figured worlds

    A Longitudinal Study of Teaching Practice and Early Career Decisions: A Cautionary Tale

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    Although the turnover rate among beginning teachers has been a major concern for some time, most studies do not link teacher retention with teaching practice. In contrast, this study looks specifically at career decisions coupled with practice. Guided by a view of teaching as social and cultural practice, the study used multiple qualitative data sources, including extensive observations, interviews, and samples of teachers’ and students’ work. Based on within and cross-case analysis of 15 cases at four distinct time points within a 5-year period, the authors identified multiple patterns of teaching practice linked to early career decisions, which reflect considerable variation in quality of teaching and career trajectory. The authors argue that ‘‘stayers’’ and ‘‘leavers’’ are not homogeneous groups, as is often assumed in research and policy. Rather, there are multiple variations of practice coupled with career decisions, some desirable and others not, with different implications for policy and practice

    Decimal Dilemmas: Interpreting and Addressing Misconceptions

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    In this article, a student's misconception of multiplication and division of decials is analyzed and findings are presented from preservice teachers’ interpretation of that misconception. The authors then highlight common decimal misconceptions, outline two strategies for addressing such misconceptions in the classroom, and include final remarks connecting the professional noticing framework with addressing misconceptions in mathematics

    A synthetic growth switch based on controlled expression of RNA polymerase

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    International audienceThe ability to control growth is essential for fundamental studies of bacterial physiology and biotechnological applications. We have engineered an Escherichia coli strain in which the transcription of a key component of the gene expression machinery, RNA polymerase, is under the control of an inducible promoter. By changing the inducer concentration in the medium, we can adjust the RNA polymerase concentration and thereby switch bacterial growth between zero and the maximal growth rate supported by the medium. We show that our synthetic growth switch functions in a medium-independent and reversible way, and we provide evidence that the switching phenotype arises from the ultrasensitive response of the growth rate to the concentration of RNA polymerase. We present an application of the growth switch in which both the wild-type E. coli strain and our modified strain are endowed with the capacity to produce glycerol when growing on glucose. Cells in which growth has been switched off continue to be metabolically active and harness the energy gain to produce glycerol at a twofold higher yield than in cells with natural control of RNA polymerase expression. Remarkably, without any further optimization, the improved yield is close to the theoretical maximum computed from a flux balance model of E. coli metabolism. The proposed synthetic growth switch is a promising tool for gaining a better understanding of bacterial physiology and for applications in synthetic biology and biotechnology
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