37 research outputs found

    Low-power photothermal self-oscillation of bimetallic nanowires

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    We investigate the nonlinear mechanics of a bimetallic, optically absorbing SiN-Nb nanowire in the presence of incident laser light and a reflecting Si mirror. Situated in a standing wave of optical intensity and subject to photothermal forces, the nanowire undergoes self-induced oscillations at low incident light thresholds of <1 μW<1\, \rm{\mu W} due to engineered strong temperature-position (TT-zz) coupling. Along with inducing self-oscillation, laser light causes large changes to the mechanical resonant frequency ω0\omega_0 and equilibrium position z0z_0 that cannot be neglected. We present experimental results and a theoretical model for the motion under laser illumination. In the model, we solve the governing nonlinear differential equations by perturbative means to show that self-oscillation amplitude is set by the competing effects of direct TT-zz coupling and 2ω02\omega_0 parametric excitation due to TT-ω0\omega_0 coupling. We then study the linearized equations of motion to show that the optimal thermal time constant τ\tau for photothermal feedback is τ→∞\tau \to \infty rather than the widely reported ω0τ=1\omega_0 \tau = 1. Lastly, we demonstrate photothermal quality factor (QQ) enhancement of driven motion as a means to counteract air damping. Understanding photothermal effects on micromechanical devices, as well as nonlinear aspects of optics-based motion detection, can enable new device applications as oscillators or other electronic elements with smaller device footprints and less stringent ambient vacuum requirements.Comment: New references adde

    Detection of DNA and Poly-L-Lysine using CVD Graphene-channel FET Biosensors

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    A graphene channel field-effect biosensor is demonstrated for detecting the binding of double-stranded DNA and poly-l-lysine. Sensors consist of CVD graphene transferred using a clean, etchant-free transfer method. The presence of DNA and poly-l-lysine are detected by the conductance change of the graphene transistor. A readily measured shift in the Dirac Voltage (the voltage at which the graphenes resistance peaks) is observed after the graphene channel is exposed to solutions containing DNA or poly-l-lysine. The Dirac voltage shift is attributed to the binding/unbinding of charged molecules on the graphene surface. The polarity of the response changes to positive direction with poly-l-lysine and negative direction with DNA. This response results in detection limits of 8 pM for 48.5 kbp DNA and 11 pM for poly-l-lysine. The biosensors are easy to fabricate, reusable and are promising as sensors of a wide variety of charged biomolecule

    Strong gate coupling of high-Q nanomechanical resonators

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    The detection of mechanical vibrations near the quantum limit is a formidable challenge since the displacement becomes vanishingly small when the number of phonon quanta tends towards zero. An interesting setup for on-chip nanomechanical resonators is that of coupling them to electrical microwave cavities for detection and manipulation. Here we show how to achieve a large cavity coupling energy of up to (2 \pi) 1 MHz/nm for metallic beam resonators at tens of MHz. We used focused ion beam (FIB) cutting to produce uniform slits down to 10 nm, separating patterned resonators from their gate electrodes, in suspended aluminum films. We measured the thermomechanical vibrations down to a temperature of 25 mK, and we obtained a low number of about twenty phonons at the equilibrium bath temperature. The mechanical properties of Al were excellent after FIB cutting and we recorded a quality factor of Q ~ 3 x 10^5 for a 67 MHz resonator at a temperature of 25 mK. Between 0.2K and 2K we find that the dissipation is linearly proportional to the temperature.Comment: 6 page

    Evanescent field optical readout of graphene mechanical motion at room temperature

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    Graphene mechanical resonators have recently attracted considerable attention for use in precision force and mass sensing applications. To date, readout of their oscillatory motion has typically required cryogenic conditions to achieve high sensitivity, restricting their range of applications. Here we report the first demonstration of evanescent optical readout of graphene motion, using a scheme which does not require cryogenic conditions and exhibits enhanced sensitivity and bandwidth at room temperature. We utilise a high QQ microsphere to enable evanescent readout of a 70 μ\mum diameter graphene drum resonator with a signal-to-noise ratio of greater than 25 dB, corresponding to a transduction sensitivity of SN1/2=S_{N}^{1/2} = 2.6 ×10−13\times 10^{-13} m Hz−1/2\mathrm{Hz}^{-1/2}. The sensitivity of force measurements using this resonator is limited by the thermal noise driving the resonator, corresponding to a force sensitivity of Fmin=1.5×10−16F_{min} = 1.5 \times 10^{-16} N Hz−1/2{\mathrm{Hz}}^{-1/2} with a bandwidth of 35 kHz at room temperature (T = 300 K). Measurements on a 30 μ\mum graphene drum had sufficient sensitivity to resolve the lowest three thermally driven mechanical resonances.Comment: Fixed formatting errors in bibliograph

