237 research outputs found

    Instagram como herramienta de comunicación en el sector de la belleza. Estudio comparativo de las cuentas Benefit USA y Benefit España.

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    La gran variedad de posibilidades que ofrece Internet a las marcas para que estas establezcan contacto con sus clientes ha generado importantes cambios en el ámbito de la comunicación y la publicidad. El éxito de las redes sociales a nivel global ha obligado a las marcas a integrarse en ese mundo para interactuar con su público objetivo y estar al día de todas las tendencias. Entre todas las redes sociales, Instagram protagoniza uno de los casos con más éxito, gracias en gran medida a su facilidad de uso y su carácter mayormente visual, además de la posibilidad que ofrece de hacer publicidad de manera no intrusiva. Este proyecto tiene como finalidad analizar la utilidad de Instagram como herramienta de comunicación publicitaria, concretamente en el sector de la belleza. Además, se ha realizado un estudio comparativo entre dos perfiles de una misma marca, Benefit, pero en ámbitos de actuación diferentes, Estados Unidos y España, con el fin de establecer diferencias en los niveles de conocimiento de esta red social como herramienta publicitaria. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis del contenido publicado por ambas cuentas, además del calculo del engagement generado en ambos casos, presentando una visión actual del uso de Instagram como medio de comunicación publicitaria en ambos países.The wide variety of possibilities offered by the Internet to brands so they can establish contact with their customers has generated important changes in the field of communication and advertising. The success of social networks worldwide has forced brands to integrate themselves in that world in order to interact with their target audience and be up to date with the actual trends. Among all social networks, Instagram is one of the most successful cases, mainly thanks to its ease of use and its mostly visual nature, in addition to the possibility of advertising in a non-intrusive way. The purpose of this project is to analyze the utility of Instagram as an advertising communication tool, specifically in the beauty sector. In addition, a comparative study was carried out between two profiles of the same brand, Benefit, but in different fields of activity, the United States and Spain, in order to establish differences in the levels of knowledge of this social network as an advertising tool. To this end, an analysis of the content published by both accounts was made, in addition to the calculation of the engagement generated in both cases, showing a current vision of the use of Instagram as a way of advertising communication in both countries.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Los proyectos de aula como alternativa para la promoción de conductas pro sociales en niños y niñas de preescolar de una institución educativa del municipio de Guadalajara, Valle del Cauca.

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    Maestría en Desarrollo Infantil, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas.Las habilidades sociales son un conjunto de comportamientos que incluyen aspectos conductuales, cognitivos y afectivos. Estas habilidades se adquieren principalmente mediante el aprendizaje, desde el momento del nacimiento. La primera infancia es fundamental para el desarrollo de habilidades sociales, porque el niño vivencia situaciones que le permiten estructurar su mundo social, comprender normas y expresar sus derechos. Las habilidades sociales en la edad preescolar implican interacción con pares, principalmente mediante el juego que en un comienzo es solitario y luego cooperativo, así como las primeras manifestaciones prosociales, la exploración de reglas y la comprensión de emociones, entre otros aspectos. Este estudio se implementó con el objetivo de determinar la incidencia de un proyecto pedagógico de aula en la promoción de conductas prosociales en niños y niñas de transición de una Institución Educativa de Guadalajara de Buga (Valle del Cauca). Metodológicamente este estudio es cuasi-experimental, con un diseño pre-test y pos-test en un grupo conformado por 21 niños y niñas del grado de transición (12 niñas y 9 niños) con edades comprendidas entre 4-5 años. La valoración de los comportamientos prosociales se realizó mediante el cuestionario elaborado por Tremblay y Desmarais-Gervais (1985, citado en Torres 2007) y adaptado por el ICBF en Colombia (Torres 2007). Los resultados del estudio indican que es fundamental promocionar conductas prosociales en la primera infancia, a fin de mejorar los vínculos con sus pares. Igualmente, permiten ver que existen diferencias en el promedio de las fases pre y pos, evidenciando el éxito de la intervención pedagógica

    Recorrido audiovisual de la hacienda Tilipulo, para difusión como atractivo turístico en la ciudad de Latacunga

