2,731 research outputs found

    Non-adiabatically driven electron in quantum wire with spin-orbit interaction

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    An exact solution is derived for the wave function of an electron in a semiconductor quantum wire with spin-orbit interaction and driven by external time dependent harmonic confining potential. The formalism allows analytical expressions for various quantities to be derived, such as spin and pseudo-spin rotations, energy and occupation probabilities for excited states. It is demonstrated how perfect spin and pseudo-spin flips can be achieved at high frequencies of order \omega, the confining potential level spacing. By an appropriately chosen driving term, spin manipulation can be exactly performed far into the non-adiabatic regime. Implications for spin-polarised emission and spin-dependent transport are also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement of two delocalised electrons

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    Several convenient formulae for the entanglement of two indistinguishable delocalised spin-1/2 particles are introduced. This generalizes the standard formula for concurrence, valid only in the limit of localised or distinguishable particles. Several illustrative examples are given.Comment: 4 page

    Development of improved plastic foam generating agents and techniques for Saturn applications Final report, Jul. 1964 - Jun. 1965

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    Foam system compressive strength analysis, solid urethane castings to screen polymer systems, and prepolymer methods of foam preparation in plastic foam development for Saturn projec

    Rancangan Pembuatan Aplikasi Presensi Dengan Sidik Jari

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    Student attendance application with fingerprints is designed to improve efficiency in the attendance of students, lecturers and assistant lecturers. This application is web-based and built using the PHP programming with laravel framework. This application is made to prevent manipulation of attendance data done by the students, an error copying the data by the academic and attendance data completeness cause confusion during the making recap attendance by the academic authorities. Therefore, we need a system that is able to overcome the problem of absenteeism is done manually, by using fingerprints as a means to confirm their attendance. Fingerprints are one of the unique characteristics of a person where each student has different fingerprints with the other students. From the results of the evaluation of this application can be concluded that this application provides the benefits of avoiding the manipulation of data, save time to confirm their attendance and facilitate the academic authorities in the manufacture recap attendance

    Podpora kritičnemu multi-organizacijskemu sodelovanju v primeru odziva na katastrofične dogodke

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    The past two years have shown both the power of nature and the complexity of preparing for and responding to extreme events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes/typhoons, and floods. These events, and future catastrophic events, will require coordination and collaboration between multiple government and non government organizations across national and state borders. This collaboration will require the discipline necessary to share common processes and procedures, and the agility to improvise plans and actions as situationally required. Information technology must be used to create an eRegion, enabling the shared situational assessments and adequately supporting the collaborative, distributed decision making to produce required decisions and future action plans. The role of information technology in developing these capabilities is discussed in the context of two seismic scenarios, the US New Madrid Seismic Zone, and the Adriatic Seismic region.Zadnji dve leti smo bili priča tako môči narave kot tudi zapletenosti priprav na odziv in tudi samemu odzivu na nekatere ekstremne dogodke kot so potresi, cunamiji, orkani/tajfuni in poplave. Ti in pa bodoči katastrofalni dogodki bodo zahtevali usklajevanje in sodelovanje med mnogimi vladnimi in nevladnimi organizacijami prek nacionalnih in državnih mejá. To sodelovanje bo zahtevalo disciplino, ki je potrebna pri delitvi skupnih postopkov in procedur in pa prožnost pri improviziranju načrtov in ukrepov z ozirom na situacijo. Za vzpostavitev e-regije se mora uporabiti informacijska tehnologija, s čimer bi se omogočilo skupno ocenjevanje situacije in ustrezna podpora medsebojnemu sodelovanju in porazdelitvi pri sprejemanju odločitev, kar naj bi pripeljalo do ustreznih odločitev in bodočim akcijskim načrtom. Vloga informacijske tehnologije pri razvoju teh zmožnosti je obravnavana v kontekstu dveh potresnih scenarijev, v ameriški potresni coni New Madrid in v jadranski potresni regiji

    Urban futures: the sustainable management of the ground beneath cities

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    Over half of the world's population now live in cities. In 2011 it was estimated that the global population exceeded 7 billion. Pressures on the environment including land use are increasing. The ground beneath cities and the interaction between physical, biological and chemical processes provides natural capital on which society depends. These benefits and the ground properties and processes that support and deliver them can be considered ecosystem services. Characterizing the ground properties on which ecosystem services depend involves a qualitative assessment of positive and negative impacts of proposed urban sustainability solutions, including use of the ground. The sustainability of a proposed solution depends on how the future might unfold. Future scenario analysis allows consideration of the social, technological, economic, environmental and political changes that may determine the ability of a proposed solution to deliver its benefits now and in the future. Analysis of the positive and negative impacts of a proposed use of the ground on ecosystem function, measured against future scenarios of change, can be integrated to deliver strategies for the future management of the ground and the wider environment beneath cities

    Public perceptions of the UK marine environment

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    The damaging effects of human activities on marine health suggest that a major shift is required in the way marine systems are used by individuals. Identifying how to engage society in this shift is an ongoing debate. This includes strengthening the positive connections between society and the sea. This study uses a survey (n¼1047) to investigate UK public perceptions of subtidal species and marine health to assess whether it is possible to build more positive connections between society and the sea. Respondents showed considerable interest in traditionally charismatic species (puffins, seals and seahorses) although many respondents thought these species did not live in UK seas. Gender and experience of marine environments influenced public perceptions of species. Public perceptions of marine health showed issues such as litter to be considered as the greatest indicator of poor health. Ecological concepts of habitat integrity and biodiversity were also rated as important to marine health. Social values were found to influence public perceptions of marine health. The results show that perceptions are far from uniform across the population, and such diversity of perceptions is likely impact upon methods to catalyse societal engagement with marine conservation. These findings reinforce previous research on public perceptions of UK seas, and identify opportunities for building positive connections between society and the sea. Research priorities to further the debate of engaging society with the sea are identified

    Constraints in using site-won calcareous clayey silt (loam) as fill materials

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    BSI recently published the revised BS 6031, to include compliance with Eurocode 7. This placed emphasis on fill classification and compaction specifications, while setting the Specification for Highway Works (SHW) 600 series as the default approach for earthworks in the UK. The revised BS 6031 (and earlier documents such as the 2001 manual of BRE Centre for Ground Engineering and Remediation) lack in explaining long-term ground movements in compacted earthworks, particularly when arisings from nearby cuttings are used as fill materials. Unexplained settlements include sudden and long-term subsidence particularly in transient loading environments, when fills are built from sand/silts with small clay inclusions, as well as seasonal subsidence in fills with <20% carbonates. This paper examines some of these limitations through revisiting our recent research, including a recent experimental work. From this paper, specifications can be developed for building fills with site-won materials with an impact on carbon footprint, haulage and maintenance costs