    Measuring frequency fluctuations in nonlinear nanomechanical resonators

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    Advances in nanomechanics within recent years have demonstrated an always expanding range of devices, from top-down structures to appealing bottom-up MoS2_2 and graphene membranes, used for both sensing and component-oriented applications. One of the main concerns in all of these devices is frequency noise, which ultimately limits their applicability. This issue has attracted a lot of attention recently, and the origin of this noise remains elusive up to date. In this Letter we present a very simple technique to measure frequency noise in nonlinear mechanical devices, based on the presence of bistability. It is illustrated on silicon-nitride high-stress doubly-clamped beams, in a cryogenic environment. We report on the same T/fT/f dependence of the frequency noise power spectra as reported in the literature. But we also find unexpected {\it damping fluctuations}, amplified in the vicinity of the bifurcation points; this effect is clearly distinct from already reported nonlinear dephasing, and poses a fundamental limit on the measurement of bifurcation frequencies. The technique is further applied to the measurement of frequency noise as a function of mode number, within the same device. The relative frequency noise for the fundamental flexure δf/f0\delta f/f_0 lies in the range 0.5−0.01 0.5 - 0.01~ppm (consistent with literature for cryogenic MHz devices), and decreases with mode number in the range studied. The technique can be applied to {\it any types} of nano-mechanical structures, enabling progresses towards the understanding of intrinsic sources of noise in these devices.Comment: Published 7 may 201

    Synchronous imaging for rapid visualization of complex vibration profiles in electromechanical microresonators

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    Synchronous imaging is used in dynamic space-domain vibration profile studies of capacitively driven, thin n+ doped poly-silicon microbridges oscillating at rf frequencies. Fast and high-resolution actuation profile measurements of micromachined resonators are useful when significant device nonlinearities are present. For example, bridges under compressive stress near the critical Euler value often reveal complex dynamics stemming from a state close to the onset of buckling. This leads to enhanced sensitivity of the vibration modes to external conditions, such as pressure, temperatures, and chemical composition, the global behavior of which is conveniently evaluated using synchronous imaging combined with spectral measurements. We performed an experimental study of the effects of high drive amplitude and ambient pressure on the resonant vibration profiles in electrically-driven microbridges near critical buckling. Numerical analysis of electrostatically driven post-buckled microbridges supports the richness of complex vibration dynamics that are possible in such micro-electromechanical devices.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure, submitted to Physical Review

    Path-Dependent Supercooling of the 3^3He Superfluid A-B transition

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    We examine the discontinuous first-order superfluid 3^3He A to B transition in the vicinity of the polycritical point (2.232 mK and 21.22 bar). We find path-dependent transitions: cooling at fixed pressure yields a well defined transition line in the temperature-pressure plane, but this line can be reliably crossed by depressurizing at nearly constant temperature after transiting TcT_{\rm c} at a higher pressure. This path dependence is not consistent with any of the standard B-phase nucleation mechanisms in the literature. This symmetry breaking transition is a potential simulator for first order transitions in the early universe

    Nanofluidic Platform for Studying the First-Order Phase Transitions in Superfluid Helium-3

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    The symmetry-breaking first-order phase transition between superfluid phases 3He-A and 3He-B can be triggered extrinsically by ionising radiation or heterogeneous nucleation arising from the details of the sample cell construction. However, the role of potential homogeneous intrinsic nucleation mechanisms remains elusive. Discovering and resolving the intrinsic processes may have cosmological consequences, since an analogous first-order phase transition, and the production of gravitational waves, has been predicted for the very early stages of the expanding Universe in many extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. Here we introduce a new approach for probing the phase transition in superfluid 3He. The setup consists of a novel stepped-height nanofluidic sample container with close to atomically smooth walls. The 3He is confined in five tiny nanofabricated volumes and assayed non-invasively by NMR. Tuning of the state of 3He by confinement is used to isolate each of these five volumes so that the phase transitions in them can occur independently and free from any obvious sources of heterogeneous nucleation. The small volumes also ensure that the transitions triggered by ionising radiation are strongly suppressed. Here we present the preliminary measurements using this setup, showing both strong supercooling of 3He-A and superheating of 3He-B, with stochastic processes dominating the phase transitions between the two. The objective is to study the nucleation as a function of temperature and pressure over the full phase diagram, to both better test the proposed extrinsic mechanisms and seek potential parallel intrinsic mechanisms