9 research outputs found

    Bicarbonate In-Vitro Effect on Beta-Hematin Inhibition by Artemisia sieberi Aqueous Infusion

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    Malaria is still considered the most threatening disease in Africa. Plasmodium; the malaria parasite, forms during its intra-erythrocytic stage a pigment called hemozoin, which acts as a protection shield against oxygen radical-mediated stress that leads to parasite’s death. Many drugs targeting hemozoin formation such as chloroquine and amodiaquine, but recently strains of Plasmodium have gained resistance to such drugs. Artemisia sieberi stem and leaf water infusion extract compared with A. sieberi bicarbonate aqueous infusion were tested using a semi-quantitative in-vitro method based on the inhibition of ferriprotoporphyrin IX (FP) bio- mineralization developed by Deharo et al. to reveal the differences in antimalarial activity. Reversed phase preparative liquid chromatography coupled to Photo Diode Array (HPLC-PDA) detector was also used to explain this dissimilarity in antimalarial activity. We found that A. sieberi bicarbonate aqueous infusion inhibits the formation of β-hematin better than standard water infusion. The bicarbonate addition increases the extraction of more compounds as the chromatographic HPLC results revealed. Other Artemisia plants (A. vulgaris and A. herba alba) were also tested to explore any inhibition effects

    Cinnamon bark water-infusion as an in-vitro inhibitor of β-hematin formation

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    Malaria remains one of the prominent public health problems that lead to severe morbidity and mortality in many developing countries around the globe. New antimalarial drugs are urgently needed due to the emergence of antimalarial-resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum. In previous studies, we tested several plants extracts that are capable of inhibiting β-hematin formation, with efficiency similar to chloroquine. In the current study, the effect of cinnamon ethanol and water extracts on inhibiting β- hematin formation was studied. Powdered cinnamon extracts and bark in a stick form were investigated using various extraction methods. A semi-quantitative in vitro method, based on the inhibition of ferriprotoporphyrin IX (FP) bio-crystallization developed by Deharo et al. (2002) was utilized. Water extracts of cinnamon revealed potential activity even at low concentration of infusions, which was manifested by a high capability to inhibit β-hematin formation in vitro

    Pure Isolates and Preparative HPLC Fractions or Crude Extract of Inula viscosa: Effect on β-hematin Inhibition in vitro

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    The antimalarial activity of wild Inula viscosa (I. viscosa) plant leaves was investigated. The efficacy of the whole crude extract versus preparative HPLC fractions versus pure isolates were compared by measuring their effect on β-hematin inhibition in-vitro. The preparative HPLC experiments consisted of reversed phase preparative column (22.2mm x 250mm, 10μm) and linear gradient of water, acetonitrile as the mobile phase. Injection volume was 1000μl and the wavelengths range were from 200-450 nm using photodiode array detector (PDA). While fractions (IV, V and VI) showed antimalarial potential in comparison to chloroquine positive control, the rest of the fractions did not show any significant inhibition to the β-hematin formation. The antimalarial results showed that whole crude exact of the plant works better than the preparative fractions or the pure isolates presumably due to synergistic effect. The chemical identity of some of the pure isolates was explored using UHPLC-ESi-MS. Moreover, I. viscosa extract powder stayed stable over several years, while many other products such as Artemisia annua extract or Artemisin Combined Therapy (ACT) drugs rapidly lost their efficiency under tropical storage conditions.None

    Fasting of Ramadan in peoples with diabetes in Benghazi, Libya: an exploratory study

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    Background: The epidemiology of diabetes and Ramadan fasting was reported from many Muslim countries, but not from Libya. Methodology: We interviewed 493 consecutive diabetic patients at Benghazi Diabetes and Endocrine Center for the potential complications of fasting during Ramadan. Results: We found 70% of diabetic patients completed the 30 days of Ramadan fasting. Hypo- and hyperglycemia was the most commonly reported complications especially during the first two weeks of Ramadan month. Conclusion: It seems majority of diabetic patients in Libya manage to fast during Ramadan month. Patient education and early planned adjustment of diabetic medication is needed to decrease the frequency of diabetic complication during Ramadan month

    Clinical experience with biphasic insulin aspart in people with type 2 diabetes: Results from the Libya cohort of the A 1 chieve study

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    Background: The A 1 chieve, a multicentric (28 countries), 24-week, non-interventional study evaluated the safety and effectiveness of insulin detemir, biphasic insulin aspart and insulin aspart in people with T2DM (n = 66,726) in routine clinical care across four continents. Materials and Methods: Data was collected at baseline, at 12 weeks and at 24 weeks. This short communication presents the results for patients enrolled in biphasic insulin aspart sub group from Libya. Results: A total of 179 patients were enrolled in the biphasic insulin aspart subgroup. All the patients were prior insulin users. At baseline glycaemic control was poor (mean HbA 1 c: 9.3%). After 24 weeks of treatment there was an improvement in HbA 1 c (−0.9%). Hypoglycaemic events reduced from 7.2 events/patient-year to 3.7 events/patient-year in 24 weeks. SADRs did not occur in any of the study patients. Conclusion: Starting or switching to biphasic insulin aspart was associated with improvement in glycaemic control with a low rate of hypoglycaemia

    Dichloro-<i>bis</i>-(pyridine-2-yl-undecyl-amine)zinc(II), [ZnCl<sub>2</sub>(C<sub>16</sub>N<sub>2</sub>H<sub>26</sub>)<sub>2</sub>]: Synthesis, characterization and antimalarial activity

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    <p>A nitrogen-based ligand (pyridine-2-yl-undecyl-amine) (<b>1</b>) was synthesized and used for the synthesis of a Zn(II) compound (dichloro-bis(pyridine-2-yl-undecyl-amine)zinc(II)) (<b>2</b>). Compound <b>2</b> was synthesized and characterized using IR, <sup>1</sup>H NMR, and <sup>13</sup>C{<sup>1</sup>H} NMR spectroscopy. The crystal structure of <b>2</b> was determined using single-crystal X-ray crystallography. The compound was tested for its anti-malarial activity using two methods, a semi-quantitative micro-assay and a previously self-developed quantitative <i>in vitro</i> method. Both methods were used to study the efficiency of <b>2</b> to inhibit the formation of the malaria pigment considered an important target of many anti-malarial drugs such as chloroquine and amodaquine. The efficiency of <b>2</b> to prevent the formation of β-hematin was 71.4%. The efficiency of amodiaquine as a standard drug was reported at 93.8%.</p