167 research outputs found

    Análisis de los carteles publicitarios del Salón Erótico de Barcelona: Semiótica del cuerpo y lo erótico.

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    He tomado carteles producidos por el Salón Erótico de Barcelona y he analizado los símbolos que representan lo erótico en ellos. Entendiendo que ha podido haber un cambio debido a factores socioculturales o técnicos en los mismos. Para ello, he tenido que indagar en la manera que se representa lo erótico y cual es la simbología que utiliza. Además de ello, he reflexionado sobre cómo funciona el sistema de codificación para interpretar estos simbolos

    Zein leku du komunitate gorrak gizartearen eta hezkuntzaren baitan? Antzerkiaren bidez erantzun bila

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    70 p. : il.-- Bibliogr.: p. 36-37[EUS] Lan honetan, komunitate gorrak bere egunerokotasunean jasaten dituen zapalketak behatu ez ezik, haur gorrek hezkuntza sisteman duten lekuaren kalitatea aztertzen da. Horretarako, bizipen pertsonal errealak erabili dira eta Antzerki Foro bat sortu da pertsona gorren egoeraren inguruan hausnartzeko zein jasandako oztopo horiei irtenbideak bilatzeko eztabaidaren eta antzezpenaren bidez. [EUS] Hau guztia gauzatu ahal izateko, Zapalduen Antzerkian oinarritutako bi antzerki tailer egin dira, heldu zein haur eta nerabe gorrekin. Honez gain, hainbat profesional eta komunitate gorraren partaide elkarrizketatu dira. Zehazki, arlo desberdinetan lan egiten duten hiru irakasle eta pertsona gor bat. Esku-hartzearen ondorioetan azaldu bezala, pertsona gorren oztopo nagusia komunikazioan datza, horrek informazioa eskuratzeko aukera eza edota harremantzeko zailtasunak ekartzen dituelarik. Traba horiek testuinguru desberdinetan eragiten dute, besteak beste, egunerokotasunean, aisialdian, osasungintzan, hezkuntzan, etab. Haur gorren hezkuntza haur horren beharretara moldatu beharra dago, izan ere, haur gor bakoitzaren gaitasunak oso desberdinak eta anitzak dira eta beraz, haur bakoitzak behar dituen baliabideak oso aldakorrak dira.[ES] En este trabajo por una lado se observan las opresiones que sufre la comunidad sorda en su día a día, pero también se analiza la calidad del lugar de los niños sordos en el sistema educativo. Para ello se han utilizado vivencias personales reales y se ha creado un Teatro Foro donde reflexionar sobre la situación de las personas sordas y proponer soluciones a estos obstáculos sufridos a través del debate y la representación. Para poder llevar a cabo todo esto, se han realizado dos talleres de teatro basados en el Teatro del Oprimido, tanto con adultos como con niños y adolescentes sordos. Además, se han entrevistado diferentes profesionales y miembros de la comunidad sorda. En concreto, tres profesoras que trabajan en diferentes áreas y una persona sorda. Tal y como se ha explicado en las conclusiones de la intervención, el principal obstáculo para las personas sordas es la comunicación, lo que genera falta de acceso a la información y dificultades para relacionarse. Estas barreras inciden en contextos tan diversos como el día a día, el ocio, la salud, la educación, etc. La educación de los niños/as sordos/as se debe adaptar a sus necesidades propias, ya que las capacidades de cada niño sordo son muy diferentes y variadas, por lo que los recursos que necesita cada niño y niña son muy variables.[EN] In this work, the deaf community’s daily oppressions are observed and the quality of the educational system for deaf children is analyzed. To this end, personal experiences were studied, and a Forum Theatre was created to portray the situation of deaf people. In this way, the solutions to the barriers and obstacles that the deaf community encounter were proposed through debate and theatre performances. For this purpose, two theatre workshops, named the Theatre of the Oppressed, were carried out by deaf adults, teenagers, and children. Moreover, education professionals, as well as members of the deaf community, were interviewed: three teachers who work in different areas and a deaf person. Regarding the conclusions of the intervention, the main constraint for deaf people is communication, which ends up generating a lack of access to general information and difficulties in relating. These obstacles affect contexts as diverse as everyday life, leisure, health, education, etc. As a conclusion, the education of deaf children must be adapted to their own needs; since the capacities of each deaf child are very different to others, the necessary resources for each boy or girl vary a lot

