24 research outputs found

    Mit, obrzęd i duchowość Afryki w Czarnych słowach Anny Świrszczyńskiej

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    Myth, Ritual and Spirituality of African people in Anna Świrszczyńska’s “Black Words”. The paper provides an analysis of poem collection entitled “Black words. Negro stylizations” published by polish poet Anna Świrszczyńska (Swir) in 1967. It studies the ways in which the African subjects are constructed, mostly in the aspect of their relations to the non-human beings: animals, monsters, plants and personalized natural phenomena. It is argued that Świrszczyńska refers to indigenous beliefs (animism, totemism, fetishism, magic) in order to question Western anthropocentrism and propose alternative perspectives, emphasizing fierce and unconscious human motivations. In the poems the radical otherness of black Africans is highlighted, but nonetheless the collection expresses a sense of solidarity, especially with black women and elderly people

    Polish regional differences in patient knowledge on atrial fibrillation and its management as well as in patterns of oral anticoagulant prescription

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    Background: The Jessa Atrial Fibrillation Knowledge Questionnaire (JAKQ) was successfully used to assess knowledge gaps in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Aims: To evaluate the regional differences among Polish patients in their awareness of AF diagnosis and oral anticoagulation use. Methods: A total of 1583 patients with AF at a median (IQR) age of 72 (66–79) years completed the JAKQ in 3 cardiology centers (center I, Kraków; center II, Toruń; center III, Kielce) from January 2017 to June 2018. The final analysis included 1525 patients, 32.9% were on vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) and 67.1% on non-VKA oral anticoagulants (NOACs), that is, rivaroxaban and dabigatran (28.9% each), and apixaban (9.3%). Results: The mean (SD) score on the JAKQ was 55.5% (18.4%) with better results among patients on VKAs compared with NOACs (58% [18.3%] vs 54.3% [18.4%]; P = 0.0002) with time from AF diagnosis more than 12 months (57.4% [17.5%] vs 50% [19.9%]; P < 0.0001). There was a significant difference in the knowledge scores between the 3 centers (I, 59.5%; II, 48.5%; III, 54.3%; P < 0.0001). In all centers the number of correct answers correlated inversely with patient’s age (r = –0.20; P < 0.0001). NOACs were more frequently used in center III. The percentage of correct responses was lower in patients on reduced NOAC doses (35.4% of patients on NOACs), compared with the full-dose NOAC groups in center I (56.9% vs 62.5%; P = 0.012) and II (48.1% vs 56.2%; P = 0.003). Conclusions: Patients from a high-volume academic center showed better knowledge than their peers from district hospitals. There are large regional differences in prescription patterns of oral anticoagulants, including the preferred NOAC

    Sytuacje dzieci przewlekle chorych w rodzinie

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    recenzenci: prof. dr. hab. Aleksandra Maciarz , Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa Edukacji Towarzystwa Wiedzy Powszechnej we Wrocławiu, Wydział Nauk Pedagogicznych, Instytut Pedagogiki Specjalnej, dr hab. Henryk Cudak, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Pedagogiki

    “Versi di un piacere particolare”: sulle traduzioni italiane dellapoesia omoerotica di Costantino Kavafis

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    “Versi di un piacere particolare”: Italian Translations of C.P Cavafy’s homoerotic poems – In this article, I ask about the attitudes of Italian translators towards sexual difference expressed in Cavafy’s poems. Above all, I am interested in how translators convey Cavafy’s explicit homoeroticism in a heteronormative culture. Moreover, I examine whether the cultural changes of the second half of the 20th century modified the way Cavafy’s erotic poems were published and translated in Italy. I examine the choice of translated poems, analyze the way in which translators speak about the author’s sexual identity and compare various translations. The analysis shows that translators speak about homosexuality in a hazy and indirect way, suggesting it by periphrases, allusions and motifs that may be associated with the transgression of the sexual norm. It is particularly visible in the early editions which excluded the most explicit poems. Nevertheless, even recent translators tend to avoid using the term “homosexual”

    The N4-hydroxycytidine reduction system in toluenized cells of Salmonella typhimurium

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    The metabolism of N 4

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    Do DNA repair systems affect N^4-hydroxycytidine-induced mutagenesis?

