63 research outputs found

    Ukupni i specifični mortalitet u radnika izloĆŸenih azbestu od 1907. do 1985. godine

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    Total and cause-specific mortality data for the 1907 -1985 period were compared between cohorts of male asbestos-cement workers (N = 1908) and referents (N = 726), using Poisson regression modelling. The rate ratio (RR) for total mortality was significantly increased (1.3) among the exposed workers, as was mortality from non-malignant respiratory disease (RR= 2.2). Numerically, but not statistically significantly, raised ratios were found for respiratory (RR= 1.6) and gastrointestinal (RR= 1.3) cancers. The trend in the rate ratio for total mortality with time was better fitted with a curved line, than with a monotonic one, because of a period of increased risk up to the 1950s, and another one starting after 1970.Ukupni i specifični mortalitet za razdoblje od 1907. do 1985. godine uspoređen je u kohortama muĆĄkih radnika koji su bili izloĆŸeni azbestu (N = 1908) s kontrolama (N = 726) pomoću Poissonove regresijske analize. Koeficijent regresije (RR) za ukupni mortalitet, kao i mortalitet od nemalignih respiratornih bolesti bio je statistički značajno viĆĄi i iznosio je 1,3, odnosno 2,2. Povećanje ovog koeficijenta nađeno je i za plućni (1,6) i gastrointestinalni karcinom (1,3), ali vrijednosti nisu statistički značajne

    Nya arbetsmiljöplanen inte lÄngsiktigt hÄllbar

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    Globalisering, ny teknologi och demografiska förÀndringar innebÀr genomgripande förÀndringar av arbetsmiljö och arbetsorganisation. Om arbetsmiljöpolitiken dÄ inte Àr tydlig och viljeinriktad finns en pÄtaglig risk för ett polariserat arbetsliv, dÀr de som kan vÀlja mellan olika arbetsgivare fÄr en god och utvecklande arbetsmiljö, medan de andra riskerar att bli hÀnvisade till förhÄllanden dÀr inte ens arbetsmiljölagens minimikrav efterlevs. Det snedvrider konkurrensen, och ger negativa spiraler vad gÀller arbetsmiljö, arbetsrelaterad ohÀlsa och gap i hÀlsa mellan olika grupper i samhÀllet

    Mineralna vlakna, fibroza i azbestna tjeleĆĄca u plućnom tkivu radnika koji su bili izloĆŸeni azbestnom cementu

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    Samples of lung tissue taken from deceased asbestos-cement workers, with (N = 7) and without (N = 69) mesothelioma, and from individually matched controls (N = 96) were examined. The number of asbestos bodies and the grade of fibrosis were determined with light microscopy, and the type, size, and number of fibres with transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The asbestos content was, as expected, higher among the exposed workers than among the controls. Chrysotile was the major fibre type in terms of fibre count. Conversion to fibre mass reversed the pattern to a predominance of amphibole fibres, and accentuated the differences between exposed workers and controls. Duration of exposure and the number of asbestos bodies displayed significant associations with all the singular amphiboles (amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, and anthophyllite), but not with chrysotile. Fibrosis was related to the tremolite content, but not to chrysotile, both among exposed workers and controls. The workers with mesothelioma had higher levels of crocidolite and tremolite than the other asbestos-cement workers.Ispitivani su uzorci plućnog tkiva umrlih radnika koji su bili izloĆŸeni azbestnom cementu, s mezoteliomom, i bez njega, i njihovim odgovarajućim kontrolama. Broj azbestnih tjeleĆĄaca i stupanj fibroze određeni su svjetlosnim mikroskopom, a tip, veličina i broj vlakana elektronskom mikroskopijom i rendgenskom spektrometrijom. SadrĆŸaj azbesta bio je veći kod izloĆŸenih radnika negoli u kontrola. Krizotilna vlakna bila su najbrojnija među formiranim vlaknima. Nađena je da je duljina izloĆŸenosti i broj azbestnih tjeleĆĄaca u korelaciji sa svim pojedinačnim amfolitima (amozit, krocidolit, tremolit i antofilit), ali ne i s krizotilom. Nalaz fibroze bio je u korelaciji s tremolitom, za razliku od krizolita, i to u eksponiranih i kontrolnih radnika. Uzorci plućnog tkiva radnika s mezoteliomom sadrĆŸavali su viĆĄe krocidolita i tremolita od drugih radnika koji su bili izloĆŸeni azbestnom cementu

    The mediatization of the final debate : A quantitative study of mediatization in final debates and how it differ in commercial media and public service

