27 research outputs found

    Business-community relationships for extractive industries: a case study in Peru

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    Natural resource-based economies have long relied on foreign demand to fuel their growth. For instance, the extractive sectors in Peru have experienced a rapid expansion, driven by a rising demand for commodities. Alongside economic growth, extractive operations have triggered social and environmental concerns among the various stakeholders, thus resulting in either social conflict or a deterioration of the relationship between companies in the extractive industries and local communities. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to understand the relationships between companies in the extractive industries and rural families. This research uses the case-study method. The findings show that a trustful relationship is supported by a beneficiary-society approach that builds upon philanthropic and ethical types of relationships. Unlike the type of relationship based on economic or legal interests, a trust-based relationship offers avenues for managing social conflict that have yet to be explored

    Poverty reduction through corporate social responsibility: case study of Peruvian rural families

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    Poverty remains one of this millennium’s main problems, which why the first objective of sustainable development is poverty reduction. Multiple actors are working on this issue: states, multilateral organisms, civil societies, and—perhaps less boldly—the private sector, through social responsibility programs. In this research, the aim was to understand how rural families perceive the contribution of CSR programs, in respect to the decrease in rural poverty. A total of 20 rural families, who were beneficiaries from CSR programs belonging to two extractive companies, were interviewed; furthermore, they were no longer poor and were currently dwelling within the highlands and jungles of Perú. The results show that the CSR strategies used by the companies directly and indirectly contribute toward a reduction in rural poverty, and particularly those more specifically related to capacity development, access to markets, and strategic philanthropy. In this study, it was also found that families mostly use the strategy of informal entrepreneurship, which is not directly linked to the companies’ actions; as such, this could serve as a basis for the future implementation of CSR actions

    A snapshot of training practices in Peru

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    Organizations need well trained employees in order to maintain a competitive advantage. The purpose of this paper is to describe current training practices in Peru and to provide recommendations for improving organizational performance. This paper also aims to set priorities for future research work. Human capital theory and contributions on need assessment, and training planning, implementation and evaluation served as theoretical framework. This is a cross-sectional, exploratory study that used information from surveys conducted in 24 Peru-vian companies. The findings reveal a strong interest in training, particularly with regard to the improvement of competencies, preference for face-to-face training, and the use of reaction evaluation methods. The recommendations include, among others, improving the provisions for internal support, policies, technology, behavioral evaluation, and resources.Las organizaciones necesitan empleados bien entrenados para mantener una ventaja competitiva. El prop?sito de este art?culo es describir las pr?cticas de capacitaci?n en organizaciones en Per?, para entregar recomendaciones que mejoren el desempe?o organizacional. Este art?culo tambi?n ayuda a establecer prioridades de investigaci?n futura. La Teor?a de Capital Humano y contribuciones de evaluaci?n de necesidades, planeaci?n, implantaci?n y evaluaci?n de la capacitaci?n sirvieron como marco te?rico. Es un estudio exploratorio de corte trasversal, usando encuestas en 24 compa??as peruanas. Los resultados revelan un inter?s fuerte en capacitaci?n, particularmente en competencias, preferencia por capacitaci?n cara a cara, y uso de m?todos de evaluaci?n de reacci?n. Las recomendaciones incluyen mejor provisi?n de apoyo interno, pol?ticas, tecnolog?a, evaluaci?n de conductas y recursos

    Los desafíos éticos en la globalización

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    La globalización se extiende con gran rapidez y complejidad afectando el orden social, cultural y económico de los países. Este fenómeno puede ser una gran oportunidad de crecimiento para las empresas pero a su vez puede convertirse en una amenaza para aquellas que no han desarrollado una cultura fuerte centrada en sus valores. En este contexto, el objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre la importancia de la ética en la globalización y presentar algunas iniciativas difundidas mundialmente a favor de códigos de ética, especialmente los códigos globales. Los códigos éticos globales ayudan a definir el camino y la manera de hacer negocios de tal manera que la globalización sea un instrumento para el desarrollo de los países.ABSTRACTThe globalization extends with great speed and complexity, affecting economic, cultural and social order of the countries. This phenomenon can be a great growth opportunity for businesses but in turn, it could become a threat to those who have not developed a strong culture focused on values. In this context, the aim of this article is to reflect on the importance of ethics in globalization and it discusses some initiatives of global ethics codes. The global ethical codes are those that mark the way and the way of doing business so that globalization becomes an instrument for developing countries.Fecha de recepción: 15 diciembre 2015Fecha de aprobación: 14 junio de 2016Fecha de publicación: 6 de enero de 201

    Los desafíos éticos en la globalización

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    The globalization extends with great speed and complexity, affecting economic, cultural and social order of the countries. This phenomenon can be a great growth opportunity for businesses but in turn, it could become a threat to those who have not developed a strong culture focused on values. In this context, the aim of this article is to reflect on the importance of ethics in globalization and it discusses some initiatives of global ethics codes. The global ethical codes are those that mark the way and the way of doing business so that globalization becomes an instrument for developing countries.La globalización se extiende con gran rapidez y complejidad afectando el orden social, cultural y económico de los países. Este fenómeno puede ser una gran oportunidad de crecimiento para las empresas pero a su vez puede convertirse en una amenaza para aquellas que no han desarrollado una cultura fuerte centrada en sus valores. En este contexto, el objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre la importancia de la ética en la globalización y presentar algunas iniciativas difundidas mundialmente a favor de códigos de ética, especialmente los códigos globales. Los códigos éticos globales ayudan a definir el camino y la manera de hacer negocios de tal manera que la globalización sea un instrumento para el desarrollo de los países

