16 research outputs found

    Plantas hospedantes de Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) (Homoptera: Aphididae) y su papel en el ciclo biológico del pulgón en Cataluña

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    Se evaluó el papel de las distintas plantas hospedantes de Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) en el ciclo biológico anual de los dos cariotipos más comunes en Cataluña (2n = 8 y 2n = 10 cromosomas) mediante el seguimiento de poblaciones de pulgones en cereales de invierno y verano y en gramíneas espontáneas. Asimismo se registró la densidad de R. maidis en parcelas comerciales de maíz y se determinó el periodo de colonización mediante la instalación de una trampa de succión. Las gramíneas espontáneas juegan un papel fundamental en el ciclo biológico anual de ambos cariotipos. Los pulgones de cariotipo 2n = 10 pueden vivir sobre cebada durante el otoño, invierno y primavera, y sobre gramíneas adventicias, como Setaria sp. y Echinochloa crus-galli ((L.) P. Beauv.), en verano e inicios de otoño; la superposición del ciclo de estas gramíneas permite a los pulgones con este cariotipo cerrar su ciclo anual en ellas. En el caso de los pulgones de cariotipo 2n = 8, el sorgo es el principal hospedante de verano; la cañota constituye un hospedante básico en primavera y otoño, pudiendo actuar como hospedante en inviernos extremadamente cálidos. El periodo primaveral de colonización del maíz por R. maidis se produjo principalmente en mayo y duró hasta mediados de junio. El número de alados capturados en la trampa de succión, así como el de individuos hallados sobre plantas, fue muy bajo tanto en mayo como en junio. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el maíz no juega un papel relevante en el ciclo de R. maidis. Se analizan algunas de las posibles causas de este fenómeno.The role of the different host-plant of Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) in the annual cycle of the most common karyotypes in Catalonia (2n = 8 and 2n = 10) was evaluated monitoring aphid populations on winter and summer cereals and wild grasses. Densi- ties of R. maidis in maize commercial fields were also recorded, and the period of aphid colonization was determined using a suction trap. Wild grasses play a main role in the annual biological cycle of both karyotypes. Aphids with 2n = 10 karyotype can live on barley through the autumn, winter and spring and on wild grasses, like Setaria sp. and Echinochloa crus-galli, in summer and beginning of autumn; the overlap of the cycle of these gramineae allows aphids with this karyotype complete their annual cycle on them. For aphids with 2n = 8 karyotype, sorghum is the main summer host whereas in spring and summer Johnson grass is, and it can be a winter host in extremely warm winters. The spring R. maidis colonization period of maize was mainly in May and lasted until mid June. Number of alates caught in the suction trap, as well as those on maize plants, were very low in may and June. Results achieved suggest that maize does not play a significant role in the annual cycle of R. maidis in Catalonia. Some reasons for that are discussed

    Características de la hoja que influyen en la incidencia de Cacopsylla pyri (L.) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) en variedades de peral

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    Se estudia la influencia del pH, del contenido en azúcares y del contenido en agua de las hojas de diferentes variedades de peral sobre la incidencia de la psylla del peral, Cacopsylla pyri (L.). El estudio se realizó en 2000 y 2001 en la Estación Experimental de Lleida. Se han estudiado las variedades "Harow Sweet", "William's Infel-415", "William's", "Delbard Delice", "Delbard Exquise", "Abate Fetel", "Super Cornice", "Cornice", "Sublimel", "William's Bovey", "Delferco" y "William's B.C." que en estudios anteriores presentaron diferencias en cuanto a la incidencia de C. pyri. Se han observado diferencias significativas en las características de las hojas para las distintas variedades. Las hojas de las variedades en las que la incidencia de la psylla fue mayor, presentaron mayor pH, mayor contenido en agua y menor contenido en azúcares. En conclusión, el pH y el contenido en agua y azúcares, pueden ser utilizados como indicadores de la preferencia de C. pyri en variedades de peral.The influence of leaf pH, leaf sugar content and leaf water content of differents pear varieties on pear psylla {Cacopsylla pyri (Homoptera: Psyllidae) incidence has been studied. The study was carried out in 2000 and 2001 in a collection of varities located at the "Estació Experimental de Lleida" (NE Spain). The pear cultivars monitored were "Harow Sweet", "William's Infel-415", "William's", "Delbard Delice", "Delbard Exquise", "Abate Fetel", "Super Cornice", "Cornice", "Sublimei", "William's Bovey", "Delferco" y "William's B.C.". These varieties has showed showed differences in C. pyri incidence in previous studies. There were significant differences in the leaf characteristics, related to the differences in the psylla incidence. The varieties whose leaves had higher pH and water content and lower sugar content, were the pear cultivars with a higher incidence of psylla populations. We conclude that the pH and the water and sugar contents can be used as indicators for C. pyri preference on pear cultivars

    Relación Cacopsylla pyri (L.) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) - Peral. Influencia de la variedad