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    In line with the growing importance of today’s media the concept of mediatization has grown. Mediatization is described as the dynamic relationship between media and politics, and the process of change that has increased the influence of media. When it comes to research about mediatization in politics, it is still a somewhat undiscovered field. The previous research that has been made has for the most part focused on the news media’s coverage of the election campaigns, but not so much in other political contexts such as TV-broadcasted debates. This study has focused on the Swedish public service channel SVT and the commercial newspaper Aftonbladet, and their final debate before the Swedish election in 2022. Why these TV-broadcasted debates were focused on in this study, is because of their big impact on the election’s outcome. This impact is something that has grown bigger and bigger, and in today’s society, the final debates are the ones that have the biggest impact during the election campaigns. Because of this, the study is important and relevant for closing a research gap. The main purpose of the study was to compare the two debates, researching in which ways the debates differ in mediatization and looking into if there are any differences between public service and commercial media. To accomplish this, a quantitative content analysis was made, where several different variables designed according to previous studie’s indications on mediatization were looked at in the debates. All these indications that were studied, are indications on mediatization and are good tools to examine when researching mediatization. The results of the study showed that there were a difference between the two media’s when it comes to mediatization in their final debate before the election. Mediatization occurred in both, but the commercial media, Aftonbladet, were more embossed by mediatization. Of the four examined indications of mediatization, three were in favor of Aftonbladet. Interesting though is that the indication which is how commercialized the debate was, the commercial media (Aftonbladet) and the public service (SVT), almost had no difference between them. But looking at the greater picture, the commercial media’s debate was more mediatized and the difference was in the end significant

    Physiotherapists experiences of possibilities and challenges with implementing evidence : A qualitative interview study

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    Background: It has been proven to be a challenge for physiotherapists to utilize evidence within their practice. Conducting evidence-based care is a requirement for providing good care and a requirement in the legitimation for Swedish physiotherapists. Aim: To explore physiotherapists experiences of their possibilities and challenges in implementing prevailing evidence in their practice. Method: A qualitative method was applied with a semi-structured interview guide. A choice of convenience sampling was made with 5 physiotherapists from a region in Sweden with the aim of getting as wide a sample as possible. The analysis of the data was done through a qualitative content analysis. Results: Physiotherapists felt that the challenges were based on their work environment and that the Swedish care structure  measures quantity over quality. Other contributing challenging factors mentioned where lack of time, low interest from managers, lack of training and difficulties in understanding and evaluating the different parts of the evidence model. Opportunities that were raised were the mutual learning among colleagues in the workplace and that research is easily accessible with today's technology. Conclusion: This study shows that in order for physiotherapists to feel that they have good opportunities to implement evidence, one needs to try to eliminate the various challenges that arise within their work environment. This can enable organizations in which physiotherapists work to gain an understanding of what needs to be focused on and improved in order for physiotherapists to be able to implement evidence-based care and therefore increase the quality of care for patients.Bakgrund: Det har visat sig vara en utmaning för fysioterapeuter att anvÀnda sig av evidens inom sitt verksamhetsomrÄde. Att bedriva en evidensbaserad vÄrd Àr en nödvÀndighet för att bedriva en god vÄrd och ett krav i legitimationen för svenska fysioterapeuter. Syfte: Att utforska fysioterapeuters upplevelser av sina möjligheter och utmaningar med att implementera rÄdande evidens inom sitt verksamhetsomrÄde. Metod: En kvalitativ metod tillÀmpades med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Ett bekvÀmlighetsval anvÀndes dÀr 5 fysioterapeuter valdes frÄn en region i Sverige och med syfte att fÄ sÄ brett urval som möjligt. Analysen av data gjordes genom en kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys. Resultat: Fysioterapeuterna upplevde att utmaningarna frÀmst grundade sig i deras arbetsmiljö och att den svenska vÄrdstrukturen Àr mer uppbyggd för att mÀta kvantitet och inte kvalité. Andra nÀmnda bidragande utmanande faktorer var tidsbrist, lÄgt intresse frÄn chefer, brist pÄ utbildning och svÄrigheter med att förstÄ och vÀrdera evidensmodellens olika delar. Möjligheter som togs upp var det gemensamma lÀrandet bland kollegor pÄ arbetsplatsen och att forskningen Àr lÀttillgÀnglig med dagens teknik. Konklusion: Den hÀr studien visar att om fysioterapeuter ska uppleva att de har goda möjligheter att implementera evidens sÄ behöver man försöka eliminera de olika utmaningar som finns inom deras arbetsmiljö. Detta kan möjliggöra att organisationer som fysioterapeuter jobbar inom kan fÄ en förstÄelse för vad man behöver fokusera pÄ och förbÀttra för att fysioterapeuter ska kunna implementera en evidensbaserad vÄrd och dÀrmed öka vÄrdkvalitén för patienter


