376 research outputs found

    Jarak Genetik Sapi Pasundan melalui Pendekatan Kraniometri Antar Wilayah Pangandaran, Tasikmalaya dan Garut Jawa Barat

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    Sumber daya genetik sapi Pasundan di wilayah pesisir selatan Jawa Barat mengalami penurunan populasi. Salah satu dampak dari penurunan populasi ternak adalah degradasi kualitas dan kemurnian ternak. Penelitian tentang jarak genetik populasi sapi pasundan antar wilayah Pangandaran, Tasikmalaya dan Garut, Jawa Barat bertujuan mengetahui deskripsi dan hubungan kekerabatan populasi sapi Pasundan di wilayah pesisir selatan Jawa Barat dengan menggunakan pendekatan kraniometri. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada September sampai Desember 2018. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskripstif dan analisis kluster melalui software SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ukuran-ukuran kranium antar populasi tidak memiliki perbedaan yang nyata (P>0.05). Jarak genetik antar populasi pada wilayah Pangandaran, Tasikmalaya dan Garut Jawa Barat berdasarkan jarak Euclidean menggunakan Cluster Analysis menunjukkan hubungan kekerabatan antar populasi yang masih tinggi. Penurunan populasi antar wilayah basis populasi sapi pasundan di wilayah pesisir selatan Jawa Barat belum menunjukkan adanya degradasi genetik. Namun perlu adanya antisipasi dalam meningkatkan ukuran populasi efektif melalui aplikasi teknologi bioreproduksi seperti super ovulasi dan inseminasi buatan menggunakan sperma pejantan sapi pasundan yang telah diproduksi oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat

    The contribution of Western fast food to fast-growing body mass in China

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    © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The westernization of Asian countries has led to the rapid expansion of Western-style fast-food restaurants, which are believed to be fueling an unprecedented rise in body mass in these countries. This study tests this belief using longitudinal data from China. Exploiting the opening of a Western-style fast-food restaurant in a particular community, we conduct a transition analysis to make a more convincing causal interpretation than the standard cross-sectional or fixed-effects approach. Considering several measures of fatness, we find no robust evidence of Western fast food having a substantial effect overall, but there is some indication of effect heterogeneity

    Continuing Professional Development a Vocational Education Teacher in West Java

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    Continuous professional development of vocational teachers is a strategic effort to increase the competence of professional vocational teachers in a planned and structured. Professional vocational teachers have mastery of competencies demands a comprehensive multi-dimensional. Competency professional standards based on juridical regulation, which includes professional competence, personal competence, social competence and ped-agogical competence. Multi-professional competence of vocational teachers increasingly complex, because the substance of technological and vocational extremely varied and has very wide dimensions. The dynamics of technological and vocational education has a high acceleration, in line with the development of business and industry. The substance of the subject matter and learning model developed adaptive and portable, so as to synchronize the changes that occur. This paper will identify a comprehensive identity-based teacher professional culture-based model \u27Raymond Gagnon\u27. Teacher professional identity associated with the technical efforts undertaken vocational teachers in West Java in an effort to improve the mastery of basic prerequisite\u27s professional teacher competency standards. Descriptive analysis was conducted to describe the specific technical efforts in improving professional skills had been done, either individually, or in groups of formal institutions. The final result can be seen mapping profile in a structured continuous professional development and conceptual provide strategic impact to the renewal of knowledge and the improvement of teaching practices in the classroom teacher. Implications of the study of the issue of continuing professional development provide a conceptual input to various relevant parties on the professional development of vocational teachers in a more comprehensive, systemic and structure

    The Level of Environmental Literacy Toward Vocational High School Students in West Java Province

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    Environmental literacy as individual knowledge and understanding of aspects of the build environment, the principles that occur in the environment, and is able to act in maintaining environmental quality which is applied in everyday life. Changes in the environment each year will occur both in local and global contexts, so the goal of increased environmental literacy is to prepare people who understand and can cope with environmental issues, so it can be prepared reformer environmental agents that have a positive attitude and action on the environment. The purpose of this research is to gain an environmental profile literacy levels of students Vocational High School (SMK) in West Java. To achieve these objectives, the research method used is descriptive research method. The results showed that the knowledge and understanding of vocational students about the environment, including the unfavorable category. This suggests that environmental literacy vocational students are low. Environmental literacy is essential in tackling the environmental problems. This shows that the necessary efforts to improve environmental literacy vocational students. One of the efforts is the learning environment must be integrated on activities intrakulikuler with election materials in line with the skills of vocational students. In the process of learning needs to be done by implementing the learning that adopts konstruksivisme

    Manajemen Sistem Informasi Perlengkapan dan Peralatan Bengkel Sepeda Motor Umum Skala UKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah) Berbasis Komputerisasi

