197 research outputs found

    Estudio evolutivo del palio en anuros: desarrollo, regionalización y tipos celulares

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, leída el 24/02/2023. Tesis formato europeo (compendio de artículos)La región palial de los vertebrados constituye la porción más dorsal del telencéfalo. Sólo en el caso de algunos amniotas, como los mamíferos y los reptiles, esta estructura se dispone en capas, mientras que en el resto de los vertebrados no presenta una distribución laminar. Por lo que se trata de una región cerebral muy diversa en cuanto a su organización. En los mamíferos, este territorio es responsable de sistemas funcionales altamente complejos, como el aprendizaje, la memoria, el procesamiento de la información sensitiva o de las emociones. Por ello, estudiar su origen y los cambios que ha sufrido a lo largo de la evolución constituye una herramienta muy importante a la hora de comprender los procesos que regula. La comparación entre distintas especies de animales es de gran utilidad para discernir entre conservación, convergencia o divergencia de las poblaciones neuronales, las redes de conexión o las funciones de la región palial/cortical. Y más concretamente, los anfibios son un modelo clave en este escenario ya que constituyen el modelo vivo evolutivamente más próximo al ancestro común, del que derivaron los primeros vertebrados amniotas (mamíferos, aves y reptiles) hace alrededor de 320 millones de años...The pallial region of vertebrates is the most dorsal portion of the telencephalon. Only in some amniotes, such as mammals and reptiles, does it have a layered organization. In all other vertebrates there are no laminar structures, making it a diverse brain structure in terms of organization. In mammals, this region is responsible for highly complex functional systems such as learning, memory, sensory information processing and emotion processing. For this reason, studying its origin and the changes it has undergone throughout evolution is an important tool for understanding the processes it regulates. Comparison between different animal species is useful to discern between conservation, convergence or divergence of neuronal populations, connection networks or the functions of the pallial/cortical region. More specifically, amphibians serve as a key model in this scenario as they may represent the common ancestor from which the first amniote vertebrates (mammals, birds and reptiles) derived around 320 million years ago...Fac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEunpu

    Alternativa de inversión en productos Offshore para reducir el riesgo local

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    Tener inversiones Offshore o del exterior, junto con otros productos locales, es una alternativa que ayuda a reducir el riesgo local, en especial en países en desarrollo con riesgo medio/alto como Colombia, pues se logra una mejor diversificación al operar los productos en contextos de riesgos diferentes a los propios. Por tanto, tomando los ETFs como una alternativa diversificadora de riesgo con múltiples activos y la ayuda de modelos matemáticos para la construcción de portafolios y proyección de precios, se obtendrá un portafolio balanceado que, comparado con los resultados de los principales índices de países latinoamericanos durante los últimos 10 años, puede llegar a superarlos en rentabilidad y menor riesgo.Offshore investments with local products are an alternative that helps to reduce local risk, especially in developing countries like Colombia where the country risk is medium to high. This can be achieved through better diversification by operating the products in risk environments different from their own. Hence, taking the ETFs as a risk-diversifying alternative with multiple assets and the help of mathematical models for portfolio construction and price projection, the outcome will be a balanced portfolio which, compared to the results of the main Latin-American indices during the last 10 years, can exceed them in terms of higher profitability and a lower risk profile

    Primary producers and anthropic signs related to the flood plain soils of the Tablas de Daimiel Wetland

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    In the Tablas de Daimiel National Park (TDNP) wetlands, a semi-arid wetland system in Spain that is of international importance, it is believed that pollutants from a variety of sources accumulate. In the study reported here, we evaluated soils from the flooded part of this wetland in an effort to establish relationships between the abundance/structure of microbial communities (mainly cyanobacteria) and certain soil properties (redox potential, dissolved oxygen, organic matter, soil reaction, electrical conductivity, calcium carbonate, total nitrogen, soluble phosphorus and total phosphorus). This objective was achieved by establishing one transect from the entrance to exit of the flood plain, including sampling from potentially polluted sites. Substantial variations between sampling sites were found in soil in terms of salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), organic matter (OM), total phosphorus (TP) and nitrogen (TN). The presence of primary producers was more evident in contaminated samples. In addition to calcium, high levels of oxidizable organic matter, traces of dissolved oxygen, and considerable amounts of nitrate and phosphates probably stimulated the growth of cyanobacteria, these latter characteristics can be explained as being due to the influence of wastewaters from urban, industrial and agricultural activities that run off directly into this unique wetland. In the future it will be necessary to understand the synergic effects of other soil properties.The authors are grateful to the Autonomous Organism Parques Naturales of Spain (OAPN) for providing financial assistanc

