7,485 research outputs found

    Ichthyofaunal Diversification and Distribution in the Ozark Stream in Northcentral Arkansas

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    The distribution and diversity of the ichthyofauna of Arkansas are poorly known. This study is part of a continuing effort to elucidate the natural history of Arkansas. Big Creek is a relatively small, clear, cool-water stream in the Ozark Plateau of northcentral Arkansas. Big Creek and its tributaries drain into Lake Norfork, an impoundment on North Fork River. A total of 6,779 fish of 30 species was collected. Dominant pool species included Notropis boops, Fundulus catenatus, F. olivaceus, Labidesthes sicculus, and Campostoma anomalum; dominant riffle species included Etheostoma spectabile, E. caeruleum, Notropis boops, Fundulus catenatus, and Campostoma anomalum. The numerical standing crop ranged from 1.3 to 2.6 fish/m 2 in the pools and riffles, respectively. The relative uniformity of substrate and soil types throughout the watershed, and the absence of rooted aquatic plants, limited the diversity of species found. The concomitant reduction in competition and predation probably explains the relatively large numerical standing crop

    Constraints of the Negro Civil Rights Movement on American Military Effectiveness: A Survey

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    Clausewitz asserted that military force was in essence a means of achieving foreign policy objectives. During the last decade the ability of the U.S. military forces to achieve such objectives has been constrained in a variety of ways by the civil rights movement. It is important that the military recognize these constraints without rejecting the legitimate aspirations of the civil rights movement


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    The Suwannee Cooter, Pseudemys concinna suwanniensis, the largest member of the speciose turtle family Emydidae, inhabits a small number of rivers that drain into the northeastern Gulf of Mexico along the northwest coast of Florida from just west of Tallahassee to just south of Tampa. The status of this state-protected subspecies in the southernmost of these rivers, the Alafia, is unknown and hence of conservation concern. We provide recent evidence confirming that a reproducing population still exists in this river, and review available specimens and both published and unpublished records documenting the southern limit of distribution. At least within the eastern United States, our observations also extend confirmed knowledge of the geographic occurrence of hatchling turtles overwintering in the nest southward by 285 km

    SERS active colloidal nanoparticles for the detection of small blood biomarkers using aptamers

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    Functionalized colloidal nanoparticles for SERS serve as a promising multifunctional assay component for blood biomarker detection. Proper design of these nanoprobes through conjugation to spectral tags, protective polymers, and sensing ligands can provide experimental control over the sensitivity, range, reproducibility, particle stability, and integration with biorecognition assays. Additionally, the optical properties and degree of electromagnetic SERS signal enhancement can be altered and monitored through tuning the nanoparticle shape, size, material and the colloid's local surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). Aptamers, synthetic affinity ligands derived from nucleic acids, provide a number of advantages for biorecognition of small molecules and toxins with low immunogenicity. DNA aptamers are simpler and more economical to produce at large scale, are capable of greater specificity and affinity than antibodies, are easily tailored to specific functional groups, can be used to tune inter-particle distance and shift the LSPR, and their intrinsic negative charge can be utilized for additional particle stability.1,2 Herein, a "turn-off" competitive binding assay platform involving two different plasmonic nanoparticles for the detection of the toxin bisphenol A (BPA) using SERS is presented. A derivative of the toxin is immobilized onto a silver coated magnetic nanoparticle (Ag@MNP), and a second solid silver nanoparticle (AgNP) is functionalized with the BPA aptamer and a Raman reporter molecule (RRM). The capture (Ag@MNP) and probe (AgNP) particles are mixed and the aptamer binding interaction draws the nanoparticles closer together, forming an assembly that results in an increased SERS signal intensity. This aptamer mediated assembly of the two nanoparticles results in a 100x enhancement of the SERS signal intensity from the RRM. These pre-bound aptamer/nanoparticle conjugates were then exposed to BPA in free solution and the competitive binding event was monitored by the decrease in SERS intensity

    Differential effects of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 and TIMP-2 on atherosclerosis and monocyte/macrophage invasion

