16,084 research outputs found

    Environmental Regulation, Market Power and Price Discrimination in the Agricultural Chemical Industry

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    Chemical companies generally support environmental regulatory segregation Canadian and U.S. agricultural chemical markets, apparently because it enables them to practice third order price discrimination. This study provides new cross section evidence that suggests price discrimination is practiced. We examine the potential implications chemical market desegregation for agricultural chemical prices, farmer welfare, and consumer welfare.price discrimination, agricultural chemicals, economic welfare, Environmental Economics and Policy,


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    Agricultural and Food Policy,

    A Study of the Effects of Hypothermia on the Electrical Activity of the Hypothalamus in Citellus tridecemlineatus

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    Deep, chronic electrodes were implanted in the anterior and posterior hypothalamus of seven thirteen-lined ground squirrels. The electrical brain activity and heart rate were recorded as the animal\u27s body temperature was decreased by cooling the animal in a refrigerator. Above 23°C body temperature, amplitude varied, but remained near normal. From 23° to 21°C the amplitude dropped sharply, decreasing by almost 50 per cent. Below 21 °C, the amplitude decreased more gradually. Detectable but not easily measurable activity was recorded at 11 °C. Frequency showed an initial rise, then decreased between 22° and 26°C, then increased again through 16°C. Heart rate declined slowly and the heart continued to beat even at 15°C where most recordings were terminated

    The Capitalization of Seller Paid Consessions

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    Using a hedonic pricing model, we analyze the capitalization of total seller paid discount points and closing costs into the price of a house. We hypothesize that sellers are concerned about the sales price net of total seller paid concessions (SPNC), rather than the exact terms of the transaction. Since the SPNC is easily ascertained in the negotiation process, we further hypothesize that total seller paid concessions (TSPC) are fully capitalized into the sales price. To test this hypothesis, sales price is regressed on a set of control variables including TSPC. In this framework, TSPC will be positive and not significantly different from one if concessions are fully capitalized. The empirical results provide support for the capitalization hypothesis. Negotiation strategies and study limitations follow from the empirical results.

    Climatology of the July 1981 surface flow over Northeast Colorado, A

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    September 1982.Includes bibliographical references.Sponsored by the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere at Colorado State University.Sponsored by the Environmental Research Laboratories of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NA81RA-H-00001, Amend. 2, item 4.Appendix A: Surface Mesonet Stations

    A Search for Near-Infrared Emission From the Halo of NGC 5907 at Radii of 10 kpc to 30 kpc

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    We present a search for near-infrared (3.5-5 micron) emission from baryonic dark matter in the form of low-mass stars and/or brown dwarfs in the halo of the nearby edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 5907. The observations were made using a 256 by 256 InSb array with a pixel scale of 17" at the focus of a liquid-helium-cooled telescope carried above the Earth's atmosphere by a sounding rocket. In contrast to previous experiments which have detected a halo around NGC 5907 in the V, R, I, J and K bands at galactic radii 6kpc < r < 10kpc, our search finds no evidence for emission from a halo at 10kpc < r < 30kpc. Assuming a halo mass density scaling as r^(-2), which is consistent with the flat rotation curves that are observed out to radii of 32kpc, the lower limit of the mass-to-light ratio at 3.5-5 microns for the halo of NGC 5907 is 250 (2 sigma) in solar units. This is comparable to the lower limit we have found previously for NGC 4565 (Uemizu et al. 1998). Based on recent models, our non-detection implies that hydrogen- burning stars contribute < 15% of the mass of the dark halo of NGC 5907. Our results are consistent with the previous detection of extended emission at r < 10kpc if the latter is caused by a stellar population that has been ejected from the disk because of tidal interactions. We conclude that the dark halo of NGC 5907, which is evident from rotation curves that extend far beyond 10kpc, is not comprised of hydrogen burning stars.Comment: 12 pages, LateX, plus 6 ps figures. Accepted by ApJ. minor changes, added references, corrected typo