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    The Cotopaxi province, has, has had and will have a very strong tourist structure, thanks to its landscapes, customs, and colonial architecture, unfortunately, its tourist attractions are not promoted or distributed in their entirety, as in the case of the Hacienda Tilipulo, which keeps history, tradition and culture and has been long forgotten, today few people know of the existence of such property, let alone its history or cultural heritage. This project is aimed for cultural formative research, focusing on the audiovisual technology dissemination of culture and ancestral knowledge of the Tilipulo community and their property. To fulfill the project approach, a methodology research of descriptive character has been used, in order to get a full knowledge of the needs of the farm, at the same time to revive historical details, enabling us to return to our traditional cultural identity and ancestral knowledge.La provincia de Cotopaxi, Tiene, ha tenido y tendrá, una estructura turística, gracias a sus paisajes, costumbres, y arquitectura colonial, lamentablemente, su atractivo turístico no es promocionado ni difundido en su totalidad, tal es el caso de la Hacienda Tilipulo, la misma que guarda historia, tradición y cultura, se ha visto olvidada durante mucho tiempo, en la actualidad pocas personas conocen de la existencia de la hacienda, menos aun de su historia o como patrimonio cultural para visitar. El presente proyecto está encaminado por la investigación formativa cultural, enfocándose a la difusión tecnológica audiovisual de la cultura y los saberes ancestrales de la comunidad de Tilipulo y su hacienda

    Diseño de información digital: revisión y clasificación de indicadores heurísticos para contenidos web

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    Digital information design: Web content heuristics review and classification. Since the emergence of the Internet there has been continuous evolution in interface design, with designers trying to offer a good experience to users. Website developers regularly turn to heuristic indicators that have been collected throughout years of research and praxis. Nevertheless, these indicators are diverse and it is complicated locating which ones are applicable in every case. The objective of this work is to identify and analyze the most scientifically and geographically relevant heuristic indicators through a mapping review, in order to classify them according to formal and content components. The results are two taxonomies which make it easier to identify the location, and analyze and apply the guidelines

    Diseño de información digital: revisión y clasificación de indicadores heurísticos para contenidos web

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    Digital information design: Web content heuristics review and classification. Since the emergence of the Internet there has been continuous evolution in interface design, with designers trying to offer a good experience to users. Website developers regularly turn to heuristic indicators that have been collected throughout years of research and praxis. Nevertheless, these indicators are diverse and it is complicated locating which ones are applicable in every case. The objective of this work is to identify and analyze the most scientifically and geographically relevant heuristic indicators through a mapping review, in order to classify them according to formal and content components. The results are two taxonomies which make it easier to identify the location, and analyze and apply the guidelines

    Epidemiological review of spinal cord injury due to road traffic accidents in latin america

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a disease that affects the normal function of the spinal cord. Road traffic accidents (RTAs) represent the main cause of SCI worldwide. SCI may generate physical disability and economic dependency, which is especially significant in low- and middle-income countries such as most of the Latin American countries. The main objective of this study was to present an epidemiological review of SCI secondary to RTAs. Stronger evidence on this condition in Latin America is important for future-specific data collection and prevention strategies. A literature review was carried out using specific search strategies in databases of indexed journals from the period 2000 to 2019. Data on SCI secondary to RTAs in the Latin American region were collected and analyzed. After initial screening and removal of duplicates, 16 articles met the inclusion criteria and were chosen for analysis. Data from 7 Latin American countries were retrievable. On average, RTAs were responsible for 40.81% of SCI. Data from different studies are heterogeneous. Car accidents and moto accidents were equally responsible for SCIs (50.61% vs. 49.06%). The thoracic segments were the most commonly affected (57.87%). Males in their 30s were the most affected category (76.6%). SCI due to RTAs may represent a severe but preventable condition that affects mostly men in their productive age, generating important social and economic issues. Data about this condition in Latin America are scarce, and could limit prevention and treatment strategies. Prospective data collection about this condition is recommended

    Systematic Review of the Relationship between Couple Dyadic Adjustment and Family Health