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    AIMS: MMPs contribute to atherosclerotic plaque progression and instability, but the relative potency of their endogenous tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) as protective factors has not been defined. We therefore investigated the impact of TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 knockout on atherosclerotic plaque burden and composition in apolipoprotein E-knockout (Apoe(−/−)) mice and studied the underlying effects on monocyte/macrophage behaviour. METHODS AND RESULTS: Analysis of brachiocephalic artery plaques revealed comparable atherosclerotic lesion areas between TIMP-1(−/−) Apoe(−/−) or TIMP-2(−/−) Apoe(−/−) double deficient mice and relevant age-matched, strain-matched Apoe(−/−) controls after 8 weeks of high-fat feeding. However, lesions from TIMP-2(−/−) Apoe(−/−) mice had higher levels of markers associated with plaque vulnerability, including increased macrophage: vascular smooth muscle cell ratios, larger necrotic core areas, reduced collagen contents, increased macrophage proliferation, and apoptosis frequencies, compared with TIMP-1(−/−)Apoe(−/−) and controls. In contrast, TIMP-1(−/−) Apoe(−/−) animals only had a significant reduction in vascular smooth muscle cell content compared with Apoe(−/−) controls. In vitro and in vivo findings implicated heightened monocyte/macrophage invasion in the detrimental effects observed on atherosclerotic plaque composition in TIMP-2(−/−) Apoe(−/−) mice. Moreover, TIMP-2 specifically decreased MMP-14-dependent monocyte/macrophage infiltration into sites of experimentally induced inflammation and established atherosclerotic lesions. CONCLUSION: Our data demonstrate that TIMP-2 plays a greater protective role than TIMP-1 during the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, in part by suppressing MMP-14-dependent monocyte/macrophage accumulation into plaques

    Disparate Effects of MMP and TIMP Modulation on Coronary Atherosclerosis and Associated Myocardial Fibrosis

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    Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity is tightly regulated by the endogenous tissue inhibitors (TIMPs), and dysregulated activity contributes to extracellular matrix remodelling. Accordingly, MMP/TIMP balance is associated with atherosclerotic plaque progression and instability, alongside adverse post-infarction cardiac fibrosis and subsequent heart failure. Here, we demonstrate that prolonged high-fat feeding of apolipoprotein (Apo)e-deficient mice triggered the development of unstable coronary artery atherosclerosis alongside evidence of myocardial infarction and progressive sudden death. Accordingly, the contribution of select MMPs and TIMPs to the progression of both interrelated pathologies was examined in Apoe-deficient mice with concomitant deletion of Mmp7, Mmp9, Mmp12, or Timp1 and relevant wild-type controls after 36-weeks high-fat feeding. Mmp7 deficiency increased incidence of sudden death, while Mmp12 deficiency promoted survival, whereas Mmp9 or Timp1 deficiency had no effect. While all mice harboured coronary disease, atherosclerotic burden was reduced in Mmp7-deficient and Mmp12-deficient mice and increased in Timp1-deficient animals, compared to relevant controls. Significant differences in cardiac fibrosis were only observed in Mmp-7-deficient mice and Timp1-deficient animals, which was associated with reduced capillary number. Adopting therapeutic strategies in Apoe-deficient mice, TIMP-2 adenoviral-overexpression or administration (delayed or throughout) of a non-selective MMP inhibitor (RS-130830) had no effect on coronary atherosclerotic burden or cardiac fibrosis. Taken together, our findings emphasise the divergent roles of MMPs on coronary plaque progression and associated post-MI cardiac fibrosis, highlighting the need for selective therapeutic approaches to target unstable atherosclerosis alongside adverse cardiac remodelling while negating detrimental adverse effects on either pathology, with targeting of MMP-12 seeming a suitable target

    Do #BlackLivesMatter? Implicit Bias, Institutional Racism and Fear of the Black Body

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    The paper implores a brief cultural analysis to examine racial tensions and injustices in the U.S. that have led to the Black Lives Matter movement. Specifically, implicit bias is of primary focus as the authors examine how bias of the Black male frames the “Black-as-criminal” mentality, as well as connotes fear of the Black male body. The authors further discuss how fear of the Black face and Black male body has led to discriminatory actions such as institutional racism and, in the most vehement yet consistent cases, the killing of unarmed Black men and women. Cases such as Freddie Gray, Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, and Michael Brown are presented as exemplars of instances in which implicit bias and institutional racism result in malicious and racially framed discriminatory actions. The paper concludes with a presentation of how the Black Lives Matter movement is a modern-day representation of movements born from historical racial unrest for Black Americans around matters of social injustice, and how the movement can serve to project U.S. society toward an All Lives Matter position. The paper also presents implications that can be used for research and policy-level chang


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    The Suwannee Cooter, Pseudemys concinna suwanniensis, is a geographically limited turtle of conservation concern that inhabits Florida rivers draining into the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Threats impacting its conservation status include take for human consumption, predation of turtles and nests, loss or degradation of nesting and basking habitat, water quality degradation, and boat strikes. Our surveys revealed that the Alafia River, which drains into Hillsborough Bay (northeastern Tampa Bay), is likely the stronghold of the southern distribution of P. c. suwanniensis. Multiple survey methods during 2015-2020 revealed that a substantial population of Suwannee Cooters inhabits much of this blackwater river system, including the main channel and at least one of its two primary tributaries. GIS analysis showed that more than half of the shoreline within the occupied extent is currently protected by conservation lands, although additional protection of private lands and improved habitat management protocols are needed to assure the population’s conservation