17 research outputs found

    Pranic Healing for Partially Blind- A case study

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    Objectives: Fourteen year-old boy was diagnosed with visual impairment in his right eye since birth. Other symptoms included blurred vision, dry eyes, and headache. Pranic Healing (PH) as a complementary therapy to heal eye aliments was applied on the subject..PH is an ancient science and art of healing people. It is considered as a natural, drugless, non-touch complimentary technique using prana to treat illness.Methods: Fifty PH sessions of 20 minutes each was applied on the subject.Results: On completion of 50 PH sessions, it was found that his unaided visual acuity improved in both eyes with the right eye showing significant improvement. The dryness in the eye, eye pain and headache were healed.Conclusions:Observing his visual improvement, he was advised to be transferred to the conventional school. PH as adjuvant therapy can assist for patients with visual impairment. Further studies are warranted to study the impact of PH on larger  populations of visually impaired subjectsKey words: Prana, Pranic healing, Blurred Vision, Visual Acuity, Complementary therap

    Growth, yield and nutritional content of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) as influenced by pranic energy application

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    Pranic agriculture (PA) is an ancient farming method where pranic energy improves crop production. Finger millet or Ragi (Eleusine coracana. L) is a major staple millet consumed in India, particularly Karnataka and is a rich source of protein and nutrients. A field study in half-acre was carried out with pranic energy treatment to seed, land and crop and along with control (without energy treatment). The traits of finger millet like plant height (26%), number of productive tillers (35%), no of panicle (54%), number of fingers (13%) and grain yield (44%) were statistically (p < .05) higher over control. Protein content in finger millet straw (4.38 %) and grain (6.13%) was higher in pranic treatment than control (3.5 and 4.75%). Nitrogen and zinc content in millet grain was higher in pranic treatment (980 and 1.96 mg/100g) than control (760 and 1.63 mg/100g). The increase in protein, nitrogen and zinc content of the millet grain and straw will help to improve the quality of produce for consumption by cattle and humans.  Increase in straw and grain yield will help to improve the economy of the farmer.  Further studies are needed to know the actual mechanisms involved in the growth and yield improvement of finger millet. And, also in-depth studies are necessary to address the reasons behind the variation in nutrients accumulation in straw and grain.

    Pranic energy sensations experienced by Indian adolescents: A cross-sectional study

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    Prana is the universal principle of energy or life-force, essential for survival. This vital energy can be felt by almost anybody with guidance and training. Objectives: The present study seeks to assess the extent of sensations during perceiving the pranic energy between hands. The sample consists of 237 National Cadets Corps (NCC) students from northern, southern, eastern and western states of India, with a mean age of 18.0 years. Cross-sectional research design was used in this study. The experiment on prana involves experiencing the prana between the hands. After the experiment on prana, participants were instructed to measure the extent of sensations experienced by them and mark on the centimetres level given against each sensation in the questionnaire. The results were analysed using Pearson chi-square and contingency coefficient analysis. There were significant differences observed between participant’s ratings on each pranic energy sensation ranges from 0 to 30 cm. Participants rated their sensations on cm given, in which the majority of the ratings concentrated more in 1-10 cm and least rating found in 30 cm or more. Participants from different states, irrespective of their region, found alike in perceiving the extent of pranic energy sensations. Experiencing the prana between the hands led the participants to feel and quantify the pranic energy through felt sensations. This study provides the fundamentals of a scientific foundation for understanding the vital energy more concretely. Further theoretical and experimental research is needed to refine and standardize the measurements of life energy

    Pranic energy sensations experienced by Indian adolescents: A cross-sectional study

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    502-508Prana is the universal principle of energy or life-force, essential for survival. This vital energy can be felt by almost anybody with guidance and training. Objectives: The present study seeks to assess the extent of sensations during perceiving the pranic energy between hands. The sample consists of 237 National Cadets Corps (NCC) students from northern, southern, eastern and western states of India, with a mean age of 18.0 years. Cross-sectional research design was used in this study. The experiment on prana involves experiencing the prana between the hands. After the experiment on prana, participants were instructed to measure the extent of sensations experienced by them and mark on the centimetres level given against each sensation in the questionnaire. The results were analysed using Pearson chi-square and contingency coefficient analysis. There were significant differences observed between participant’s ratings on each pranic energy sensation ranges from 0 to 30 cm. Participants rated their sensations on cm given, in which the majority of the ratings concentrated more in 1-10 cm and least rating found in 30 cm or more. Participants from different states, irrespective of their region, found alike in perceiving the extent of pranic energy sensations. Experiencing the prana between the hands led the participants to feel and quantify the pranic energy through felt sensations. This study provides the fundamentals of a scientific foundation for understanding the vital energy more concretely. Further theoretical and experimental research is needed to refine and standardize the measurements of life energy

    Comprehending the Aura between the hands

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    494-501This paper aimed to gain an understanding of aura between the hands and analyse the varied responses. Qualitative method, content analysis was used to analyse the written comments made by the participants, regarding aura between the hands, in a survey of students (N=47) from a college of complementary therapy. The results were analysed and 11 themes were identified. To name a few, a set of bioplasmic experiences, aura around the hand is an observable phenomenon, the aura has elastic property, aura experienced as a vibrational force. The themes have been analysed and discussed in detail. We conclude that viewing of the aura between the hands is a simple phenomenon and can be learned by almost anyone. Experimentation has led us to infer that, aura between the hands can be felt and seen