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    Syfte: I Sverige rĂ„der det en stor bostadsbrist. En lösning för att skapa nya bostĂ€der i tĂ€tbebyggda omrĂ„den Ă€r vertikal förtĂ€tning. Detta kan ske via vĂ„ningspĂ„byggnad av bostĂ€der pĂ„ parkeringshus. Denna typ av pĂ„byggnad stĂ€ller dock krav pĂ„ den befintliga byggnaden. Rapportens syfte Ă€r att fungera som ett underlag vid projektering av konstruktion, brand och installationer vid framtida projekt av liknande slag. MĂ„let Ă€r vidare att analysera och sammanstĂ€lla olika byggnadstekniska lösningar som anvĂ€nds vid vĂ„ningspĂ„byggnad av bostĂ€der pĂ„ parkeringshus. Detta skall besvaras genom följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: Vilka konstruktionstyper tillĂ€mpas vid vĂ„ningspĂ„byggnad pĂ„ ett parkeringshus och vilka krav stĂ€ller pĂ„byggnaden pĂ„ den befintliga stommen? Vilka brandkrav stĂ€lls pĂ„ denna typ av vĂ„ningspĂ„byggnad och hur uppfylls dessa? Hur förses pĂ„byggnaden med installationer?   Metod: Rapporten bygger pĂ„ en kvalitativ fallstudie dĂ€r intervjuer och dokumentanalyser legat till grund för empirin. För att styrka studien med teori har en litteraturstudie genomförts.   Resultat: Resultatet visar att en lĂ€tt stomme har anvĂ€nts till samtliga vĂ„ningspĂ„byggnader, dĂ€remot har valet av stommaterial skiljt sig Ă„t. Kapaciteten pĂ„ den befintliga byggnadens grund har varit avgörande för om en vĂ„ningspĂ„byggnad varit möjlig. Placering av vĂ„ningspĂ„byggnaden har berott pĂ„ om boyta eller antalet parkeringsplatser prioriterats högst. Brandkraven pĂ„ denna typ av byggnad kan likstĂ€llas med kraven som stĂ€lls pĂ„ en nybyggnad av bostĂ€der. Detta har inneburit att förĂ€ndringar pĂ„ de befintliga parkeringshusen varit nödvĂ€ndiga för att uppfylla kraven. Nya installationsschakt har placerats bĂ„de in- och utvĂ€ndigt av den befintliga byggnaden.   Konsekvenser: De slutsatser och rekommendationer, utifrĂ„n rapportens innehĂ„ll, bestĂ„r frĂ€mst av vikten i att göra en noggrann inventering av den befintliga byggnaden. Det handlar om byggnadens kapacitet och vilka eventuella förstĂ€rkningsarbeten som krĂ€vs innan en vĂ„ningspĂ„byggnad.   BegrĂ€nsningar: Studien avgrĂ€nsar sig frĂ„n byggnadstekniska berĂ€kningar och ekonomiska kalkyler. Arbetet har begrĂ€nsats utifrĂ„n en viss mĂ€ngd ord och tidsram, utan dessa hade möjligheten funnits att göra en mer djupgĂ„ende analys av studiens referensobjekt. Detta genom att intervjua ytterligare aktörer inom fler konsultomrĂ„den för de valda referensobjekten.Purpose: In Sweden, there is a shortage of housing and a solution for creating new housing in urban areas is vertical densification. Vertical densification can be done by adding floors of housing on top of existing parking garages. This type of extension sets demands on the existing building. The purpose of this thesis is to serve as a basis for the planning of construction, fire requirements and installations for future similar projects. The goal is furthermore to analyze and compile various building-technical solutions that are used when floors of housing are built on top of existing parking garages. The goal is answered by the following questions: Which types of construction are used for additional floors of housing on top of parking garages and what requirements does the extension have on the existing building? What fire requirements are imposed on this type of extension and how are they fulfilled? How are the additional floors of housing provided with installations?   Method: The report is based on a qualitative case study in which interviews and document analysis formed the basis of empirical data. To confirm the study with theory, a literature study has been conducted. Findings: The result shows that a light framework has been used for additional floors of housing, however, the choice of framework material has been different. The capacity of the existing building's foundation has been vital for whether an extension with housing has been possible. Placement of the extension has been due to whether the living space or the number of parking spaces is given as the highest priority. The fire requirements for this type of building can be equated with the requirements imposed on a new building of housing. This has meant that changes to the existing parking garages have been necessary to meet the requirements. New shafts for installations have been placed on both inside and outside of the existing building. Implications: The conclusions and recommendations, based on the content of the thesis, consist primarily of the importance of making an accurate inventory. It’s about the existing building's capacity and what possible reinforcement work it requires before an extension with housing. Limitations: The study delimits itself from construction engineering calculations and economic calculations. The work has been limited based on a variety of words and timeframe, without these it would be possible to make a more in-depth analysis of the study's reference objects. This would be done through interviewing more actors from additional consulting areas for the selected reference objects

    Physiotherapists experiences of possibilities and challenges with implementing evidence : A qualitative interview study