    Critical factors for innovative work behaviour in Latin American firms: test of an exploratory model

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    The aim of this study is to examine how transformational and transactional leaders, boost the employees? innovative work behaviour, directly or through work engagement, organizational climate for innovation and absorptive capacity in Latin American firms. A non-random sample of 1429 employees was used who had been working at least one year in the current company. The sample, composed of workers from different industries, was collected in postgraduate programs of business schools from seven Latin American countries. A multi-group structural equation model was built with the involved variables, which adopted two different conditions: i.e., unconstrained and constrained questionnaire measurement weights. According to the results, leadership by itself is insufficient to promote employees innovative work behaviour. Transformational and transactional leadership exert effect on this behaviour only through absorptive capacity and work engagement respectively. Likewise, absorptive capacity and employee work engagement show direct effects on innovative work behaviour. Additionally, organizational climate for innovation shows a significant moderating effect on the all relationships included in the model. Despite the cultural differences, the two-condition model yielded the same effect in each country, which indicates the validity of a general model of innovative work behaviour for the whole region supporting the common identity of this region. As a conclusion, leadership practices are needed to encourage innovative work behaviour within the Latin American organizational context, however some individual (engagement) and organizational (absorptive capacity) conditions are also needed to ensure this effect. Implications for human resources management are discussed

    Responsabilidad social: un acercamiento a la perspectiva de los ejecutivos peruanos.

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    In recent years the issue of social responsibility is becoming more important, which isreflected in the companies have incorporated it into their agenda of interests. In this sense,the article is intended to make a first approach to the level of implementation efforts, aswell as their prospects for the future. We interviewed a total of 144 people representingdifferent economic sectors. We conclude that the majority of executives do not have aclear understanding of the modern concept of RS nor of its benefits, it limits the concept tophilanthropy and actions are oriented to the community and environment.Nos últimos anos, o tema da Responsabilidade Social encontra-se tomando maior relevância,o que se vê refletido em que as empresas tem lhe incorporado em sua agenda deinteresses. Neste sentido, o artigo tem como finalidade realizar uma primeira aproximaçãoao nível de implementação dos esforços, assim como suas perspectivas para o futuro. Entrevistou-se a 144 executivos, representantes dos diferentes setores econômicos. Os resultadosmostram que ainda não tem uma clara compreensão do concepto moderno de RS,limitando o concepto a filantropia e ações orientadas a comunidade e meio ambiente.En los últimos años el tema de la responsabilidad social ha adquirido mayor relevancia, yasí se refleja en el hecho de que las empresas lo han incorporado en su agenda de intereses.Este artículo tiene como finalidad realizar un primer acercamiento al nivel de implementaciónde los esfuerzos, así como a sus perspectivas para el futuro. Se realizaron entrevistascon 144 ejecutivos, representantes de los diferentes sectores económicos. Los resultadosmuestran que aún no comprenden con claridad el concepto moderno de responsabilidadsocial, pues lo limitan a la idea filantropía y a las acciones orientadas a la comunidad y almedioambiente

    Poverty Reduction through Corporate Social Responsibility: Case Study of Peruvian Rural Families

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    Poverty remains one of this millennium’s main problems, which why the first objective of sustainable development is poverty reduction. Multiple actors are working on this issue: states, multilateral organisms, civil societies, and—perhaps less boldly—the private sector, through social responsibility programs. In this research, the aim was to understand how rural families perceive the contribution of CSR programs, in respect to the decrease in rural poverty. A total of 20 rural families, who were beneficiaries from CSR programs belonging to two extractive companies, were interviewed; furthermore, they were no longer poor and were currently dwelling within the highlands and jungles of Perú. The results show that the CSR strategies used by the companies directly and indirectly contribute toward a reduction in rural poverty, and particularly those more specifically related to capacity development, access to markets, and strategic philanthropy. In this study, it was also found that families mostly use the strategy of informal entrepreneurship, which is not directly linked to the companies’ actions; as such, this could serve as a basis for the future implementation of CSR actions

    Business-community relationships for extractive industries: a case study in Peru

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    Natural resource-based economies have long relied on foreign demand to fuel their growth. For instance, the extractive sectors in Peru have experienced a rapid expansion, driven by a rising demand for commodities. Alongside economic growth, extractive operations have triggered social and environmental concerns among the various stakeholders, thus resulting in either social conflict or a deterioration of the relationship between companies in the extractive industries and local communities. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to understand the relationships between companies in the extractive industries and rural families. This research uses the case-study method. The findings show that a trustful relationship is supported by a beneficiary-society approach that builds upon philanthropic and ethical types of relationships. Unlike the type of relationship based on economic or legal interests, a trust-based relationship offers avenues for managing social conflict that have yet to be explored