1,311 research outputs found
Systems Analysis by Graph-theoretic Techniques: Assessment of Institutional Linkages in the Agricultural Innovation System of Azerbaijan
This paper develops a quantitative, graph-theoretic method for analysing systems of institutions. With an application to the agricultural innovation system of Azerbaijan, the method is illustrated in detail. An assessment of existing institutional linkages in the system suggests that efforts should be placed on the development of intermediary institutions to facilitate quick and effective flow of knowledge between the public and the private components of the system. Furthermore, significant accomplishments are yet to come in policy-making, research and education, and credit institutions.Graph theory, systems approach, agricultural innovation system, Azerbaijan., Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Q2, C8,
Semi-classical aspects of black hole formation and evaporation: Towards a rigorous understanding of black hole space-times as solutions to the semi-classical Einstein equations
An investigation into open problems related to black hole evaporation in the semi-classical framework, concerning the existence of quantum field theories on spacetimes modelling evaporating black holes as well as the existence of black hole solutions to the semi-classical Einstein equations.Eine Untersuchung offener Probleme zur Verdampfung schwarzer Löcher im semi-klassischen Modell, bezĂŒglich der Existenz von Quantenfeldtheorien auf Raumzeiten, die verdampfende schwarze Löcher beschreiben, sowie der Existenz von Lösungen der semi-klassischen Einstein Gleichungen, welche schwarze Löcher darstellen
ISNARâs Transition Process from AGM03 to March 2004
This paper has been prepared at the request of the ISNAR Board of Trustees, and addresses readers who are familiar with the CGIAR and its evolution. It has two objectives:(1) to document, as part of the center's historical record, the process that led up to the closure of ISNAR as an independent organization and its transformation into a distinct Program of IFPRI. This will be done by providing an overview of the last years of ISNAR's life and by analyzing the progression of events from early 2002 to the closing of the doors of ISNAR as an independent center on 31 March 2004(2) to attempt to draw the first lessons from the process, and to make a few suggestions for the future of the ISNAR Program within IFPRI.The paper has four main sections. The first section reviews the key facts of the transition presented in a detailed time line, and divided into three periods: events before AGM03, what happened at AGM03, and events afterwards until the closure of the center. An analysis of the costs of the transition completes this section. The second section briefly places the ISNAR transition in the context of the planned realignment of the current CGIAR structure. The third section analyzes the transition process from ISNAR's perspective, distinguishing between positive outcomes and difficulties experienced. The fourth and last section attempts to discuss lessons learned and makes a few suggestions for the future ISNAR Program
Public Procurement Law in the European Union
This chapter discusses EU public procurement law. Public authorities in the European Union must comply with the rules of European public procurement law when purchasing works, supplies, or services on the market. Being able to maneuver swiftly within the legal scope of these rules is of utmost importance because it enables professionals in the public procurement context to make purchasing decisions in compliance with the law and its objectives. These rules often allow for, or even stimulate, efficient and effective procurement in line with a public organizationâs objectives and tasks. Particular attention is, therefore, paid in this chapter to how the law allows for sustainable and social public procurement. This type of legal knowledge is necessary for public procurement to be able to contribute to solving societal challenges, such as climate change and social injustice. Accordingly, the aim of this chapter is to provide an understanding of EU public procurement law by delving into its objective, sources of law and the legal principles. The scope of these rules is also discussed and some of the most prominent aspects of the procedural rules are highlighted considering sustainability and social objectives. Finally, this chapter describes the remedies for aggrieved bidders to gain legal protection
Europees Aanbestedingsrecht in de EU
Dit hoofdstuk behandelt het Europees aanbestedingsrecht. Effectief kunnen manoeuvreren binnen de juridische reikwijdte van de regels van dit rechtsgebied is van groot belang, omdat het publieke inkoopprofessionals in staat stelt beslissingen te nemen in overeenstemming met de doelstellingen en specifieke regels van de wet. Het doel van dit hoofdstuk is om inzicht te verschaffen in het doel, de rechtsbronnen en de rechtsbeginselen van het Europees aanbestedingsrecht. Ook worden de reikwijdte van deze regels en de belangrijkste juridische mogelijkheden om duurzaam en sociaal in te kopen besproken. Tot slot komen in dit hoofdstuk de rechtsmiddelen, die benadeelde inschrijvers kunnen aanwenden bij de rechter, aan bod
Ervaringen met het Gebruik van Sociale Media in het Voortgezet Onderwijs