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    The importance of family functioning in the development of child and adult psychopathology has been widely studied. However, the relationship between partners’ adjustment and family health is less studied. This paper aims to describe and summarize research that analyzes the relationship between partners’ adjustment and family health. A systematic review was conducted in the PubMed, PsycINFO, Scopus, Lilacs, Psicodoc, Cinahl, and Jstor databases. Inclusion criteria were as follows: articles published from 2012 to 2019 in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. Data were extracted and organized according to the family health model: family climate, integrity, functioning, and coping. Initially, 835 references were identified, and 24 articles were assessed for quality appraisal. Finally, 20 publications were selected. Results showed that couple adjustment was an important factor that triggered the emotional climate of the family, was positively intercorrelated to parenting alliance or coparenting, and contributed to family efficacy and help when facing stressful life events. Findings revealed a consensus about the relationship between couple dyadic adjustment and family health. The results could orientate interventions to promote well-being and to increase quality of life and family strength. Health professionals should thoroughly study couple relationships to identify risk factors, assess family skills, and promote family health

    Ecological studies in Alto Guadalquivir wetlands : a first step towards the application of conservation plans

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    This paper reviews the most recent studies carried out in the Alto Guadalquivir wetlands. Data on wetland inventory and classification in typologies, faunal and floral community values are presented as well as the effects that agricultural pollutants have on some aquatic species. These results support the need for a correct wetland policy that allows for the conservation of these aquatic ecosystems.Este trabajo revisa los estudios más recientes llevados a cabo en los humedales de la comarca del Alto Guadalquivir. Se presentan datos sobre el inventario de humedales y su clasificación en tipologías, los valores más relevantes de sus comunidades de flora y fauna y los efectos que ejercen los contaminantes agrícolas sobre algunas especies. Estos resultados apoyan la necesidad de una correcta política de humedales que permita la conservación de estos ecosistemas acuáticos

    Beyond the deficit: Building a model of positive youth development

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    La imagen negativa de la adolescencia presente en el mundo occidental a lo largo de las últimas décadas ha propiciado un modelo de atención a la salud adolescente centrado en el déficit y en los factores de riesgo. Sin embargo, durante los últimos años este modelo ha empezado a ser cuestionado por enfoques que enfatizan la competencia y el desarrollo positivo de jóvenes y adolescentes. En este estudio se utilizaron dos técnicas de consenso, como son el grupo nominal y la técnica delphi, para construir, a partir de la opinión de un amplio grupo de expertos, un modelo que recogiese las competencias que pueden servir para definir un desarrollo adolescente saludable y positivo. Las competencias específicas propuestas se agruparon en cinco bloques o áreas: emocional, social, cognitiva, moral y de desarrollo personal. El modelo construido representa un punto de partida que sugiere algunas líneas de investigación e intervención de cara a la promoción de la salud y el desarrollo positivo adolescente.The negative social representation of adolescence that has existed in Western countries throughout the last decades has fuelled a deficit and risk model of adolescents' health and development. Recently, this model has been questioned by new approaches that emphasise competence and positive youth development. In this study, two consensus techniques—such as the delphi method and nominal group—were used to build a model of positive and healthy youth development from the ideas of a panel of experts. The competences included in the model were grouped into five areas: emotional, social, cognitive, moral, and personal development. The proposed model represents a starting point that suggests new lines of research and intervention in order to promote health and positive adolescent development.Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucí

    A sensitive resonance Rayleigh scattering sensor for dopamine in urine using upconversion nanoparticles

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    A highly sensitive resonance light scattering method for detecting dopamine in urine was developed by using a novel probe based on lanthanide‐doped upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) linked to dopamine–quinone (DQ) by hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions. Adding dopamine to a solution containing UCNPs decreases their size and the intensity of their resonance light scattering signals. Based on the decrease, dopamine can be determined in Tris–HCl buffer and in urine samples spiked with analyte concentrations over the range 0–300 μM with a limit of detection of 1.62 μM. As‐prepared UD can thus provide an effective platform for biosensor development, drug discovery, and rapid diagnosis of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, among other medical conditions