58 research outputs found

    Users as Designers of Information Infrastructures and the Role of Generativity

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    The user role in the design of information systems is increasingly portrayed as active and complex, and the relationships between users and developers are portrayed as blurry. Information systems have become ubiquitous in most work processes, and users typically rely on several large scale information systems tightly integrated into other information systems, machines and work practices. In this paper we propose the notion of generativity as a framework to assess generative socio-technical characteristics of such systems, conceptualized as information infrastructures. Further, the paper will discuss the role these characteristics play in users’ involvement by exploring the ways in which users can contribute as designers and thereby expand on the conceptual views of users and design processes of generative information infrastructures. Empirically, this paper presents the evolution of an information system for cooperation between general practice and hospital laboratories, where users in both settings participated in the design process. The system was designed using agile methods, and design and implementation were continuous and iterative co-existing processes. The case showed that a high degree of generativity in the system itself is a necessary condition for users to make changes. However, in an integrated and complex setting the flexibility of the existing and integrated systems will heavily influence the possibility to make changes. The paper also provides an in-depth illustration of how user and designer roles evolve together with circumstances and relationships. However, we argue that this type of evolvement requires dedicating a considerable amount of time and effort to achieve a climate in which such evolvement can take place. Finally, design is more than just the development of technology. It is also the development of work practices in which users’ contributions are decisive. Designing work practices alongside the design of the technology has given rise to insights that feed directly into the design process. Acknowledging users’ substantial contributions in design processes can aid in refining conceptualizations of users and developers along with bolstering efforts to facilitate appropriate user involvement

    The banana project: A qualitative study of caregivers' and teachers' experiences of preschool children participating in a free banana school fruit scheme in rural Tanzania

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    Introduction Good nutrition is the foundation of sustainable growth and development among children. The United Nations aims to achieve food security and improve nutrition through its Sustainable Development Goal 2 - Zero Hunger. In close collaboration with local communities and authorities, the Tanga International Competence Centre, Tanzania, supports projects aimed at achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. One of their initiatives, The Banana Project, which is a free school fruit scheme, started in 2011 based on a recognised need for nutritional support among preschool children at a rural school in Tanga District. In the interest of improving nutrition, the free school fruit scheme provides one banana 5 school days a week to each child in the class. This study aimed to explore caregivers’ (parents and/or guardians) and teachers’ experiences with preschool children’s participation in the project, with a specific focus on nutrition and health. Methods This qualitative study was performed in 2017. A total of 16 semistructured indepth interviews with 14 caregivers and 2 teachers of the preschool children participating in the project were conducted. Data were analysed using a hermeneutic perspective. Results Caregivers and teachers of the preschool children participating in the intervention experienced that bananas (1) reduced children’s hunger and nutritional deficiency, (2) increased fruit intake and improved their appetite for other foods, (3) improved their physical health and provided energy, and (4) supported cognitive and socioemotional development. Conclusion These findings indicate that the banana intervention has several benefits to preschool children and has an impact on their families. To improve health and reduce the risk of malnutrition of children in rural Tanzania, The Banana Project can be an recommended as a simple, cost-effective and sustainable health and nutrition promotion initiatives.publishedVersio

    Use of Benzodiazepines and Antipsychotic Drugs Are Inversely Associated with Acute Readmission Risk in Schizophrenia

