9 research outputs found

    Assessing average annual air temperature trends using the Mann–Kendall test in Kosovo

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    The annual trends of surface mean monthly air temperature and monthly extreme temperatures were analyzed from ten meteorological stations in Kosovo. The data refer to observation periods between 1949 and 1999 for four stations, and observation periods between 1965 and 1999 for the remaining six stations. Trends were analyzed for nine time series. Positive trends were found in six series, and negative trends were found in three series. After an assessment of these trends using the Mann–Kendall test, positive trends were confirmed in four series, a negative trend was confirmed in one series, and in one series there was no trend, whereas trends were characterized as slightly positive in two time series and slightly negative in one series

    Assessing average annual air temperature trends using the Mann-Kendall test in Kosovo

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    The annual trends of surface mean monthly air temperature and monthly extreme temperatures were analyzed from ten meteorological stations in Kosovo. The data refer to observation periods between 1949 and 1999 for four stations, and observation periods between 1965 and 1999 for the remaining six stations. Trends were analyzed for nine time series. Positive trends were found in six series, and negative trends were found in three series. After an assessment of these trends using the Mann-Kendall test, positive trends were confirmed in four series, a negative trend was confirmed in one series, and in one series there was no trend, whereas trends were characterized as slightly positive in two time series and slightly negative in one series

    Extreme floods in Serbia occurring simultaneously with the high water levels and heavy rains : case study

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    This paper discusses possible development or so-called scenario of extreme floods in the Republic of Serbia that would be caused by simultaneous occurrence of high-water levels/discharges on the rivers and heavy rains. As illustration, two scenarios are presented based on independently recorded cases of high water levels and heavy rains of May 2014. A scenario of the floods caused by the interaction of reached high water levels and observed heavy rains is particularly examined. Research of the floods is proposed with the parameters of flood waters that would not have highly unexpected values, but would be more extreme than all the past ones. Scenarios would yield new potentially useful information on the influence of floods on human communities. Proposals are presented for more efficient controlling and regulating of floods in the Republic of Serbia

    Животопис ђака-каплара Михаила Максића – студента Михаила Петровића-Аласа и Милутина Миланковића

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    The biography of Mihailo Maksić (Belgrade, 1894 – Knjaževac, 1915) is a story about broken youth, unrealized beauty, and unfulfilled ambitions. He wanted to put his wisdom and knowledge into the service of his recently liberated country, but the country wanted from him something else – his life. He made this ultimate sacrifice. Mihailo Maksić was a very ambitious student of Mihailo Petrović-Alas and Milutin Milanković. Certificates from colloquia have been preserved in which the top scores, grades 10, were signed by these professors. His name is engraved in a marble memorial plaque dedicated to the students and professors of the Belgrade University who died in the wars for liberation, located in the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 1. On page 34 of the publication “A memorial to students of the Belgrade University that died in the wars for the liberation and unification of 1912–1918” it is written “Mihailo D. Maksić, a student of philosophy, a student and corporal; died in October 1915 in Knjaževac.”Научни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности, Београд ; књ. 182. Председништво ; књ. 1

    Checking the accuracy of folk sayings 'Cold winter-cold spring,' 'Cold winter-hot summer,' and 'Hot summer-cold winter': Ethnometeorology

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    Based on folk sayings 'Cold winter-cold spring,' 'Cold winter-hot summer,' and 'Hot summer-cold winter' people were for centuries trying to express a long-term weather prediction. In this paper the scientific verification of folk sayings was performed primarily by analysis of the seasonal air temperatures. To include the largest possible number of cases and to perform a detailed processing of data, a classification of seasons was made according to several standards-meteorological-statistical, extreme and mean seasonal temperatures. Conceivably, the sayings are true in many cases, but that it does not mean that every hot summer will be followed by a cold winter, or that a cold winter will be followed by a cold spring and/or cold summer

    Forestry Aridity Index in Vojvodina, North Serbia

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    In investigating aridity in Vojvodina (a region in the northern part of Serbia), the Forestry Aridity Index (FAI) was used. This index was chosen due to being one of the most suitable indices for the analysis of the interaction of climate and vegetative processes, especially in forestry. The spatial distribution of the FAI for annual and decennial periods, as well as its annual trend, is analysed. Satisfactory compatibility between the low (forest) and high (steppe) FAI values with the forest and steppe vegetation on the Vojvodina terrains was obtained. The calculated values of the FAI showed that there was no particular annual trend. These results correspond to the earlier calculated values of the De Martonne aridity index and the Pinna combinative index. Therefore, it can be concluded that there were no recent changes in aridity during the observed period. Results of the correlation indicate weak linearity between the FAI, and the North Atlantic Oscillation and El-Niño South Oscillation

    Ice Age theory: a correspondence between Milutin Milanković and Vojislav Mišković

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    Ice Ages (IA) and their glacial periods can be regarded as significant natural hazards (NH). Unfortunately, the knowledge of hominid evolution that occurred during IAs, in such extreme climatic fluctuations, is preserved almost exclusively in mythology. The omission of more scientific discourse regarding the history of NH during IAs should be rectified for posterity. As our civilization will likely have to cope with the beginnings of a new glacial phase, a more complete understanding of the mechanisms of IA climate dynamics is crucial

    Assessing average annual air temperature trends using the Mann–Kendall test in Kosovo

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    The annual trends of surface mean monthly air temperature and monthly extreme temperatures were analyzed from ten meteorological stations in Kosovo. The data refer to observation periods between 1949 and 1999 for four stations, and observation periods between 1965 and 1999 for the remaining six stations. Trends were analyzed for nine time series. Positive trends were found in six series, and negative trends were found in three series. After an assessment of these trends using the Mann–Kendall test, positive trends were confirmed in four series, a negative trend was confirmed in one series, and in one series there was no trend, whereas trends were characterized as slightly positive in two time series and slightly negative in one series

    Extreme floods in Serbia occurring simultaneously with the high water levels and heavy rains : case study

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    This paper discusses possible development or so-called scenario of extreme floods in the Republic of Serbia that would be caused by simultaneous occurrence of high-water levels/discharges on the rivers and heavy rains. As illustration, two scenarios are presented based on independently recorded cases of high water levels and heavy rains of May 2014. A scenario of the floods caused by the interaction of reached high water levels and observed heavy rains is particularly examined. Research of the floods is proposed with the parameters of flood waters that would not have highly unexpected values, but would be more extreme than all the past ones. Scenarios would yield new potentially useful information on the influence of floods on human communities. Proposals are presented for more efficient controlling and regulating of floods in the Republic of Serbia