    Comprehending the Aura between the hands

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    This paper aimed to gain an understanding of aura between the hands and analyse the varied responses. Qualitative method, content analysis was used to analyse the written comments made by the participants, regarding aura between the hands, in a survey of students (N=47) from a college of complementary therapy. The results were analysed and 11 themes were identified. To name a few, a set of bioplasmic experiences, aura around the hand is an observable phenomenon, the aura has elastic property, aura experienced as a vibrational force. The themes have been analysed and discussed in detail. We conclude that viewing of the aura between the hands is a simple phenomenon and can be learned by almost anyone. Experimentation has led us to infer that, aura between the hands can be felt and seen

    The effectiveness of Superbrain Yoga on concentration, memory and confidence in school students

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    741-744Superbrain Yoga (SBY) is based on the principle of ear acupuncture and subtle energy movement in the body. SBY enhances the qualitative and quantitative pranic energy in the brain. The present study aims to improve the concentration, memory, and confidence of students by practicing SBY. The study consists of 1,945 school students from Mysore district, India. SBY was introduced to the students through the teachers for a period of 3 months. After three months, responses from the students were collected using a questionnaire centered on concentration, memory, and confidence facing examinations of students. Attributes harvested from the questionnaire were collected and analyzed with contingency coefficient and Chi-square tests. 86 % of the students reported that by practicing SBY has helped them to face examinations more confidently. Students also reported that their memory has improved by 75.9 % and concentration by 70.5 %. Thus, SBY has improved the overall performance of students in the school

    Beneficial effects of Superbrain <i>yoga</i> on short-term memory and selective attention of students

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    35-39Superbrain Yoga is a simple squatting technique that uses subtle energy to improve cognitive functioning of individuals. The present study aims to find the effectiveness of superbrain yoga on short-term memory and selective attention of students. Pre test-post test design was used in the study. The study was conducted on 91 students from a residential school in Mysore district with a mean age of 11.9 years. The Knox cube test was used to evaluate the short-term memory, and digit cancellation test was administered to assess the selective attention of students. Pre-scores and post-scores were recorded, and energy enhancement was measured before and after Superbrain Yoga practice. Scores were analysed using repeated measure ANOVA and chi-square test. A mean gain of 1.18 in score with significance (F = 1.884, p Yoga was observed. In between pre- and post-session an increase of, 34.27 % in left hemisphere and 28.71 % in right hemisphere was measured in pranic energy levels. Superbrain Yoga has been found to be effective in improving short term memory and selective attention among students

    Effectiveness of superbrain yoga on short-term memory, visuo-spatial ability and academic performance of students

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    Superbrain Yoga (SBY) is a simple squatting technique that uses subtle energy to improve cognitive functioning of individuals. It is based on the principle of ear acupuncture, and subtle energy movement in the body. Aim The present study aims to study the effectiveness of SBY on the short-term memory, visuo-spatial ability and academic performance of students. Setting and design The study was conducted on 65 students from a residential school, of which 27 were females and 37 were males. The sample was in the age range of 10 to 14 years and the mean age was 12.56 years. Method Monkey ladder and rotation tests were used to assess the short-term memory and visuo-spatial ability of the students respectively. Statistical analysis The pre-test and post-test data was collected and the scores were analysed using repeated measure ANOVA. results Showed that there was a significant improvement in the short-term memory, visuo-spatial ability and academic performance of students after the implementation of SBY. Also, there was no differential gain in short-term memory, visuo-spatial ability and academic performance based on gender. Conclusion SBY could be used by students for better cognitive functioning

    Effectiveness of pranic healing on functional health and wellbeing of inmate at Mysore central prison

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    Prisoner's long-term stay in solitary confinement can lead to disturbances in physical and mental health. Aim The aim of the present study is to learn about the impact of Pranic Healing (PH) in elevating the functional health and wellbeing of inmate. PH is an ancient science of healing. It is energy based complementary therapy which utilises prana or vital energy as a major source for healing. Setting and Design Single group pre-test post-test design was used in the study. This study involved 38 inmates of Mysore Central Prison. All the participants were male with an average age of 42.8 years. Method The functional health and wellbeing were measured using COOP/WONCA Charts. After recording the pre scores, 3 healing sessions of 20 minute duration each were applied on each participant in a week's time. Once the three healing sessions were over, post scores were recorded. Statistical analysis The Pre and Post PH scores were compared and analysed using descriptive statistics and contingency coefficient tests. Results Significant change were observed in six domains after the intervention period, which were Physical fitness (p=.016), Feelings (p<.001), Change in Health (p<.000), Overall Health, (p=.043), Pain (p<.000) and Sleep (p=.006). However, there was no significant change observed in social and daily activities domain. Conclusions This result provides initial evidence that PH benefits on some major domains of functional health and wellbeing of inmates