    Distribution of the transcription factor islet-1 in the central nervous system of nonteleost actinopterygian fish: Relationshipwith cholinergic and catecholaminergic systems

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    Islet-1 (Isl1) is one of the most conserved transcription factors in the evolution of vertebrates, due to its continuing involvement in such important functions as the differentiation of motoneurons, among other essential roles in cell fate in the forebrain. Although its functions are thought to be similar in all vertebrates, the knowledge about the conservation of its expression pattern in the central nervous system goes as far as teleosts, leaving the basal groups of actinopterygian fishes overlooked, despite their important phylogenetic position. In order to assess the extent of its conservation among vertebrates, we studied its expression pattern in the central nervous system of selected nonteleost actinopterygian fishes. By means of immunohistochemical techniques, we analyzed the Isl1 expression in the brain, spinal cord, and sensory ganglia of the cranial nerves of young adult specimens of the cladistian species Polypterus senegalus and Erpetoichthys calabaricus, the chondrostean Acipenser ruthenus, and the holostean Lepisosteus oculatus. We also detected the presence of the transcription factor Orthopedia and the enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) to better locate all the immunoreactive structures in the different brain areas and to reveal the possible coexpression with Isl1. Numerous conserved features in the expression pattern of Isl1 were observed in these groups of fishes, such as populations of cells in the subpallial nuclei, preoptic area, subparaventricular and tuberal hypothalamic regions, prethalamus, epiphysis, cranial motor nuclei and sensory ganglia of the cranial nerves, and the ventral horn of the spinal cord. Double labeling of TH and Isl1 was observed in cells of the preoptic area, the subparaventricular and tuberal hypothalamic regions, and the prethalamus, while virtually all motoneurons in the hindbrain and the spinal cord coexpressed ChAT and Isl1. Altogether, these results show the high degree of conservation of the expression pattern of the transcription factor Isl1, not only among fish, but in the subsequent evolution of vertebrates.Depto. de Biología CelularFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)pu

    Expression of SATB1 and SATB2 in the brain of bony fishes: what fish reveal about evolution

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    Satb1 and Satb2 belong to a family of homeodomain proteins with highly conserved functional and regulatory mechanisms and posttranslational modifications in evolution. However, although their distribution in the mouse brain has been analyzed, few data exist in other non-mammalian vertebrates. In the present study, we have analyzed in detail the sequence of SATB1 and SATB2 proteins and the immunolocalization of both, in combination with additional neuronal markers of highly conserved populations, in the brain of adult specimens of different bony fish models at key evolutionary points of vertebrate diversification, in particular including representative species of sarcopterygian and actinopterygian fishes. We observed a striking absence of both proteins in the pallial region of actinopterygians, only detected in lungfish, the only sarcopterygian fish. In the subpallium, including the amygdaloid complex, or comparable structures, we identified that the detected expressions of SATB1 and SATB2 have similar topologies in the studied models. In the caudal telencephalon, all models showed significant expression of SATB1 and SATB2 in the preoptic area, including the acroterminal domain of this region, where the cells were also dopaminergic. In the alar hypothalamus, all models showed SATB2 but not SATB1 in the subparaventricular area, whereas in the basal hypothalamus the cladistian species and the lungfish presented a SATB1 immunoreactive population in the tuberal hypothalamus, also labeled with SATB2 in the latter and colocalizing with the gen Orthopedia. In the diencephalon, all models, except the teleost fish, showed SATB1 in the prethalamus, thalamus and pretectum, whereas only lungfish showed also SATB2 in prethalamus and thalamus. At the midbrain level of actinopterygian fish, the optic tectum, the torus semicircularis and the tegmentum harbored populations of SATB1 cells, whereas lungfish housed SATB2 only in the torus and tegmentum. Similarly, the SATB1 expression in the rhombencephalic central gray and reticular formation was a common feature. The presence of SATB1 in the solitary tract nucleus is a peculiar feature only observed in non-teleost actinopterygian fishes. At these levels, none of the detected populations were catecholaminergic or serotonergic. In conclusion, the protein sequence analysis revealed a high degree of conservation of both proteins, especially in the functional domains, whereas the neuroanatomical pattern of SATB1 and SATB2 revealed significant differences between sarcopterygians and actinopterygians, and these divergences may be related to the different functional involvement of both in the acquisition of various neural phenotypes.Depto. de Biología CelularFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (grant no. PID2020- 112681GB100), and the Santander/Complutense University of Madrid, Grant/Award Number: PR108/20-17Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) /Banco de Santanderpu

