1,801 research outputs found

    Porosities and dimensions of measures satisfying the doubling condition

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    Summary of a talk at the conference The Chaotic Universe in Rome, Feb, 1999Comment: Jarvenpa = J\"arvenp\"a\"a, 11 pages, figures in colo

    Opportunity Creation in Innovation Networks: Interactive Revealing Practices

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    Innovating in networks with partners that have diverse knowledge is challenging. The challenges stem from the fact that the commonly used knowledge protection mechanisms often are neither available nor suitable in early stage exploratory collaborations. This article focuses on how company participants in heterogeneous industry networks share private knowledge while protecting firm-specific appropriation. We go beyond the prevailing strategic choice perspectives to discuss interactive revealing practices that sustain joint opportunity creation in the fragile phase of early network formation.Center for Business, Technology and La

    Improving customer strategy in social media to develop collaboration and create value

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    Sosiaalisen median lähestymistapa on muuttunut viime vuosina staattisesta katselusta interaktiivisuutta vaativaan yhteistyöhön. Sosiaalisen median käyttäjät eivät välttämättä ole organisaation asiakkaita. Yritykset tai organisaatiot eivät voi määrätä käyttäjän viestintää sosiaalisessa mediassa. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli parantaa kuluttaja-asiakkaiden yhteistoimintaa sosiaalisessa mediassa huomioimalla asiakkaan näkykulma lisäämällä lähestymistapaan inhimillisyyttä, joka huomioi tunteiden merkityksen sekä kehittämällä mallin, joka mahdollistaa sidosryhmien yhteistyön arvoa luotaessa. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin kyselyä, joka toteutettiin tilaajan näkökulmasta siten että, saatiin vastaukset pää- ja sivututkimuskysymykseen. Tietojen hankinta toteutettiin laadullisilla menetelmillä määriteltyjen kuluttaja asiakkaiden keskuudessa. Opinnäytetyö on suunniteltu tätä tutkimusta ja tutkimusongelmaa varten. Ensisijainen tutkimustieto kerättiin verkkopohjaisella asiakaskyselyllä. Toissijainen tutkimustieto kerätiin tilaajan aiemmin tilaamasta tutkimuksesta. Verkkopohjaista hakua käytettiin tietojen hankkimiseen analytiikan avulla saavutettavista hyödyistä valituissa yrityksissä. Tutkimus osoitti, että yleisin tapa osallistua sosiaaliseen mediaan on vieraileminen verkkosivuilla ja sisällön katseleminen. Tutkimuksen vastaajat odottivat, että valituksella voitaisiin saavuttaa vastavuoroisuutta. Vastaajat halusivat saada valituksen seurauksena lisähyötyjä, tai kokea, että heidän palautettaan arvostettaisiin. Tutkimus osoitti että, asiakasnäkemyksen analysointi on muuttunut kokonaisvaltaisesti analytiikan käytön myötä. Vielä ei kuitenkaan ole olemassa kattavaa tapaa hyödyntää analytiikkaa. Hyötyjen saavuttaminen analytiikan avulla on riippuvaista yrityksen tarpeista, vaatimuksista ja tavoitteista. Opinnäytetyö tarjoaa viitekehyksen, jota tilaaja voi käyttää luomalla oman arvonkehitysmallin.The approach of social media has changed last years from static viewing to interactive collaboration. Users of social media are not necessarily customers of the organizations. Companies or organizations cannot dictate the user’s communication in the social media. The objective of the thesis was to improve collaboration with consumer customer in the social media in the way that it takes the customers’ perspectives into account and increases human touch by observing feelings and emotions and developing a framework that enables stakeholder to collaborate on the co-creation of value. The methodology of the research included surveys to identify answers to the main and sub research questions from the commissioners’ perspective. Data acquisition was carried out by using qualitative methods among defined consumer customers of the commissioning company. Thesis methods were designed for this specific research and research problem. Primary data was gathered by customer questionnaire via a web-based survey. Secondary data was gathered from previous research ordered by the commissioner. The web-based search was used for data acquisition about the achieved benefit of using analytics in selected companies. The study showed that the most common way of participation in social media is visiting websites and viewing contents. The respondents expected that a complaint should create reciprocity. The respondents also expected to gain additional benefits or experience that their feedback would be valued. Using analytics has changed customer insight analysis comprehensively. Yet, there is no all-inclusive way to use analytics. It depends on the company’s needs, requirements and objectives how to use analytics to achieve benefit. The research in this master’s thesis provides a collaboration framework that the commissioner can utilize to create a platform for value co-creation