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    Background: It has been proven to be a challenge for physiotherapists to utilize evidence within their practice. Conducting evidence-based care is a requirement for providing good care and a requirement in the legitimation for Swedish physiotherapists. Aim: To explore physiotherapists experiences of their possibilities and challenges in implementing prevailing evidence in their practice. Method: A qualitative method was applied with a semi-structured interview guide. A choice of convenience sampling was made with 5 physiotherapists from a region in Sweden with the aim of getting as wide a sample as possible. The analysis of the data was done through a qualitative content analysis. Results: Physiotherapists felt that the challenges were based on their work environment and that the Swedish care structure  measures quantity over quality. Other contributing challenging factors mentioned where lack of time, low interest from managers, lack of training and difficulties in understanding and evaluating the different parts of the evidence model. Opportunities that were raised were the mutual learning among colleagues in the workplace and that research is easily accessible with today's technology. Conclusion: This study shows that in order for physiotherapists to feel that they have good opportunities to implement evidence, one needs to try to eliminate the various challenges that arise within their work environment. This can enable organizations in which physiotherapists work to gain an understanding of what needs to be focused on and improved in order for physiotherapists to be able to implement evidence-based care and therefore increase the quality of care for patients.Bakgrund: Det har visat sig vara en utmaning för fysioterapeuter att anvÀnda sig av evidens inom sitt verksamhetsomrÄde. Att bedriva en evidensbaserad vÄrd Àr en nödvÀndighet för att bedriva en god vÄrd och ett krav i legitimationen för svenska fysioterapeuter. Syfte: Att utforska fysioterapeuters upplevelser av sina möjligheter och utmaningar med att implementera rÄdande evidens inom sitt verksamhetsomrÄde. Metod: En kvalitativ metod tillÀmpades med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Ett bekvÀmlighetsval anvÀndes dÀr 5 fysioterapeuter valdes frÄn en region i Sverige och med syfte att fÄ sÄ brett urval som möjligt. Analysen av data gjordes genom en kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys. Resultat: Fysioterapeuterna upplevde att utmaningarna frÀmst grundade sig i deras arbetsmiljö och att den svenska vÄrdstrukturen Àr mer uppbyggd för att mÀta kvantitet och inte kvalité. Andra nÀmnda bidragande utmanande faktorer var tidsbrist, lÄgt intresse frÄn chefer, brist pÄ utbildning och svÄrigheter med att förstÄ och vÀrdera evidensmodellens olika delar. Möjligheter som togs upp var det gemensamma lÀrandet bland kollegor pÄ arbetsplatsen och att forskningen Àr lÀttillgÀnglig med dagens teknik. Konklusion: Den hÀr studien visar att om fysioterapeuter ska uppleva att de har goda möjligheter att implementera evidens sÄ behöver man försöka eliminera de olika utmaningar som finns inom deras arbetsmiljö. Detta kan möjliggöra att organisationer som fysioterapeuter jobbar inom kan fÄ en förstÄelse för vad man behöver fokusera pÄ och förbÀttra för att fysioterapeuter ska kunna implementera en evidensbaserad vÄrd och dÀrmed öka vÄrdkvalitén för patienter

    Adaptive Detection of a Partly Known Signal Corrupted by Strong Interference

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    In this letter, we consider adaptive detection of a partly known signal corrupted by additive noise and strong interference with support that is only partly known. Assuming a homogeneous environment where the covariance matrix of the additive noise is the same for the primary and secondary data sets, although with the secondary data set also being affected by the interference, we allow for conic uncertainty models for both the signal and interference subspaces, developing a generalized likelihood ratio detector for the signal of interest. Numerical examples indicate that the proposed method offers a notable performance gain as compared to other recent related methods

    Occupational health epidemiology in the Nordic countries – status and trends

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    This overview aims to give an indication of the current status and trends in occupational health epidemiology in the Nordic countries. As indicated by recent biometric reviews, Nordic countries currently rank among the top five globally in terms of research output on the work environment. However, birth-cohort effects and rapid change in institutions and funding may seriously jeopardize this position. As a result, training a new generation of excellent researchers will be a major task for the next decade and require changes in funding structures. With respect to research topics, the ageing population in the Nordic countries will make preservation of work ability a major issue to explore from a multidisciplinary perspective. Moreover, the growing migration of labor, goods, and capital across borders is likely to increase the number of workers involved in dangerous work and unprotected by minimal occupational safety measures. Consequently, there is a need to research the efficiency of the present occupational safety structures under these new conditions. Research on occupational health services remains remarkably scant. The increase of mental ill-health, especially among young women, and the related interaction between structural societal change and the work environment are important challenges. New suggested disease mechanisms (eg, epigenetic change, oxidative stress, and intrauterine priming of sensitivity to postnatal exposure) are also important applied research areas for occupational epidemiology