    Tests of a single phase induction motor

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    Citation: Hodgson, Frederick Earl and Johnson, James H. Tests of a single phase induction motor. Senior thesis, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1905.Morse Department of Special CollectionsIntroduction: With the growing electrical industry there is an increasing demand for convenient, efficient and practical mans of utilizing electrical energy. The combined efforts of the designer and manufacturer have produced an electric motor to suit the various demands made upon it. The direct current and synchronous motors still hold their respective places in the conversion of electrical into mechanical energy. While these motors hold a place which, perhaps no other motor can hold, they are at the same time found unsatisfactory in many modern requirements. The question might justly be asked why these motors do not fill all the requirements of an electric motor, why is the induction motor coming into use and what are its advantages? Probably a strong point in favor of the induction motor is its adaptability to the present use of alternating current; however the synchronous motor with its characteristic faults also holds a place in this field. The shunt and series motor might also be used on alternating current; however the shunt motor has the objection that in the armature the current is in phase with the E.M.F. while the high inductance in the fields gives the current- in them about 90 degrees lag, thus throwing the armature current and field current out of phase with each other. To overcome this objection the field may be excited from a separate E.M.F. differing in phases 90 degrees from that supplied to the armature. A quarter phase machine would do this, one phase furnishing current for the armature while the other supplied the field, but this would load the two phase

    Diseño Flexible como Oportunidad de Adquisición

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    Navies around the world adopt different ways of acquiring ships. Using a single large prime contractor, placing individual contracts for design, build and integration, or employing a state-owned shipyard with external support are all procurement options that we see today.‘Flexibility’ in warship design is normally perceived as provision of extra empty space, weight and power, which could be filled with new equipment at some point in the future. However, this idea can be extended to describe a design that achieves true flexibility by exploiting the synergy with different acquisition strategies, adaptability allowing a choice of balanced capability and options for incremental acquisition to control cost and risk profiles. This leads to a design that will deliver a class of warships able to meet the evolving roles and threats throughout its life, whilst not introducing additional risk and cost into the programmes of any modern Navy around the world which adopts it.To achieve this flexibility BMT have created a single base design with multiple configurations; a warship with a functional arrangement that is able to be tailored to meet the specific requirements and budget of each Navy, minimising the initial cost penalty in a programme, and maximising commonality. It also allows for modular construction techniques which not only apply to single yard construction, including small and medium shipyards, but enables blocks to be built in several shipyards.This paper will describe the underlying considerations behind this flexibility, including incremental acquisition as a cost mitigation in procurement programmes, and the different potential partnership models between shipyard, designer and integrator in effective acquisition programmes which work to the strengths of each party.Las armadas nacionales alrededor del mundo adoptan diferentes maneras de adquirir barcos. El uso de un solo contratista principal de gran tamaño, la asignación de contratos individuales para el diseño, la construcción y la integración, o el empleo de un astillero de propiedad estatal con apoyo externo son todas opciones de adquisición que vemos hoy en día.La "flexibilidad" en el diseño de buques de guerra se percibe normalmente como la provisión de espacios vacíos, peso y potencia adicionales, que podrían ser utilizados con nuevo equipo en algún momento en el futuro. Sin embargo, esta idea puede ampliarse con el fin describir un diseño que logre una verdadera flexibilidad  al explotar la sinergia entre diferentes estrategias de adquisición y adaptabilidad permitiendo la posibilidad de una capacidad equilibrada y opciones para la adquisición incremental con el fin de controlar los perfiles de costos y riesgos. Esto conduce a un diseño que ofrecerá un tipo de buques de guerra capaces de cumplir con los cambiantes roles y amenazas a lo largo de su vida útil, sin generar riesgos y costos adicionales en los programas de cualquier Marina moderna alrededor del mundo que los adopte.Con el fin lograr esta flexibilidad, BMT ha creado un diseño de base única con múltiples configuraciones; un buque de guerra con un arreglo funcional que puede ser adaptado para cumplir con los requisitos específicos y el presupuesto de cada Armada, minimizando la penalización del costo inicial en un programa y maximizando la homogeneidad. También permite las técnicas de construcción modular que no sólo se aplican a la construcción de astilleros únicos, incluidos los astilleros pequeños y medianos, sino que permite la construcción de bloques en varios astilleros.Este documento describirá las consideraciones subyacentes detrás de esta flexibilidad, incluyendo la adquisición incremental como una forma de mitigar costos en los programas de adquisición y los diferentes modelos potenciales de asociación entre astillero, diseñador e integrador en programas efectivos de adquisición que trabajen enfocándose en las fortalezas de cada parte

    Feedback-enhanced algorithm for aberration correction of holographic atom traps

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    We show that a phase-only spatial light modulator can be used to generate non-trivial light distributions suitable for trapping ultracold atoms, when the hologram calculation is included within a simple and robust feedback loop that corrects for imperfect device response and optical aberrations. This correction reduces the discrepancy between target and experimental light distribution to the level of a few percent (RMS error). We prove the generality of this algorithm by applying it to a variety of target light distributions of relevance for cold atomic physics.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure