458 research outputs found

    Imagen de marca, redes sociales y el impacto de los influencers:Percepción de los jóvenes-adultos.

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    El objetivo de la presente tesis es analizar los conceptos de imagen de marca, redes sociales, así como el efecto de la opinión de los influencers y las reseñas online de consumidores.Queremos observar si la presencia de estos influencers tiene un impacto notable en la imagen de la marca, así como en la intención de compra de los clientes, más concretamente en adultos jóvenes, los cuales son el tipo de clientes que están más presentes en las redes sociales y parecen dar especial atención a la opinión y el comportamiento de los influencers.Para el análisis de esta investigación de mercado se desarrollará un experimento y una encuesta. Estos, proporcionarán información sobre la importancia de los temas previamente mencionados para los jóvenes adultos.<br /

    Experiential restaurants: Playing while eating

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    The goal of this project was analysing if a restaurant based on experiential dinning would succeed in the city of Zaragoza. Having this objective in mind it was necessary to develop a market research. There were two basic ideas proposed, one for the long-run experience (Dynamism) and the other one for the short-run (Playing while eating). In order to cover the need of opinions and direct information, a focus group was made. The results form this technique made us split the research in two parts, one for each topic. At the end, we decided to follow the Playing while eating topic as there were more information available. After that decision, in order to go in depth with the topic we developed another focus group fully oriented to the playing topic. From that focus group we gathered a lot of useful information that had to be checked and compared using a representative sample, which made us develop a survey. Thanks to this survey we could analyse the data in a mathematical way (using averages and percentages) that allowed us to develop the final conclusions of the research and guided us to think about some recommendations for a future. The general conclusion of the research is that depending of the initial investment and the will to organize (as it would be complex) this project would succeed or not (following some of the recommendations of the project).<br /

    Lacasa: um caso de sucesso na gestão de marcas e produtos

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    This article makes reference to the company lacasa, a leader in the Spanish chocolate market, to illustrate the importance of brand management and product launch as a goal to consolidate and attain corporate excellence. Through several group activities and an experiment, the need to undertake sub-brand strategies and to use brand characters for supplementing other marketing strategies implemented by the company has been confirmed.Este artículo toma como referencia a la empresa lacasa, líder en el mercadoespañol del chocolate, para ilustrar la importancia de la gestión de marcas y el lanzamiento&nbsp;de nuevos productos como meta para la consolidación y la consecución de la excelencia&nbsp;empresarial. A través de la realización de varias dinámicas de grupo y un experimento, se&nbsp;ha podido constatar la necesidad de acometer adecuadas estrategias de submarcas y de&nbsp;la utilización de personajes de marca como complemento a otras estrategias de marketing&nbsp;implementadas por la empresa.Este artigo toma como referencia a empresa LACASA , lider no mercado do chocolate da Espanha, para ilustrar a importancia da gestao de marcas e do lancamento de novos produtos como meta para a consolidacao e a consecucao da excelencia empresarial. Por meio da realizacao de varias dinamicas de grupo e de um experimento, pode-se constatar a necessidade de empreender adequadas estrategias de submarcas e da utilizacao de personagens de marca como complemento a outras estrategias de marketing implantadas pela empresa

    Optimal user esperience in social commerce: the role of emotions, flow and user-generated information

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    This doctoral dissertation aims to understand how to optimize online customer experience in the highly interactive environment of social commerce. In an attempt to go beyond online commercial transactions and to support a consumer-centered and social-oriented perspective, social commerce offers users the necessary tools (e.g., recommendations, referrals, ratings and forums) for fostering social interactions during the online purchasing process. User-generated content, the fruit of these social interactions, can affect and help users in their decision-making process. Hence, the main objective of this dissertation aims to understand online consumer behavior to optimize the customer experience in social commerce. This doctoral dissertation is organized into four studies.Study 1 aims to investigate the customer engagement behavior literature in depth, analyzing the cognitive, affective and behavioral dimensions of the engagement generation process in social commerce and the role of emotions within that process. This study proposes a model of the cognitive, affective and behavioral dimensions of the engagement generation process. The model analyzes how interactivity, social presence and enjoyment affect sPassion and result in positive sWOM. The results confirm empirically that cognitive experience and emotional feelings derived from the process boost user participation. At the core of the process, sPassion positively affects the spread of sWOM. Study 2 has the objective of reaching a wider understanding of optimal user experience in social commerce and its mediating effect between emotions and behavior. Accordingly, the study is divided into two parts: first, to analyze the dimensionality, structure and measurement of the state of flow; and second, to test how websites can improve user experience to boost positive sWOM while avoiding negative sWOM. The empirical results confirm the three-dimensional nature of the concept and support its second-order reflective structure, thereby helping to establish the basis for measuring state of flow, its structure and factors; and it confirms that passionate users are likely to experience a state of flow and, as a consequence, to share positive sWOM. Study 3 investigates how user-generated versus company-generated information contributes to trust in the social commerce site, at the same time analyzing how user-generational cohorts behave (Generations X, Y and Z). Social commerce websites offer content created by the company itself and by its users, and this content is accessible without time and space constraints; therefore, everyone, regardless of age, can access social commerce information. The mission of social commerce is to boost tradeoffs while offering users the chance to share their own experiences and to obtain information from the experiences of others. Hence, trust transferred in this part of the purchasing decision process will be influenced by trust in the type of information available. Thus, Study 3 analyzes how user-generated and company-generated information contribute to trust in social commerce. The younger the generation, the more trust in social commerce is transferred from trust in user-generated information; the older the generation, the more trust in social commerce is transferred from trust in company-generated information. Study 3 confirms that users cannot be considered as a single group and must be segmented into generational cohorts.Study 4 investigates user experience across cultures, analyzing the effect of hedonic and utilitarian antecedents on optimal user experience and its consequences on user intention. Taking into account the salience of emotions within experiences of digital technologies, this study has a twofold purpose. First, it analyzes how emotions such as sPassion compared with flow state affected by usability, resulting in a positive impact on emotional and behavioral loyalty. Second, as the main focus of the study, cultural background is tested as a moderating effect.This dissertation allows us to draw a number of main conclusions regarding the study of online consumer experience in social commerce. First, on the basis of the importance of emotion in customer experience, this dissertation supports the primary role of emotions in shaping optimal user experience in social commerce. Second, once users are engaged and have reached an optimal experience (state of flow), this situation drives positive changes in their behavior, positively affecting their decision-making process. Third, it is necessary to take into account the fact that generational cohorts behave differently, since they trust information in different ways. Last, but not least, despite the fact that culture influences decision-making processes, the internationalization of markets and multiculturalism is making users more and more similar.<br /

    Using simulation in the assessment of voting procedures: An epistemic instrumental approach

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    In this paper, we argue that computer simulations can provide valuable insights into the performance of voting methods on different collective decision problems. This could improve institutional design, even when there is no general theoretical result to support the optimality of a voting method. To support our claim, we first describe a decision problem that has not received much theoretical attention in the literature. We outline different voting methods to address that collective decision problem. Under certain criteria of assessment akin to extensions of the Condorcet Jury Theorem, we run simulations for the methods using MATLAB, in order to compare their performance under various conditions. We consider and respond to concerns about the use of simulations in the assessment of voting procedures for policymaking

    Estudio de la demanda cultural de la Generación Millennials en Zaragoza

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    La investigación consiste en el estudio de la demanda cultural del colectivo Millennials, en cuanto a preferencias y proceso de compra de actividades lúdicas en espacios culturales en Zaragoza, en concreto, los ofrecidos por la asociación Las Armas Zaragoza. Aplicando para ello, técnicas de investigación de mercados utilizadas como instrumento de recogida de información que servirán, por un lado, para concentrar las posibles cuestiones que justifican la caída de la demanda, y finalmente, sacar conclusiones que reviertan la situación. Además se establecerán unos objetivos desarrollados en la entrevista con la Universidad de Zaragoza que, tras la investigación, serán puestos a valoración en las conclusiones

    Estudio de mercado sobre el mercado de fibras sostenibles y como influenciaran en la industria textil

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    El estudio de mercado revela un crecimiento en la demanda de fibras sostenibles en la industria de la moda a causa de la concienciación sobre el medio ambiente. Los consumidores prefieren productos fabricados con fibras naturales y sintéticas sostenibles como el algodón orgánico, el lino y el poliéster reciclado. Aunque enfrenta desafíos como los altos costos de producción y la necesidad de educar a los consumidores, el mercado de fibras sostenibles ofrece oportunidades para el desarrollo de productos innovadores y sostenibles en el sector textil y de la moda.<br /

    Discuss to learn: a student-focused learning strategy

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    Purpose: Traditional teaching strategies are making way for a more collaborative learning style, where students play active roles in their learning process. This work focuses on the discussant role activity in the market research subject in a business administration bachelor's degree as a way of empowering students' role. The discussant activity fosters critical thinking and debate between classmates while also encouraging communication and relational skills. Design/methodology/approach: Drawing on expectation-disconfirmation theory, this study analysed students' expectations and perceptions before and after the discussant activity. Data were collected through two surveys carried out in class at the beginning and at the end of the course. Findings: The empirical findings show that interactions in the classroom during the activity contribute to students' final evaluation of the activity and positively affect cross-curricular and subjective learning performance. Originality/value: Activities that recreate real-life experiences help students in the acquisition of certain key competencies related to their future inclusion in the labour market

    La toma de decisiones en el proceso de compra de vehículos eléctricos e híbridos

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    Resumen En este trabajo se ha analizado porqué la demanda de los vehículos eléctricos e híbridos no acaba de hacerse un hueco en nuestro país -mediante el uso de distintas técnicas de investigación de mercado como encuestas y entrevistas en profundidad a usuarios y expertos-. Podremos ver que nuestro país no cuenta con las infraestructuras necesarias para dar autonomía a los vehículos eléctricos, que las ayudas por parte del Estado se quedan muy lejos de ser comparables con las ofrecidas en otros países -como los nórdicos- y, lo mismo sucede con la cultura ecológica. Además, veremos qué características valoran más los usuarios de estos tipos de vehículos y sí realmente se conocen las diferencias entre los vehículos híbridos y eléctricos. Abstract In this paper we have analyzed why the demand for electric and hybrid vehicles does not just make a dent in our country -through the use of different market research techniques such as surveys and depth interviews with users and experts. We can see that our country does not have the necessary infrastructures to give autonomy to the electric vehicles, that the aids by the State are far from being comparable with those offered in other countries, like the Nordic ones, and, the same happend with our Ecological culture. In addition, we will see which features value more users of these types of vehicles and if they really know the differences between hybrids and electric cars

    Asistentes virtuales y Fidelización de los clientes

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    En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se ha llevado a cabo una investigación exploratoria con el fin de averiguar en qué proporción afecta a la fidelización de los clientes, así como los motivos principales, el hecho de que las empresas dispongan de asistentes virtuales en sus servicios de atención al cliente. <br /