183 research outputs found

    Giant Intrinsic Carrier Mobilities in Graphene and Its Bilayer

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    We have studied temperature dependences of electron transport in graphene and its bilayer and found extremely low electron-phonon scattering rates that set the fundamental limit on possible charge carrier mobilities at room temperature. Our measurements have shown that mobilities significantly higher than 200,000 cm2/Vs are achievable, if extrinsic disorder is eliminated. A sharp (threshold-like) increase in resistivity observed above approximately 200K is unexpected but can qualitatively be understood within a model of a rippled graphene sheet in which scattering occurs on intra-ripple flexural phonons

    Parity Effect and Charge Binding Transition in Submicron Josephson Junction Arrays

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    We reconsider the issue of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition into an insulating state in the Coulomb-dominated Josephson junction arrays. We show that previously predicted picture of the Cooper-pair BKT transtion at T = T_2 is valid only under the condition that T_2 is considerably below the parity-effect temperature (which is usually almost 10 times below the value of superconductive transition temperature), and even in this case it is not a rigorous phase transition but only a crossover, whereas the real phase transition takes place at T_1 = T_2/4. Our theory is in agreement with available experimental data on Coulomb-dominated Josephson arrays and also sheds some light on the origin of unusual reentrant temperature dependence of resistivity in the array with nearly-criticial ratio of Coulomb to Josephson energies.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, to be published in JETP Letters, April 9

    The use of microsatellite polymorphism in genetic mapping of the ostrich (Struthio camelus)

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    The aim of this study was to determine microsatellite polymorphism in ostriches and using it in creation the genetic map of the ostrich. The polymorphism analysis covered 30 microsatellite markers characteristic of ostrich, for the CAU (China Agricultural University) group. The material consisted of 150 ostriches (Struthio camelus). The 30 microsatellite loci was examined and a total of 343 alleles was identified. The number of alleles at a single locus ranged from 5 at locus CAU78 to 34 at locus CAU85. The values for the observed heterozygosity Ho ranged from 0.467 (locus CAU78) to 0.993 (locus CAU16), whereas for the expected heterozygosity He - from 0.510 (locus CAU78) to 0.953 (locus CAU85). Analyzing the individual loci, the highest PIC value, more than 0.7 was observed for: loci CAU85 (0.932), CAU64 (0.861) and CAU32, 75 (0.852), respectively. It should be noted, that the microsatellite markers used in our study were very polymorphic as evidenced by the large number of detected alleles and high rates of heterozygosity, PIC and PE as well. The analysed microsatellite markers may be used in genetic linkage mapping of ostrich, the construction of a comparative genetic map with other ratites, such as emu and rhea, and population genetics studies or phylogenetic studies of these birds

    Low-energy electronic states of carbon nanocones in an electric field

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    «Non v’è salvezza al di fuori del mostruoso»; «la diserzione, intrinseca alla letteratura, diventa nel fantastico sfida blasfema, obiezione, tradimento»: in questi passi, lo scrittore italiano Giorgio Manganelli (1922-1990) riafferma la portata trasgressiva della sua opera, indicando nel superamento dei limiti razionali, del verosimile, dell’accettabile o, in altre parole, del narrabile la via per sottrarre la letteratura ad una funzione strumentale. Così, nel privilegiarla come atto di linguaggio e nel disimpegnarla da mansioni mimetico-realistiche, Manganelli la popola di esseri informi e metamorfici. Ad esempio, in opere quali Hilarotragoedia (1964) e Dall’inferno (1985) il mostruoso non si presenta come qualcosa di aberrante, ma piuttosto come il risultato di una sorta di teologia paradossale, in grado di sovvertire o burlare le grandi convenzioni umane. Partendo da tali questioni, l’articolo affronterà il tema del mostro quale infrazione e sovversione essenziali allo scardinamento di un orizzonte ermeneutico antropocentrico, come voleva, tra gli altri, Foucault. «There is no salvation beyond the monstrous»; «desertion, intrinsic to literature, becomes in the Fantastic a blasphemous challenge, objection and betrayal»: with these words, the Italian writer Giorgio Manganelli (1922-1990) reaffirms the transgression of his work. With the overcoming of rational limits, of the plausible, of the acceptable or, in other words, of the tellable, the writer illustrates the way to prevent the use of literature as an instrumental function. Therefore, by using literature as an act of speech and by disengaging it from its mimetic-realistic responsibilities, Manganelli populates it with shapeless and metamorphic beings. In works such as Hilarotragoedia (1964) and From Hell (1985), for example, the monstrous does not resemble something aberrant, but rather it represents a kind of paradoxical theology, capable of subverting or mocking the great human convictions. Starting from these questions, this paper will approach the subject of the monster as infringement and subversion essential for the disruption of a hermeneutic and anthropocentric horizon, as Foucault, among others, wished

    Absolute quantitative total-body small-animal SPECT with focusing pinholes

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    Purpose: In pinhole SPECT, attenuation of the photon flux on trajectories between source and pinholes affects quantitative accuracy of reconstructed images. Previously we introduced iterative methods that compensate for image degrading effects of detector and pinhole blurring, pinhole sensitivity and scatter for multi-pinhole SPECT. The aim of this paper is (1) to investigate the accuracy of the Chang algorithm in rodents and (2) to present a practical Changbased method using body outline contours obtained with optical cameras. Methods: Here we develop and experimentally validate a practical method for attenuation correction based on a Chang first-order method. This approach has the advantage that it is employed after, and therefore independently from, iterative reconstruction. Therefore, no new system matrix has to be calculated for each specific animal. Experiments with phantoms and animals were performed with a highresolution focusing multi-pinhole SPECT system (USPECT-II, MILabs, The Netherlands). This SPECT system provides three additional optical camera images of the animal for each SPECT scan from which the animal contour can be estimated. Results: Phantom experiments demonstrated that an average quantification error of –18.7% was reduced to –1.7% when both window-based scatter correction and Chang correction based on the body outline from optical images were applied. Without scatter and attenuation correction, quantification errors in a sacrificed rat containing sources with known activity ranged from –23.6 to –9.3%. These errors were reduced to values between –6.3 and +4.3% (with an average magnitude of 2.1%) after applying scatter and Chang attenuation correction. Conclusion: We conclude that the modified Chang correction based on body contour combined with window-based scatter correction is a practical method for obtaining small-animal SPECT images with high quantitative accuracy.Radiation, Radionuclides and ReactorsApplied Science

    Small-animal SPECT and SPECT/CT: application in cardiovascular research

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    Preclinical cardiovascular research using noninvasive radionuclide and hybrid imaging systems has been extensively developed in recent years. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is based on the molecular tracer principle and is an established tool in noninvasive imaging. SPECT uses gamma cameras and collimators to form projection data that are used to estimate (dynamic) 3-D tracer distributions in vivo. Recent developments in multipinhole collimation and advanced image reconstruction have led to sub-millimetre and sub-half-millimetre resolution SPECT in rats and mice, respectively. In this article we review applications of microSPECT in cardiovascular research in which information about the function and pathology of the myocardium, vessels and neurons is obtained. We give examples on how diagnostic tracers, new therapeutic interventions, pre- and postcardiovascular event prognosis, and functional and pathophysiological heart conditions can be explored by microSPECT, using small-animal models of cardiovascular disease