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    Charakterystyka kliniczna, przebieg i rokowanie u kobiet z zawałem serca bez uniesienia odcinka ST w województwie świętokrzyskim

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    Background: There is accumulated evidence that clinical course and prognosis after myocardial infarction (MI) may differ between genders. Aim: To compare epidemiology, the clinical course, therapeutic approach and prognosis in men and women with non-ST segment elevation MI (NSTEMI). Methods: We analysed a total of 1219 consecutive patients with NSTEMI (43% women) treated between June 01, 2005 and May 31, 2006 in a hospital covering in a district with 1,300,000 inhabitants. The data were obtained from the Polish Registry of Acute Coronary Syndromes (PL-ACS). Results: Women in the study group were on average 6 years older than men (72.6 &#177; 10.3 vs 66.7 &#177; 11.4 years; p < 0.0001). The incidence of arterial hypertension (83.4% vs 73.45%; p < 0.0001), diabetes mellitus (30.2% vs 20.1%; p < 0.0001) and obesity (17.9% vs 13.1%; p < 0.020) was higher in women, while cigarette smoking was more common in men (7.4% vs 32.9%; p < 0.0001). Clinical presentation was similar in both genders. Coronary angiography was performed in 360 patients, more frequently in men (32.8% vs 25.2%; p < 0.05). Less women than men underwent percutaneous coronary angioplasty (18.9% vs 12.6%; p < 0.0033). In-hospital, 30-day and 6-month mortality was similar in both genders (5.3% vs 4.9%; 6.9% vs 7.3%; and 13.2% vs 13.1%, respectively). In a multivariate analysis, female gender did not influence the prognosis. Conclusions: Although women with NSTEMI had worse baseline characteristic and less frequently underwent revascularisation, their outcomes were comparable with those in men. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 8: 784&#8211;792Wstęp: Coraz częściej zwraca się uwagę na występowanie zależnych od płci istotnych różnic w przebiegu zawału serca. Liczne doniesienia sugerują mniejszą skuteczność nowoczesnych metod terapeutycznych i wyższą śmiertelność w grupie kobiet z zawałem serca bez uniesienia odcinka ST (NSTEMI). Cel: Celem pracy było porównanie epidemiologii, przebiegu klinicznego, farmakoterapii i rokowania w NSTEMI u kobiet i mężczyzn w województwie świętokrzyskim. Metody: Analizie poddano 1219 chorych (43% kobiet) hospitalizowanych z powodu NSTEMI w okresie od 01.06.2005 do 31.05.2006 r. w szpitalach województwa świętokrzyskiego. Dane pacjentów z okresu hospitalizacji uzyskano z badań własnych, z bazy danych Ogólnopolskiego Rejestru Ostrych Zespołów Wieńcowych (PL-ACS). Wyniki: W badanej grupie kobiety były starsze od mężczyzn średnio o ok. 6 lat (72,6 &#177; 10,3 v. 66,7 &#177; 11,4 roku; p < 0,0001). Częściej występowały u nich: nadciśnienie tętnicze (83,4% v. 73,45%; p < 0,0001), cukrzyca (30,2% v. 20,1%; p < 0,0001) i otyłość (17,9% v. 13,1%; p < 0,020), natomiast istotnie rzadziej palenie tytoniu (7,4% v. 32,9%; p < 0,0001). Prezentacja kliniczna była zbliżona u obu płci. Koronarografię wykonano u 360 chorych, w tym istotnie rzadziej u kobiet (25,2% v. 32,8%; p < 0,05). Przezskórną angioplastykę wieńcową przeprowadzono istotnie częściej u mężczyzn (18,9% v. 12,6%; p < 0,0033). Śmiertelność, zarówno szpitalna, 30-dniowa, jak i 6-miesięczna były podobne w grupie kobiet i mężczyzn (odpowiednio 5,3% v. 4,9%; 6,9% v. 7,3%; 13,2% v. 13,1%). W analizie wieloczynnikowej płeć żeńska nie wiązała się z gorszym rokowaniem. Wnioski: Mimo istotnie bardziej obciążonego profilu ryzyka i rzadszego stosowania leczenia inwazyjnego u kobiet rokowanie po przebyciu NSTEMI jest porównywalne u obu płci i wiąże się z wysoką śmiertelnością odległą. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 8: 784&#8211;79