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    Purpose: Little is known about the impact of different psychotropic drugs on acute readmission risk, when used concomitantly in a real-life setting. We aimed to investigate the association between acute readmission risk and use of antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and benzodiazepines in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: A cohort study included all patients diagnosed with schizophrenia admitted to a psychiatric acute unit at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, Norway, during a 10-year period (N = 663). Patients were followed from discharge until first readmission or censoring. Cox multiple regression analyses were conducted using antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and benzodiazepines as time-dependent variables, and periods of use and nonuse were compared within individual patients. Adjustments were made for sex, age at index admission, and excessive use of alcohol and illicit substances. Results: A total of 410 patients (61.8%) were readmitted during follow-up, and the mean and median times in days to readmission were 709 and 575, respectively. Compared with nonuse, the use of antipsychotic drugs was associated with reduced risk of readmission (adjusted hazards ratio, 0.20; P < 0.01; confidence interval, 0.16–0.24), and the use of benzodiazepines was associated with increased risk of readmission (adjusted hazards ratio, 1.51; P < 0.01; confidence interval, 1.13–2.02). However, no relation to readmission risk was found for the use of antidepressants and mood stabilizers. Conclusions: We found that use of benzodiazepines and antipsychotic drugs are inversely associated with acute readmission risk in schizophrenia.publishedVersio

    Leiemarkedsundersøkelsen 2005

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    Leiemarkedsundersøkelsen 2005 viser at leietakere i Norge i gjennomsnitt betalte 4579 kroner i månedlig leie for en bolig i 2. kvartal 2005. Hva forteller dette tallet? Hva ”skjuler” det? Og hva har vi kokt sammen for å komme frem til et gjennomsnittstall? I rapporten vil man se at dette gjennomsnittstallet ”skjuler” en mengde informasjon, og er kanskje verdiløst i seg selv. For hva kan tenkes å forklare en husleie? De tre B’er som brukes som forklaring på boligpriser – Beliggenhet, Beliggenhet og Beliggenhet? Eller er det slik at leiemarkedet skiller seg markant fra eiermarkedet selv om bolig er fellesnevner begge steder? Og hva med begrepet gjengs leie, er det et operativt begrep? Og markedsleie – hva mener vi med det? Rapporten drøfter disse begrepene, og viser også hvordan resultatene varierer ut fra forutsetninger man setter om blant annet utleieforhold, hvor i landet man leier, hvem man leier av og attributter ved boligen. Leiemarkedsundersøkelsen 2005 har avdekket de store utfordringene det er å utarbeide en god husleiestatistikk for hele leiemarkedet. Resultatene og analysen i denne rapporten er basert på intervju med nesten 4000 leietakere i 2. kvartal 2005 og gir et svært differensiert bilde av leiemarkedet. Leiemarkedet er som ventet vesentlig forskjellig fra eiermarkedet. Mens en kjøper og selger i et eiermarked møtes en gang, vil en leietaker og utleier opprette en relasjon. Det får betydning for prisdannelsen, og de ulike elementene må tallfestes for at en skal kunne gi anslag på typiske leier. Klassene av viktigste elementer er: egenskaper ved boligen, egenskaper ved leietaker, egenskaper ved eier-leierrelasjonen og innholdet i leieforholdet. De færreste vil betvile at de beskrevne egenskaper kan ha betydning for pris. Statistisk sentralbyrå finner i denne analysen at i tillegg til rene, hedoniske kvaliteter på en leid bolig, spiller de ovenfor beskrevne faktorer en viktig rolle i prissettingen. Priseffektene er også gjennomgående store. Det har vist seg å være utfordrende å etablere et utvalg av leietakere i mangel av et register for å identifisere leietakere, eventuelt leieboliger. Gjennom den nye loven for borettslag er det foreslått å opprette en registerordning for andeler i borettslag - et såkalt borettsregister. Et operativt borettsregister vil være et vesentlig bidrag når populasjoner innenfor boligmarkedet skal defineres og avgrenses. Det er et paradoks at man per i dag ikke har en samlet oversikt over verken leieboliger eller leietakere. Et borettsregister med bruk av bolignummer som identifikasjon av boenheten, som kombineres med dagens GAB-register (Register over Grunneiendommer, Adresser og Bygninger) , vil samlet utgjøre gode redskaper til å skaffe seg oversikt over populasjonen. Det anbefales at man i en ny leiemarkedsundersøkelse for 2006 benytter adresse som enhet i etableringen av hovedutvalget. I tillegg anbefales det å trekke et personutvalg blant unge ettersom leieandelen er relativ høy blant disse. Et ønske om leiestatistikk for detaljerte geografiske områder, som prissoner innen enkelte storbyer, krever et relativt stort antall husleieobservasjoner. Av ressursmessige hensyn vil det neppe være hensiktsmessig å samle inn et såpass høyt antall observasjoner direkte gjennom spørreundersøkelsen. En utnyttelse av registerinformasjon fra store utleieaktører anbefales derfor som et supplement. Leieprisene varierer langs flere dimensjoner. Både geografisk beliggenhet, attributter ved selve boligen og relasjoner mellom leietaker og utleier viser seg å ha betydning for leienivået. Fra et geografisk perspektiv skiller det gjennomsnittlige husleienivået i Oslo/Akershus seg klart fra resten av landet ved å ligge på et høyere nivå, 5873 kroner per måned mot 4101 kroner i Trøndelag. Sett ut fra attributter på boligen er det - ikke overraskende - størrelsen på boligen som påvirker leienivået. Leiemarkedsundersøkelsen 2005 har avdekket at ulike relasjoner mellom leietaker og utleier har en signifikant påvirkning på leienivået. Spesielt vil slekts- og vennskapsforhold medføre rabatt i husleien. Leiemarkedsundersøkelsen viser også at leieforhold med profesjonelle utleiere gir klart høyere leie. For eksempel er gjennomsnittlig leie per måned 3805 kroner hvis man leier av "slekt/venner" mens man betaler i gjennomsnitt 5211 kroner når man leier av "privat gårdeier/gårdselskap". Men igjen dukker spørsmålet opp – kan disse boligene sammenlignes? I regresjonsanalysen i kapittel 4 går vi langt i å dekomponere husleien i enkeltfaktorer. På grunnlag av erfaringene med Leiemarkedsundersøkelsen 2005 har Statistisk sentralbyrå også foretatt en foreløpig vurdering av kostnadene med en tilsvarende undersøkelse for 1. kvartal 2006. Forutsetningene i kostnadsberegningene er en tredelt datafangst (papir/web, telefon og besøk) for å øke antall leieobservasjoner, innhenting av registerinformasjon med oversampling for Oslo og Bergen og tilleggsutvalg av unge under 25 år. En slik leiemarkedsundersøkelse vil ha en kostnadsramme som er noe høyere (20-30 prosent) enn for undersøkelsen i 2005, hovedsakelig på grunn av besøksintervju