Hoewel sociale media zeer populair zijn onder jongeren, is over de effecten van het gebruik van sociale media voor onderwijsgerelateerde doeleinden in het voortgezet onderwijs tot op heden nog weinig bekend. Deze bijdrage bericht daarom over de resultaten van een verkennende studie naar het gebruik van sociale media in de bovenbouw van het voortgezet onderwijs. Daartoe is gedurende een periode van 3 maanden het sociale medium Twitter ingezet in de bovenbouwvakken Informatica en Economie voor Havo en VWO. Het doel daarbij is achtergronden, discussie, toetsmateriaal en huiswerk- en proefwerktips te verspreiden. Dit artikel bericht over de opzet, ervaringen en eerste evaluatie van dit project
Trends in incidence and prognosis of the histological subtypes of lung cancer in North America, Australia, New Zealand and Europe
Background: Since the incidence of the histological subtypes of lung cancer in industrialised countries has changed dramatically over the last two decades, we reviewed trends in the incidence and prognosis in North America, Australia, New Zealand and Europe, according to period of diagnosis and birth cohort and summarized explanations for changes in mortality. Methods: Review of the literature based on a computerised search (Medline database 1966-2000). Results: Although the incidence of lung cancer has been decreasing since the 1970s/1980s among men in North America, Australia, New Zealand and north-western Europe, the age-adjusted rate continues to increase among women in these countries, and among both men and women in southern and eastern Europe. These trends followed changes in smoking behaviour. The proportion of adenocarcinoma has been increasing over time; the most likely explanation is the shift to low-tar filter cigarettes during the 1960s and 1970s. Despite improvement in both the diagnosis and treatment, the overall prognosis for patients with non-small-cell lung cancer hardly improved over time. In contrast, the introduction and improvement of chemotherapy since the 1970s gave rise to an improvement in - only short-term (<2 years) - survival for patients with small-cell lung cancer. Conclusions: The epidemic of lung cancer is not over yet, especially in southern and eastern Europe. Except for short-term survival of small cell tumours, the prognosis for patients with lung cancer has not improved significantly. Copyrigh
Covalent binding studies on the 14C-labeled antitumour compound 2,5-bis(1-aziridinyl)-1,4-benzoquinone. Involvement of semiquinone radical in binding to DNA, and binding to proteins and bacterial macromolecules in situ
2,5-Bis(1-aziridinyl)-1,4-benzoquinone (BABQ) is a compound from which several antitumour drugs are derived, such as Trenimone, Carboquone and Diaziquone (AZQ). The mechanism of DNA binding of BABQ was studied using 14C-labeled BABQ and is in agreement with reduction of the quinone moiety and protonation of the aziridine ring, followed by ring opening and alkylation. The one-electron reduced (semiquinone) form of BABQ alkylates DNA more efficiently than two-electron reduced or non reduced BABQ. Covalent binding to polynucleotides did not unambiguously reveal preference for binding to specific DNA bases. Attempts to elucidate further the molecular structure of DNA adducts by isolation of modified nucleosides from enzymatic digests of reacted DNA failed because of instability of the DNA adducts. The mechanism of covalent binding to protein (bovine serum albumin, BSA) appeared to be completely different from that of covalent binding to DNA. Binding of BABQ to BSA was not enhanced by reduction of the compound and was pH dependent in a way that is opposite to that of DNA alkylation. Glutathione inhibits binding of BABQ to BSA and forms adducts with BABQ in a similar pH dependence as the protein binding. The aziridine group therefore does not seem to be involved in the alkylation of BSA. Incubation of intact E. coli cells, which endogenously reduce BABQ, resulted in binding to both DNA and RNA, but also appreciable protein binding was observed
Publieke Inkoop:Een multidisciplinair overzicht van theorieën, praktijken en instrumenten
Dit toegankelijke studieboek geeft een multidisciplinair overzicht van theorieeÌn, praktijken en instrumenten in de publieke inkoop. Het beschrijft het wat en waarom van publieke inkoop en geeft professionals en studenten in het hoger onderwijs inzicht in hoe op een moderne manier ingekocht kan worden in de publieke sector. Centraal staat hoe publieke organisaties via de inkoop van werken, leveringen of diensten op een verantwoorde manier publieke waarde kunnen creeÌren en behouden.Geschreven door zes jonge en vooruitstrevende wetenschappers uit verschillende vakgebieden, geeft het boek een integrale blik op publieke inkoop ten tijde van grote maatschappelijke veranderingen. Het boek start met het bespreken van het publieke inkoopproces, het begrip publieke waarde, de juridische context en de organisatie van de inkoopfunctie in publieke organisaties. Vervolgens komt het ontwikkelen en vertalen van het inkoopbeleid aan bod, het organiseren van aanbestedingen en de selectie van leveranciers. Ook wordt dieper ingegaan op het ontwerp, het beheer en de evaluatie van contracten. Het afsluitende hoofdstuk beschrijft de recente ontwikkelingen in het vakgebied en de noodzakelijke veranderingen die dit met zicht meebrengt.De lezers van dit unieke integrale multidisciplinaire boek leren dan ook niet alleen wat publieke inkoop inhoudt, maar ook hoe zij een professionele change agent kunnen worden om het vakgebied verder te helpen ontwikkelen. Dit maakt het boek essentieÌle leesstof voor iedereen die geiÌnteresseerd is in inkoop in de publieke sector
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