32 research outputs found

    Path Planning of Airplane

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    Tato práce se zabývá hledáním optimální trajektorie letadla, jak ve spojitém, tak v diskretizovaném prostředí. Teoretická část je věnována základním pojmům z problematiky plánování pohybu a popisu vybraných metod plánování pohybu letadla. Praktická část je věnována implementaci vybraných metod a ověření jejich optimálnosti. Z experimentů vyšlo, že menší výpočetní čas potřebuje metoda pracující se spojitým prostředím, ale né vždy najde optimální cestu.This work deals with fi nding an optimal trajectory of an aircraft, both in continuous and discretized environment. Theoretical part is devoted to the basic concepts of motion planning problems and description of selected planning methods of aircraft motion. Practical part is devoted to the implementation of selected methods and verification of optimality. Experiments con firmed that the continuous environment method requires shorter computing time; however, may not always fi nd an optimal path.

    Effect of melt temperature on quality of the product from POM

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    A Library for Binary Decision Diagrams

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    Efektivní manipulace Booleovských funkcí je důležitou součástí mnoha počítačových návrhů. Jako datová struktura pro reprezentaci a manipulaci s Booleovskými funkcemi se běžně používají binární rozhodovací diagramy. Tyto diagramy se běžně používají v mnoha odvětvích, jako je například ověřování modelů, verifikace systému, návrh obvodů apod. V této práci jsou popsány tyto diagramy a jsou zde uvedeny i jejich modifikace. Dále jsou v této práci uvedeny a popsány techniky pro efektivní manipulaci a reprezentaci binárních rozhodovacích diagramů. Mimoto tato práce popisuje návrh a implementaci knihovny, která bude s těmito diagramy pracovat. Dále je diskutována potenciální aplikace vyvinuté knihovny v knihovně VATA pro manipulaci se stromovými automaty. Na závěr je tato knihovna porovnána s dobře známou a silně optimalizovanou knihovnou CUDD, která je volně dostupná a s knihovnou CacBDD. Výsledky experimentů ukázaly, že navrhovaná knihovna je poměrně blízká CUDD a CacBDD (dosahuje srovnatelného a většinou i lehce lepšího výkonu).Efficient manipulation of Boolean functions is an important component of many computer-aided design task. As a data structure for representing and manipulating Boolean functions, Binary Decision Diagrams are commonly used. These diagrams are commonly used in many fields such as model checking, system verification, circuit design, etc. In this thesis we describe these diagrams and there are present their modifications. Furthermore, this paper present and describes techniques for effective handling and representation of binary decision diagrams. This thesis describes the design and implementation of library that will work with these diagrams. It is further discussed how the developed library can be used within the library VATA for manipulating tree automata. Finally, the library was compared with well known and heavily optimized library CUDD, which is public and with library CacBDD. The experimental results showed that the performance of the proposed library is quite close to that of CUDD a CacBDD (has comparable and mostly even slightly better performance).

    Hybrid Actor: A New Phenomenon in the Field of Non-State Actors

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    This paper argues that the contemporary state of the conceptualization of the non-state actor is no longer sufficient in the context of recent developments of non-state actors, and calls for a reconceptualization. We thus present the concept of the hybrid actor, that is, an actor which combines the features and activities of different traditional types of non-state actors. On the basis of the typological framework we can define it as the kind of actor which has both political and economic aims and at the same time a type of inner organization that is characterized by features of different kind of structures. The process of hybridization is, among other things, influenced by the possibility of transnationalization and cooperation with other actors. This kind of actor has specific characteristics to such an extent that it gives a reason for the creation of a new category of non-state actors. The process of the hybridization of the non-state actor, according to an analysis of contemporary salient trends, will rather grow in its volume, even more underscoring the importance of the reconceptualization

    A novel LabVIEW-based multi-channel non-invasive abdominal maternal-fetal electrocardiogram signal generator

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    PubMed ID: 26799770Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.Web of Science37225623

    A phonocardiographic-based fiber-optic sensor and adaptive filtering system for noninvasive continuous fetal heart rate monitoring

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    This paper focuses on the design, realization, and verification of a novel phonocardiographic-based fiber-optic sensor and adaptive signal processing system for noninvasive continuous fetal heart rate (fHR) monitoring. Our proposed system utilizes two Mach-Zehnder interferometeric sensors. Based on the analysis of real measurement data, we developed a simplified dynamic model for the generation and distribution of heart sounds throughout the human body. Building on this signal model, we then designed, implemented, and verified our adaptive signal processing system by implementing two stochastic gradient-based algorithms: the Least Mean Square Algorithm (LMS), and the Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS) Algorithm. With this system we were able to extract the fHR information from high quality fetal phonocardiograms (fPCGs), filtered from abdominal maternal phonocardiograms (mPCGs) by performing fPCG signal peak detection. Common signal processing methods such as linear filtering, signal subtraction, and others could not be used for this purpose as fPCG and mPCG signals share overlapping frequency spectra. The performance of the adaptive system was evaluated by using both qualitative (gynecological studies) and quantitative measures such as: Signal-to-Noise Ratio-SNR, Root Mean Square Error-RMSE, Sensitivity-S+, and Positive Predictive Value-PPV.Web of Science174art. no. 89