    Emergent Ecosystem for Radical Innovation: Entrepreneurial Probing at Formula E

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    Entrepreneurial action is increasingly associated with innovation ecosystems because no firm alone can render the complex and interdependent services demanded in markets. Moreover, entrepreneurial firms are increasingly instigators of innovation ecosystems, rather than merely participants. However, particularly in the pursuit of radical innovation, a question arises as to how an entrepreneurial firm begins to form and shape the landscape for an emergent ecosystem. In this paper, we examine the innovation activities of Formula E, a new venture at the hub of an emerging ecosystem, aiming to transform motorsports for digital-native fans. Digital technologies are providing nearly boundless possibilities but represent uncertain opportunities in terms of their ability to engage young fans, who previously have shown little interest in motorsports. We identify probing as a way to use initiatives to provoke engagement and generate open-ended dialog and discussion. Entrepreneurial probing helps to expand the innovation landscape in search of heterogeneous need-solution pairs

    Developing Individuals\u27 Transactive Memories of Their Ego-Centric Networks to Mitigate Risks of Knowledge Sharing: The Case of Professionals Protecting CyberSecurity

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    A memory of who knows what, so called transactive memory, can be an important cognitive structure in facilitating knowledge sharing in situations where successful collaboration depends on simultaneously maximizing sharing while mitigating its risks. We examine the development of transactive memory in cross- organizational networks—or ego-centric networks—that individuals build and maintain in their work. How do individuals develop transactive memory about who knows what in personally driven social networks that operate at the boundaries of cross-organizational work? In this paper, we advance a model of factors affecting the development of an individual’s transactive memory of his/her ego-centric work network and test the model with a group of professionals engaged in responding to unforeseen events related to national security. Overall, we find that frequent use of dialogic practices explain much of the degree to which an individual has developed a transactive memory of his/her ego-centric network. Dialogic practices are, in turn, affected by the degree to which the task is perceived as interdependent on the knowledge and actions of others and organizational support for learning. We note theoretical extensions to the literatures of transactive memory and information systems design for ego-centric networks


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    The literature on organizational electronic knowledge sharing networks depicts the networks as self-organizing and self-sustaining, comprised of volunteers. Rarely does the literature examine them embedded in formal structures of the organization. Yet, in global enterprises, there is a real challenge to ensure that experts continue to dedicate time to participate in the networks despite of many demands on their time and despite of being distant and geographically isolated from the other network members. To maintain sustained participation, the firms no longer rely solely on the voluntary nature of the sharing activity, but rather integrate the networks in the formal structures of the organization. Grounding our study in motivation theories, we examine how the formal structure impacts participation and how does the geographical distance from other members and the geographical diversity of the network moderate this relationship? By analyzing posted inquiries and contributed responses in over 100 different knowledge sharing networks in a global company, we show that embedding network in the formal structure is a double edged sword. On one hand, formal structure increases participation of members within the structure. On the other hand, formal structure seems to have little impact on those not part of the formal structure. One key implication is that organizations need to give special consideration to the size of the formal and informal aspects of the electronic knowledge sharing networks

    Review of Research on Privacy Decision Making from a Time Perspective

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    Managing privacy is a process in which people continuously negotiate the boundaries of their personal space. Time is embedded in and influences this continuous negotiation. Digital technologies increasingly incorporate temporal elements, such as allowing users to define the expiration date of social network postings. Yet, researchers have not systematically examined the effects of temporal elements in privacy decision making. In this paper, we review how existing information privacy research has related to time in terms of three dimensions: duration, timing, and past, present, and future modalities. Our findings suggest that 1) duration has a negative influence on information disclosure; 2) timing, in the form of personal and external events, influences how people make privacy decisions; and 3) sensemaking that involves prior experience and planning for the future affect privacy decisions. We discuss how privacy decision making frameworks need to be adjusted to account for a time perspective

    Digital Probes as Opening Possibilities of Generativity

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    The information systems research on generativity promises unprompted, innovative inputs from uncoordinated audiences, whose participation with heterogeneous technological resources generates diverse outputs and opens new possibilities. The question is how to perpetuate the openness on which the outputs of generativity rely. We advance, as a potential mechanism of generativity, the concept of digital probes, which leverage human and technological resources in hybrid digital and physical environments. The aesthetically rich probes challenge values, identities, and practices, cultivating emotional tensions that can reveal previously unexplored and unimagined possibilities, resulting in novel ideas, thoughts, and expressions. The new possibilities reveal what is hidden; reconfigure practices; cross-appropriate technological and social resources; and thereby further expand what can be experienced, viewed, and imagined. Further, the new possibilities draw new actors that again view things differently and seek different experiences, thus fueling emotional tensions that in turn open new possibilities, without settling them. We illustrate digital probes and their effects at Formula E. Formula E is a new motorsports venture that leveraged eSports, social media, crowdsourcing, and driverless cars in digital probes to reveal and examine previously unimagined possibilities of what the world of motorsport could be in the digital era. We end by exploring future research directions