    Propuesta de sistemas de agua y saneamiento y actuación sobre el espacio público para la mejora de las condiciones de habitabilidad básica en el distrito de Muganzine (Mozambique)

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    El objetivo principal es dotar de infraestructura (agua y saneamiento), aumentar los servicios y potenciar el desarrollo económico y autónomo de las poblaciones del municipio de Mugazine

    Clinical trials and Haemophilia during the COVID-19 pandemic: Madrid's experience

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: "Clinical trials and Haemophilia during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Madrid's experience". Haemophilia (2020): 16 May, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/hae.14055. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Version

    Targeting metabolic plasticity in glioma stem cells in vitro and in vivo through specific inhibition of c-Src by TAT-Cx43266-283

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    Background: Glioblastoma is the most aggressive primary brain tumour and has a very poor prognosis. Inhibition of c-Src activity in glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs, responsible for glioblastoma lethality) and primary glioblastoma cells by the peptide TAT-Cx43266-283 reduces tumorigenicity, and boosts survival in preclinical models. Because c-Src can modulate cell metabolism and several reports revealed poor clinical efficacy of various antitumoral drugs due to metabolic rewiring in cancer cells, here we explored the inhibition of advantageous GSC metabolic plasticity by the c-Src inhibitor TAT-Cx43266-283. Methods: Metabolic impairment induced by the c-Src inhibitor TAT-Cx43266-283 in vitro was assessed by fluorometry, western blotting, immunofluorescence, qPCR, enzyme activity assays, electron microscopy, Seahorse analysis, time-lapse imaging, siRNA, and MTT assays. Protein expression in tumours from a xenograft orthotopic glioblastoma mouse model was evaluated by immunofluorescence. Findings: TAT-Cx43266-283 decreased glucose uptake in human GSCs and reduced oxidative phosphorylation without a compensatory increase in glycolysis, with no effect on brain cell metabolism, including rat neurons, human and rat astrocytes, and human neural stem cells. TAT-Cx43266-283 impaired metabolic plasticity, reducing GSC growth and survival under different nutrient environments. Finally, GSCs intracranially implanted with TAT-Cx43266-283 showed decreased levels of important metabolic targets for cancer therapy, such as hexokinase-2 and GLUT-3. Interpretation: The reduced ability of TAT-Cx43266-283-treated GSCs to survive in metabolically challenging settings, such as those with restricted nutrient availability or the ever-changing in vivo environment, allows us to conclude that the advantageous metabolic plasticity of GSCs can be therapeutically exploited through the specific and cell-selective inhibition of c-Src by TAT-Cx43266-283.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (FEDER BFU2015-70040-R and FEDER RTI2018-099873-B-I00), Fundación Ramón Areces. Fellowships from the Junta de Castilla y León, European Social Fund, Ministerio de Ciencia and Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC)

    The importance of platelet glycoside residues in the haemostasis of patients with immune thrombocytopaenia

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    Loss of sialic acid from the carbohydrate side chains of platelet glycoproteins can affect platelet clearance, a proposed mechanism involved in the etiopathogenesis of immune thrombocy-topaenia (ITP). We aimed to assess whether changes in platelet glycosylation in patients with ITP affected platelet counts, function, and apoptosis. This observational, prospective, and transversal study included 82 patients with chronic primary ITP and 115 healthy controls. We measured platelet activation markers and assayed platelet glycosylation and caspase activity, analysing samples using flow cytometry. Platelets from patients with ITP with a platelet count <30 × 103/µL presented less sialic acid. Levels of α1,6-fucose (a glycan residue that can directly regulate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity) and α-mannose (which can be recognised by mannose-binding-lectin and acti-vate the complement pathway) were increased in the platelets from these patients. Platelet surface exposure of other glycoside residues due to sialic acid loss inversely correlated with platelet count and the ability to be activated. Moreover, loss of sialic acid induced the ingestion of platelets by human hepatome HepG2 cells. Changes in glycoside composition of glycoproteins on the platelets’ surface impaired their functional capacity and increased their apoptosis. These changes in platelet glycoside residues appeared to be related to ITP severity.This research was funded by FIS-Fondos FEDER PI19/00631, FIS-Fondos FEDER PI19/00772 and Platelet Disorder Support Associatio