1,997 research outputs found

    Subsidising consumer services: effects on employment, welfare and the informal economy

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    It is widely agreed that the opportunities for expansion of aggregate employment in the OECD area must be sought mainly in the private service sector. Thus,because of budgetary problems and voter resistance to higher tax rates, the scope for further expansion of public sector employment seems limited in most OECD countries. Furthermore, the primary sector will undoubtedly continue to release labour resources and, with normal growth rates, there is little prospect of a secular rise in manufacturing employment, since the increase in demand for manufactures is likely to be met through increases in labour productivity. In particular, the ongoing shifts in the international division of labour and the associated transition to the ‘knowledge-based economy’ within the OECD are likely to destroy a large number of manufacturing jobs for unskilled and lowskilled workers in the OECD area.

    Neural Message Passing with Edge Updates for Predicting Properties of Molecules and Materials

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    Neural message passing on molecular graphs is one of the most promising methods for predicting formation energy and other properties of molecules and materials. In this work we extend the neural message passing model with an edge update network which allows the information exchanged between atoms to depend on the hidden state of the receiving atom. We benchmark the proposed model on three publicly available datasets (QM9, The Materials Project and OQMD) and show that the proposed model yields superior prediction of formation energies and other properties on all three datasets in comparison with the best published results. Furthermore we investigate different methods for constructing the graph used to represent crystalline structures and we find that using a graph based on K-nearest neighbors achieves better prediction accuracy than using maximum distance cutoff or the Voronoi tessellation graph
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