721 research outputs found

    Orland Park Community Center

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    Orland Park, a southwest suburb of Chicago, Illinois, has successfully implemented the idea of integration of natural, open space with its residents. However, the recognition and understanding of these spaces can be further executed through community connectivity and education. Educating the public on the sustainable management of natural resources can help create a better appreciation of conservation in their living and natural environment

    Ankylosing Spondylitis & Chronic Pain Syndrome: Bridging the Gap Between Perpetuated Medicine & Holistic Therapies

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    Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) and Chronic Pain Syndrome (CPS) can be treated in many different ways. I found a problem in the balance of healing modalities surrounding diagnosis and care of illness and disease. This struggle is not singular to AS and CPS, but universal to physical and mental concerns. Some effective treatments and therapies are not recognized as such or are just beginning to become so. The scope of my work reflects on the course of my life. It was heavily influenced by the way my medical care was managed from an early age and how it evolved over the years. Through my educational program, I examined the necessity to bridge the gap between treatment paradigms and to expand on a broader, more inclusive, healing rubric. This rubric includes a broader emphasis on skill-based and complementary and alternative medicines. The viability to incorporate holistic health therapies earlier in life is explored through my use of the Scholarly Personal Narrative (SPN) qualitative research method. I chose this methodology because scientific fact could be argued either way for one therapeutic approach over another. By incorporating lived experience through SPN the union and cohesion necessary in all healing modalities, and their positive aspects, can be seen. The truth becomes self-evident. The results of this examination showed awareness earlier in life toward alternative and holistic treatments being paramount. Parents and educators lack information concerning modern therapeutic approaches. It also showed each situation will vary, but choice in treatment for ailments and illness of all kinds is not only viable, but highly recommended and researched. Access issues such as health insurance remain obstacles with some treatments and therapies, while others are a matter of cost prohibition, such as nutrition therapies. The implications of my work indicate a need for earlier incorporation of holistic healing programs and skill based therapies alongside perpetuated medical models in early childhood development and education. In conclusion, awareness towards medical concerns and how we as a society treat them can be improved upon by systemically incorporating less harmful therapies earlier in life. Fostering relations between medical providers, care providers and educators for students\u27 wellbeing should be the foreground of any educational policy. Educators and parents alike should be made aware of and take advantage of effective skill-based treatments before a physical or mental condition surfaces or medication only approaches are authoritatively recommended. Integrating programs that build strong mental resilience and focus on youth development and education can reduce the necessity for more invasive treatments or medications should an ailment or illness develop

    Banishment to Bermuda: Gender, Race, Empire, Independence and the Struggle to Abolish Irresponsible Government in Lower Canada

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    This article traces the process by which eight Lower Canadian Patriotes became Bermudian convicts to uncover what their transition from freedom to unfreedom can teach us about the intersection of gender, race, independence, politics, and empire during Lord Durham’s tenure as Governor General and High Commissioner of British North America. The Patriotes’ struggle to abolish irresponsible government, which led to their banishment to Bermuda in July 1838, reminds us that Lower Canada was part and parcel of social, cultural, and political changes that were taking the British empire by storm in the 1830s. Moreover, the actions of Lord Durham’s administration and the demands of these eight Patriotes raise important questions about colonial independence and Patriote efforts to ensure that Canadiens, as white non-British British subjects, received those political rights that white, bourgeois, and British men in England and its empire were increasingly demanding: specifically, the right to govern themselves.Cet article retrace l’expatriation aux Bermudes de huit Patriotes du Bas-Canada afin de savoir ce que leur passage de la libertĂ© Ă  la non-libertĂ© peut nous enseigner au sujet de l’intersection du genre, de la race, de l’indĂ©pendance, de la politique et de l’empire durant le mandat de Lord Durham Ă  titre de gouverneur gĂ©nĂ©ral et haut-commissaire de l’AmĂ©rique du Nord britannique. Le combat des Patriotes pour l’abolition d’un gouvernement irresponsable s’est soldĂ© par leur bannissement aux Bermudes en juillet 1838 et nous rappelle que le Bas-Canada Ă©tait un acteur Ă  part entiĂšre de la transformation sociale, culturelle et politique qui frappait de plein fouet l’Empire britannique durant les annĂ©es 1830. De plus, les actions de l’administration de Lord Durham et les exigences de ces huit Patriotes soulĂšvent d’importantes questions quant Ă  l’indĂ©pendance coloniale et aux efforts des Patriotes pour veiller Ă  ce que les Canadiens jouissent, en tant que sujets non britanniques, des mĂȘmes droits que ceux que rĂ©clamaient de plus en plus les hommes blancs de la bourgeoise britannique de l’Angleterre et de son empire, en particulier celui de se gouverner eux-mĂȘmes

    Transformative Education Through Interdisciplinary Studies: Opening the Dialogue of Healing Modalities

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    Through the lens of my disability I am exploring dialogue in medical and education settings. Diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), I have explored the concept and notion behind: “What quantifies or qualifies ‘illness’ or ‘cure’?”. As an arthritic autoimmune condition, it is chronic and can be debilitating. Through course work in the College of Education and Social Service\u27s Interdisciplinary Program, many more questions arose than answers. A 2012 study by Reveille, et al. shows conditions like AS, grouped as Axial Spondylarthritis (AxSA) or SpA, may affect up to 1% of the population. Classes like Beyond Medical Models expanded perspectives on ‘care’ and ‘treatment modalities.’ Are we as a society and world fully engaged to usher in the next generation of ‘healing’ and ‘care’ in medicine and education paradigms? Can genomic expression, such as mine, be ‘cared’ for through proper nutrition, mindful exercise, a healthy living environment, and communal support; not just chronic and acute pills, needles or surgeries? Obviously, there is no ‘one size fits all approach.’ Arthritic lower back pain or ‘Chronic Pain’ is leading the nation in claims for social security disability payments (spondylitis.org). It is one of many ‘conditions’ categorized along with other physical and mental health concerns, including addiction recovery as “Invisible Disabilities” (Chizick). I will speak to further advocate for dialogue and collaboration in healing modalities for choice in treatment, care and education. In conclusion, more research, communication and action are needed for positive transformative global change

    The Life Salvor Problem in Admiralty

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    Using a Semantic Model to Build and Execute Dynamic SQL Queries

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    Having a semantic layer to define structured query language (SQL) based metrics, allows end-users of business intelligence (BI) products to compose SQL queries on the fly, using a graphical user interface (GUI). This disclosure describes the use of a semantic layer to define SQL-based metrics which allows end-users of business intelligence (BI) products to compose SQL queries on the fly, using a graphical user interface (UI), with support for utilizing the results of an initial query to automatically compose a new query. The use of a modeling layer to enable query composition on the fly makes such operation simple, performant, and easy to execute, without requiring building an entire new application


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    Cryptid is a term from the field of cryptozoology, which ostensibly presents itself as the study of creatures that may or may not exist, such as – but not limited to – Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Jersey Devil. The term itself, cryptid, refers to one of these unknown creatures. The novella presented here concerns a half-Native American man and his struggle to know not only his dead parents, but himself and his place in the world. While cryptids play a minor role within the boundaries of the narrative itself, the novella concerns itself more with the ways in which we define ourselves as opposed to the ways in which we are defined by external sources, and the friction that arises from these often competing systems of self-signification. Furthermore, the novella presented here represents an experiment, on behalf of the writer, in working with forms of narrative longer than the short story