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    Se estudian algunas de las características morfológicas y fisiológicas de diferentes variedades de peral que pueden influir sobre la instalación y desarrollo de las poblaciones de Cacopsylla pyri. Se realizaron recuentos de puesta, ninfas, adultos y enemigos naturales de C. pyri en lamburdas y posteriormente en hojas de brotes del año en una colección de selección de variedades de peral de la "Estació Experimental de Lleida". El año 1997 se muestrearon 40 variedades. Los resultados obtenidos pusieron de manifiesto que existian diferencias significativas debidas a la variedad en los niveles de ocupación por el fitófago. Las variedades se agruparon en 3 categorias en función de la presencia de psylla: elevada, media y baja. De las plantadas los años 1994 y 1995 se muestrearon las 16 variedades correspondientes a los grupos anteriores. Las características de la planta estudiadas fueron: altura, diámetro del tronco, peso de la madera de poda, contenido en clorofila, macro y micronutrientes. Se han observado diferencias significativas entre las distintas variedades en las características de la planta estudiadas, relacionadas con las diferencias en los niveles de ocupación.Some morphological and physiological characteristics of different pear cultivars that can influence the setting and development of the populations of Cacopsylla pyri are studied. Visual sampling of eggs, nymphs, adults and natural enemies of C. pyri on fruit spur and later on leaves of young shuts were done in a collection for varieties selection at the "Estació Experimental de Lleida" (NE Spain). In 1997, forty cultivars were monitored, founding significant differences between cultivars in the presence levels of the insect. The cultivars were divided in three groups according to the level of presence, high, medium and low. In 1998 and 1999, sixteen cultivars from the three groups from those planted in 1994 and 1995 were monitored. The plant characteristics studied were: heigh, diameter of the trunk, weight of thinning wood and chlorophyl, macronutrient and micronutrient contents of the leaves. There are significant differences in the plant characteristics studied related to the differences in presence levels of C. pyri

    Comparative cytogenetic study of three Macrolophus species (Heteroptera, Miridae.)

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    Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur, 1839) (Insecta, Heteroptera, Miridae) is a predator of key vegetable crop pests applied as a biocontrol agent in the Mediterranean region. M. pygmaeus and M. melanotoma (A. Costa, 1853) are cryptic species with great morphological similarity which results in their misidentification and negative consequences for the conservation of their populations on greenhouse and outdoor crops. In order to find out specific markers for their separation we studied the karyotype, male meiosis and heterochromatin composition of these species and additionally of a third species (as a reference one), M. costalis Fieber, 1858. We demonstrate here that all the three species share achiasmate male meiosis and sex chromosome pre-reduction. On the other hand, the species differ in karyotype, with 2n=28 (26+XY) in M. pygmaeus, 2n=27 (24+X1X2Y) in M. costalis, and 2n=34 (32+XY) in M. melanotoma, and heterochromatin distribution and composition. In addition, the species differ in sperm morphology: sperm cells of M. costalis are significantly longer with longer head and tail than those of M. melanotoma and M. pygmaeus, whereas sperm cells of M. melanotoma have a longer tail than those of M. pygmaeus. All these characters can be used as markers to identify the species, in particular the cryptic species M. melanotoma and M. pygmaeus.This study has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (Project AGL2011-24349), and by a travel grant from the University of Lleida - Fundació “La Caixa” to Dr Grozeva. The chromosome analysis was performed using microscope Axio Scope A1 – Carl Zeiss Microscopy upgraded by the project WETLANET (FP7 CSA – SUPPORT ACTION, GA 229802). We thank cordially Prof. Dr V. Kuznetsova for the valuable advices to improve the manuscrip

    Elliptic Fourier analysis in the study of the male genitalia to discriminate three Macrolophus species (Hemiptera:Miridae)

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    Within the genus Macrolophus (Heteroptera: Miridae), the species M. costalis (Fieber), M. melanotoma (Costa) and M. pygmaeus (Rambur) are present in the Mediterranean region on a wide variety of plant species. While M. costalis can easily be separated from the other two by the black tip at the scutellum, M. pygmaeus and M. melanotoma are cryptic species, extremely similar to one another in external traits, which has resulted in misidentifications. M. pygmaeus is an efficient biological control agent, both in greenhouse and field crops. The misidentification of these cryptic species could limit the effectiveness of biological control programs. Although the morphology of the left paramere of the male genitalia has been used as a character for identification of these two cryptic species, there is controversy surrounding the reliability of this character as a taxonomic tool for these species. Using geometric morphometric techniques, which are a powerful approach in detecting slight shape variations, the left parameres from these three Macrolophus species were compared. The paramere of M. costalis was larger and had a different shape to that of M. melanotoma and M. pygmaeus; however, no differences in size or shape were found between the left paramere of M. melanotoma and that of M. pygmaeus. Therefore, our results confirm that this character is too similar and it cannot be used to discriminate between these two cryptic species.This study has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (Project AGL2011-24349 and AGL2014-53970-C2-2-R)