Животопис ђака-каплара Михаила Максића – студента Михаила Петровића-Аласа и Милутина Миланковића


The biography of Mihailo Maksić (Belgrade, 1894 – Knjaževac, 1915) is a story about broken youth, unrealized beauty, and unfulfilled ambitions. He wanted to put his wisdom and knowledge into the service of his recently liberated country, but the country wanted from him something else – his life. He made this ultimate sacrifice. Mihailo Maksić was a very ambitious student of Mihailo Petrović-Alas and Milutin Milanković. Certificates from colloquia have been preserved in which the top scores, grades 10, were signed by these professors. His name is engraved in a marble memorial plaque dedicated to the students and professors of the Belgrade University who died in the wars for liberation, located in the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 1. On page 34 of the publication “A memorial to students of the Belgrade University that died in the wars for the liberation and unification of 1912–1918” it is written “Mihailo D. Maksić, a student of philosophy, a student and corporal; died in October 1915 in Knjaževac.”Научни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности, Београд ; књ. 182. Председништво ; књ. 1

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