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    Motorcycle repair shop management is to manage the motorcycle workshop to be effective and efficient. Good workshop management must also be supported by a properly administration, in order to record all the resources that become workshop assets. Moreover, the motorcycle workshop also conducts spare parts sales to complete the replacement needs of broken vehicle spare parts. This study aims to analyze and design a workshop information system for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engaged in the field of repairing of motorcycle. Generally the SMEs motorcycle workshops in this research, still uses a simple management system and manually in presenting the data required by the workshop. This it make difficult and inconvenient for the owner of a small and medium-scale of motorcycle workshop. Sequence, it is necessary to optimize the management system and change the simpler manual system to be computerized. One way is by implementing the 5S (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain) methods and creating an information system that can manage equipment in SMEs scale of motorcycle workshops. Stages of the method in this study: (1) survey of general workshop management SMEs scale, (2) do analysis of data obtained during the survey and provides input for workshop management based on 5S method, (3) to design and create information systems and databases using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) as the programming language and MySQL as the database. By implementing 5S management and this information system can help streamline the services of SMEs scale of motorcycle workshops

    Evaluation of anti-asthmatic and anti-cholinergic activity of ethanolic extract of Tectina grandis Linn. bark

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    Background: Asthma is a chronic disease that affects approximately 300 million people worldwide. Tectona grandis Linn. bark, also known as Teak (English), is traditionally used to treat asthma. However, the scientific data on anti-asthmatic and anti-cholinergic of this plant has got little attention. An attempt has been based on ethanolic extract of bark of Tectona grandis Linn. shown a tremendous effect on asthma when comparative study was done with normal and treated group.Methods: The anti-asthmatic activity of a 95% ethanol and 5% distilled water extract of dried and fresh Tectona grandis Linn. bark, was evaluated against histamine and acetylcholine-induced preconvulsive dyspnea (PCD) in guinea pigs fasted for 24 h were exposed to an atomized fine mist of 2% histamine dihydrochloride and acetylcholine aerosol (dissolved in normal saline) using nebulizer at a pressure of 300 mmHg in the histamine chamber (24×14×24 cm, made of perplex glass. They were divided in groups Mepyramin (8 mg/kg) intraperitonially, atropine aerosol and Tectona grandis bark formulation (2.5, 5, 10 gm/kg) were administered orally 30 min prior to exposure. Animals, which did not develop typical asthma within 6 minutes, were taken as protected.Results: Ethanolic extract of Tectona grandis Linn. bark at 5 and 10 gm/kg significantly reduce bronchoconstriction as compared to control group along with significant mast cell stabilization activity.Conclusions: In conclusion, the present study shows that the ethanolic bark extract of Tectona grandis Linn. has potential antiasthamatic and antichlolinergic action in histamine and acetylcholine broncocontraction in guinea pigs

    An Extension and Further Validation of a Community-based Consumer Well-being Measure

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The goal of this study is to extend the research and further validation of Lee and colleagues' measure of community-based consumer well-being. The measure is based on the notion that consumers experience well-being to the extent that they are satisfied with local marketplace experiences related to (1) shopping for desired consumer goods and services in the local area, (2) preparing locally purchased consumer durables for personal use, (3) consuming locally purchased goods and services, (4) owning consumer durables purchased in the local area, (5) using repair and maintenance services in the local area, and (6) using selling, trading-in, and disposal services in the local area. Data were collected from ten localities in nine countries/states (California, Minnesota, Canada, Australia, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, Egypt, and China) using the mall intercept method. The data provided support for the predictive/nomological validity of the measure by providing empirical support for the relationship between the consumer well-being construct and other well-being constructs such as life satisfaction

    Skeletal muscle AMPK is essential for the maintenance of FNDC5 expression

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    Fibronectin type III domain‐containing protein 5 (FNDC5) expression is controlled by the transcriptional co‐activator, peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor gamma, coactivator 1 alpha (PGC1α). FNDC5 expression has been shown to be increased in muscle in response to endurance exercise in some but not all studies, therefore a greater understanding of the mechanisms controlling this process are needed. The AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK) is activated by exercise in an intensity dependent manner and is an important regulator of PGC1α activity; therefore, we explored the role of AMPK in the regulation of FNDC5 using AMPK β1β2 double muscle‐null mice (AMPK DMKO), which lack skeletal muscle AMPK activity. We found that FNDC5 expression is dramatically reduced in resting muscles of AMPK DMKO mice compared to wild‐type littermates. In wild‐type mice, activating phosphorylation of AMPK was elevated immediately post contraction and was abolished in muscle from AMPK DMKO mice. In contrast, PGC1α was increased in both wild‐type and AMPK DMKO mice 3 h post contraction but FNDC5 protein expression was not altered. Lastly, acute or chronic activation of AMPK with the pharmacological AMPK activator AICAR did not increase PGC1α or FNDC5 expression in muscle. These data indicate that skeletal muscle AMPK is required for the maintenance of basal FNDC5 expression

    Admixture has obscured signals of historical hard sweeps in humans (advance online)

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    The role of natural selection in shaping biological diversity is an area of intense interest in modern biology. To date, studies of positive selection have primarily relied on genomic datasets from contemporary populations, which are susceptible to confounding factors associated with complex and often unknown aspects of population history. In particular, admixture between diverged populations can distort or hide prior selection events in modern genomes, though this process is not explicitly accounted for in most selection studies despite its apparent ubiquity in humans and other species. Through analyses of ancient and modern human genomes, we show that previously reported Holocene-era admixture has masked more than 50 historic hard sweeps in modern European genomes. Our results imply that this canonical mode of selection has probably b een underappreciated in the evolutionary history of humans and suggest that our current understanding of the tempo and mode of selection in natural populations may be inaccurat