    Porosity, cracks, and mechanical properties of additively manufactured tooling alloys:a review

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies are currently employed for the manufacturing of completely functional parts and have gained the attention of high-technology industries such as the aerospace, automotive, and biomedical fields. This is mainly due to their advantages in terms of low material waste and high productivity, particularly owing to the flexibility in the geometries that can be generated. In the tooling industry, specifically the manufacturing of dies and molds, AM technologies enable the generation of complex shapes, internal cooling channels, the repair of damaged dies and molds, and an improved performance of dies and molds employing multiple AM materials. In the present paper, a review of AM processes and materials applied in the tooling industry for the generation of dies and molds is addressed. AM technologies used for tooling applications and the characteristics of the materials employed in this industry are first presented. In addition, the most relevant state-of-the-art approaches are analyzed with respect to the process parameters and microstructural and mechanical properties in the processing of high-performance tooling materials used in AM processes. Concretely, studies on the AM of ferrous (maraging steels and H13 steel alloy) and non-ferrous (stellite alloys and WC alloys) tooling alloys are also analyzed

    Análisis de los carteles publicitarios del Salón Erótico de Barcelona: Semiótica del cuerpo y lo erótico.

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    He tomado carteles producidos por el Salón Erótico de Barcelona y he analizado los símbolos que representan lo erótico en ellos. Entendiendo que ha podido haber un cambio debido a factores socioculturales o técnicos en los mismos. Para ello, he tenido que indagar en la manera que se representa lo erótico y cual es la simbología que utiliza. Además de ello, he reflexionado sobre cómo funciona el sistema de codificación para interpretar estos simbolos

    Gender Inequalities in Publications about COVID-19 in Spain: Authorship and Sex-Disaggregated Data

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    Gender inequalities in biomedical literature have been widely reported in authorship as well as the scarcity of results that are stratified by sex in the studies. We conducted a bibliometric review of articles on COVID-19 published in the main Spanish medical journals between April 2020 and May 2021. The purpose of this study was to analyse differences in authorship order and composition by sex and their evolution over time, as well as the frequency of sex-disaggregated empirical results and its relationship with the author sex in articles on COVID-19 in the main Spanish biomedical journals. We identified 914 articles and 4921 authors, 57.5% men and 42.5% women. Women accounted for 36.7% of first authors and for 33.7% of last authors. Monthly variation in authorship over the course of the pandemic indicates that women were always less likely to publish as first authors. Only 1.0% of the articles broke down empirical results by sex. Disaggregation of results by sex was significantly more frequent when women were first authors and when women were the majority in the authorship. It is important to make gender inequalities visible in scientific dissemination and to promote gender-sensitive research, which can help to reduce gender bias in clinical studies as well as to design public policies for post-pandemic recovery that are more gender-equitable

    Powder-based laser hybrid additive manufacturing of metals:a review

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    Recent advances in additive manufacturing (AM) have attracted significant industrial interest. Initially, AM was mainly associated with the fabrication of prototypes, but the AM advances together with the broadening range of available materials, especially for producing metallic parts, have broaden the application areas and now the technology can be used for manufacturing functional parts, too. Especially, the AM technologies enable the creation of complex and topologically optimised geometries with internal cavities that were impossible to produce with traditional manufacturing processes. However, the tight geometrical tolerances along with the strict surface integrity requirements in aerospace, biomedical and automotive industries are not achievable in most cases with standalone AM technologies. Therefore, AM parts need extensive post-processing to ensure that their surface and dimensional requirements together with their respective mechanical properties are met. In this context, it is not surprising that the integration of AM with post-processing technologies into single and multi set-up processing solutions, commonly referred to as hybrid AM, has emerged as a very attractive proposition for industry while attracting a significant R&D interest. This paper reviews the current research and technology advances associated with the hybrid AM solutions. The special focus is on hybrid AM solutions that combine the capabilities of laser-based AM for processing powders with the necessary post-process technologies for producing metal parts with required accuracy, surface integrity and material properties. Commercially available hybrid AM systems that integrate laser-based AM with post-processing technologies are also reviewed together with their key application areas. Finally, the main challenges and open issues in broadening the industrial use of hybrid AM solutions are discussed. 2021, The Author(s).The authors would acknowledge the support received from the ESIF/ERDF Smart Factory Hub (SmartFub) programme in West Midlands. The authors also acknowledge the support received from Yamazaki Mazak, DMG MORI, LASEA and Systems 3R for establishing the hybrid AM facilities at the University of Birmingham.Scopu

    El cristal traslúcido : grado de alfabetización audiovisual en la juventud vasca

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    Los jóvenes escolares del País Vasco, jóvenes y adolescentes de entre catorce y dieciocho años, son en general grandes consumidores de tecnologías audiovisuales y de los contenidos simbólicos que dichas tecnologías transmiten. Los chicos y chicas del País Vasco dedican mucho tiempo y bastante dinero a las nuevas tecnologías comunicativas. Sin embargo, muchos de esos jóvenes escolares practican un consumo sin cuidado ni mucha actitud crítica. Utilizan Internet, televisión… y no siempre son conscientes del mundo en el que se sumergen, ni parten siempre de actitudes y puntos de vista independientes y críticos. En este artículo se exponen los resultados de una encuesta realizada durante el curso 2009-2010 en centros educativos del País Vasco. Según esos resultados, se puede deducir que los jóvenes y adolescentes se acercan a los contenidos y hábitos que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación ‘sin limpiar bien los cristales de sus gafas’1

    Ecological characterization of Holocene ostracods of Ojos de Añavieja springs (Soria, Spain)

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    In this work, the holocene ostracod assemblages of the Añavieja surrounding springs have been studied for the first time, allowing the preliminary differentiation of three subenvironments within this wetland. Thus, the first identified subenvironment gathers areas with high ecological stress due to the seasonality of the water flow and the possible anthropic contamination, where Eucypris virens abounds. The predominance of Cypria ophtalmica defines a second environment, being characterised by the development of large vegetation covers in three of the studied springs. In the third subenvironment the abundance of D arwinula stevensoni and the high water temperature (18.5 ºC) suggest a thermal origin for the spring of Añavieja. This work highlights the use of these microorganisms to characterise ecologically this wetland and to detect possible anthropic impacts on it. The definition of these recent assemblages and their ecological variables allow the comparison with fossil assemblages, thus providing the realization of accurate palaeoenvironmental reconstructions in this areaEn este trabajo se han estudiado, por vez primera, las asociaciones holocenas de ostrácodos de las surgencias de agua del entorno de Añavieja (Soria), que han permitido diferenciar, de manera preliminar, tres subambientes dentro de este humedal. Así, se identifica un primer subambiente que agrupa zonas con un alto estrés ecológico, debido a la estacionalidad del flujo hídrico y la posible contaminación antrópica, donde abunda Eucypris virens. El predominio de Cypria ophtalmica define un segundo subambiente, caracterizado por el desarrollo de amplias coberteras vegetales en tres de las surgencias estudiadas. En el tercer subambiente, la abundancia de Darwinula stevensoni y la elevada temperatura del agua del manantial de Añavieja (18,5 ºC) sugieren una naturaleza termal para el mismo. Con este estudio se pone de manifiesto la utilidad de estos microorganismos para caracterizar ecológicamente este humedal y detectar posibles afecciones antrópicas en el mismo. La definición de estas asociaciones actuales y sus variables ecológicas permitirá compararlas con las asociaciones fósiles, facilitando así la realización de reconstrucciones paleoambientales precisas en esta áre