    Suppression of the Hepatitis C viral load by Phyllanthus niruri extracts

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    Gemstone Team ANTIDOTEHepatitis C virus (HCV) is a public health crisis, affecting over 170 million people by 2011. Conventional treatment, interferon alpha with ribavirin, can often be ineffective and may lead to severe side effects, and this lack of effective treatment poses significant challenges to patients, healthcare providers, and public health officials. As a result, our team investigated the therapeutic potential of medicinal plant extracts from Phyllanthus niruri as an alternative treatment for HCV. Molecular barcoding of chloroplast genes rbcl and matk was used to document the genetic identity of our plants. Phytochemicals were then extracted from dried plant material to isolate potential active compounds. We applied the extraction products to HCV-infected cell lines, specifically Huh7.5 liver cancer cells with J6JFH virus, to determine their effects on viral load and cell toxicity. Our extracts significantly decrease the number of viral copies per cell with no significant toxicity. Viral load suppression was strongest 24 hours after treatment. This effect either declined (extracts 3 and 4) or was sustained (extracts 1 and 2) over time. Extract 4 at 1 ÎĽg/ml at 24 hours and 5 at 10 ÎĽg/ml at 96 hours reached near 100% suppression, demonstrating significant potent effect comparable to interferon-alpha, but the effect of Extract 4 is not sustained. It also demonstrates different extracts may exhibit different kinetics, suggesting different mechanisms of action. Overall, our study serves as a building block to develop novel treatments and contributes to the discovery of alternative drug options for HCV patients
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